Record of WEOG Meeting in Paris, February 7, 2002

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Record of WEOG Meeting in Paris, February 7, 2002

Minutes from IFCS WEOG Regional meeting Thursday 7 February 2002 OECD Meeting Room 1, OECD Headquarters, Chateau de la Muette, Paris, Rapporteurs: Steve Clarkson and Gunnar Bengtsson

1. Introduction and Agenda The Vice-President for WEOG (Sweden) welcomed attendees and asked for adoption of the agenda circulated prior to the meeting. Germany recommended a discussion of the UNEP meeting in Cartagena, February 13-15. This was supported by ICCA/BIAC. The amended agenda was accepted.

2. Rapporteur Canada volunteered Steve Clarkson as rapporteur, to assist the Vice-President with the minutes.

2a. Management of Chemicals at UNEP Meeting at Cartagena, February 13- 15, 2002 Germany reported that there had been a last-minute decision to hold a special pre-meeting on the sound management of chemicals on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 in Cartagena. Germany wanted to alert members so that there might be an opportunity to brief delegations to the Cartagena meeting about this new plan for a discussion of chemicals. ICCA/BIAC recommended that delegations be made aware of the statement, developed by the Forum Standing Committee at its October meeting, advocating implementation of the Bahia Declaration and the Priorities for Action. To this end, Switzerland distributed a document, drafted by Australia, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Korea, Switzerland and the USA, intended to make representation that the WSSD “recognize the essential role of the environmentally sound management of chemicals for sustainable development and for the protection of human health and the environment”, along with promoting IFCS activities.

It was suggested that attendees advocate that their delegations to Cartagena base their positions on the IFCS Bahia Declaration and Priorities for Action.

3. WEOG Workplan for 2001 The achievements on 2001 were discussed in relation to the work plan. Greece agreed to speak to its contacts in Cyprus to promote establishing a National Focal Point. Lack of contacts has hampered promoting NFPs in countries such as Portugal.

The VP reminded members that IFCS needs funding. Germany said that it would contribute again this year, the sum being 200 000 DM and had made an additional contribution in 2001 to the Twinning Funds of 20 000 euros. Canada said that it is seeking the proper mechanism to transfer a sum of about twice that amount.

4. WEOG Workplan for 2002 The attendees accepted the workplan for 2002 that had been circulated, containing the following activities:

ACTIVITY 1. 3 information letters will be sent to all available focal points

1 ACTIVITY 2. Focal points should be clarified so that by the end of 2002, it should be clear for Andorra, Cyprus, Holy See, Iceland, Malta, Monaco, Portugal, and San Marino which the focal points are, or which countries have no intention of setting up a focal point.

ACTIVITY 3. Focal points should be contacted on items on the agenda of IFCS and asked to participate. WEOG should in November agree on how to follow up WEOG-related targets. For 2002, there should be at least the same level of WEOG participation as 2001.

ACTIVITY 4. Focal points should be contacted on funding. The downwards trend should be reversed

ACTIVITY 5. There should be short regional meetings in February and November as side events to the OECD meetings

ACTIVITY 6. Collaboration WEOG-CEE should be considered

ACTIVITY 7. Preliminary discussions should be held on WEOG representation in the Forum Standing Committee 2003-2006 (VP+3 countries (now Australia, Germany and United States)) at November meeting

5. Status on Priorities for Action The Secretariat announced that it had been directed by the Forum Standing Committee to canvas the members for reports on implementing the Priorities for Action. The results should be compiled by the latter part of 2002.

The VP stated that he would be approaching IPCS, OECD, the European Commission, etc. to promote the Priorities for Action. The OECD representative pointed out that it was really the member states that needed to be approached as they set the workplans for organizations like IOMC, IPCS, etc. The VP will dialogue with the Secretariat on their follow-up activities.

The VP agreed to bring to the FSC Canada’s suggestion that each Priority have a champion for leading / promoting action.

ICCA/BIAC observed that finding champions would likely be facilitated if the WSSD recognized the importance of the sound management of chemicals and of implementing the Priorities.

6. Collaboration with Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) The Czech Republic reported that there was cooperation and assistance from WEOG members. Sweden was assisting Poland and Hungary. The CEE region plans a regional workshop May 23- 24, for which attempts will be made to secure WEOG representation.

7. No other business

8. Meeting Format It was strongly recommended that the next meeting focus on one or two items that need discussion and direction. Information should be distributed through National Focal Points, not at these meetings.

