Parkside School Homework Policy

Faculty: English Subject: English and Drama

. The expectation is that all homework tasks are completed fully with all tasks attempted to the best that ability allows and handed in on time. Help and support is available in the faculty at the designated times - every lunchtime and each Wednesday after school by prior arrangement. . Any sub-standard homework not completed satisfactorily or non-completion of tasks set will result in a catch-up session with the class teacher. . All completed homework is awarded a grade 1-4, where appropriate, in line with the Big 4 along with a comment and P4P opportunity where relevant. . All faculty staff are required to keep a log of the tasks set for each year group, these audits can be called for at any time.

Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9

. Homework at KS3 will take place through a variety of tasks. Some will be research based, others will require learning key terms/spellings, whilst at some points in the year it will be a longer term project. . Homework for Drama will be set in line with what the students are studying and may involve a range of activities including research, reviews and preparation for practical tasks. . This homework should take no longer than 30-45 minutes to complete. . Pupils will be given one week to complete the set task. Homework tasks include: o On-line home learning – BBC Bitesize, SAM Learning o Written tasks, worksheets, incorporating the opportunity for a challenge task and an element of research and literacy. o Learning tasks, tested on the date due. o Revision tasks - learning and/or written. Key Stage 4 - Years 10 and 11

. Students will study for their GCSEs in English Language and English Literature, following the AQA specification. . The main focus for examined groups will be to learn key subject terminology and spellings, plus the core knowledge as required by the exam board. This may vary from contextual research tasks, to key spellings, to full essay tasks. . Students will receive at least one homework in English each week, and the time needed to complete the homework will be dependent on the task but may be up to one hour. . Students will study for their GCSE in Drama following the EDEXCEL specification. . Homework will be based around the core texts and skills required for the course and may include; report / script writing, developing their own dramatic devices along with appropriate exam question practice. . It is expected that students consolidate their understanding with additional independent work, for at least 2 hours per week and the best way to do this is through reading for pleasure and keeping up to date with current affairs through broadsheet newspapers. . In the approach to the exam, full exam papers may be set to be completed independently. It would be expected that the students complete these within the time limit for each question, as specified by the classroom teacher.

Key Stage 5 – Years 12 and 13

. Students will study for their A level examination. We will follow AQA Literature B specification and AQA Language specification. . KS5 homework will be set by the teacher each week. This may consist of exam questions or a variety of tasks set by the teacher and they will be given work to complete for homework and for completion during additional study sessions. . The main focus for the Advanced level students will be to enable them to develop their skills and ability to answer exam questions and to revise key information. . Homework will be extensive and require in depth application by the students, it is also expected that students consolidate their understanding with additional independent work by at least 4 hours per week. . Students will study for their A level in Drama following the EDEXCEL specification. . Homework will be based around the core texts and skills required for the course and may include; report / script writing, developing their own dramatic devices along with appropriate exam question practice. . In the approach to the exam, full exam papers will be set to be completed independently. It would be expected that the students complete these on a question by question basis, however as they approach exam season they may be expected to complete full papers lasting 2hrs 30 minutes.