Australian American Association

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Australian American Association

Australian-American Association Queensland Division (Brisbane) Inc. Patron: Governor Ms Quentin Bryce, AC, AO

GPO Box 2175, Brisbane Qld 4001 Tel. (07) 3278 6366 Email: [email protected] Web: November/DecemberNovember/December 20032003

A Message from the President Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you all.

Many thanks to all the people who have helped make this year so special. Without people becoming actively involved, the AAA Your Committee 2002/2003 would not exist. PRESIDENT – Janetta McDiarmid

The Christmas party has changed dates to VICE PRESIDENTS – Kate Lovell & Andrew Hiller 20 December 2003 from 2.00 pm at the TREASURER – Kate Lovell same location at Wooloowin, being 5 View SECRETARY – Marylou Badeaux Street, byo drinks and swimwear. COMMITTEE –Linda Keane, Robyn Ray & Matt Dean In the New Year our first event will be the participation in the Australia Day Parade. We will need members to drive a couple of cars and decorations appropriate to the event. This will be the first time to show the solidarity of the members of the American Community groups. We will be bringing together all American related activities so you can be part of it all. More details in the New Year.

So interesting things for the New Year

You will notice the inclusion of a date claiming calendar, so you can be organised early.

I look forward to meeting you all again in the New Year

Regards Janetta McDiarmid

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 1 CONTENTS A Message from the President...... 1 Medal of Honor / Victoria Cross Down Under ...... 2 Opportunity to live and work in the USA...2 Reflections – CV2 revisited...... 3 The First Australian American Link...... 4 Upcoming Events 2003/2004...... 4 Invitation to participate in the Golden Casket Australia Day Parade...... 5 Presidents AGM Report...... 6 Treasurers AGM Report...... 6 American Australian Association announces 2004 Fellowship Program...... 7

WE WANT YOU The Annual General Meeting is a time to put your hand up and volunteer (yourself or someone else) to help the AAA move forward for the next period Why do it? You meet interesting people and have invitations to amazing places if you are on the committee You help new members You spread the word of why the AAA is so important You can organise the best Halloween, Thanksgiving or Independence Day party that anyone has seen You can show us all how to write a newsletter and how to grow the membership numbers You can write letters and make contact with some very wonderful people You can make a difference!!!!!!!!! Need someone to propose or second you, just contact the AAA office You can make a positive difference Volunteer Now Want a new or used car? Go see “Cherokee Bob” Muller Dealer Principal at Leo Muller Chrysler Jeep 750 LOGAN ROAD, HOLLAND PARK TEL. (07) 3243 7701 OR EMAIL [email protected] AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 2 Product sponsors of the Australian American Association (Bne) Ken Done – American Down Under T-Shirts – $35 Coral Sea Log Book- History – $25 Coral Sea Patches – $10 Logo Patches – $10 CORAL SEA BASEBALL CAPS – $10 Crossed Flags Lapel Pins – $4 Baseball Caps – $10 NEW TIES – $30 Name Badges (replacement or additional) – $12.50 Bow TIES – $25 Mackay’s Flying Fortress Book- Bakers Creek Plus postage – min. $3.50 History $30

Medal of Honor/Victoria Cross Following their stay in Brisbane recipients then travel to Canberra to meet the Prime Down Under Minister then onto Sydney followed by AUSTRALIA 2004 Melbourne.

