A Fashion Beginning
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Welcome to the Danger By Design walkthrough! If it’s your first time to play any Nancy Drew game, then start on Junior Detective because the puzzles are easier. Also, if you want to, consult the “How to be a Detective” book on Nancy’s desk for guidance to become your very own detective. However, if it’s not your first Nancy Drew game, choose whatever difficulty you want. All spoilers that appear in this walkthrough will be in red, italicized, and have the word “spoiler” in front of them.
A Fashion Beginning
Nancy’s undercover in Paris as Minette’s new assistant to figure out why Minette is wearing a mask and why she’s behind in making her spring collection.
As Nancy walks into Minette’s House of Design, the other door will be open and a potted plant will go flying through it and towards Nancy’s head. Nancy will duck and Heather McKay, Minette’s other assistant, will come out after she tries to calm Minette down. Talk to Heather and Nancy will tell her that the airport lost her luggage, flashlight, and cell phone. She’ll tell Nancy that Jing Jing Ling, Nancy’s roommate, has tons of clothes that Nancy can borrow. Heather will also give Nancy a metro pass, which will allow Nancy to go anywhere for free. Keep talking to Heather until Nancy doesn’t have any more questions. Then look around the room. Read through the magazine on the table and then look at the dodo box that’s next to the door. Then look at the drawing table across the room and ask Heather what the drawings are about. She’ll tell Nancy that she’s supposed to be working on those. Then go over to Nancy’s desk, which is across the room from Heather’s.
Login to the computer and look at email and the to-do list. Then look at the drawings in the drawer beneath the door. Sonny Joon was here. There are instructions about how to fix the plotter if it’s broken, which it is. Go to the machine that’s near Nancy’s desk. That’s the plotter. Fix it by moving the different bars to different heights on the screen. At the bottom of the instructions in Sonny’s notebook is different ways to put each of the bars. Each of these solutions will fix the plotter. When Nancy’s done, hit the print button and it should come out reading A B C D. If it doesn’t, then try again.
Spoiler: Use the 1-2-1 solution by moving the H bar up 1 and then hit print. It’s the easiest one to remember.
When Nancy backs away from the plotter, after it’s fixed, the phone will ring. Answer the phone and Lynn Manrique will ask if Minette’s available to talk about Noisette Tornade and the windmill that Tornade used to own, which Minette does now. Heather will overhear and she’ll tell Nancy to tell Lynn that Minette can’t see anyone for another six weeks. She’ll overhear, thank Nancy for her time, and hang up. Turn to the blue door and a note will be slipped under it by someone. It’s for Minette, but Heather tells Nancy to open it anyway. It’s another threatening note. Minette has gotten some notes before. Heather tells Nancy to put it in the Dodo box, which is kept locked because the note’s wickedness might get out if the box is opened. Making Tea and Buying Stimulation
Now it’s time to go meet Minette. Head through the brown door and head to Nancy’s left. Minette will immediately call Nancy over. She tells Nancy not to touch the form with the cloth on it. It’s for the First Lady. Then she wants Nancy to fix her some of the tea prescribed by her tea therapist. Nancy will need to follow the instructions that come with the tea to fix it properly. On the way to the tea area, look at the paint splattered dials and the magazine on the table. Then look at the instructions on the tea buffet. Nancy will ask Minette what her favorite color is, which Minette says red. Then Nancy will ask Minette to pick a number between 1 and 10. Minette says 10. At the end of the instructions, Nancy will know that the applicable conditions are: 1. Minette is right-handed (gaviforme family); 2. Minette is not humming (potency of 7 or greater); and 3. Minette’s favorite color is red (marshy area herbs). Look through the herbs to find what matches any of those criteria. It doesn’t need to match more than one. Then put the right herbs in the boiling pot.
Spoiler: Put in the following herbs. Boojum, Breland, Callicula, Fennellery, Gibbering, Hog Bone, Macrophylla, Phyrgia, Pipsweet, Varvaine, and Yellow Buttons.
When Nancy’s done putting the herbs in the pot, click on the tea pot to make the tea. When Nancy’s done making tea, a cup filled with it will be in her hands (in front of the screen). Nancy will ask Minette where she wants the tea and Minette says to leave it on the tea buffet.
