For “Sing a Song of People” poetry recitation, please choose from one of the following creative elements:

 Make a car/taxi/bus out of a box. Students can wear the box or display it during the recitation. Another idea is to create a strip of scenes from the poem and have the student pull these through the windows of the car/taxi/bus during the recitation.

 Using a science fair trifold board, depict scenes from the poem. We will be looking for boards that are fully decorated. Fully decorated means little or no white showing, use of bright colors, attractive, and shows the student put much thought and time into the creation.

 Create a diorama that depicts scenes from the poem.

 Dress up as a person from the poem. There should be elements of the costume that are STUDENT CREATED. Simply purchasing a costume or using clothing items from home will not be accepted.

 Create a scene using Lego blocks that depicts parts of the poem.

 Create a skyscraper or elevator with a large box.

 Using a large flip chart, prepare pictures of various scenes from the poem.

 If you have another REALLY creative idea, please check with your child’s teacher for approval.

These are the only creative elements that will be accepted for this poem.

Teachers are looking for OBVIOUS student involvement for these projects.

***Please do NOT allow your child to use a project that was used by an older sibling!

Creative elements will be graded based on the above qualifications as well as the degree of creativity and effort put forth in creating the element. The idea is for students to do their best, neatest, and most creative work, not just the bare minimum. Scoring is based on obvious creative effort and indication of time spent creating the prop or costume.