On Wednesday 7th April, 2004 a group of Further information on this event in the New past and present Medal of Honor and Victor Year, however please claim your diaries for Cross recipients from both the United States the 10th April, it will be a night of glitz and of American and the United Kingdom will glamour with many VIPs attending and arrive in Brisbane as part of an almost entertainment provided by the likes of month long tour around Australia. Anthony Warlow, Marina Prior,Tom McKenny and the Seekers . . . . While in Brisbane the award recipients will tour the local Brisbane district schools for Opportunity to live and work pre-Anzac Day discussions with the pupils, in the USA attend an aussie rules football game, attend local churches for Easter Services, visit the What is this program? Australia Zoo as well as enjoying some of The Diversity Immigrant Visa Lottery has our more well known restaurants and tourist been established in the 1990 Immigration spots not to mention utilising our world Act in order to give immigration opportunity class golf courses. to natives from countries other than the On Saturday 10th April the medal recipients main source of immigration to the U.S.A. will be attending a dinner in their honour - This official U.S. government program aims Patriots Dinner - at the Convention Centre. to diversify the American population by Entertainment on the night will be provided creating an immigration opportunity to by the Australian Military Band, selected under-represented ethnic groups. artists and a local choir. Attendance to the The U.S. government makes available dinner is expected to be around 2,000 and 50,000 permanent residence visas each year begins at 18.30 for a 19.00 sitdown. through a computer-generated lottery

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 3 drawing. A permanent residence visa is commonly referred to as Green Card. This visa class entitles the holder to live and work in the United States of America permanently.

How do I register?

You already started your registration process and you have only one more step to complete it in order to be included in this year's American Green Card Lottery Program, click here now

We hope to see you as one of our applicants.

CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE 5 View Street, Wooloowin BYO Drinks and Togs Anytime from 2.00 pm Drop in for a short or long stay No Charge applies

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 4 ReflectionsReflections Lexington CV2 Revisited

In May this year I received an a wreath. The surroundings were magnificent and invitation to attend the final the day perfect. With Bo Ault I walked among the reunion of the Lexington headstones of the fallen military heroes. We then CV2 Minutemen in Buena observed destroyers as they entered San Diego Park California. This resulted below Point Loma. After lunch in Od Town, San from my involvement with Diego, where a delicious Mexican food restaurant their visit here last year for the 60th Anniversary of awaited, we boarded the bus for a return to Buena the Battle of the Coral Sea. Survivors and former Park. A dinner at Wild Bill’s Wild West Show was the shipmates who had served on the Lexington had event for the evening. voted to disband the club in view of the ages of the At the invitation of Tom Stark and his wife June, a group and the difficulties of attending reunions mini van was arranged and we rode to the Farmers because of age and illness. Market in Los Angeles, stopping for a while then I departed Brisbane on May 7 and was scheduled to moving on to Hollywood. A walk along the sidewalk arrive the day before the program commenced. I of stars was hurried as we had to be back at the acknowledge with appreciation, the assistance of hotel for the Banquet that evening. Among the FLIGHT CENTRE and UNITED AIRLINES in my travel official guests was Australian Consul-General John arrangements, albeit at last moment. The Holiday Olsen who read the Prime Minister’s Coral Sea Inn, Buena Park, was close to many venues such as address, which along with his introductory Disneyland and Knotts Berry Farm, location for the remarks, was well received by the 300 attendees. President’s Banquet on May 8. The President, Hilliard Bill Brough, Special Assistant, U.S. Dept. of Veterans H. (Curly) Elliott welcomed all members and Affairs, read letters from US President George W introduced visitors for the occasion. My table companion was Commander Kirk Ferguson USN (ret), who was covering the reunion on behalf of the Naval Historical Foundation. Kirk has a distinguished career in the U.S. Navy. one of his assignments being part of the brown water Navy conducting riverine assaults during the Vietnam War. We met frequently during the course of the reunion. My host was Vincent L. Anderson. He and I had become firm friends over the past years and instigated the Australian visit. In the meeting room at the hotel a montage of photos had been set up depicting the history of the Lexington and her crew and also very prominent, the Australian visit last year. Many books and memorabilia had been laid out for Members and guests to read.

