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Total No. of Pages: 2 5529 Register Number: Name of the Candidate:
(PAPER-XXI) 208/630.INTERIOR SERVICE SYSTEM (New Regulation and Old Regulation) Time: Three hours Maximum: 60 marks
SECTION-A (101 = 10) Answer ALL questions I. Fill in the blanks: 1. Plywood is made of______2. ______wood has good absorption capacity. 3. An example of porous water absorbent material is______4. ______is the process of treating air so as to control its temperature, humidity and purity. 5. The comfort temperature range is______to______6. The measure of moisture in air is called______7. ______trap is also known as ‘Sewer’ trap. 8. Thermocole is a______material. 9. ______is the measurement of sound. 10. ______materials contribute to the retardation fire. II. State True or false (5×1=5) 11. Plastic pipes are not genrally used for domestic water supply. 12. Traps restrict entry of foul gases and odour. 13. Water resistant materials are porous in nature. 14. Normal relative humidity should be between 40 to 60 percent in the air. 15. An example for fire resistant material is point. 2
SECTION-B (3 5 = 15) Answer any THREE questions All questions carry equal marks
16. Write short notes on Bathroom fittings. 17. Explain the need for good acoustics. 18. Explain the advantages and disadvantage of central air conditioning. 19. Explain the methods of thermal insulation. 20. Describe the various fire resisting materials with their uses. 21. Comment on the benefits of Lift.
SECTION-C (3 10 = 30) Answer any THREE questions All questions carry equal marks
22. Describe the different types of traps and their uses. 23. Discuss the ways of water proofing of roof, walls , exposed doors and windows. 24. Describe the ways to control fires in building. 25. Explain the following terms: a) ------bation b) Escalators c) Ambient Noise d) Echo 26. Describe the types of Cooters. 27. Write a note on reflection of sound and behaviour of sound in enclosures.