Leave Minette’s office and she’ll call Nancy back in. The tea helped stimulate her brain, but she needs Nancy to buy four items that’s similar to the stuff she has, but different. She needs them to stimulate her artistically. She’ll give Nancy 15 or 20 euros to buy the stuff (Nancy already has 175 euros). Leave Minette’s design studio and take the metro to Pont Neuf. Enter the park and look at the cross. Then go to the left and talk to the vender with the sign “A Vendre” on the front of the table. Nancy can bargain the price down if she wants to, but never offer 1 euro because that’s too low for anything and Nancy will have to pay full price. Look at the green rings and offer 4 euros for them. Nancy will automatically put these in the bag when she buys them. Then go to the vender farthest from the park’s entrance. Buy the lava lamp for 15 euros and the cone for 3 euros. Then go the vender on the middle path and buy the blue canister for 21 euros. The vender will ask Nancy if she wants to paint reproductions. He’ll pay 15 euros for each good reproduction produced. If Nancy says yes, then he’ll tell Nancy how to do it and will start her on the Mona Lisa. If Nancy wants to paint another, then she’ll have a choice of Mona Lisa or flowers. Mona Lisa is the easier painting to do.
Return to Minette’s studio and try to talk to Minette. She won’t answer because she’s playing a game and wants to get the highest score before she does anything else. Go to Nancy’s computer and click on Jane’s Game Portal. Log in to the game portal using Minette’s username and password, which is easy to figure out. The username is Minette’s favorite form and her password is her favorite word.
Spoiler: Enter Carol for the username and Rude for the password.
Nancy is into the game portal when she enters the correct username and password. The only thing to play is Model Match. The goal is to get more than 1000 points by matching up 3 to 5 of a model’s face in a row (i.e. 5 faces of Brady Armstrong) in a certain time period. Each match gains points. The bigger the match, the more points earned. When Nancy’s done, Minette will be ecstatic and wants Nancy to come in. Nancy will give Minette what she bought and Minette will love each of the items. Then she tells Nancy to leave because she’s got work to do.
The Errands
It’s time to do the rest of the errands. If Nancy needs to go over them again, then look at the to-do list on her computer. Go to Rue du Bac, which is where Dieter von Schwesterkrank lives and works. Ask him about Minette’s photos. He hasn’t made them yet, but tells Nancy that she could do them. Look at the binder on the bookshelf next to the fish tank for instructions on how to do it. Head over to the dark room (AKA the bathroom) and look to Nancy’s right. There’s the equipment, the negatives, and clips to hang the photos on. Put the negative in the enlarger, and then turn the lights off. It’s completely dark in the bathroom, making it hard to see where everything is. Then turn the enlarger on for 2-9 seconds, turn it off, and then put it in the first tray for 7-12 seconds. After that, put it in the second tray for 5 seconds and then in the third tray for 8-15 seconds. When it’s done, Nancy will turn the lights on and look at the photo.
Spoiler: If Nancy needs help doing this, then turn the lights back on and put sticky notes on the screen pointing to where everything is, and start from there. If it’s practically impossible for Nancy to do this, look at the equipment, then turn left and click the toilet handle ten times. Turn right and all of the pictures will be done. An Easter egg will also appear in Nancy’s inventory.
Collect the pictures and then tell Dieter. Head over to the Hotel de Ville by the metro. Talk to Jean Michel Traquenard and give him the prints that Nancy did. Keep talking to him and he’ll insist that Nancy eats something. Look at the menu and order anything that looks good to Nancy. Then take the metro to Place Monge and talk to JJ Ling, who’s making cookies to gain pounds in order to become the perfect size 12. Ask her about the letter that Nancy’s supposed to pick up and JJ will give it to her. Look at the newspaper on the dining room table and the magazine next to the telephone. Then head back to the Moulin and answer the phone.