After a delightful evening we were bussed down to San Diego to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery at Point Loma to conduct a wreath laying cemetery at the gravesite of Admiral Frederick Carl Sherman USN, Commanding Officer of USS Lexington CV2, the last skipper. The President, Curly Elliott, gave a moving tribute and following a 21 gun salute, placed

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 5 Bush, and Vice-President Dick Cheney honoring the impressions of joy and sadness, but enduring Minutemen Club. Also a guest, Mike DeGregorio, Australian-American Friendships. although not a survivor and a hale and hearty 93 year old, served on the Lexington from 1929 to 1932. On behalf of the Australian-American Born in the USA ??? Association I presented John Olsen and Curly with A special sub group of the the Association tie in a vote of thanks. Association has developed of President Curly Elliott paid tribute to past presidents, those who were born in the USA elected officers and with closing remarks the final and who, for a variety of muster of the USS Lexington CV2 Minutemen Club reasons are here. came to a close. I was privileged to be present for Designed to help the final reunion and to meet with all the survivors. To be in their presence was an overwhelming those who are new experience and I will cherish their stories. My to the country to photos recorded the events of those days and are an meet other Americans and to hear an ever-lasting record. American accent. Marylou Badeaux can be

Following the reunion, I was the guest of Vincent contacted on 3851 4748. She was born in the and Caroline Anderson at their home in Palm Desert USA, married an Australian and moved out and for 7 days was recipient of their wonderful here. For any more details ring Marylou. hospitality. Close by is the Palm Springs Air Museum, home to a spectacular collection of World War 2 air-craft, all of them in flying condition. The First Australian American Taking my leave of the Andersons my next stop Link was Oklahoma City, to the home of Dwayne and Jan Link Davis. Dwayne’s son Daniel had travelled to Story sourced from David Evans Federal AAA Australia in 1998 with his mother Janet as part of a On Australia Day as we commemorate the wish granted by the Brass Ring Society and at the beginning of European settlement in this vast behest of the US Consul-General’s office in Sydney continent more than 200 years ago, we might our assistance was requested to assist Daniel and reflect on what may have been if an American his terminally ill mother, Janet. I was fortunate to be had been successful in petitioning the British able to arrange rail transport with the compliments of Queensland Rail and accommodation on Heron government Island, courtesy of P&O Resorts to make their visit James Mario Magra sailed with captain James to Australia memorable. Sadly, Daniel’s mother Cook in the "Endeavour" on the voyage that left passed away the following year. Daniel, a cystic to the discovery of Australia. AS James Magra, fibrosis sufferer, has attained good health and is he signed on the ship in 1768 as a "young looking at a brighter future. gentlemen" (equivalent of cadet in modern Now 17, he was excited about my impending visit. terms.) We had been in constant contact since his time in Born in New York around 1745, the son of a Australia and I was not prepared for the loyalist father, he and his brother Perkins were overwhelming generosity of his family, who had sent to England to complete their schooling... In insisted on my being present. I had arrived within 1761 James entered the foreign service to days of a tornado which had passed through the city and the devastation was still evident. One of follow a career as a diplomat, but left seven the more poignant memories of Oklahoma City was years later to join Captain Cook. Magra was a visiting the site of the Murrah Federal Building, good sailor and is mentioned in Cook's journal now a memorial to the victims of an awful terrorism for a particular incident on the Barrier Reef... act. The two week visit left some long lasting

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 6 Magra was among the few who first set foot on American Colonies were independent. The Australian soil in 1770. His lasting friendship Prime Minister Lord North, showed interest but with the ships scientist, Sir Joseph Banks, originated in the period. When the ship Want a new or used car? returned to England, Magra left to rejoin the Go see “Cherokee Bob” Muller Foreign Service. In 1772 he was sent to Dealer Principal at Teneriffe in the Spanish Canary Islands as British Consul. Leo Muller Chrysler Jeep 750 LOGAN ROAD, HOLLAND PARK In 1977 he returned to London and at this time TEL. (07) 3243 7701 took the opportunity to visit his mother in New OR EMAIL [email protected] York during the American war of Independence, Product sponsors of the Australian American and to recover what he could of the family Association (Bne) property. It was then that Magra learnt that with the fall of his government, he was replaces family had Italian ancestry with the name Marta, by William Pitt the Younger. so he changed his name to James Mario Matra . From 1784 Lord Sydney was responsible for When back in England in 1781 after a posting in Colonial affairs and sent the overflowing British Turkey. Matra found a great number of Prisoner population - The First Fleet sailed for American refugees living in pitiable conditions. New South Wales - just as Matra took up his Although faithful loyalists England was not in a new post in Tangiers. Morocco. In this country position to provide homes and work. He also his humanitarian efforts continued and two knew that many American Loyalists had fled to reforms he preposed were successful. Morocco Nova Scotia where they too suffered appalling abolished the slavery of Christians and conditions. outlawed piracy. Matra set himself a task of awakening feelings James Mario Matra died March 29 1806 and was of responsibility in the British government for buried in Gibraltar. The Sydney suburb of the fate of these people. Matraville is named after him. In August 1783 Matra wrote " A proposal for If you have a story to share about the Establishing a settlement in New South Wales to relationship between Americans and Atone for the Loss of the American Colonies" a Australians, please forward to be included in detailed plan which he forward o the British the newsletter. Government Matra proposed to send American loyalists as free settlers to New South Wales with two companies of marines, twenty artificers, potters and gardeners as pioneers, and women from New Caledonia or Tahiti. The settlement, he thought, could be a peaceful centre for trade with Eastern Asia or a base in times of war against British enemies.

