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SWBTB (2/14) 001
Trust Board – Public Session
Venue Boardroom, Sandwell Hospital Date 6 February 2014; 1330h
Members In attendance Mr R Samuda (RSM) [Chairman] Mr M Hoare (MH) [Non Executive Director] Ms C Robinson (CRO) [Vice Chair] Miss K Dhami (KD) [Director of Governance] Dr S Sahota OBE (SS) [Non-Executive Director] Mr M Sharon (MS) [Director of Strategy & OD] Ms O Dutton (OD) [Non-Executive Director] Mrs C Rickards (CR) [Trust Convenor] Mr H Kang (HK) [Non-Executive Director] Mr T Lewis (TL) [Chief Executive] Guests Mr C Ovington (CO) [Chief Nurse] Mrs L Pascall (LP) [Deputy Chief Nurse] Miss R Barlow (RB) [Chief Operating Officer] Mr A Tyagi (AT) [Group Director – Surgery B] Mr T Waite (TW) [Director of Finance] Dr R Stedman (RST) [Medical Director] Secretariat Mr S Grainger-Lloyd (SGP) [Trust Secretary]
Time Item Title Reference Number Lead 1330h 1 Apologies Verbal SG-L 2 Declaration of interests Verbal All To declare any interests members may have in connection with the agenda and any further interests acquired since the previous meeting 2.1 Declarations from Colin Ovington, Tony Waite and Mike SWBTB (2/14) 002 (a) SG-L (4) Hoare for receipt and acceptance SWBTB (2/14) 002 (b) SWBTB (2/14) 002 (c) 3 Minutes of the previous meeting SWBTB (12/13) 266 Chair (7) To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2013 a true and accurate records of discussions 4 Update on actions arising from previous meetings SWBTB (12/13) 266 (a) SG-L ( 1 9 ) 5 Questions from members of the public Verbal Public 1340h 6 Patient story Presentation LP 1400h 7 Chair’s opening comments and Chief Executive’s report SWBTB (2/14) 003 RSM/ ( SWBTB (2/14) 003 (a) TL 2 0 )
1 Version 1.0 SWBTB (2/14) 001 1415h 8 Never Events – exceptional item 8.1 Never Event 5 in Ophthalmology SWBTB (2/14) 004 AT/ (25) RST 8.2 Never Event control audit SWBTB (2/14) 005 KD (28) SWBTB (2/14) 005 (a)
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MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION 1440h 9 Quarter 3 update on annual plan delivery and year-end SWBTB (2/14) 006 MS (42) risks SWBTB (2/14) 006 (a) 1450h 10 Corporate performance dashboard SWBTB (2/14) 007 TW (49) SWBTB (2/14) 007 (a) Reports back from the Committees and matters of exception 1455h 11 Update from the meeting of the Quality & Safety Verbal GH/ Committee on 31 January 2014 CO 1500h 11.1 Grade 4 pressure ulcer SWBTB (2/14) 008 CO (60) 1505h 11.2 Norovirus update SWBTB (2/14) 009 CO (61) SWBTB (2/14) 009 (a) 1510h 12 Update from the meeting of the Finance & Investment SWBFI (11/13) 102 CR/ (68) Committee held on 31 January 2014, minutes from the TW meeting held on 22 November 2013 1515h 13 Financial performance report SWBTB (2/14) 010 TW (77) SWBTB (2/14) 010 (a) 1520h 14 Transformation Savings Programme 2014/15 SWBTB (2/14) 018 TW (88) 1525h 15 Update from the meeting of the Audit & Risk Management SWBAR (10/13) 060 GH/ (89) Committee held on 30 January 2014, minutes from the KD meeting held on 25 October 2013 1530h 16 Data Quality update SWBTB (2/14) 011 TL (100) SWBTB (2/14) 011 (a) 1545h 17 To approve interim changes to Standing Orders/Standing SWBTB (2/14) 012 TW (103) Financial Instructions and Scheme of Delegation Matters for discussion and approval 1550h 18 To approve Public Health plans: 2014 - 17 SWBTB (2/14) 013 RST (Separate) SWBTB (2/14) 013 (a) 1600h 19 Patients Know Best: our patient experience plans SWBTB (2/14) 014 TL (104) SWBTB (2/14) 014 (a) 1610h 20 To discuss the medical education chapter of the emerging SWBTB (2/14) 015 MS/ (125) integrated education strategy 2014-17 SWBTB (2/14) 015 (a) RST 1620h 21 To note Leadership Development programme SWBTB (2/14) 016 MS (149) SWBTB (2/14) 016 (a) 1625h 22 To approve Healthcare Software Systems contract SWBTB (2/14) 023 TW (153) novation SWBTB (2/14) 023 (a) 23 Any other business Verbal All
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MATTERS FOR INFORMATION 24 Midland Metropolitan Hospital project: monitoring report SWBTB (2/14) 017 (155) 24.1 Approach to Grove Lane Site Acquisition SWBTB (2/14) 019 (157) SWBTB (2/14) 019 (a) 25 Foundation Trust application programme: monitoring SWBTB (2/14) 020 (160) report 26 Details of next meeting The next public Trust Board will be held on 6 March 2014 at 1330h in the Anne Boardroom, City Hospital
2 Version 1.0