Prudence’s Outfits
It’s Prudence Rutherford and she’s wondering about her outfits that Heather’s supposed to be doing. Tell Prudence that her outfits aren’t finished yet, but Nancy’s working on it. Heather gives Nancy the assignment during the phone call. Go to the design desk across the room and read the instructions Minette left for Sonny. Open the folder and read the note Minette left for Prudence. Then start designing the summer outfit according to Prudence’s instructions. When Nancy’s done, Heather will say something to Nancy about the outfit and Nancy will flip to the next outfit. Do the same thing for the cruise and fall outfits. Nancy will tell Heather that she’s done with the outfits when she completes the fall outfit, which will be the last one done, correctly. Each outfit should look like this at the end: Summer outfit: Cruise outfit:
(Photos from DAN’s walkthrough on Gameboomers.com)
Fall outfit:
(Photos from DAN’s walkthrough on Gameboomers.com)
Heather will ship the outfits out when Nancy has completed each outfit to Prudence’s specifications.
Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies
Head for the outside door and Minette will call for JJ. She wants her now and Nancy volunteers to go get her. Go to Place Monge and talk to JJ. She’ll try to get Nancy to play hangman, but when the time comes say that she doesn’t want to play. Tell her about Minette’s need for her. She’s not going until the cookies are done. Nancy volunteers to bake the cookies if JJ goes to Minette’s. She’ll consent, but will tell Nancy that she needs to figure out something to replace brown sugar and that she needs mint. JJ will call Nancy when she’s done baking cookies to see if she made them correctly. Once JJ leaves , go look inside the pantry and grab the molasses. Then look at the electrician books. Take the metro to Pont Neuf and go to the vender nearest the park’s entrance. Buy the mint for 50 euros (Nancy can’t pay less for it). Then go to the guy in the middle and get the cooking book for 6 euros. It’ll tell Nancy how to substitute brown sugar with molasses and white sugar.
Go back to JJ’s place. It’ll become dark and Nancy will automatically go to bed. When she wakes up, look at the newspaper and then go behind the counter to bake some cookies. Put the molasses on the table and mint on the cutting board. Nancy will automatically cut the mint up. Follow the instructions and use ½ cup of sugar and 1 teaspoon of molasses to substitute for the ½ cup of brown sugar that the recipe called for. When Nancy’s done mixing, click on the pan to put the cookies on it and Nancy will automatically put the pan in the oven. When the cookies are mixed correctly, the edges will curl in the oven. JJ will call when Nancy pulls the cookies out. Talk to her and, if the edges are curled, she’ll go to Minette’s.
Take the metro back to Menette’s and answer the phone. Someone in a German accent is calling for Minette. Ask him to hold and then knock on the door leading to Minette’s studio. Menette will tell Nancy that she’s busy. Go back to the phone and tell the German person that and ask if he’ll leave a message. He’ll hang up. Heather’s not at the Moulin, so snoop around her desk. There’s a notebook with drawings and fabrics. It looks like Heather is prepared to start her own line. Head over to the dodo box and solve the puzzle on the top. The goal is to move the dodo from one end to the egg at the other end. Nancy has to get the dodo passed hawks, foxes and men without getting caught by them. When Nancy’s done, the dodo will go on the egg. Press the egg and the box will open.
Spoiler: Junior Detective: Hawk: R, L, Ux5, L, D, R, Dx4, Rx3, U. Foxes: L, Dx5, Rx4, Ux2, Lx2, Ux3. Men: R, D, Lx2, Dx3, L, D, Rx2. Senior Detective: Hawks: R, Dx2, Lx3, Ux2, Rx3, Dx5, L Foxes: Rx2, Lx3, Ux2, L, Ux3, Dx2, Rx2, Dx3, Lx2, Ux5,R Men: Dx2, R, D, Rx2, U, L, U, L, U, L, Dx3, Rx2, Dx2, L
When the box opens, look at all of the notes. One of them is in a different font. Then go to Nancy’s desk and look at the note Heather left. She wants Nancy to get a stuffed parrot from one of the venders in Pont Neuf. Head back to Pont Neuf and go back to the guy who lets Nancy do the paintings. Notice that Dieter sitting on the bench. Nancy will call to him, but he’ll leave. Nancy will go over to the bench to pick up what he left on it. Pick up the clock face and the article on Noisette Tornade. Buy the parrot for 5 euros and then ask him about the square gadget. It’s an M380 decoder and he’ll trade it for a full bottle of Mouton Fouette 1968, which is extremely rare.
