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Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Newton’s Laws of Motion Second Grading Period – Weeks 1 & 2 (10 days) CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) Unit Rationale Forces cause the motion of objects and this motion can be determined and described by For students to understand, predict and calculate the motion of an object acted on by a 3 laws defined by Isaac Newton. These laws of motion apply to all objects on the Earth, force requires that they first understand the physical laws that govern that motion and in space or on other planets. how to apply them. Essential Questions Guiding Questions What is the relationship between the force applied to an object and the change in motion How does the mass of an object affect its inertia? of that object due to the applied force? Do all forces cause motion and how can we How are force, mass and acceleration related and how can you make a car calculate the effect of a force on the motion of an object. accelerate more rapidly? Why do action/reaction forces always exist in pairs? TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
Physics TEKS 4 The student knows and applies the laws governing ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. motion in a variety of situations. The student is expected to D) calculate the effect of forces on objects, including the law of inertia, draw an object and all the forces describe examples of inertia for objects that the relationship between force and acceleration, and the nature of working on that object when the object is still are in motion or objects that are at rest (4D) force pairs between objects, (E) develop and interpret free body or moving. From that drawing I can calculate the acceleration of an object with
s diagrams determine what is happening to the object t a certain mass if I know how much force is
p as a result of the force (4E). applied to the object (4D) e
c IPC TEKS 4 The student knows concepts of force and motion describe how Newton’s laws apply to a describe how Newton’s laws determine the n evident in everyday life. The student is expected to (C) investigate o passenger in a car who uses a seat belt and speed of a kick ball or a ball hit with a baseball C how an object’s motion changes only when a net force is applied, one who does not (IPC 4C). bat (4D) including activities and equipment such as toy cars, vehicle restraints, sports activities, and classroom objects, and (D) assess the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, noting the relationship is independent of the nature of the force, using equipment such as dynamic carts, moving toys, vehicles, and falling objects. Physics TEKS 2 The student uses a systematic approach to design and conduct an investigation into apply technology (such as a force sensor) answer scientific laboratory and field investigative questions. The the effect of mass on an object’s to explore the forces acting on an object student is expected to: acceleration (2E). and the effect of those forces on the motion (E) design and implement investigative procedures, including determine the relationship between of the object (2E). making observations, asking well-defined questions, formulating mass, force and acceleration for various testable hypotheses, identifying variables, selecting appropriate objects and predict their motion (3F). equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers for manipulate equations to solve for any reasonableness; variable needed (3F). s l
l (F) demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, i
k techniques, and procedures, S Physics TEKS 3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. The student is expected to: (F) express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 1 of 46 ELPS Student Expectations ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand . Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to meaning in English the tendency of an object to stay at rest or move when a net force is applied (1A,,2C) ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic . Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others individually or in and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C) interactions . Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary (5B) ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions . Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content- vocabulary (1A) based grade-level vocabulary . Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)
College Readiness Student Expectations College Readiness - Intended Outcome Science Standards o Identify how a net force changes the motion of an object o VIII – C2: Understand forces and Newton’s Laws o Calculate the force required to accelerate a given mass o II – B1: Carry out formula operations using standard algebraic o Identify the relationship between the mass and inertia of an object symbols and formulae o II – D1: Use dimensional analysis in problem solving Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 1. Given an object and the forces acting on the object, students can draw and label a free body diagram and describe the resulting motion of the object at least 80% of the time correctly. 2. Given 2 of the variables in the equation F = ma, students can manipulate the equation if necessary, substitute the correct given values, and solve for the remaining variable at least 80% of the time correctly. 3. Given materials and equipment, students can design and conduct an experiment to gather data and graph the relationship between force and acceleration for objects of different mass.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 2 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Newton’s Laws of Motion Week 1 – Lesson 1 – 1st Law of Motion (Forces and Inertia) (4 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills Why does it take so much force to stop a fully loaded train or truck as The student can: opposed to a small car? demonstrate how force affects motion (7.7C) Why do satellites in circular orbit maintain the same speed at all times? describe how unbalanced forces cause changes in the speed or direction of an object How does a seat belt keep a passenger from being injured in a car (8.6A) crash? investigate and describe applications of Newton’s Laws (IPC 4C and 4D) Why do objects on the front seat of a car continue moving when you stop suddenly? How does the mass of an object affect its inertia? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Review the concept of Force as a “push or pull” on an object and that forces are measured in Newton’s (N) named after Sir Isaac Newton whose laws of motion you will be exploring. Does a magnet push or pull? Does the Have students list in their science journals gravity of the Earth push or pull? (4E). the forces they experience everyday (4E) Show how several different forces can act on an object at the same time, for example an airplane has lift (up) and weight (down) and thrust (forward) and drag (backward) and that all the forces determine the motion of the airplane. How can more than one force act on an What are all the forces acting on someone sitting in a chair? (4E). object at the same time? Model the concept of inertia (Newton’s 1st law of motion) by rapidly pulling a tablecloth from underneath plates and bowls, or show the video clip Tablecloth Trick . Why did the objects stay on the table? What would have happened if the tablecloth was pulled slowly? (4D). Have students describe in their own words 2. Explore the concept of inertia and give examples from Have students explore the relationship between mass and inertia by using coins, index cards and a paper cup. real life in their science journals. (4D) How does mass impact the inertia of an object? Does a nickel have more inertial than a penny? (2E, 4D). Or have students explore the relationship between force and mass using “Active Physics – Sports”, p. S61 Does Provide students with newspaper articles the amount of mass an object has affect its inertia? (2E, 4D). that include examples of the 1st law of motion in Show the video clip Demonstrations of Inertia;.. What are some other examples of inertia in real life? (4D) real world situations and have them identify how Have students draw a free body diagram of the coin (all the forces acting on it) when it is lying on the index card. the law is demonstrated. (4D) How many forces are acting on the coin? (4E) Discuss balanced and unbalanced forces and how to find the net force on an object by drawing all the forces and their directions. Can the net force on an object be zero if only one force is acting on the object? (4D) Work in cooperative groups to explore the Use the Promethean Interactive White Board Flip Chart - “Newton’s Laws of Motion” concept of inertia (4D) 3. Explain Have students explain Newton’s 1st law of motion and how inertia affects the motion of objects. Show the video Use Marzano’s 6 steps for vocabulary clip Inertia of Moving Objects. When do objects at rest stay at rest? What do we know about the forces acting on acquisition for the vocabulary associated with such an object? (4D). Newton’s Laws of Motion (4D) Emphasize the relationship between mass and inertia. For example, an object on the moon would have less weight but would have the same mass and inertia. How would your mass and weight change or be the same on Have students compare and describe the the planet Jupiter? What would happen to your inertia? (4D). difference between mass and weight and the units used for each measurement. (4D) What do you do for students who need additional support? Use the web site Newton’s 1 st Law of Motion to readdress the concept and provide examples. Give students objects of
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 3 of 46 different mass and have them explore the inertia that each object has when they try to move it. What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? List objects with lots of mass and lots of Have students list various real world objects in their science journal, then place them in order form highest to lowest based inertia (like a train, or bus). Is it hard to start and upon inertia and then explain why that order is appropriate. Would the order of the object be the same in space or on the stop these objects with lots of mass? (4D) Moon? Provide students with pictures of various Or have students view the Holt Science in the News, Physical science video “Crash Test Dummies” (in the teacher objects and require them to label all the forces resource kit) and respond to the critical thinking questions for segment 4. acting on the objects. Calculate the net force that results from adding all the forces. (4D) √ Check for student understanding
3. Elaborate Think-pair-share about all the ways inertia How does inertia apply to real world situations? For example, which is harder to start moving, a bus or a small can be demonstrated in a car that starts up, car? (4D) slows down, goes around a curve, and comes to Which is harder to stop, a train or a baseball? If you accelerate a car quickly, what happens to the passenger’s a stop. (4D) head in the front seat? What happens when you stop quickly? Use the web site Newton’s First Law and Seat Belts to discuss the importance of wearing seat belts.(4D) Show the video clip Newton’s First law and Seat Belts; (4D) 4. Evaluate Have students describe and give examples of Newton’s 1st law of motion in various real world situations in their science journals. Have them read in “Active Physics – Sports” the article on “Inertia”, p. S58 and summarize this article in their science journals.