2 Annex by the Vice-President of WEOG Formal status of regional meetings The issue of the formal status of the WEOG meeting was raised at the meeting. The Terms of Reference of the IFCS and other documents adopted at Forum III (see Report of Forum III, ) give the guidance below. The Vice-Presidents summary is that regional meetings:  should be arranged in conformity with IFCS meeting criteria and rules of conduct  should treat subjects and have objectives that are of direct relevance to, and in conformity with, the IFCS goals and purpose, mainly to prepare for or follow-up decisions of the full Forum. The objectives include assisting the Vice-Presidents, the Forum Standing Committee and the National Focal Points to live up to their responsibility  can make decisions on the issues treated, subject to the rules of conduct including the search for consensus. On election issues, voting may be required  can only decide on IFCS issues. The WEOG region has different composition in other contexts, e.g. the Stockholm Convention, and the IFCS WEOG meetings cannot take decisions for WEOG groups outside of the IFCS area.

Duties of the Vice-President The Vice-President has the responsibility to convene regional meetings between IFCS meetings and, as appropriate, during IFCS meetings. It is incumbent on the Vice Presidents of the Forum to:  actively promote the IFCS in their region/subregion, including recommendations from the Forum;  communicate to governments, relevant non-governmental organizations and others information on IFCS matters;  support the organization of sub-regional cooperation;  foster good intersectoral contacts throughout the region/subregion, helping to promote an increased understanding of the various role and responsibilities of the different sectors;  solicit and organize input from countries and other Forum participants in the region/subregion on issues and matters being addressed by the Forum, including the identification of regional/subregional priorities;  represent regional views at Forum, Forum Standing Committee and other meetings;  organize regional efforts for election of officers of the Forum and members of the Forum Standing Committee;  organize nomination and designation of regional representatives to IFCS ad hoc working groups, coordinating groups and committees, ensuring equitable geographical representation for the region; and  work in close collaboration with the IFCS National Focal Points in their region.

Duties of the Forum Standing Committee, The Forum Standing Committee is not empowered to take decisions for the President, Vice-Presidents or the Forum itself.

Members of the Forum Standing Committee will serve as conduits for the views of participant countries in their respective IFCS regions or respective NGO or IGO constituency. To the extent possible, consultations and discussions should be undertaken with those countries or organizations by members of the Forum Standing Committee. The Forum Standing Committee should actively support such efforts e.g. by allowing time for consultations or making meeting materials available.

3 Guidelines for National Focal Points The Focal Point should establish intersectoral coordinating efforts and a mechanism for disseminating information within the country on IFCS activities to appropriate governmental and non-governmental organizations and for providing national inputs into policy directions and recommendations of the IFCS.

The Focal Point should be prepared to provide the IFCS with the information and progress reports on national priorities with respect to the environmentally sound management of chemicals.

The Focal Point for the IFCS should liaise with focal points of the participating organizations in the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC) and other relevant international organizations in the country to promote the sound management of chemicals. Their efforts can be assisted by expanded IOMC efforts to inform Focal Points of sponsored meetings.

Criteria for Regional Meetings The Regional Meetings assist in these tasks. The IFCS has established criteria for IFCS meetings that include:  the subjects to be treated at, and the objectives of, the meeting are of direct relevance to, and in conformity with, the IFCS goals and purpose;  the meeting is open to all IFCS participants, including representatives of nongovernmental and intergovernmental organizations, subject to the restrictions on voting given in the IFCS Terms of Reference;  IFCS Bureau and Secretariat participate actively in the planning and organization of the meeting

Rules of conduct The Forum shall make every effort to reach agreement on all matters by consensus. If all efforts to reach consensus have been exhausted and no agreement reached, the decision shall, as a last resort, be taken by a simple majority of the Governments present and voting. Each Government Participant shall have one vote. For the purposes of these Terms of Reference, the phrase "Government Participants present and voting" means Government Participants casting a valid affirmative or negative vote. Government Participants abstaining from voting are considered as not voting.

Elections of Officers of the Forum shall be decided by consensus; where consensus cannot be achieved, the election shall be decided by secret ballot.

The Forum shall adopt, and may, at any session, amend its own rules of procedure. The Forum Standing Committee and ad hoc Working Groups shall apply, mutatis mutandis, the rules of procedure adopted by the Forum. The FSC has advised Regional Groups to do likewise.


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