Go to Dieter’s place and talk to him about what he left behind. He’ll mention that the clock face will go into the wall next to the bookshelf. Head over there and put the clock face. A panel will open up and a clock puzzle will appear. The goal is to get all of the clock hands face the 3 on the clocks within a time limit. Some of the hands move other hands. If a red bird appears, Nancy failed to turn the clocks in time. If a blue bird appears, then a passageway will appear. Head down the passageway and notice the spider on the way. Open the panel at the end of the tunnel to reveal number slots. It also reveals a French inscription which translates into: "The year when our despair ended, the year when my despair began." At the time the inscription was written, it was the end of WWII. Enter the year WWII ended, 1945, into each of the number slots. The panel will slide back and reveal a journal. Open it and take the grid inside the cover. Then look at the code and the picture of the M380. Turn the page and look at the letter behind it.
Head back to Minette’s and Minette will come out of her studio screaming. There are cockroaches in her studio because they came in a chocolate box and she open the box, thinking that chocolate might be inside. She wants Nancy to capture the cockroaches and put them back in the box without killing them. Go through the door and pick up the box. One of the cockroaches scurries across the floor in front of Nancy. If Nancy doesn’t catch them the first time, remember where each one is and return to capture them. While getting the bug going near the dress, it’ll go behind the dress and Nancy will go after it. Pick up the letter sent to Minette from Lynn Manrique about Noisette Tornade. Grab the bug going across Minette’s desk and then look at the memo Heather put on the desk. The letters are the same styles that are in that threatening note in the dodo box that was different than the other ones. Catch all of the cockroaches and then try to go out of the studio. Minette will stop Nancy and makes her count to ten and promise to release them at Pont Neuf before heading out of the door. Nancy will count to ten and Minette will leave the studio. Leave and go to Pont Neuf. Release the bugs and then head back to Minette’s studio. Talk to Heather and give her he parrot, then go talk to Minette about the bugs.
The Catacombs
Go to the phone and call Zu. He’s the guy Nancy read about in the magazine in JJ’s apartment. Ask him about the symbol that Nancy saw in the passageway at Dieter’s. He’ll tell Nancy only if Nancy gets JJ to write “Zu my love Jing” and if Nancy puts the note in the skull in the catacombs at Denfert Rochereau. Head over to JJ’s apartment and ask her for an autograph for one of her fans (Zu). She says that she doesn’t do autographs because she doesn’t want her identity stolen. Play hangman and instead of guessing the word, guess the letters that write “Zu my love Jing” in the upper right corner. When Nancy plays hangman, Jing writes the letters that Nancy guesses on the top right corner. After Nancy has Jing write that, she’ll concede the round of Hangman and will ask to keep the letters.
Then head to Denfert Rochereau and pay 5 euros to get in. Put the note in the skull’s eye and then go to JJ’s apartment. Call Zu and ask him if he got the note. He says he did and he’ll tell Nancy that the symbol is a hazelnut, or a noisette, and that he’s seen the symbol somewhere else—in the catacombs. He’ll tell her that to get to the catacombs to go back to Denfert Rochereau and open the skull’s head and press the red button. Don’t worry, the skull’s fake. Nancy will need to swim through water to get to it and will need a wetsuit. She’ll also have to avoid the police patrolling the tunnels. Zu will also tell Nancy that the sewers are under the Mouton Beverage Company, which is the perfect location to find the bottle of wine that the vender is looking for.
Head back to Pont Neuf and go to the merchant in the middle of the park. Purchase the wetsuit for 31 euros. If Nancy needs more money, then paint some reproductions. Then go over to the catacombs, open the skull and press the red button. A door will appear on Nancy’s right. Enter it and cross the tracks using the wooden plank. Nancy will hear people speaking French—it must be the police. Go into the nearest door to Nancy and then through that tunnel until Nancy gets to the opposite door. Don’t exit that tunnel until the police leave. Then turn left and enter the next door that Nancy comes across. It’s the place that Zu was talking about. Put on the wetsuit and then go into the water. Take a deep breath and then go underwater. There will be an oxygen gauge on the top of the screen. If it gets empty, Nancy will drown. There are places where Nancy can get air so she won’t die. Now it’s time to look for that bottle. Here are the directions on getting the bottle: FFU through the top opening, FFRU to breathe, DLFFF, take the bottle. F=forward, U=Up, R=Right and L=left. Then go back to the entrance of the sewers and get some air.