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card Develop Textbook: Holt Physics force Interpret Chapter 4 (pp. 123-135) Net Force = sum of all forces acting on an object mass Plan Section 4.1 – 4.2 unbalanced forces Implement net force Investigate Laboratories: inertia Describe Holt Lab Manual equilibrium Formulate "Discovering Newton’s Laws”, p. T-41 Express Textbook demonstrate Quick Lab, p. 126 Quick Lab, p. 134
Active Physics - Sports, p. S61
Holt Teaching Transparencies T10 – Free Body Diagram of a car being Towed T12 – Inertia and the Operation of a seatbelt
Textbook Practice Problems Net External Force, p. 133
Holt Science in the News Videos “Crash Test Dummies”
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 4 of 46 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about the concept of mass to describe how it is related to the inertia of an object. understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the inertia of various objects. basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
TAKS Released Question You are sitting in the passenger seat of a car that is stopped. Example Problem from College Board The driver pushes hard on the gas pedal and the car 2006 11th grade accelerates quickly, while your head snaps backward. The driver then stops by pushing hard on the brake and your While driving a car around a left hand turn in the road, head snaps forward. The movements of your head in both of your items placed on the front seat slide toward the these instances are examples of Newton's – passenger’s door (toward the outside of the curve). This action results from st A. 1 Law of Motion (Inertia) A. Centrifugal force nd B. Gravitational force B. 2 Law of Motion (F= ma) C. Inertia D. Friction forces C. 3rd Law of Motion (Action/Reaction) D. Universal Law of Gravitation Answer C
Answer A
Answer D
Additional TAKS Questions
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 5 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Newton’s Laws of Motion
nd Week 1 – Lesson 2 – 2 Law of Motion (F =ma) (3 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How are force, mass and acceleration related and how can you make a The Student can: race car accelerate more rapidly? demonstrate how force affects motion (7.7C) How does a seat belt keep a passenger from being injured in a car describe how unbalanced forces cause changes in the speed or direction of an object crash? (8.6A) Why does a bus need a larger, more powerful engine than a small car to investigate and describe applications of Newton’s Laws (IPC 4C and 4D) have the same acceleration? Manipulate algebraic expressions to solve for a specific variable (Algebra 1) If I reduce the mass of my automobile, will it take more or less force from the engine to accelerate the car? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Have students describe in their Model Newton’s second law of motion by pushing on a bowling ball and pushing on a tennis ball with the same force. Which own words Newton’s 2nd law of motion object accelerated the most? Why were the accelerations different? How much force would be required to make the bowling ball and give examples from real life. (4D) accelerate at the same rate as the tennis ball? Does this concept apply to other objects, like cars and buses? (4D) 2. Explore Provide students with newspaper Have students explore the relationship between force, mass and acceleration using objects of different masses, for example, articles that include examples of the using motion carts with different mass and measuring the applied force with spring scales. (4D 2nd law of motion in real world Or explore using “Discovering Newton’s Laws”, P. T-41 (2E, 4D) situations and have them identify how Or using “Force and Acceleration”, Chapter 4 Lab Exercise (2E, 4D) the law is demonstrated. (4D) Use the Promethean Interactive White Board Flip Chart - “Newton’s Laws of Motion” Journal about the force needed to 3. Explain move objects of different mass and list Have students explain Newton’s 2nd law of motion and how force and mass affect the acceleration of objects. For example, real world objects that require a lot of why does a bus need a more powerful motor than a small car? (4D) force to make them accelerate (trains, What is the “net force” and why is it important to use the “net force” when calculating the acceleration of an object? What large airplanes, super tankers) happens when the net force is zero? (4D) Have students read “Physics Talk” on page S64 and S65 of “Active Physics – Sports” and summarize in their journals using their own words the meaning of Newton’s 2nd Law. How is weight related to Newton’s 2nd Law? (2E, 4D). Work in cooperative groups to What do you do for students who need additional explore the relationship between net Support? force, mass and acceleration of an Use the web site Newton’s 2 nd Law of Motion to readdress the concept and provide examples. object. (4D)
Use the Reading Comprehension Process and Active Physics – Sports, “Inertia”, p. S58 to summarize the article and the concept of Think-pair-share to compare the inertia. similarities and differences between st nd Describe in your science journal everyday examples of objects that are at rest or moving that demonstrate inertia. the 1 and 2 laws of motion. (4D) Use the “ Review of Newton’s 2 nd Law” to reinforce the science concepts for this lesson. What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Design an experiment to calculate the acceleration of a cart when a force is applied. Use a spring scale to measure the applied force and a balance to determine the mass of the cart and objects placed in the cart. Reflect and journal about how the acceleration SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 6 of 46 changes when the same force is applied to carts with different masses. √ Check for student understanding
3. Elaborate Develop student’s ability to solve for force or acceleration through Guided Practice using real world problems, for example, a 1500 kg car accelerates at 5 m/s2, what is the force pushing the car forward? (3F) Improve student’s ability to manipulate equations to find a particular variable through Independent practice of real world problems, for example solving for the mass of a car that accelerates at 5 m/s2 when 7500 N force is applied? (3F, 4D) Extend student understanding of Newton’s laws of motion by applying them to objects traveling in space, for example, a spaceship firing its rocket motor to accelerate to a high speed, or an astronaut moving a satellite with great mass into the space shuttle cargo bay. (4D) 4. Evaluate Use the reading comprehension Have students describe and give examples of Newton’s 2nd law of motion in various real world situations in their science process to read and summarize the journals. For example, why does the space shuttle accelerate faster as it burns full during launch? (4D) article “Physics Talk” (p. S64 and S65 Provide real world problems for students to solve for acceleration or force. (3F, 4D) of “Active Physics – Sports”) Require students to manipulate Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept the formula F= ma to solve for mass or acceleration.
Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Cards Develop Textbook: Holt Physics Net Force = Mass x Acceleration Net force Interpret Chapter 4 (pp. 136-138) mass Plan Sections 4.3 Weight = M x g acceleration Implement Investigate Laboratories: Describe Formulate Holt Lab Manual "Discovering Newton’s Laws”, p. T-41 Express demonstrate Textbook Chapter 4 Lab Exercise - "Force and Acceleration”, p. 158
Textbook Practice Problems Newton’s Second Law, p. 138
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 7 of 46 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about inertia to predict the amount of force required to move objects of differing mass. understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the force required to move objects. and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
TAKS Released Question Example Problem from College Board
Each of the four identical carts shown above is loaded with a total mass of 4 kilograms. All of the carts are initially at rest on the same level surface. Forces of the same Answer - G magnitude directed to the right act on each of the carts for the same length of time. If friction and air resistance are Additional TAKS Questions negligible, which cart will have the greatest velocity when the forces cease to act?
A. Cart 1 B. Cart 2 C. Cart 3 Answer – G D. Cart 4 E. All four carts will have the same velocity.
Answer - E
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 8 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Newton’s Laws of Motion
Week 2 – Lesson 3 – 3rd Law of Motion (Action/Reaction) and Friction Forces (3 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills If the action force is me pushing against the wall, what is the reaction force and how does this Student can: compare with the action force? demonstrate how force affects motion (7.7C) If the Earth pulls on me with a force equal to my weight, what force am I exerting on the describe how unbalanced forces cause changes in the speed or Earth? direction of an object (8.6A) Why do action/reaction forces always exist in pairs? investigate and describe applications of Newton’s Laws (IPC 4C and 4D) What are friction forces and how do they affect the motion of objects? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Have students describe in their Model Newton’s 3rd law of motion by having two students pull on opposite ends of a rope. Describe action and reaction forces own words Newton’s 3rd law of motion (the student pulls on the rope and the rope pulls back on the student). Show the video clip Tug of War . Why must the forces be and give examples from real life. (4D) the same? (4D) Why must there always be two objects? What are other examples of action/reaction forces between two objects? (leaning Provide students with newspaper against a wall for example) (4D) articles that include examples of the Discuss the force of friction between two objects and why this force always seems to be opposite the direction of motion. (4A) 3rd law of motion in real world 2. Explore situations and have them identify how Explore action/reaction forces using the lab activity - “Discovering Newton’s Laws”, P. T-41 (4D, 2E) the law is demonstrated. (4D) Also explore the forces of friction using the lab activity - “Static and Kinetic Friction”, p. T-28 (4D) Or the lab activity – “Friction – Testing Materials”, p. T43 (4D, 2E) Or use blocks of wood pulled across different surface materials using a spring scale to measure the required force. Work in cooperative groups to explore action and reaction forces. Use the Promethean Interactive White Board Flip Chart - “Newton’s Laws of Motion” Think-pair-share about why 3. Explain action/reaction forces must always Have students explain Newton’s 3rd law of motion and how two objects provide action and reaction forces. For example, if I occur in pairs. (4D) push on the wall, what does the wall do? What are some other examples of action/reaction forces? (4D) What do you do for students who need additional support? rd List real life examples of Use the web site Newton’s 3 Law of Motion to readdress the concept and provide examples. (4D) action/reaction force in their science What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? journal (for example, hammer pushing Provide students with force sensor probes to explore the differences between static and dynamic friction forces using the Holt on a nail, and the nail pushing back Technology-Based Lab, “Static and Kinetic Friction", p. T-28. Reflect on how static and dynamic friction forces affect the motion of real against the hammer). (4D) world objects. (4D) Have students describe the √ Check for student understanding difference between static and kinetic 3. Elaborate friction and give real life examples of each. Do friction forces need to be Develop student’s ability to identify action/reaction forces (like a hammer pushing on a nail, and the nail pushing on the considered when calculating the net hammer). (4D) force on a moving object? (4D) If the Earth pulls down on me with a force equal to my weight, what must I be doing to the Earth? (4D) SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 9 of 46 Emphasize that action/reaction forces do not cause acceleration or changes in the motion of an object, net forces do that. (4D) Read about driving and the force of friction, Consumer Focus, p. 148, then journal about how friction forces affect driving a car (4D, 3F) 4. Evaluate Have students describe and give examples of Newton’s 3rd law of motion in various real world situations in their science journals. For example, why does the space shuttle accelerate faster as it burns full during launch? What has changed, the force of the rocket engines or the mass of the space shuttle? (4D) Show the video clip “The Rifle and the Bullet”. Why does the rifle move backwards when the bullet moves forward? Why must the forces be different on the rifle and the bullet with their different mass (4D) Draw a picture of a car traveling in a straight line at constant speed. Have students draw all the forces acting on the car and Journal about the effects of friction on which forces are balanced. (4D) real life (walking, driving a car, moving a Extend student understanding of Newton’s laws of motion by applying them to objects traveling in space, for example, a heavy box, etc). (4D) spaceship firing its rocket motor to accelerate to a high speed, or an astronaut moving a satellite with great mass into the space shuttle cargo bay.(4D) Use the reading comprehension process to read about driving and the force of friction, Consumer Focus, p. 148, then Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept journal about how friction forces affect driving a car Unit Assessment for Newton’s Laws of Motion Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card Develop Textbook: Holt Physics action forces Interpret Chapter 4 (pp. 138-148) Weight = M x g reaction forces Plan Section 4.3 Ff = μ Fn normal force Implement Section 4.4 static friction Investigate Laboratories: kinetic friction Describe Holt Lab Manual (dynamic friction) Formulate "Discovering Newton’s Laws”, p. T-41 coefficient of friction Express “Friction – Testing Materials”, p. T-43 air resistance demonstrate Active Physics - Sports, p. S61 - Sports, p. S86