His principle was “two objects of a most desirable and beautiful union would be permanently blended- economy to the public and humanity of the individual."

Sir Joseph Banks supported this proposal with the support of Sir George Young, who had been involved in the search for an alternative destination for British convicts now that the AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 7 Upcoming Events All Star 2003/2004 GOLF US Open June 14-16 PGA Aug 16-18 Jan 26 Australia Day Parade Championship

Feb 12 Liberty Group s

March 11 Liberty Group MARATHON NY City Nov 2 S Marathon April 8 Liberty Group

April 15 Medal of Honour Dinner, Convention TENNIS US Open Sept 5-8 Centre BASKETBAL NBA Playoffs May 1 Coral Sea Horse Race – Gold Coast L

May 8 Coral Sea Memorial Service NBA Finals

May 13 Liberty Group FOOTBALL Superbowl Jan 29 – Feb

June 10 Liberty Group 2

July 4 4th July Picnic

Dec 20 Christmas Open House – President’s Residence

Military functions for American and Australian personnel advised as information is received by the committee, we will keep you posted, so please keep us updated on any change of street or email addresses.

Would you like to help with . . . . We would like to begin organising groups for the following sporting events and need help. If you would like to volunteer to help organise a place to hold this sports viewing event please contact the AAA on [email protected] or phone (07) 3278 6366.

The sporting events we are looking at are:

BASEBALL World Series Oct 17-20

Major League July 14-16

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 8 Invitation to participate in Australia American Association Welcomes the following New the Golden Casket Members Australia Day Parade MARYLOU BADEAUX TERRY MOAR Every Year the State Government celebrates CUDDIHY FAMILY Australia Day with a variety of events. One NICOLE LIBMAN of the biggest public events is the Australia RICHARD GREEN Day - Celebrate What's Great " NEIL FEATHERSTONE The theme this year is to involve WILLIAM & JOANNE MELLOR participants from all sectors of our DEBBIE MITCHELL Australian Community to fully represent our JAMES MACAULAY cultural diversity.

This highly popular event attracts 50,000 to 60,000 spectators and gains significant media attention. The Golden casket Australia Day Parade 2004 will be full of colour, music and fun and will be a great day for the spectators and certainly a brilliant opportunity for all involved.


Date 26 January 2003 :

Tim 3.30 pm Arrival e:

4.30 pm - 5.30 Parade pm

5.15 pm - 6.45 Tribute Lawn, South pm Bank post parade event

7.30 pm South Bank Parklands - Fireworks

Method of transportation – we will be organising open top cars

RSVP regarding participation by 15 January, 2004 so we can ensure sufficient transport.