Turn around, Nancy hasn’t found the hazelnut symbol yet. Follow these directions to get to it: FFFF, R, FFFF to the pipes area; FLFLRF to the bricks area; LFU to breathe; DFFF, LFFFF, LFFR to go up the ladder to the panel with the symbol on it. Open it and reveal another French inscription. This one’s pretty weird. It translates into: “In Europe, near a new bridge, Snow White lives in a red castle.” However, Nancy’s not supposed to use the translation as her guide, but the words that are in all caps, which are Europe, Pont Neuf (“New Bridge”), Blanche (“White”), and Chateau Rouge (“Red Castle”). These are stops on the subway lines. If Nancy needs to exit the subway map, then exit the catacombs and she’ll immediately look at it. Then go back and enter the numbers in the order according to the translation.
Spoiler: the numbers are 3724.
Grab the thing that appears when Nancy inserts the numbers. It looks like windmill blades with a circle attached to it. Go back to the subway and Nancy will automatically go back to JJ’s because it’ll be late.
Dieter’s Pictures and Noisette Tornade
When Nancy wakes up, call Lynn Manrique by using JJ’s phone. Nancy will have to call the Zippy Calling Card before calling Manrique. Talk to Manrique and she’ll tell Nancy about Hans von Schwesterkrank and Noisette’s final words “red left… green.” She’ll also tell Nancy about the decoder—the M380. Then head out to Pont Neuf and go to the merchant that wants the bottle. Nancy will automatically give him the bottle and he’ll give her the decoder. Then go to the vendor at the end of the park that’s at the other side of the entrance. Buy the flashlight and the English-French dictionary. Then go to Dieter’s place and try to talk to him. He’ll be in the dark room and he won’t be able to talk to Nancy, but he’ll ask her to take some photos. The list is on his desk, so go over and pick it up. It’s in French, but Nancy can translate the words using her newly bought dictionary. Look each word up in the dictionary.
Spoiler: Agrafeuse means stapler, Araignee is spider, Bougie is candle, Crane is skull, Theiere is teapot, and Croix is cross.
Then go over to the game near the dark room and pick up the camera that’s next to it. Then go back to the clock panel and open secret passageway in Dieter’s apartment. Take the picture of the spider that Nancy spotted earlier. Then go to the catacombs and to the place with the skull and candles. Take a picture of the skull and the candles. Head over to Pont Neuf and take a picture of the cross of Loraine that’s at the entrance of the park. Go to Minette’s and take a picture of the stapler on Nancy’s desk and the teapot on Minette’s tea buffet. Take the pictures back to Dieter, who will be out of the dark room by now. Give him the camera and then ask him about Noisette Tornade and Hans. He’ll tell Nancy why he originally started dating Minette, which was to get a closer look at her studio and to see if she hid the treasure there. It used to be owned by Tornade until she died. Minette then bought the place. But things changed and he fell in love with Minette and he can’t focus on the treasure or his work because of her. He’ll give Nancy a page with eyes on it and a picture on the back. Dieter says that his uncle Hans gave it to him, but forgot what it meant. Nancy gets to keep it and figure its meaning out.
Look at the side of the paper with the eyes on it. Put the grid Nancy found in Tornade’s journal on top of the paper. Remember Tornade’s last words? Red left… green. Click on all of the red eyes that are looking to the left and all of the green eyes that are looking in any direction. Nancy will write down the letters at the bottom. It should look like this when it’s done:
(Photo from DAN’s walkthrough on Nancydrewmania.com)
The words spell Sous Lorraine 4154. Remember that for later.
The Uncropped Dial Photo and the First Decoding
Take the metro to Hotel De Ville and talk to Jean Mi about the cropped photo in the magazine that has the dials in it. The dials in the picture are the same ones that Minette splattered paint on but before the paint incident. Jean Mi will make a deal with Nancy: she’ll make parfaits for the café and then he’ll show her the picture. Nancy will point out the ingredients’ name and will need to pay attention to which parfait is being ordered. Nancy can look at the picture in the book on the counter for each order that come up on the screen. To make the parfaits, take the spoon and click on the correct ingredient. Then take that ingredient and place it in the bowl. The bottom ingredient goes first. When Nancy’s done with one parfait, click the bell and a new order will appear on the screen. Complete all of the parfaits and then Jean Mi will show Nancy the picture.