Holt Technology-Based Lab “Static and Kinetic Friction”, p. T-28
Holt Teaching Transparencies T13 – Static and Kinetic Friction T14 – Friction Depends on the surface and the applied Force TM19 – Coefficient of Friction
Textbook Practice Problems Coefficients of Friction, p. 145 Overcoming Friction, p. 147
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 10 of 46 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about the forces between two objects to predict the meaning of ”action – reaction forces” or understand meaning in English ______ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about equal and opposite forces classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board 1 A soccer player kicks a soccer ball. If the force of his TAKS Released Question foot on the ball is considered the action force, what is Example Problem from College Board the reaction force? F The force that his other foot exerts on the ground Consider the following four forces involving an object at G The force on the hand of the person who catches it. rest on a tabletop. H The force the ball exerts on his foot J The force the ball applies on the air. I. The gravitational force on the object due to the Earth II. The gravitational force on the Earth due to the Object Answer - H III. The force on the tabletop due to the object IV. The force on the object due to the tabletop
Which, if any, of these forces are action-reaction pairs in accordance with Newton’s third law? A. Pair I and II only B. Pair I and IV only C. Pair I and II, and pair III and IV Answer – G D. Pair I and IV, and pair II and III E. There are no action-reaction pairs among these Additional TAKS Questions forces
Answer - C
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 11 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Circular Motion and Gravitational Force Second Grading Period – Week 3 (5 days) CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) Unit Rationale Many objects move in circular (or rotational) motion due to an inward (or centripetal) For students to understand the motion of planets and satellites in space or the motion of a force. The speed of and object in circular motion is determined by the angular speed car going around a curve in the road, they must first understand how forces affect and the tangential speed. Gravitational force causes the planets to continue in orbit rotational or circular motion and how the gravitational force on an object is determined. about the sun and causes satellites and the moon to orbit around the Earth. Essential Questions Guiding Questions What force causes an object to move in a circular path instead of a straight line and why Why is a centripetal force required to keep an object moving in a circular path does the speed of an object change based upon its distance from the center of the and which way is the force directed? circle? How does gravitational force keep planets in motion around the sun? How does the linear speed of an object on a rotating platform (like a merry-go- round) change when the object moves away from the center of rotation? How does the force of gravity change with the distance between the objects involved? TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome Physics TEKS 4 The student knows and applies the laws governing motion in a variety of situations. The student is expected to (C) analyze and describe accelerated ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. motion in two dimensions using equations, including projectile and circular examples, (A) generate and interpret graphs and charts describing different types of motion, describe examples of circular describe why the moon or a including the use of real-time technology such as motion detectors or photo gates motion in everyday life (4C) satellite remains in orbit around the Earth (4C)
s determine what will happen to a t Physics TEKS 5 The student knows the nature of forces in the physical world. The
p rotating object when the force is calculate the tangential speed of an e student is expected to (A) research and describe the historical development of the c removed (4C). object in rotational motion due to gravity
n concepts of gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear, an strong nuclear, (B) o describe how changing the force (4C)
C describe and calculate how the magnitude of the gravitational force between two objects depends on their masses and the distance between their centers. on a rotating object will change its describe how the force of gravity motion (4C). changes with the mass of the two objects IPC TEKS 4 The student knows concepts of force and motion evident in everyday life. (5B) The student is expected to (F) describe the gravitational attraction between objects of describe how the force of gravity different masses at different distances, including satellites changes with the distance between the two objects (5B) Physics TEKS 2 The student uses a systematic approach to answer scientific design and conduct an apply technology (such as a force laboratory and field investigative questions. The student is expected to: investigation into the effect of force on sensor) to explore the forces acting on (E) design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, an object in rotational motion (2E). an object in and the effect of those forces asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, determine the relationship on the motion an object in circular motion selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers between angular speed, tangential (2E). for reasonableness; speed, and the distance from the
s (F) demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, techniques, and l
l center of rotation (3F). i procedures, k manipulate equations to solve for S any variable needed (3F). Physics TEKS 3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. The student is expected to: (F) express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 12 of 46 ELPS Student Expectations ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary related to circular motion and gravitational forces (1A,,2C) vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions individually or in small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C) ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade- Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary level vocabulary (5B) Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new vocabulary (1A) Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)
College Readiness Student Expectations College Readiness - Intended Outcome Science Standards o Identify various forms of rotational motion and describe how the speed of an object is o VIII – E1: Understand rotational kinematics affected by the distance from the center of rotation o VIII – E2: Understand the concept of torque o Calculate the tangential speed of an object in circular motion o II – B1: Carry out formula operations using standard algebraic symbols and formulae o II – D1: Use dimensional analysis in problem solving Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 1. Given an object in circular motion, students can identify the forces acting on the object and resulting motion of the object if the centripetal force is removed at least 80% of the time correctly. 2. Given 2 objects, students can describe how the gravitational force between the objects changes as the distance between the objects is increased and decreased at least 80% of the time correctly. 3. Given an object in circular motion, students can calculate the tangential speed of the object as its distance from the center of rotation is increased and decreased at least 80% of the time correctly.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 13 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Circular Motion and Gravitational Force Week 3– Lesson 1– Circular Motion (3 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills If a rock is twirled in a circle at the end of a string, what path will the rock follow if the string is cut Student can: or broken and why? Identify and describe changes in the potion, direction of Why is a centripetal force required to keep an object moving in a circular path and which way is motion, and speed of an object when acted on by a force (6th the force directed? grade science 6.8B) How does the linear speed of an object on a rotating platform (like a merry-go-round) change demonstrate how unbalanced forces cause changes in the when the object moves away from the center of rotation? speed or direction of an object’s motion (8th grade science 8.6A) The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Have students describe in their own Model circular motion using an old record player, or a rock on the end of a string, or a person spinning in a rotating words examples of objects that move in chair. How is this motion different from linear (straight line motion)? Does it take a force to cause this type of motion? circular or rotational motion (some What would happen if we let go of the string while the rock was spinning in a circle? (4C) amusement park rides are a good example). Discuss other examples of circular or rotational motion (Children riding on a Carrousel or merry-go-round, the motion (4C) of the moon in orbit around the Earth) Are forces involved in these rotational motion examples? ( 4C). 2. Explore Have students discuss the forces that Use the textbook lab, “Circular Motion”, p. 274 or the Active Physics Lab “Circular Motion” in Sports, p. 103 to explore must be in place to keep an object moving in circular motion (4C) circular motion and what happens when that Or the lab activity, “Circular Motion”, p. T50 in the lab manual (4C) force is removed (like the force of the string on the rock). (4C) Or use the web site “Circular Motion” to explore changes in circular motion (4C) Or use an old record player to measure the angular speed (rotational speed) for a record at different settings. Then Use Marzano’s 6 steps for vocabulary use the same record player to measure the tangential speed of an object at different distanced from the center of rotation acquisition for the vocabulary associated (distance traveled per unit of time). How does the angular (rotational speed) affect the tangential speed? How does with rotational motion and gravitational force distance from the center of rotation affect the tangential speed? (4C) 3. Explain How are angular and tangential speeds different? How does the tangential speed of a rotating object depend on the angular speed? How does the tangential speed of a rotating object depend on the distance from the center of the circle? Journal about the ways that circular Use the web site Linear and Angular Speed to reinforce the connection between the two. (4C) motion can be increased or decreased by changing the angular (rotational) speed or What force keeps a object placed on a rotating record from flying off in a straight line? (4C) the distance from the center of the circle Define torque as a force applied at a distance from the center of rotation. Why are both the amount of force and the distance from the center of rotation that the force is applied both important? (4C) Show the video clip Torque and Weight to help students visualize the concepts of force (weight) and torque (4C) Explore circular motion while working Use a “see saw” from a play ground to demonstrate how torque changes circular motion and how the require force can in cooperative groups. (4C) be reduced by increasing the distance from the center of rotation. How can a small child balance a “see saw” with an adult sitting on the other side? (4C) To calculate torque, multiply force x perpendicular distance from the center of rotation to the force vector. (4C, 3F) Would a very young child experience more tangential speed near the center of What do you do for students who need additional support? a carrousel or near the outside? (4C) Use the web site Circular Motion to readdress the concept and provide examples.
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly?