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 9 Presidents AGM Report the rest of the community. We are proposing a joint website that will be funded by What a year with highs and lows! donations. We invited those who are The most extreme low was the icy wind we interested to assist in bringing the American experienced on September 11 2002, one year Community together as one in Brisbane, to after the event. Public pressure saw us host a participate. This initiative has the full support service to remember events. This year, we of Consul General Eileen Malloy and she has remembered with a campaign of community indicated she will assist wherever possible, service sponsored by the American Consul, Also, with Maj Gen Peter Arnison (ret) as the Eilleen Malloy. The most publicised event was Chairman of Macarthur Trust and Office the tree planting in Sydney. Restoration, we will have a great deal to look forward to in this area. The highs were the visitors – the Bakers Creek Pilgrims, the crews of a number of ships, the Finally, I draw your attention that under the most recent being the O’Brien. The crew’s Constitution, this is the last year I am eligible rendition of “Anchors Aweigh” was most to be elected President. I extend an invitation memorable. to interested parties who wish to become President of the AAA (Bne) in 2004/05 to Coral Sea was both. The service was well make themselves known and become received and the challenge was laid down for involved now in the day to day activities of the attendees to bring the next generation for the AAA. service on 8 May 2004. The evening’s events were changed due to the withdrawal of Regards sponsors. The evening we did have, was Janetta McDiarmid, President enjoyed by all. But the cancellation of the ball, 22/10/03 used up the funds that were gained last year. More in the Treasurer’s report.

The greatest challenge going forward is active participation of members because it is the individual people who make it work. We have rewarded sponsors with membership – Leo Muller Motor Dealership, Peter Doherty form Channel 7 and the Arnisons. My special thanks go to the following people – Kate Lovell, Andrew Hiller, Emily Bignell, Colleen Thornhill, Linda Deane, Maida Baldwin, Martin Parker, Steve Rowan, Bill Pearson, Barry Thiess, Senator Santo Santoro and Merv Russell. Without this core of active supporters and committee members nothing would happen. But more active assistance is needed.

In the year ahead, it is proposed that an umbrella organisation be created – the American Community where we plan to pool the resources of the AAA, American Legion and Amcham to present on unified voice to

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 10 Treasurer’s AGM Report of each month, then why not join your fellow members for a casual drink to say hi and enjoy To continue the theme - What a year with each others company.

highs and lows! December Liberty Drinks will be on the second The major differences between this year and Friday, being 12th December at the newly last is based on a limited number of items. refurbished but old favourite, St Pauls Tavern, cnr of St Pauls Terrace & Upper Edward Street, Spring Sponsorship this year has been in kind, not Hill. In the new year we are moving Liberty Drinks money. Therefore there were no great to Thursday nights. monetary donations as we experienced last Over the year we've had a few special guests join year. us for the evening, including consular staff and Coral Sea – sponsors pulled at the last we can say sometimes our guests surprise even minute, but we were still required to pay the us. There's no charge to come along, as everyone band, the venue and the publicity. This pays for his or her own drinks. resulted in a $6,500 shortfall. This was It's a fun night out and a great way to meet other equivalent to the sponsorship last year. members, so we hope to see you for one of our September 11 2002 – public service cost upcoming Liberty Group nights. $1000.

Audit Fees – We no longer have “friends“ and are paying full audit fees at $1,000, compared to $250 in previous year. We will be looking at improving this position next year.

Merchandise – New ties became available and we made a one off order. Price $1,500 for ties and pins.

Story Writing Competition was funded by selling chocolates, entry fees and sponsorship from American Legion and John Negus. Revenue impact on funds was neutral.

The results in a financial position that is not as impressive as last year, but still viable.

Are there any questions?

Regards Emily Bignell, Treasurer 22/10/03

Liberty Group Roving around the inner city burbs

If you ever find yourself at a loose end on the second Thursday night

AUSTRALIAN-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION – NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2003 11 AmericanAmerican AustralianAustralian AssociationAssociation announcesannounces 20042004 FellowshipFellowship ProgramProgram At least six fellowship totalling US$125,000 to be granted

