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E x p e r i m Code e Location Feedstock Plant Experiment duration Reference n t
t y p e f i 1 e Houay-Khot, Laos wood residue upland rice 1 season Asai et al. (2009) l d f i 2 e Long-Or, Laos wood residue upland rice 1 season Asai et al. (2009) l d f i 3 e Seng-Oudom, Laos wood residue upland rice 1 season Asai et al. (2009) l d 4 f Somusa-Nuck, Laos wood residue upland rice 1 season Asai et al. (2009) i e l d f i 5 e Long-Sang, Laos wood residue upland rice 1 season Asai et al. (2009) l d f i Baronti et al. 6 e Empoli, Italy wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d f i Baronti et al. 7 e Beano, Italy wood residue maize 1 season (2010) l d p Baronti et al. 8 o Italy wood residue ryegrass 2 months (2010) t f i Blaclwell et al. 9 e Walkaway, Australia wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d f i Blaclwell et al. 10 e Templers, Australia wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d f i Blaclwell et al. 11 e Shea-Oak Log, Australia wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d f i Blaclwell et al. 12 e Moora, Australia wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d p 13 o Menagle NSW, Australia wood and straw radish 6 weeks Chan et al. (2007) t p 14 o Australia poultry litter radish 6 weeks Chan et al. (2008) t f i 15 e Miyago, Japan Bagasse sugarcane 1 season Chen et al. (2010) l d f i 16 e Miyago, Japan biosolids sugarcane 1 season Chen et al. (2010) l d f i 17 e Jiangsu, China wheat straw rice 2 seasons Cui et al. (2011) l d f i 18 e Jiangsu, China wheat straw wheat 2 seasons Cui et al. (2012) l d p Deenik et al. 19 o Hawaii, USA wood lettuce 4-6 weeks (2010) t p Deenik et al. 20 o Hawaii, USA wood maize 4-6 weeks (2010) t f i Gajić and Koch 21 e Goettinggen, Germany sugar beet pulp sugar beet 1 season (2012) l d f i Gajić and Koch 22 e Goettinggen, Germany beer draff sugar beet 1 season (2012) l d p Gajić and Koch 23 o Germany sugar beet pulp sugar beet 4 weeks (2012) t p Gajić and Koch 24 o Germany beer draff sugar beet 4 weeks (2012) t f i e Gaskin et al. 25 Georgia, USA Peanut Hull maize 2 years 2 seasons l (2010) d
f i e Gaskin et al. 26 Georgia, USA wood residue maize 2 years 2 seasons l (2010) d
27 f Georgia, USA Peanut Hull maize 2 years 2 seasons Gaskin et al. i (2010) e l d
f i e Gaskin et al. 28 Georgia, USA wood residue maize 2 years 2 seasons l (2010) d
f i Gathorne-Haedy et 29 e UK unknownn barley 1 season al. (2009) l d f i e Haefele et al. 30 IRRI, Philippines rice husk rice 3 years 6 seasons l (2011) d
f i e Haefele et al. 31 Siniloan, Philipines rice husk rice 3 years 4 seasons l (2011) d
f i e Haefele et al. 32 Ubon, Thailand rice husk rice 3 years 2 seasons l (2011) d
33 p UK wood residue miscanthus 30 days Hartley et al. o (2009) t p Hartley et al. 34 o UK wood residue miscanthus 31 days (2009) t p Hartley et al. 35 o UK wood residue miscanthus 8 months (2009) t p Hossain et al. 36 o Camden, Australia wood residue tomato 16 weeks (2010) t p 37 o China corn stover ryegrass 3 months Hua et al. (2010) t p 38 o Zhejiang, China wheat straw ryegrass 55 days Huang et al. (2011) t f i In the first authors' 39 e Jiangsu, China municipal waste rice 1 season group l d f i In the first authors' 40 e Hunan, China wheat straw rice 1 season group l d f i In the first authors' 41 e Fujian, China wheat straw rice 1 season group l d 42 f Guangxi, China wheat straw rice 1 season In the first authors' i group e l d f i In the first authors' 43 e Shandong, Chian wheat straw maize 1 season group l d f i In the first authors' 44 e Shanxi, China wheat straw maize 1 season group l d f i 45 e Malang,Indonesia farm yard manure cassava 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) l d f i 46 e Malang,Indonesia cassava stem cassava 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) l d f i 47 e Malang,Indonesia farm yard manure maize 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) l d f i 48 e Malang,Indonesia cassava stem maize 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) l d 49 f Malang,Indonesia farm yard manure peanut 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) i e l d f i 50 e Malang,Indonesia cassava stem peanut 2 years 2 seasons Islami et al. (2011) l d f i 51 e Abergwyngegyn, UK wood maize 3 years Jones et al. (2012) l d f i Kimetu et al. 52 e Vihiga, Kenya wood residue maize 1 season (2008) l d p Lincoln University, New Knowles et al. 53 o wood ryegrass 4 months Zealand (2011) t p Lehmanm et al. 54 o Brazil wood residue cowpea 45 days (2003) t f i Lentz and Ippolito 55 e Idaho, USA wood residue maize 2 years 2 seasons (2011) l d f i 56 e Zhejiang, China bamboo rice 1 season Liu (2011) l d f i 57 e Zhejiang, China rice straw rice 1 season Liu (2011) l d f i 58 e Sichuan, China wheat straw rice 1 season Liu et al. (2012) l d f i 59 e Hunan, China wheat straw rice 2 seansons Liu et al. (2012) l d f i 60 e Jiangxi, China wheat straw rice 2 seansons Liu et al. (2012) l d f i Llanos-Orientales, 61 e wood residue maize 4 years 4 seasons Major et al. (2010) Colombia l d p Masulili et al. 62 o Indonesia rice husk rice 45 days (2010) t p Namgay et al. 63 o Sydney, Australia wood maize 10 weeks (2010) t 64 f Embrapa, Brazil wood residue upland rice 1 season Nehls 2002 i e l d p Noguera et al. 65 o Colombia wood residue rice 10 weeks (2010) t p Noguera et al. 66 o Colombia charcoal rice 10 weeks (2010) t p Noguera et al. 67 o Colombia wood residue rice 11 weeks (2010) t f i Oguntunde et al. 68 e Ejura, Ghana wood maize 1 season (2004) l d p 69 o Australia chicken manure mustard 5 weeks Park et al. (2011) t p 70 o Australia greenwaste mustard 5 weeks Park et al. (2011) t f i 71 e Changsha, China wheat straw rice 1 season Peng et al. (2011) l d p Iswaran et al. 72 o New Delhi, India charcoal moong 8 weeks (1980) t p Iswaran et al. 73 o New Delhi, India charcoal soybean 16 weeks (1980) t 74 p New Delhi, India charcoal pea 16 weeks Iswaran et al. o (1980) t p o 75 Germany beet root chips beet 5 weeks Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 76 USA corn stover maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 77 USA Hazelnut shell maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 78 USA wood residue maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 79 USA Dairy manure maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 80 USA Food \waste maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 81 USA Paper waste maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p o 82 USA manure and sawdust maize 46 days Rilling et al. (2010) t
p Rondon et al. 83 o Colombia wood residue bean 75 days (2007) t p 84 o Egypt rice husk wheat unknown Saleh et al. (2011) t p Schnell et al. 85 o USA sorghum biomass sorghum 45 days (2011) t f i Solaiman et al. 86 e Pindar, Australia wood residue wheat 1 season (2010) l d f i Steiner et al. 87 e Amazonas, Brazil wood residue sorghum 2 years (2007) l d f i e Steiner et al. 88 Manaus, Brazil wood residue rice 2 years 2 seasons l (2008) d
f i Sukartono et al. 89 e Lombok, Indonesia coconut shell maize 1 year 2 seasons (2011) l d 90 f Lombok, Indonesia cattle dung maize 1 year 2 seasons Sukartono et al. i (2011) e l d p Nakhon Ratchasima, Suppadit et al. 91 o manure soybean 5 months Thailand (2012) t f i e Taghizadeh-Toosi 92 Canterbury, New Zealand wood residue ryegrass 2 months l et al. (2011) d
p Taghizadeth-Toosi 93 o New Zealand wood residue ryegrass 30 days et al. (2012a) t p Taghizadeth-Toosi 94 o New Zealand wood residue ryegrass 25 days et al. (2012b) t p 95 o Gifu, Japan chicken manure soybean 5 months Tagoe et al. (2008) t p 96 o Gifu, Japan municipal waste soybean 5 months Tagoe et al. (2008) t f i 97 e Xinjiang, China wheat straw maize 1 season Tang et al. (2011) l d f i Maripasoula, French Topoliantz et al. 98 e wood bean 1 season Guiana (2005) l d 99 p Xinjiang, China cow manure maize 85 days Uzoma et al. o (2011) t f i Vaccari et al. 100 e Toscana, Italy wood residue wheat 2 years 2 seasons (2011) l d f i Vaccari et al. 101 e Toscana, Italy wood residue wheat 1 season (2011) l d p van Zwieten et al. 102 o NSW, Australia wood residue wheat 65 days (2010a) t p van Zwieten et al. 103 o NSW, Australia wood residue radish 64 days (2010a) t p van Zwieten et al. 104 o Australia sludge and wood wheat 56 days (2010b) t p van Zwieten et al. 105 o Australia sludge and wood soybean 56 days (2010b) t p van Zwieten et al. 106 o Australia sludge and wood radish 42 days (2010b) t p 107 o Nanjing, China Rice husk rice 1 season Wang et al. (2012) t p 108 o Nanjing, China Rice husk wheat 1 season Wang et al. (2012) t 109 p Manawatu, New Zealand manure and sludge ryegrass 19 weeks Wang et al. (2012) o t p 110 o Manawatu, New Zealand wood and sludge ryegrass 19 weeks Wang et