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 14 of 46 Old music records used to put the best songs near the outside of the circle. If the speed of the needle moving across the record made a difference in the quality of the sound, why might the location of the song on the record be important? Respond to this question in your science journal and plan an experiment to prove your hypothesis. √ Check for student understanding 3. Elaborate When a car moves around a curve in the road, is that linear or circular motion? What keeps the car on the road as it Calculate the torque on an object for a goes around the curve? What would happen if there was ice on the road as the car tried to follow the curve? (4C) given force at a given distance. (4C) What rides at the amusement park provide rotational or circular motion? What force keeps you from flying off the ride? (4C) Calculate Angular speed, angular Demonstrate how to calculate angular speed, angular acceleration, and tangential speed. How do you know an object acceleration and tangential speed. (4C) in circular motion is experiencing acceleration? What part of the object’s velocity is changing as it follows a circular path? Show the video clip a Rotating Bucket of Water to reinforce how objects can move in circular motion. (4C) Demonstrate how to calculate centripetal acceleration. (4C) Discuss how Torque changes circular motion while force changes linear motion (4C) 4. Evaluate Have students evaluate different examples of rotational motion to determine the forces involved, the angular and tangential speeds. (4C) Have students calculate centripetal acceleration and centripetal force for rotating objects (4C)
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card demonstrate Holt Physics Chapter 7 (pp. 243-259) circular motion analyze ωavg = Δ Ө Section 7.1 angular speed\ identify Δ t Section 7.2 tangential speed implement Vt = r ω centripetal force express Laboratories: centripetal employ Textbook at = r α acceleration "Circular Motion”, pp. 274 Holt Lab Manual:
“Circular Motion”, p. T50. 2 2 Active Physics ac = r ω = Vt “Circular Motion”, in Sports, p. 103 r
Holt Teaching Transparencies T22 – Force that Maintains Circular Motion T24 – Torque on a Cat Flap Door T26 – Lever Arm of a Wrench
Textbook Practice Problems Angular Displacement, p. 247 Tangential Speed, p. 255 Tangential Acceleration, p. 256 Centripetal Acceleration, p. 258
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 15 of 46 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about objects moving in a circle to predict the meaning of ”tangential velocity” or understand meaning in English ______ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the motion of objects moving in a circular path. instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
TAKS Released Question Example Problem from College Board A student rides on a carrousel at the amusement park. She is riding on a horse close to the center of the carrousel, but A satellite moving in a circular orbit with respect to the decides to change her position to a horse on the outside of Earth's center experiences a gravitational force. If the the carrousel. What will happen to her angular (rotational) satellite is put into a new circular orbit of smaller radius, speed and her tangential speed as she moves out from the how will the gravitational force and the speed of the center of the carrousel? satellite change, if at all? A. Her angular speed will increase and her tangential speed will remain the same. Gravitational Speed B. Her angular speed will decrease and her tangential speed Force will increase. C. Both speeds will increase. (A) Decrease Decrease D. Her angular speed will stay the same and her tangential speed will increase. (B) Decrease Increase Remain the (C) Remain the same Answer – D same (D) Increase Decrease
(E) Increase Increase
Answer - E
Answer - C
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 16 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Circular Motion and Gravitational Force
Week 3– Lesson 2 – Gravitational Force (2 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills What real world objects demonstrate a strong gravitational force of attraction to other objects? Student can: How does the force of gravity change with the mass of the objects involved? Understand that gravity is the force How does the force of gravity change with the distance between the objects involved? that governs our solar system (6.1B) The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Drop a ball from a height above the floor. What force caused the ball to fall to the floor? Throw the same ball up and Have students describe in their observe its motion. What force caused the ball to slow down, then change direction, and finally speed up until it reached the journals how gravity affects them in their ground? (5B) daily lives. (5B) What force keeps the moon in orbit around the Earth? What force keeps the Earth in orbit around the Sun? (5B) Discuss gravitational force as one of the 4 fundamental forces (along with electromagnetic, strong nuclear, and weak Think-pair-share about what life nuclear) (5B) would be like on Earth if the force of 2. Explore gravity was much stronger (like on Drop several objects of the same size and shape from a 1 meter height. Observe and record which objects hit the ground Jupiter). first. Why would they not all fall at the same rate? Is air resistance an factor in the rate at which objects fall on earth? Would this also be true on the surface of the moon? (2E, 5B) Use the web site showing The Mass Research Newton’s discovery of the law of gravitation at the web site Newton’s Law of Gravitation . What does the law of of the Planets in our Solar System to gravitation say about the relationship between force, mass and distance between two objects? (3F, 5B) journal about how your weight would be Discuss the “inverse square law” and how it affects the gravitational force when the distance between the two objects is different on all the planets in the solar increased or decreased. How does this compare with a change in the mass of one of the objects? (3F, 5B) system due to the differences in planet mass. (5B) Demonstrate the calculation of gravitational force between two objects. Does changing mass or distance have the greatest affect on the force of gravity between two objects? (5B, 3F) Explore Centripetal Acceleration using technology probe ware, “Centripetal Acceleration”, p. T48 (2E, 5B) 3. Explain Work in cooperative groups to Show the video clip Universal Gravitation; (5B) explore the force of gravity and it’s affect on objects. (5B) Have students explain the effect of mass and distance on the gravitational force between two objects? (5B, 3F) How does gravity affect the motion of the planets in our solar system and satellites orbiting the Earth? (5B) What would the force of gravity be like on the moon, or on Jupiter? Why would the force of gravity be different there? (5B) Compare and contrast the affect of Using Newton’s 3rd law of motion, show students that they are pulling on the Earth with the same force (equal to their mass and distance on the force gravity weight) that the Earth is pulling on them. (5B) between two objects? Which has the Discuss “Weightlessness” as compared to no gravitational force. Do the astronauts in the space station experience greatest impact on gravitational force? weightlessness? Are they also experiencing the force of gravity? (5B) Show the Holt Science in the News, Physical science video “Zero-Gravity Plane” (in the teacher resource kit) and answer Think-pair-share about the question the critical thinking questions for segment 7 (5B) “if the Earth pulls on me with a force of 150 pounds, what force am I pulling on the Earth with?” (5B) What do you do for students who need additional support? Use the web site “Isaac Newton and the Law of Gravitation” to review and re-teach the concepts of the Universal Law of
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 17 of 46 Gravitation. What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Compare “Weightlessness” as Have students use the reading comprehension process to read about “Orbiting Satellites and Black Holes” , p 266 and journal about experienced by people in orbit around the effect of this strong gravitation force on objects in space. Access the web site “Black Holes” for more information. (5B) the earth versus no gravitational force acting on an object. (5B) Design and conduct an experiment to determine which force is stronger; gravitational or electromagnetic. √ Check for student understanding Calculate the change in 3. Elaborate gravitational force when the mass of the objects is doubled or the distance Us Newton’s formula for gravitational force to identify the effect of mass and distance. For example, what happens to the between the objects is doubled. (5B) force when we double the mass of one body? What happens when we double the distance between the bodies? (5B) Based upon Newton’s equation for the force of gravity, while the force gets weaker with distance, it never really goes away. Unit Assessment on Circular Can I ever really escape the gravitational force of the Earth? At what point between the Earth and the Moon would the force of Motion and Gravitational Force gravity from both be the same? (5B, 5A) 4. Evaluate Have students identify the effect of changing mass or distance on the force of gravity. (5B) List planets in our solar system where your weight would be greater than on Earth. (5B)
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: 2 2 Vocabulary Card demonstrate Holt Physics ac = r ω = Vt Gravitational force analyze Chapter 7 (pp. 260-265) r Section 7.3 Fc = m ac Air Resistance identify Centripetal force implement Laboratories: Centripetal express Fg = G m1 m2 acceleration employ Holt Technology Based Lab r2 Centripetal Acceleration, p. T48
Textbook Practice Problems Force that Maintains Circular Motion, p. 261
Gravitational Force, p. 265 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand Use what you know about the force of gravity to predict the meaning of ”inversely related to the distance meaning in English squared” or ______ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the gravitational attraction between two objects. instruction and interactions
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 18 of 46 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Two objects attract each other due to gravitational forces. If TAKS Released Question one object is moved twice as far away from the other object, Example Problem from College Board what will happen to the gravitational force between the two None A person is standing on a scale that is located on a platform objects? at the surface of the Earth. The platform is supported by a machine that can move the platform up and down at various a. The force between them will double. accelerations while keeping it level. b. The force between them will remain constant. c. The force between them will be ½ of what it was. If the person’s weight has apparently doubled according to d. The force between them will be ¼ of what it was. the reading on the scale, what is the acceleration of the platform? Answer – D E. About 9.8 m/s2 up F. About 9.8 m/s2 down G. About 19.6 m/s2 up H. About 19.6 m/s2 down I. It cannot be determined without the mass of the person
Answer - E
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 19 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Work, Energy, and Power Second Grading Period – Weeks 4 & 5 (10 days) CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) Unit Rationale Work and Energy are closely related concepts. It takes energy to do work, and doing Energy is used by humans for many purposes. One purpose is to do work or to make work can create energy. Both work and energy are measured with the same units work easier. Students need to understand the relationship between work and energy in (Joules). real world applications to appreciate the importance of our energy resources. Essential Questions Guiding Questions How are work and energy related and how can I calculate the amount of work done What is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy and how are they when moving an object a given distance? calculated? What are some of the forms that energy can take? How can energy be transformed from one type to another? TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome Physics TEKS 6 The student knows that changes occur within a physical system and applies the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. The student is ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. expected to (A) investigate and calculate quantities using the work-energy theorem in various situations, (B) investigate examples of kinetic and potential energy and describe examples of work in calculate the potential or kinetic their transformations, (C) calculate the mechanical energy of, power generated real life situations (6A) energy of real world objects (6B) within, impulse applied to, and momentum of a physical system, and (D)
s calculate the amount of work describe different forms that energy t demonstrate and apply the laws of conservation of energy and conservation of
p done for a given force applied over a can take (6B)
e momentum in one dimension. given distance (6A) define conservation of energy with c
n describe when work is not examples in the real world (6D) o IPC TEKS 5 The student recognizes multiple forms of energy and knows the impact being done and why (6A). C of energy transfer and energy conservation in everyday life. The student is expected to (A) recognize and demonstrate that objects and substances in motion have kinetic energy such as vibration of atoms, water flowing down a stream moving pebbles, and bowling balls knocking down pins, (B) demonstrate common forms of potential energy, including gravitations, elastic, and chemicals, such as a ball on an inclined plane, springs and batteries, and (D) investigate the law of conservation of energy. Physics TEKS 2 The student uses a systematic approach to answer scientific design and conduct an apply technology to explore the laboratory and field investigative questions. The student is expected to: investigation into the effect of force concepts of work and energy (2E). (E) design and implement investigative procedures, including making observations, and distance on the work done (2E). asking well-defined questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying variables, determine the relationship selecting appropriate equipment and technology, and evaluating numerical answers between work and energy (3F). for reasonableness; manipulate equations to solve (F) demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, techniques, and
s for any variable needed (3F). l
l procedures, i k
S Physics TEKS 3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. The student is expected to: (F) express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 20 of 46 ELPS Student Expectations ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English . Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary related to the concepts of work, energy and power (1A,,2C) vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions . Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions individually or in small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C) ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade- . Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary level vocabulary (5B) . Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new vocabulary (1A) . Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)
College Readiness Student Expectations College Readiness - Intended Outcome Science Standards o Identify examples of potential and kinetic energy and the transformation of energy o VIII – D1: Understand potential and kinetic energy between forms o VIII – D2: Understand conservation of energy o Calculate the kinetic energy and potential energy of various real world objects o VIII – D3: Understand the relationship of work and mechanical energy o Calculate the work done on an object and the power expended in moving an object o II – B1: Carry out formula operations using standard algebraic symbols and formulae o II – D1: Use dimensional analysis in problem solving Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 1. Given an object acted on by a force over a given distance, students can calculate the work done on the object at least 80% of the time correctly. 2. Given an object experiencing a transformation of energy (like a roller coaster), students can identify which forms of energy are involved and how energy is conserved at least 80% of the time correctly. 3. Given various objects, students can calculate potential or kinetic energy for the objects at least 80% of the time correctly.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 21 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Work, Energy and Power Weeks 4 – Lesson 1 – Work and Energy (5 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How is work defined and how is work related to the applied force and the distance an object moves? Student can: What is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy and how are they calculated? Compare and contrast examples of potential What are real life examples of potential and kinetic energy? and kinetic energy (6.8A) How are work and energy related by the work-energy theorem? demonstrate forms of potential and kinetic energy (IPC 5A & B) The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Think-pair-share about things in the real Lift a book or other object off the floor. Was work done moving the book up from the floor? Does the book now have world that most people would call “work”. energy (the ability to do work)? How did the book get the energy it has? Are work and energy related to each other in some Are they work in the world of physics? Why way? (6A) or why not? Hold up an advertising sign of some kind? In the real world is this work and do people get paid for holding up an advertising sign? In physics, work is only done when a force is applied and an object moves in the direction of the force. (6A) Lean against the wall. Am I doing work? Why or why not? (6A) List in your journal real world examples 2. Explore of force being applied to an object and the Use “Exploring Work and Energy”, in the Holt Lab manual, p. T-45 to explore the relationship between work and energy object moving (work being done). (6A) (6A, 2E) If you move one object twice as far as another identical object, did you do twice the work? (6A) Show the video clip “Work” and discuss how work is defined and calculated using force and distance. (6A) Work in cooperative groups to explore How do we calculate work and what units are used to measure work? (Work = force x distance) (measured in Joules (J) the concepts or work and energy. (6A) the same unit for measuring energy. (3F, 6A) 3. Explain Use Marzano’s 6 steps for vocabulary Use the web site “Work” to review the physics definition of work and how it relates to energy. (6A) acquisition for the vocabulary associated with Have students define work and energy in their science journals. How are they related and what units are used to measure work and energy work and energy? (6A) Calculate the work done when a force is What do you do for students who need additional support? applied over a distance. (6A) Use the web site “Work, Energy and Power” to make connections between these concepts. Calculate the potential and kinetic Have students lift different objects to different heights and calculate the work done and the change in potential energy. energy of real world objects. (6A)
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Have students read about the relationship between “Mass and Energy”, p. 190 and journal about Einstein’s findings. √ Check for student understanding
3. Elaborate Since the change in gravitational potential energy = the work done in lifting the object up, once I know PE I also know the work done. (6A, 6B)
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 22 of 46 What other forms of potential energy are there beside that due to gravity? Does it take work to stretch a spring or a rubber band? Is that work = to the potential energy stored in the spring or rubber band? (6A, 6B) What other unit can be used to measure energy? (3F) 4. Evaluate Calculate work for real world applications of force over a distance (3F) kinetic energy in real world situations Describe and give examples of how work and energy are related in terms of units, how work creates energy, and it takes energy to do work
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept
Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card interpret Holt Physics work observe Chapter 5 (pp. 168-180) Work = Force x distance energy describe Section 5.1 and 5.2 potential energy calculate W = F d (cos Ө) Laboratories: kinetic energy implement work-energy theorem formulate Holt Lab Manual Work Net = Δ KE express “Exploring Work and Energy”, p. T-45 employ KE = ½ m v2 “Bungee Jumping: Energy”, p. T-47.
