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Accounts Receivable Training, Follow up report
Vincennes University Follow-up Report for August 9-11, 2005 August 17, 2005
Account Information Project name: Vincennes University Prepared by: Virginia L. Green Principal Process Consultant [email protected] 800-541-5330 ext. 4127
Distribution Vincennes University Terry Bilskie Project Manager SunGard SCT Andy Hollander Project Manager SunGard SCT Sally Johnson Account Manager
Objectives The objective of this visit was to discuss the functionality of Banner Location Management in comparison to CBORD and to provide Accounts Receivable Training.
Attendance Attendance Name/Title or Area E-Mail Address Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Terry Bilskie, Project Manager [email protected] X X Donna Jo Weaver, Registrar [email protected] X X X Becky Little, Assistant Registrar [email protected] X X X David Thacker, Dir, Client Services [email protected] X X X Chris Fry, Registrar’ Office [email protected] X X David Seed, MIC [email protected] X Lori Hostetler, Bursar [email protected] X X X Ann Fowler, Asst. Bursar [email protected] X X X Brad Oexmann, MIC [email protected] X Conya Wampler, Accounting [email protected] X X Stan Werne, Financial Aid [email protected] X X Terri Perry, Collections [email protected] X X Tammy Hand, Bursar’s Office [email protected] X Ginger Weisbrod, Bursar’s Office [email protected] X X Mary Blake, Bursar’s Office [email protected] X X Marty Strange [email protected] Linda Waldroup, Controller [email protected] X X
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We successfully completed the training of the Accounts Receivable module, as demonstrated by . the daily review questions . hands-on practice in running bills, . set up and execution of 3rd party contracts . execution of the automated cashier closing, refunding, installment processing, etc. . Accounting Feed review Below is an overview of additional accomplishments made this week.
. Discussed very specific required housing functionality, in order to determine if Vincennes will continue to use CBORD or move to Banner. After discussion, it was determined that Banner does not have this functionality, which is included in CBORD. . Ability to define 3 resident hall preferences . Ability to weight room preferences . Roommate priority list
. Discussed different form options for recording immunizations o Medical Form – GOAMEDI (STVMEDI) o Comment Form – SPACMNT (STVCMTT) o Student Disability Services Form – SGADISA - Term driven: NOT A GOOD OPTION
. Discussed all of the Accounts Receivable Control Forms, with a special emphasis on the Detail Code Control Form (TSADETC) and its associated validation tables, including the set up and use of Term-based Detail Codes (TTV/TSATBDS) o discussed basic rules for setting up the codes, how the priorities work, and how to build the accounting behind the codes o Need 2 codes for Bookstore charges, to reflect taxed and not-taxed charges
. Reviewed and tested the set up, use, and release of Deposits. Discussed that it takes two detail codes to set up and post a deposit, one with the category type DEP, which will act as the “Release “ or ultimately the payment on the student account, and another detail code that designates the form of payment. In order to ease the balancing process at the end of the day, it is helpful if different payment detail codes are created, specifically for deposits, for each form of payment such as cash, check, credit card, etc. along with their respective categories.
. Discussed all of the forms that may be used to gather and review information about a student’s account
. Trained on all of the possible forms that can be used to post transactions to the student account, as well as miscellaneous receipting
. Discussed and reviewed receipts
. Walked through the parameters to print student bills in invoicing, statement, and applycred mode
. Reviewed the collection forms and report, and discussed possible processing to assist in identifying students who should be in collection o Aging Analysis - TGRAGES o Delinquency Report – TGRDELI o Account Review Form –TSAACCT
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. Discussed the functionality, as well as set up and tested Contracts and Exemptions. o Released individually, via TSASPAY, or o Released in batch, via TSRBCIL in applycred mode.
. Installment Plans o Walked through all of the steps to manually set up an installment plan. o Reviewed the forms and steps to set up automated installment plan processing
. Discussed the hold table (STVHLDD) and looked at how holds that prevent AR activity will affect the cashiers. o Tested setting up automated holds through TGAHOLD rules o applied them via the automated process (TGPHOLD)
. Discussed and executed the Automatic Refunding of Credit Balances process (TSRRFND) o identified TSARFND and TSAACCT as the 2 places to remove the refund flag from a student’s account o talked about manual refunds, by posting a refund code directly to the student’s account o a check will get created through the feed processes when FURAPAY is run
. Cashiering o Trained on the cashiering end of day procedures including balancing a cashier session to totals located on TGACREV. o Discussed how to close a cashier session, and adjust a closed cashier session. Also went over the process to finalize a cashier session on TGACSPV. o Explained how the auto close process (TGRCLOS) will be very beneficial in closing and finalizing open cashier sessions throughout the campuses. o This process should be run daily
. Discussed the application of payments and un-application of payments processes. o Discussed, in detail, how priority codes affect the outcome of this process. It will be important to run this right before the daily feed (TGRFEED), before running the automated refund process (TSRRFND), before running billing (TSRCBIL) and before running late fees (TSRLATE)
. Reviewed the other miscellaneous accounts receivable transaction forms o Comment Central – TGACOMC o Returned Check Control – TGARETC o Recurring Receivables – TGARRAS . Run finance billing process (TFRBILL) in ASSESSCHG mode to release
. Began, but did not complete review of the ‘other’ accounts receivable reports/processes on the agenda. These will be covered, as needed, during the Accounts Receivable consulting session.
. Briefly discussed Title IV processing. It was determined that the best course of action for Vincennes to track student authorizations was to have the information captured with the Financial Aid Tracking Requirements
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Action Items and/or Assignments for SunGard SCT Date Description Owner Critical Status Assigned Date for Completion 8/11/05 Review Conversion Plan Virginia Green 8/22/05 Completed Document – Laurene Farley Status: New, Open, Completed, Cancelled, Deferred
Action Items and/or Assignments for VU Date Description Owner Critical Status Assigned Date for Completion 8/12/05 Extract legacy ‘detail codes’ MIC ASAP New and attached accounting string, based on accounts reflected as of June 30, 2005. Deliver to Linda Waldroup 8/12/05 Define Student-related Linda Waldroup 10/1/05 New Detail Codes and attach FOAPAL information 8/12/05 Create a spreadsheet with Stan Werne 9/1/05 New restricted financial aid funds, identifying the charges they can pay 8/12/05 Define Priority Codes for Lori Hostetler 10/1/05 New restricted detail codes 8/12/05 Review and establish Lori Hostetler 12/1/05 New accounts receivable control and rule forms
Status: New, Open, Completed, Cancelled, Deferred, In-progress
Concerns / Decisions to be made Description Owner Target Date Action Plan for Closure None
Supplemental Documents Attached Academic Standing Spreadsheet Automated Installment Plan Document Auto Hold Processing Daily Cashiering Activities
D:\My Documents\ D:\My Documents\ D:\My Documents\ D:\My Documents\ Trip Prep & Followup\ClientTrip Prep Information\Vincennes & Followup\ClientTrip Prep Information\Vincennes University\Trip & Followup\ClientTrip Reports\Academic Prep Information\Vincennes University\Trip & Followup\Client Standing Reports\Automated Information\Vincennes University\Trip sAMPLExls.xls Installment Reports\Auto University\Trip Plan Hold Processing.doc Process.doc Reports\Daily Cashering Activities.doc
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