New York, Wednesday November 5, 2003 – The Association; Hon Chris Hurford AO, former American Australian Association today invited Australian Consult General in New York; Mrs Linda Australia’s brightest minds and most promising Bardo Nicholls, Chariman, Australia Post; Dr Jim researchers to apply for the third annual grant of Peacock AC, Chief, Commonwealth Scientific and fellowships to study in the United States under a Industrial Research Organization Plant Industry; Dr program administered by the Association. Peater Sheehan, Director, Centre for Strategic and Economic Studies, Victoria University; Dr Graham Graduate and post-doctoral winners of the Macdonald, Director of Medical and Scientific fellowship grants, which include the Sir Keith Affairs, Merck Sharp & Dohme; and Dr John Stocker Murdoch Fellowships as well as fellowships AO, Principal, Foursight Associates Pty Ltd. sponsored by ANZ Investment Bank and Merck, will do research study at American universities and scientific organisations with the goal of Information about Fellowships: strengthening Australia’s social programs and economy. Last year six such grants were made to A website has been established for the fellowships: Australian scholars. They included: ANZ Bank The site provides Fellow Roland Stephens, NSW; the Merck Company information about the program, judges, detailed Foundation Fellow Dr. Dan Sidskind, Qld; the Sir criteria for entrance, taxation concerns, instructions Keith Murdoch Fellows Michelle Harvey, WA; Jason on how to apply and application forms. Hoogland, Qld; Deborah Sim, NSW and Bon Wong, The American Australian Association Education ACT. At least six awards of US$25,000 will be Fund was established in June 1998 from the granted to applicants whose proposals show the proceeds of the Association’s Fiftieth Anniversary most original and promising real-world dinner, which honoured News Corporation applications for their research. Chairman Rupert Murdoch. Subsequent dinners “We are proud to offer these awards to Australians honoured educator and author Jill Kerr Conway, who we believe will profit from collaborating with World Bank President James Wolfensohn, Altria American experts and having access to resources Chairman Geoffrey Bible, Westfield USA CEO Peter and specialties that might not be available in Lowy, and most recently Douglas Daft, Chairman Australia,” said Ms Frances Cassidy, the American and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company. Australian Association’s President. The Association continues to raise money for the ( P L E A S E U S E B L O C K L E T T E R S ) The winners are chosen by an independent panel of Education Fund, primarily through its annual benefit dinner, and is seeking further corporate prominent Sscientists, T U D E N T / C O Nentrepreneurs C E S S I O N ( 1 x B aand d g e ) business $ 3 5 . 0 0 N A M E : S I N G L E ( 1 x B a d g e ) $ 4 5 . 0 0 executives. Applications must be postmarked by 5 sponsorship with the goal of expanding the  F A M I L Y ( 2 x B a d g e s ) $ 6 0 . 0 0 N A M E : fellowships to New Zealanders doing research or pm AEST C O on R P O R March A T E 16, ( 4 2004. x B a d g e s Short-listed ) $ 1 0 0 . 0 0 studyN A M E : in the United States and to Americans applicants F will U N C T be I O N interviewed - s p e c i f y by the judges in Australia, and winners will be notified by the end of interested in conducting research in Australia. The  M E R C H A N D I S E - s p e c i f y N A M E : May 2004. Education Fund is the largest privately funded D o y o u r e q u i r e a n a m e b a d g e ? Y E S / N O A D D R E S S : fellowship program between the United States and The judgesC h e q uin e ethe n c l othird s e d f ofellowship r : $ program are: Mr Australia. MalcolmC r e Binks, d i t C a r d Chairman D e t a i l s : V I S A– / American M A S T E R C A R D Australian / B A N K C A R D T E L : M O B I L E : N o . E x p i r y D a t e : S i g n a t u r e : E M A I L : I / W e h e r e b y a p p l y f o r M e m b e r s h i p o f t h e A u s t r a l i a n A m e r i c a n A s s o c i a t i o n , Q u e e n s l a n d D i v i s i o n ( B r i s b a n e ) I n c . a n d a g r e e t o b e b o u n d b y t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n a n d b y - l a w s o f t h e A s s o c i a t i o n .

M E M B E R S I G N A T U R E P R O P O S I N G M E M B E R ’ S S I G N A T U R E

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