Holt Teaching Transparencies T15 – Definition of Work PEg = m g h T17 – Defining Potential Energy with Respect to 2 Position Elastic = ½ k x T18 – Elastic Potential Energy TM20 – Classification of Energy
Textbook Practice Problems Work, p. 170 Kinetic Energy, p. 174 Work and Energy, p. 176 Potential Energy, p. 180 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand Use what you know about work and energy to predict the meaning of the “work-energy theorem” or meaning in English ______ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the work done on an object. instruction and interactions
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 23 of 46 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
TAKS Released Question Example Problem from College Board
2006 10th Grade – Answer - B A small sphere attached to the end of a string swings as a simple pendulum. Consider the following properties of the sphere:
A. Acceleration B. Kinetic Energy C. Mass D. Potential Energy E. Velocity
1. What property remains constant throughout the motion of the sphere? 2. Which property goes to zero and changes direction at each extreme point? 3. Which properties are transformed from one type to another as the sphere swings back and forth? Answer – H Answer - B
Additional TAKS Questions Answer – 1. Mass 2. Velocity 3. Kinetic and Potential Energy
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 24 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Work, Energy and Power
Week 5 – Lesson 2 – Conservation of Energy (3 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills What are some of the forms that energy can take? Student can: How can energy be transformed from one type to another? Describe the law of conservation of energy (IPC 5D) Why is energy never gained or lost in a real world transformation? Investigate thermal energy (6.9B) How can conservation of energy be used to solve real world energy transformation problems? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Have students describe in their own Swing a large pendulum back and forth (use a basket ball) to show energy being transformed from potential to kinetic. words what energy is and how it helps us in Or show the video clip Potential Energy in a Bowling Ball. When is the potential energy greatest? When is the kinetic daily life. energy greatest? Will the pendulum swing forever? What causes it to slow down? What happened to the energy the pendulum started with (it heated up the air in the room by friction)? (6D) Think-pair-share about the types of Discus conservation of energy and the transformation of energy into other forms. What are some other examples of energy used throughout the world. Then list energy changing forms while being conserved? (Roller Coaster, swing set, electric battery, gasoline in a car engine, water all the types of energy that the students have behind a dam) (6D) identified. (6D) Show the video clip “Potential and Kinetic Energy Conservation” to review these concepts (6D) 2. Explore Use the roller coaster web site to show how energy is transformed and how the most energy a roller coaster has is at Define potential energy and kinetic the start of the ride. Show the video clip PE and KE in Roller Coasters; to reinforce the concept of energy conversions. energy in their science journals and illustrate Can a roller coaster ever reach the height it stated at on the first hill? Why not? Where should the loops be located on the how to calculate each type of energy. ride to ensure enough energy is available? (6B) Or use the lab “Energy in the Pole Vault” from Active Physics, Sports, p. 44 to explore conservation of energy (6B, 2E) What does “energy transformation” mean? Can energy be transformed into a type of energy we cannot see? Does Work in cooperative groups to explore that mean the energy no longer exits? (6B) the conservation of energy (6D) 3. Explain What energy transformations take place in a roller coaster? What energy transformations take place in a pole vault? (6B) Compare the similarities and Have students describe other situations where energy is transformed from one type to another (for example – in their differences of potential and kinetic energy in homes). (6B) the science journals (6B) Show the web site “The Law of Conservation of Energy” to reinforce the transformation of energy in a pendulum (6D)
What do you do for students who need additional support? Think-pair-share about amusement park Reinforce the concept that the total energy of a system stays the same, but the energy can change from one form to another rides that transform energy from one form to within the system. another.
Drop a ball from 2 meters high and describe how the potential energy changes to kinetic energy as the ball falls to the ground and then bounces back up.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 25 of 46 What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Have students use the web site to design a roller coaster and identify the energy transformations that occur at each point in the path of the roller coaster. Work in cooperative groups to design and construct roller coasters that display √ Check for student understanding transformation of energy
3. Elaborate Build roller coasters out of clear plastic tubing and use a ball bearing for the car. Why is the height of the first hill (the lift hill) so important? Why must the next hill be shorter? Where should the loops be located (near the beginning or the end of the ride)? (6D, 2E) Some roller coasters have a second lift hill halfway through the ride. Why? (6D) 4. Evaluate List some of the forms of energy in the world. (6B) Calculate the transformation of potential energy to kinetic energy in a roller coaster as it travels along the track (3F, Journal about why a ball that bounces 5C) off the floor can never bounce higher than the height from which it was dropped. Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Unit Assessment on Work, Energy and Conservation of Energy Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card interpret Holt Physics Chapter 5 (pp. 181-186) Conservation of observe Conservation of Energy MEi = MEf energy describe Section 5.3 Energy calculate transformations Laboratories: implement Kinetic Energy Quick Lab, p. 183 formulate Potential Energy express Active Physics employ “Energy in the Pole Vault”, in Sports, p. 44 Holt Teaching Transparencies TM21 – Forms of Energy for a Falling Egg
Textbook Practice Problems Conservation of Mechanical Energy, p. 185
English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 26 of 46 ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about energy to predict the meaning of ”conservation of energy” or ______understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the various forms of energy. basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
TAKS Released Question Example Problem from College Board
Used to calculate the speed of a pendulum bob at the bottom of its swing given the height from which the bob is released. A. Conservation of energy alone B. Conservation of momentum alone C. Conservation of both energy and momentum D. Conservation of charge E. Mechanical equivalence of heat
Answer - A
18 The diagram shows an electric motor lifting a 6 N block a distance of 3 m. The total amount of electrical energy used by the motor is 30 J. How much energy does the motor convert to heat? A 9J B 12J C 18J D 21J Answer - B
Subject – Pre-AP Physics
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 27 of 46 Unit of Study: Work, Energy and Power Weeks 5 – Lesson 3 – Power (2 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How is power defined and how is power related to work and the time it takes to do the Student can: work? Critique the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources How are work and energy related by the work-energy theorem? (IPC 5I) If one machine does more work per hour than a second machine, how much more power does the first machine have? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can demonstrate competency The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Think-pair-share about why doing work faster Have one student lift a book from the floor to a height of one meter. Have another student do the same would be beneficial. thing but faster. How much work was done in each case? Was the amount of work the same? Was the work done in the same amount of time? (6A) List some machines that do work faster than if the Define power as the rate at which work is done. The faster we do the work the more power we use. Do same work is done by hand. (6C) more powerful machines accomplish work faster or slower than less powerful ones? (6C) 2. Explore Have students walk up a stairs, some fast and some slowly. Why did all the students do the same amount Work in cooperative groups to explore the of work? Which students had more power and why? When using more power, do we expend (use) more power used in walking up the stairs at different energy in order to get the work done faster? (2E, 6C) speeds. Does it take more energy to do work faster? Show the video clip “Power” and discuss how the work done can be the same while the amount of power used can be different. (6C) Calculate work and power for real life situations. Explore the units of power by dividing units for work (Joules) by units for time (seconds) to get Watts. What (6C) units does the electric company use to measure the electrical power delivered to our homes? (6C, 2E) 3. Explain Two copy machines in the school are used to reproduce 50 papers. One machine does the work twice as Journal about why it makes sense to pay more fast as the other. Did the do the same amount of work? How much more power did the second machine use? for a copy machine that can do work faster (more (6C) power) than another machine that is less expensive Why are we willing to pay more for a more powerful machine? (6C) Discuss in groups the similarities and differences What do you do for students who need additional support? between work, power, and rate of energy transfer. Use the link “Work and Power Re-teach” to relate and review the science concepts of this lesson and the lesson on (6C) work. Calculate work and power for different real world What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? situations (6C) Use the link “Power” to further explore this concept. Journal about how power is measured and what a power rating means to real world applications. √ Check for student understanding
3. Elaborate Review how to calculate work (force x distance). (6C, 3F) How do we calculate power (work divided by time) (6C) Does it take more energy to do work faster? (6C) Can two machines that do the same amount of work in different amounts of times have the same power?