al. (2012) t p Warnock et al. 111 o USA wood residue plantain 30 days (2010) t p Warnock et al. 112 o USA peanut shell plantain 30 days (2010) t f i Llanos-Orientales, Warnock et al. 113 e wood residue savanah grass 8 months Colombia (2010) l d f i Yamato et al. 114 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark maize 1 season (2006) l d f i Yamato et al. 115 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark cowpea 1 season (2006) l d f i Yamato et al. 116 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark peanut 1 season (2006) l d 117 f South Sumatra, Indonesia bark maize 1 season Yamato et al. i (2006) e l d f i Yamato et al. 118 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark cowpea 1 season (2006) l d f i Yamato et al. 119 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark peanut 1 season (2006) l d f i Yamato et al. 120 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark maize 1 season (2006) l d f i Yamato et al. 121 e South Sumatra, Indonesia bark maize 1 season (2006) l d p Yeboah et al. 122 o Ayuom, Ghana wood residue maize 6 weeks (2009) t p Yeboah et al. 123 o Kwadaso, Ghana wood residue maize 6 weeks (2009) t p 124 o Adelaide, Australia wood residue onion 5 weeks Yu et al. (2009) t 125 f Jiangsu, China wheat straw rice 1 season Zhang et al. i (2010a) e l d p Zhang et al. 126 o Jiangsu, China Wheat straw maize unknown (2010b) t p 127 o China wheat straw spinach 50 days Zhang et al. (2011) t f i Zhang et al. 128 e Jiangsu, China wheat straw rice 2 years 2 seasons (2012a) l d f i Zhang et al. 129 e Henan, China wheat straw maize 1 season (2012b) l d f i Suddick & Six, 130 e California, USA Walnut shell lettuce 14 months 2013 l d f i Suddick & Six, 131 e California, USA Walnut shell pepper 14 months 2013 l d p 132 o Texas, USA Corn stove switchgrass unknown Husmoen, 2011 t 133 f Jiangsu, China Wheat straw rice 117 days Xie et al. 2013 i e l d p 134 o Norway Wheat straw rye grass 3 months O’Toole et al. 2013 t p 135 o Fujian, China Sewage sludge letuce unknown Khan et al. 2013 t p Alburquerque et al. 136 o Spain Wood residue wheat 2 months 2013 t p Alburquerque et al. 137 o Spain Wheat straw wheat 2 months 2013 t f i 138 e Hunan, China straw rice 1 crop season Shen et al. 2013 l d p PrabhaV, et al. 139 o India Wood residue rice unknown 2013 t p 140 o Kenya Wood residue maize 1 crop season Söderberg, 2013 t f i 141 e Pakistan / maize 1 crop season Arif et al. 2012 l d f i 142 e India Wood residue radish unknown Sekar, 2012 l d p Quilliam et al. 143 o UK Wood residue clover unknown 2012 t p Pudasaini et al. 144 o Australia Wood residue capsicum 3 months 2012 t f i 145 e Bangladesh bagasse rice 1 crop season Ali et al. 2013 l d f i 146 e USA Maize stove maize 4 years Güereña et al. 2013 l d p Singla & Inubushi, 147 o Japan / rice unknown 2013 t f i 148 e Italy Wood residue rice 1 crop season Lugato et al. 2013 l d p 149 o Uganda Wood residue maize 45 days Deal et al., 2012 t p 150 o Uganda Maize cobs maize 45 days Deal et al., 2012 t p 151 o Uganda Coffee husk maize 45 days Deal et al., 2012 t 152 p Uganda Rice husk maize 45 days Deal et al., 2012 o t p 153 o Uganda Groundnut shell maize 45 days Deal et al., 2012 t p Aguilar-Chávez et 154 o Mexico Wood residue wheat 45 days al., 2012 t p 155 o South Africa Wood residue wheat 12 weeks Sika, 2012 t p 156 o Australia wood grass 2 months Zhang et al. 2013 t p 157 o Australia Wheat husk grass 2 months Zhang et al. 2013 t p Widowati et al. 158 o Indonesia Chicken manure maize unknown 2012 t p Widowati et al. 159 o Indonesia Municipal waste maize unknown 2012 t f i 160 e South Africa Wood residue tomato 22 weeks Nzanza et al. 2012 l d p 161 o Australia Rice husk maize unknown Nguyen et al. 2012 t p 162 o Arizona, USA Wood residue lettuce unknown Artiola et al 2012 t f i van Zwieten et al. 163 e NSW, Australia Poultry manure maize 1 crop season 2013 l d p Borchard et al. 164 o Germany Wood residue Rye grass 142 days 2012 t p 165 o Tennessee, USA straw Switchgrass unknown Edmunds 2012 t p Tatarková et al. 166 o Slovakia Wheat straw Sunflower 4 weeks 2013 t f i 167 e Hainan, China wood residue grass unknown Deng et al. 2010 l d P 168 o Heilongjiang, China Crop straw soybean unknown Wang et al. 2013 t p 169 o Virginia, USA Chicken manure pepper 194 days Revell et al. 2012 t Supplementary Table
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