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 28 of 46 (6C) 4. Evaluate Calculate work and power for various real world situations (3F, 6C)
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card Interpret Holt Physics Work Calculate Chapter 5 (pp. 187-189) Power = work Power Analyze Section 5.4 time Rate of work Investigate Textbook Practice Problems Rate of energy Demonstrate Power, p. 189 transfer Implement Express Employ English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about machines to predict the meaning of ”power” or work per unit time. understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and Identify words and phrases heard in a discussion about the power of a machine or system. basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board
Two students carry identical boxes (same size and weight) up TAKS Released Question to a 2nd story apartment while helping a friend move to a new Example Problem from College Board residence. One student carried the box up the stairs in 30 2006 11th Grade seconds while the second student carried the box up the stairs in 60 seconds. When comparing the work and power of the two students, it would be correct to say that None A. Both students did the same amount of work with the same power. B. The first student did more work with less power. C. The second student did more work with more power. D. Both students did the same amount of work but the first student had twice the power of the second student.
Answer - D Answer - H
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 29 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Benchmark Assessment Week Second Grading Period – Week 6 CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills Evaluation of learning in an ongoing process. A formal assessment is part of the overall learning process. All content covered to date will be subject to evaluation.
The Teaching Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will…
Review IPC content as needed . Review science content and demonstrate learning
Review biology concept - Genetic Variation s t Bikini Bottoms Genetics and Genetics Assessment p
e TEKS 6 The student knows the Mechanism of genetics, including the role of nuclei c acids and the principles of Mendelian Genetics. The student is expected to: n o
C F predict possible outcomes of various genetic combinations such as monohybrid crosses, dihybrid crosses, and non-Mendelian inheritance.
Conduct a formal assessment (FMA)
Review science process skills as need and conduct a formal assessment (FMA) s l l i k S
Evidence of Learning
Given a written assessment document, students will obtain a score of at least 80% or higher
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 30 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Momentum, Impulse and Collisions Second Grading Period – Weeks 7 & 8 (8 days) CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) Unit Rationale Momentum is a function of an object’s mass and velocity. To change the momentum of The force that a person applies to an object or experiences during a collision is an object requires a force applied over a period of time. The longer the period of time, dependent upon the time-of-impact. Many of the safety devices in a car are designed to the less force that is required or experienced. The momentum of all objects involved in extend the time-of-impact in order to reduce the force on the occupant. a collision is conserved from start to finish. Essential Questions Guiding Questions How are the size of a force and the amount of time the force is applied related to the How do mass and velocity determine the linear momentum of an object? change in linear momentum of an object? How can momentum be transferred from one object to another?
TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome Physics TEKS 6 The student knows that changes occur within a physical system and applies the laws of ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. conservation of energy and momentum. The student is expected to: describe and calculate linear calculate the momentum of an object given its (C) calculate the mechanical energy of, power generated momentum for objects of various mass mass and velocity (6C)) within, impulse applied to, and momentum of a physical and velocity (6C) s calculate the force required to change the t system;
p determine the effect of force on momentum of an object over a period of time (6C)
e (D) demonstrate and apply the laws of conservation of changes in linear momentum (6C) analyze a collision between two objects and use c energy and conservation of momentum in one dimension; n describe and determine the effect of conservation of momentum to find the final o time-of-impact on changes in linear velocities of the objects (6D) C IPC TEKS 4 The student knows concepts of force and momentum (6C). motion evident in everyday life. The student is expected to: (E) apply the concept of conservation of momentum using action and reaction forces such as students on skateboards;
Physics TEKS 2 The student uses a systematic approach design and conduct an investigation into apply technology to explore the concepts of impulse to answer scientific laboratory and field investigative the effect of force and time on the and momentum (2E). questions. The student is expected to: momentum of an object (2E). (E) design and implement investigative procedures, determine the relationship between including making observations, asking well-defined force, mass and velocity (3F). questions, formulating testable hypotheses, identifying manipulate equations to solve for any variables, selecting appropriate equipment and technology, variable needed (3F). and evaluating numerical answers for reasonableness; (F) demonstrate the use of course apparatus, equipment, s l
l techniques, and procedures, i k
S Physics TEKS 3 The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning, and problem solving to make informed decisions within and outside the classroom. The student is expected to: (F) express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted theories to make predictions and solve problems mathematically, including problems requiring proportional reasoning and graphical vector addition.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 31 of 46 ELPS Student Expectations ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to . Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social vocabulary related to the understand meaning in English concepts of impulse and momentum (1A,,2C) ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and . Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others individually or in small basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C) instruction and interactions . Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary (5B) ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning . Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new interactions vocabulary (1A) ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and . Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B) content-based grade-level vocabulary
College Readiness Student Expectations College Readiness - Intended Outcome Science Standards o Identify the affect of varying mass and velocity on the momentum of an object o VIII – C3: Understand the concept of momentum o Calculate the force required to change the momentum of an object when applied for a given amount of time o II – B1: Carry out formula operations using standard o Identify situations in which momentum is conserved during the collision of various objects algebraic symbols and formulae o II – D1: Use dimensional analysis in problem solving Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
1. Given the mass and velocity of an object, students can calculate the linear momentum of the object at least 80% of the time correctly. 2. Given a force applied over a period of time, students can calculate the change in momentum of the object at least 80% of the time correctly. 3. Given two objects that collide, students can analyze the collision and determine the final velocities of the two objects after the collision.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 32 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Momentum, Impulse and Collisions Weeks 7 – Lesson 1 – Impulse and Momentum (4 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How do mass and velocity determine the linear momentum of an object? Student can: What effect do force and the time-of-impact have on changing linear momentum? Calculate momentum in systems (IPC 4A) Why should athletes (golfers, tennis and baseball players) always “follow through” on their swing? How do the air bag, seat belt, and padded dashboard reduce the “force of impact” on a person involved in a car crash? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction 1. Engage Think-pair-share about what it means Roll a bowling ball or other heavy object against some pins or blocks of wood. Now roll a tennis ball at the same when a sports team or political candidate says speed. Which ball affects the pins the most? What was different about the balls, their mass, or their velocity? (6C) they have momentum? What does Drop an egg onto a solid surface so that it breaks. Now drop the egg onto a soft pillow so that it does not break. Why momentum mean in your own words? did the egg break in the first trial, but not in the second? Was the force on the egg the same both times? Was the time it took to stop the same both times? (6C) Describe other examples of when an 2. Explore object breaks or how to keep something from Have students push small rolling carts with different masses in them. Are the carts with more mass hard to start breaking. When tossing an egg back and rolling? Are they also harder to start rolling? Is a bus harder to push than a small car? (6C, 2E)) forth, how can you keep the egg from breaking when you catch it? Discuss the combination of mass and velocity when determining the linear momentum. (momentum = mass x velocity) Why are they both important? Why is linear momentum sometimes referred to as “inertia in motion”? (6C, 3F) Can two objects of different mass have the Use the web site “How long does it take to stop a moving train” to compare stopping distances for objects of varying same momentum? Which object must have the mass. (6C) greater velocity? (6C) What does it take to change the momentum of an object (get it moving or stop it)? If I use a large force, can I apply it for a shorter period of time? (6C) List in your science journal objects that have Use the Promethean Interactive White Board Flip Chart - “Impulse and Momentum” lots of momentum either because of their mass, or velocity, or both. (6C) 3. Explain Use the web site “The Impulse-Momentum Change Theory” to discuss the relationship between force, time and Calculate linear momentum for objects of change in velocity. (6C) various mass and velocity. Coaches often tell baseball or tennis players to “follow through” on their swing. If the ball stays on the bat or tennis racket longer when a player follows through, how would this impact the change in momentum of the ball for the same Calculate the force required to change the applied force? (6C) linear momentum of an object when applied for What do you do for students who need additional support? a given period of time. (6C) Discuss the force needed to stop a fully loaded train versus the force needed to stop a small empty truck traveling at the same speed. Why are the forces different? Would it also take more force to get the train moving than to get the truck moving? Compare the linear momentum of the two objects and how the masses are different but the velocities the same?
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Have students experiment with catching a basketball while standing on a rolling platform (like a skate board). Does the momentum change when catching the ball and throwing the ball back? Does bouncing the ball off the student produce the same affect as catching and throwing?
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 33 of 46 √ Check for student understanding 3. Elaborate Have students build a protective shell that will keep an egg from breaking when dropped from 2-3 meters high using paper, straws, string, rubber bands, and tape. Then drop the devices with a real egg inside to see if the egg will break. (6C, 2E) Watch the Holt Science in the News, Physical science video “Egg Drop Contest” (in the teacher resource kit) and respond to the critical thinking questions for segment 6. (6C) Why would a rifle fire a bullet farther than a pistol for the same amount of gun power (same force)? (6C) List in your science journal the things in a car When crashing a car, would it be better to hit a pile of hay or a concrete wall? Why? (6C) that are designed to protect the passenger from a large force during an accident. How do these Why should you bend your knees when jumping to the floor from a desk? Would locking your knees make the force devices reduce the force on the passenger? larger or smaller? (6C, 2E) Show the video clip “Impulse and Change in Momentum” and discuss how force, time of application, and change in Why is it important for a pilot of a large velocity are related. (6C) airplane to land at the lowest possible speed 4. Evaluate when touching down on a runway? How does Calculate momentum for various objects and compare them. (3F) this affect the momentum of the airplane and Calculate the force required to change the momentum of an object. the amount of force required to stop it? (6C) Describe real world examples of changing momentum and how you can reduce the force required.
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card Calculate Holt Physics Momentum = Mass x velocity Momentum Demonstrate Chapter 6 (pp. 208-214) Section 6.1 Impulse Plan Force x Δ t = M (Vf + Vi) Change in Implement Textbook Practice Problems momentum Express Momentum, p. 209 Employ Force and Change in Momentum, p. 211 Stopping Distance, p. 213 Holt Science in the News, Physical science video “Egg Drop Contest” English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about the momentum of moving objects to predict the meaning of ”impulse” or ______understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and Identify word and phrases heard in a discussion about the momentum of moving objects. basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 34 of 46 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board Vehicles built today have airbags installed for the front seat TAKS Released Question Example Problem from College Board occupants. The purpose of these devices 2004 10th Grade In an auto accident, which of the following items is to reduce injuries to the people when the car stops would reduce the force on the driver by increasing suddenly and they slam forward. In an accident, the the time during which the momentum of the occupants are less likely to be injured because the - occupant was reduced to zero. A distance they move during an accident is smaller. I. Padded dashboard B impulse they experience during an accident is less. II. Collapsing steering wheel C the total time of the impact is reduced. III. Front bumper that crushes during D amount of force they experience is reduced. impact IV. Tires that are larger in diameter Answer - C V. Air bag that deploys on contact Answer - A A. I and II B. II and IV C. I, II, III and V D. III, !V and V Answer - C
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 35 of 46 Subject – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Momentum, Impulse and Collisions
Week 8 – Lesson 2 – Collisions and Conservation of Momentum (4 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How can momentum be transferred from one object to another? Student can: What is conservation of momentum and how can it be used to solve collision problems between two objects? Apply the concept of conservation of How are elastic and in-elastic collisions different or the same? momentum (IPC 4E) What are some real life examples of objects that collide and how can conservation of momentum be used to determine the objects velocity before or after the collision? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5 E Model of Instruction Think-pair-share about collisions that occur 1. Engage between real world objects everyday Roll one motion cart into another so they hook together and continue rolling in the same direction. How was the mass of the two objects together different from the one moving object at the start? How did the velocity change after the collision? Was the momentum before the same as the momentum after? (6D) Work in cooperative groups to explore collisions Review how to calculate the momentum of a moving object (m x v) (5C) between objects Have a student stand on a skate board or sit in a rolling chair, then throw a basket ball away from him. Which way did the student move in relation to the ball? Where the combined momentums of the student and the ball Use the reading comprehension process to read (positive and negative) the same as the zero momentum of the system at the start? (6D) about “Surviving a Collision”, p. 217 in the textbook, Discus conservation of momentum and the transfer of momentum from one object to anther. What are some then journal about all the ways a car is designed to other examples of momentum being transferred? (billiard balls on a pool table, hitting a golf ball with a golf club, protect the occupant during a collision (6D) etc.) (6D) 2. Explore Explore elastic and inelastic collisions using momentum carts. (6D, 2E) Journal about real world collisions where Or use billiard ball (pool balls) to explore the transfer of momentum from one object to another. If one object momentum is conserved (6D) loses momentum, what must happen to the momentum of other object? (6D, 2E) Or explore Elastic and Inelastic Collisions at this web site to see how the velocity of the moving objects Is momentum conserved when a car strikes a changes when momentum is conserved (6D) small bug traveling in the opposite direction? How Discus collisions between cars on a road. What happens when a moving car strikes a car a rest? How was does the velocity of the car change when compared to the momentum transferred and conserved? How would this be different or the same if a bus strikes a car at rest? the change in velocity of the bug? (6D) 3. Explain Discus elastic and inelastic collisions. How are they similar and different? What are some real world examples Journal about how a motorcycle rider of elastic collisions (two pool balls striking)? What are some real world examples of inelastic collisions (two train could (theoretically) have a head on collision with a cars bus and both objects come to a complete stop. How hooking together)? (6D) would Discuss how to visualize what would happen in a collision, for example a bus striking a car from behind. What the speed of the bus and motorcycle compare for this do you think would happen to the car; what would happen to the speed of the bus? (6D) to occur? (6D)
What do you do for students who need additional support? Use the web site “Impulse and Momentum” to review the concept of momentum and the change in momentum and how they apply to conservation of momentum in a collision.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 36 of 46 What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Discuss and journal about how the momentum of a rolling wagon would change if you poured water into the wagon as it rolled along a flat level surface. Is this an example of a collision problem and is momentum conserved? √ Check for student understanding
3. Elaborate Apply conservation of momentum to real world situations. For example, how is momentum conserved when a rifle fires a bullet? Is the momentum of the rifle backwards equal to the momentum of the bullet forwards? Are their masses and velocities also the same? (6D) 4. Evaluate Unit Assessment for Momentum, Impulse, Describe real world collisions between objects and how momentum is conserved in every case. (6D) Collisions, and Conservation of Momentum
Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of lesson/concept Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Resources Key Formulas: Vocabulary Card Calculate Holt Physics Conservation of Demonstrate Chapter 6 (pp. 215-230) Momentum before = Momentum after momentum Plan Section 6.2 and 6.3 Energy Implement Laboratories: M1V1 + M2V2 = (M1 + M2) Vf transformations Express Quick Lab, p. 227 Elastic Collisions Employ Holt Teaching Transparencies Inelastic Collisions M1V1i + M2V2i = M1 V1f + M2V2f T20 – Type of Collisions Textbook Practice Problems Conservation of Momentum, p. 219 Inelastic Collisions, p. 224 Elastic Collisions, p. 229 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about collisions between objects to predict the meaning of ”elastic collisions” or ______understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, Identify word and phrases heard in a discussion about the collisions between two moving objects. and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board A bus strikes a car from behind when the car was stopped TAKS Released Question at a red light. After the collision, the front bumper on the 2006 11th Grade bus and the rear bumper on the car get hooked together. Example Problem from College Board What would you predict to be the motion of the two vehicles after the collision? Used to calculate the velocity of two moving freight cars, after they couple and move together, given the initial A. The two vehicles stop completely. masses and velocities of the freight cars. B. The two vehicles continue forward at the same speed as the bus before the accident. F. Conservation of energy alone C. The two vehicles move backwards at the same speed G. Conservation of momentum alone of the bus before the accident. H. Conservation of both energy and momentum D. The two vehicles mover forward at a speed less than I. Conservation of charge SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 37 of 46 that of the bus before the accident. J. Mechanical equivalence of heat Answer Answer D
Answer J Science - Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Second Grading Period – Weeks 8 & 9 (7 Days) CURRICULUM OVERVIEW Enduring Understandings (Big Idea) Unit Rationale Much of the power we use today comes from heat that is converted to work. Energy production is key to our current way of life, and fossil fuels remain the primary Thermodynamics defines the efficiency of heat systems and the limits of converting heat source of energy production. The limitations of converting energy to work are critical to to increased internal energy or work in the real world. Entropy reflect the order or our optimal use of limited energy resources. disorder in a system. Essential Questions Guiding Questions What are some ways that heat is transferred when cooking food or heating/cooling a Give an example of real life transfer of heat by conduction, convection and house? radiation. Why can’t any system be 100% efficient when transferring heat from one object to Describe how specific heat capacity affects the temperature change of different another? materials. Why do some objects heat up and cool down faster than others? Describe the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and their application. TEKS (Standards) TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome Physics TEKS 6 The student knows that changes occur within a physical system and applies the laws of conservation of energy and momentum. The student is ” I CAN” statements highlighted in yellow should be displayed for students. expected to s t 6E describe how the macroscopic properties of a thermodynamic system such as I can: p
e temperature, specific heat, and pressure are related to the molecular level of Describe how heat can be transferred from one material to another (6F) c matter, including kinetic and potential energy of atoms n Understand the laws of thermodynamics and how they apply to real world
o 6F contrast and give examples of different processes of thermal energy transfer, situations (6G) C including conduction, convection, and radiation Define Entropy and describe situations where Entropy is increasing or 6G analyze and explain everyday examples that illustrate the laws of decreasing (6G) thermodynamics, including the law of conservation of energy and the law of entropy
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 38 of 46 SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading – Period©2010-11Grading Second SAISD
problems requiring proportional reasoning proportionalreasoning problems requiring mathematically, including andsolveproblems theories tomake predictions (F) to: student isexpected outsidetheclassroom.The informed decisionswithin and problem solvingtomake Physics 3 TEKS Skprocedures, il(F) ls numerical answers for reasonableness; evaluating andtechnology, equipment variables, selectingappropriate hypotheses,identifying questions,formulatingtestable asking well-defined (E) studentisexpectedto: investigativequestions. The laboratory andfield Physics 2 TEKS
express and interpret relationships symbolically in accordance with accepted relationshipssymbolically inaccordance express andinterpret techniques,and of courseapparatus,equipment, demonstrate theuse design and implement investigative procedures, includingmaking observations, investigativeprocedures, design andimplement
The student uses critical thinking, scientific reasoning,and usescriticalthinking,scientific The student toanswer scientific usesasystematic approach The student and graphical vector addition. and graphicalvector Science Pre-AP PhysicsScience manipulate (2E) investigationsinasafemanner conduct heatengines(2E) intothermodynamics and andimplement investigations plan andwork (2E) technologytoexploreheat apply equations to finda specific quantity(3F) Page Page 39 of of 46 ELPS Student Expectations ELPS Specificity - Intended Outcome ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in English Use prior experiences to expand upon and to learn academic and social ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary related to the concept of heat transfer and thermodynamics (1A,,2C) vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Expresses and shares opinions, ideas, feelings, and information with others ELPS 3c – share information in cooperative learning interactions individually or in small groups using appropriate vocabulary (3C) ELPS 5b – write using newly acquired basic vocabulary and content-based grade- Journal experiences using complete sentences and newly acquired vocabulary level vocabulary (5B) Use a variety of strategies such as learning Logs to assist in pre-reading activities to gain new vocabulary (1A) Create and use labeled illustration to enhance learning of key concepts and vocabulary (5B)
College Readiness Student Expectations College Readiness - Intended Outcome Science Standards o Identify various forms of heat transfer and classify them as conduction, convection or o VIII – H1: Understand the gain and loss of heat energy in matter radiation o VIII – H2: Understand the basic laws of thermodynamics o Describe examples of the laws of thermodynamics o II – B1: Carry out formula operations using standard algebraic symbols and formulae o II – D1: Use dimensional analysis in problem solving Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment) 1. Given an example of heat transfer, the students can identify the process by which the heat is transferred and the direction of heat flow 80% of the time correctly. 2. Given a real world example, the students can identify when entropy is increasing or decreasing 80% of the time correctly.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 40 of 46 Science – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Week 8 – Lesson 1 – Temperature and Heat Transfer (3 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills How is temperature different than heat? The student can: Give an example of real life transfer of heat by conduction, convection and radiation. Investigate methods of thermal energy transfer (6.9A) What are some measurement units for heat? For temperature? Verify the movement of thermal energy from warmer to cooler What happens to matter as heat is added or removed? objects (6.9B) Describe how specific heat capacity affects the temperature change of different materials? The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5E Model of Instruction Engage Discuss the different temperature Demonstrate the temperature of a substance using several different scales (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin). (6F) scales used throughout the world Is heat the same as temperature? Can we accurately measure temperature with our bodies? Is heat measured in the same units as temperature? What direction does heat flow when moving from one object to another? (6F) Describe how we sense heat and cold Explore the temperatures we sense using the Quick Lab, “Sensing Temperature”, page 358 of the textbook. Can our and why that is not a good measure of the senses really tell us if something is hot or cold? Do all people feel hot or cold at the same time? (6F) temperature of an object (6F) Explore Let students use the web site “Temperature Conversions” to explore the equivalent temperatures on various scales. describe everyday examples of heat and What is the temperature for water becoming ice on each of the different scales? What is room temperature (72°) on each temperature including the different of the scales? (6F) temperature scales (6F) Explore heat transfer using the “Light Bulb” activity to show all 3 types of transfer. (6F) Or explore the transfer of heat using the lab “Temperature and Internal Energy”, p. T-57 of the Holt Lab Manual. (6F, Work in cooperative groups to 6G) evaluate different methods of heat transfer Use the Promethean Interactive White Board Flip Chart - “Conduction, Convection and Radiation” and provide examples of each type discuss the relationship between heat, energy and work (6G) review the methods of heat transfer (6F) Explain Define temperature as a measure of the internal energy of a substance. (6F) Describe how an increase in Define absolute zero as the temperature where all molecular motion stops. (6F) Does it make sense that all kinetic temperature changes the internal energy energy of a substance is gone when an object reaches absolute zero on the Kelvin temperature scale? (6E) of a substance Describe how heat and energy are related by the same units of measure. (6F) Define absolute temperature on the Kelvin and Celsius scales and what What do you do for students who need additional support? happens to matter at that temperature (6F) Use the web site “Heat Transfer” to explore examples of conduction, convection, and radiation. What are some examples of heat transfer in your house? Which ones are by conduction? Convection? Radiation?
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Read the article on the web site “Temperature” and journal about how the different temperature scales were developed and used. √ Check for student understanding
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 41 of 46 Elaborate Use the reading comprehension process Discuss the article “Heating and Cooling from the Ground Up”, p. 375 in the textbook to connect the learning to real to summarize the article “Heating and world applications. (6F) Cooling from the Ground Up” Use the Quick Lab “Work and Heat”, p. 368 in the textbook to help students see the connection between these two concepts. (6F)
Evaluate Describe the three methods of hear transfer and give real world examples of each. (6F) Identify freezing and boiling points for water on different temperature scales. (6F) Journal about the different ways heat Describe absolute zero and what happens to matter at that temperature on the Kelvin scale. (6E) is transferred in your house (for example, Convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit and back. (6F) touching a hot stove, standing in front of a fireplace, blowing warm air on your hands to warm them). Convert from one temperature scale to Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of the lesson/concepts another (6F)
Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Teacher Resources: Key Formulas Heat Analyze Temperature Explain Holt Physics TF = (9/5) TC + 32.0 Heat transfer Evaluate Chapter 10 (pp. 358-370, 383-385) Thermal equilibrium Disorder Section 10.1, 10.2, 10.4 TC = 5/9(TF - 32.0) Celsius Implement Laboratories: TKelvin = TC + 273.15° Fahrenheit Holt Lab Manual Kelvin “Temperature and Internal Energy”, p. T57 Calorimeter Conduction Textbook Quick Lab, “Sensing Temperature”, p. 358 Convection Quick Lab, “Work and Heat”, p. 368 Radiation Vernier: Physics with Computers/Calculators “Newton’s Law of Cooling”, p. 33-31 Teaching Transparencies Transfer of Particles’ Kinetic Energy by Heat, T-35 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meaning in Use what you know about transfer of heat between two objects to predict the meaning of English ”convection” or ______ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Identify word and phrases heard in a discussion about the transfer of heat between two objects.
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 42 of 46 Evidence of Learning Formative Mini-Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness i.e., Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
TAKS Released Question If the addition of 2,000 joules of heat to 10 kilograms of a substance raises its temperature 2°C, the specific heat of the substance is
(A) 0.01 J/kg • °C
(B) 0.2 J/kg • °C
(C) 50 J/kg • °C
(D) 100 J/kg • °C
Answer - J (E) 200 J/kg • °C Answer - G
Additional TAKS Questions Answer - D
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 43 of 46 Science – Pre-AP Physics Unit of Study: Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics Week 9 – Lesson 2 – Thermodynamics and Entropy (4 days) CURRICULUM GUIDE Guiding Questions Essential Pre-requisite Skills Describe the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics and their application. The student can: Give examples of entropy changes in real life. demonstrate the movement of thermal energy through solids, liquids and gases Define how the efficiency of a heat engine can be determined. by convection, conduction and radiation (IPC 5E)
The Teaching and Learning Plan Instructional Model & Teacher Directions So students can… The teacher will… 5E Model of Instruction Engage Review the concept of work and the units used to measure work (Joules). What units did we measure heat Discuss how heat and work are related. in? (also Joules). If we have heat energy, can we use it to do work? (6G) The steam engine is one of the best and earliest examples of heat being used to do work (power a steam Describe how the addition of heat can result in locomotive). What are some other examples of heat being used to do work? (Nuclear or coal power plant) (6G) work or a rise in temperature (6G) Heat can be used to either do work or increase the internal energy of a closed system by increasing the temperature. (6G) Explore Discuss the 1 st Law of Thermodynamics and how energy can be used to do work or to increase the internal Recognize everyday examples of the 1st Law of temperature of a system. (6G) Thermodynamics where energy is conserved (6G) Discuss the law of conservation of energy from previous lessons. Use a pendulum to demonstrate conservation of energy. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a restatement of conservation of energy for heat. describe increases in entropy in the world (6G) 6G) Since Energy must be conserved, the change in a systems internal energy = the energy transferred to or Describe why a heat engine (like an automobile from the system as heat minus the energy transferred to or from the system as work (Δ U = Q – W). (7A) engine) cannot turn 100% of the energy stored in the Describe the transfer of energy in a refrigerator system. (6G) gasoline into motion. Where did the rest of the energy Explore the 1 st and 2 nd laws of thermodynamics using the web site. (6G) go? (6G) Discuss the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics and the limitations of a heat system to transfer all energy from heat to work (no system is 100% efficient). (7A) Define entropy as the amount of disorder in a system. When an ice cube melts, does the entropy (disorder) increase or decrease? How would entropy be affected if the water froze again? (6G) The entropy of the universe is constantly increasing as the universe expands and cools. What will happen when the entire universe cools to the same temperature? (6G) Explain Discuss entropy and the natural tendency for things (like a student’s room) to become disordered, thus Describe examples of increasing order (water increasing entropy. (6G) freezing) and decreasing order (ice melting) (6G)
What do you do for students who need additional support? Use the web site “Heat Engines” to review how heat can be used to create energy using the laws of thermodynamics.
What do you do for students who master the learning quickly? Read the article “Deep-Sea Air Conditioning”, p. 416 in the Textbook, Tomorrow’s Technology. How does this system work and how does it benefit the environment?
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 44 of 46 √ Check for student understanding Elaborate Read the article “Solar Thermal Power Systems”, p. 421in the textbook and discuss how this system uses heat transfer to produce electricity. Why is it important to look for alternative energy sources today? (6G) Journal about alternative ways to create energy from heat sources such as geothermal energy, radiant energy, and wind energy. Evaluate Describe the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics. (6G) Define entropy and give examples (6G) Calculate the efficiency of a heat engine. (6G) Define entropy and give real world examples of how disorder is increased or decreased. (6G) Journal about how the 1st Law of Thermodynamics relate to the law of conservation of energy (6G) Describe why a pendulum will not continue Refer back to the Guiding Questions to assess students' knowledge of the lesson/concepts swinging forever. Will a car run forever on one tank of gas?
Content Vocabulary: Academic Vocabulary: Teacher Resources: Key Formulas Isothermal Analyze Isometric Explain Holt Physics Δ U = Q – W Adiabatic Evaluate Chapter 11 (pp. 402-429) Entropy Disorder Section 11.1-11.4 Efficiency = Qh - Qc Disorder Implement Qh Laboratories: Net Work = Qh – Qc Textbook Quick lab, “Entropy and Probability”, p. 426
Teaching Transparencies Low and High Entropy Systems, T-43 English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) ELPS Language Objectives ELPS Stems ELPS 1a – use prior knowledge and experiences to Use what you know about heat transfer to predict the meaning of ”entropy” or ______understand meaning in English ELPS 2c – learn new language structures, expressions, Identify word and phrases heard in a discussion about the limits of efficiency in any heat system. and basic and academic vocabulary heard during classroom instruction and interactions Evidence of Learning Formative Mini-Assessment TAKS Benchmarks College-Readiness i.e., Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College Board/Career/Life
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 45 of 46 A heat engine operates between two reservoirs, one at a None TAKS Released Question temperature of 300 K and the other at a temperature of 200 K. In one cycle, the engine absorbs 600 joules of None heat and does 150 joules of work. The actual efficiency of the heat engine is most nearly
. 75% . 67% . 50% . 33% Answer –33%
SAISD © 2010-11 – Second Grading Period Science Pre-AP Physics Page 46 of 46