Write down the numbers that the arrows on the dials are pointing to from left to right: 9-5-3. The numbers are what’s needed to set the dials on the M380. Finish talking to Jean Mi and head back to Minette’s. Look at the M380 and go to the lower part of it. Open the compartment and set the dials to the numbers 9-5-3. Then go to the top of the decoder and type the code that’s in Tornade’s journal: XTI0SMKPQQLNOREZA7LXTI0SMKPQQLNOR3AS7LXTI0SMK3A using the keyboard. When Nancy’s done, there should be words on the paper that’s in the decoder. They’re in French, but Nancy realizes that they’re colors. Look the words up in the dictionary.
Spoiler: the words are Rouge, Blanc, Rouge, Bleu, Rouge. When translated the words are: Red, white, Red, Blue, Red.
The Tunnel and the Key
Go into Minette’s studio and look at the center of the room—where the pillar/windmill thing is. Notice the imprint in the stone and put the thing that Nancy found in the catacombs in the imprint. The stone will open up to reveal a color puzzle. Use the colors that Nancy decoded in the puzzle. It should look like this when the colors are in place:
(Photo from DAN’s walkthrough on Nancydrewmania.com)
The windmill will start moving and a secret passageway will open up in the floor. Go into it until Nancy finds a locked door. She doesn’t have the key, so head back to the windmill and then go to Pont Neuf. Look closely at the cross and the numbers can be pressed in. Press the numbers that Nancy got from the eye puzzle—4154—into the cross. A panel will open up to reveal that the statues in the park aren’t just for fun. Remember where each of the mouths and where the purple fan should be. Go to the mouths and turn the crank. The mouths move and make noises. Keep doing this until the mouths are in the correct positions.
Spoiler: rotate the crank 10 times to get the mouths in the correct position. Then go to the pinwheel and turn the crank until the purple it’s in the correct position. Then turn around and a noise will come from behind Nancy. She’ll automatically turn around and see a squirrel change the pinwheel back to its original position. Nancy needs to build a noise maker to keep the squirrel away. Go to the vender with the “A Vendre” sign on the table. Buy the string for 3 euros and the stake for 10 euros. Then go to the guy in the middle and buy the pie pan for 4 euros. Head back to the pinwheel and put the stake in the ground next to the pinwheel. Tie the string to the stake and then tie the pan to the string. That should keep the squirrel away. Then turn the pinwheel so that the purple fin is in the correct position. Go to the water fountain with the fish in it and press the red button. The fish’s eye will light up and a secret passageway will appear. Climb down the ladder and go through the tunnel. It’ll be pitch black, but Nancy already bought a flashlight from one of the vendors, so it won’t be a problem. Nancy will automatically go to the end of the tunnel. Look at the chest and open it up. Take the key and then head back to the Moulin.
Bomb Trouble
When Nancy gets back to Minette’s place, there will be something on Minette’s studio door. It’s a paint bomb and Nancy has to disarm it before Minette opens the door. Look closely at it and notice that the circuit board is mixed up. Nancy will have to put everything in the correct order to diffuse the bomb. Nancy can only connect together shapes that are either the same shape or the same color (i.e. two circles or a blue circle and a blue triangle). Also, she can only move the capsules, not the square or rectangle blocks. Here’s what it should look like at the end:
(Photo from DAN’s hint and tips page on UHS-Hints.com)
When Nancy’s done, she’ll automatically throw it away before Minette finds out what Nancy was really doing. The Treasure and the Culprit
After Nancy throws the bomb away, go into the studio and through the tunnel. Unlock the door with the key that Nancy got from the park’s tunnel. Then go into the room and see the stained glass that Noisette Tornade hid during the war. Look at the pedestal in the middle. Open it up and read the letter that Noisette left. She hid the stained glass so people can enjoy it after the war, except it was never “returned” because of the way France treated her after the war. Hans helped Noisette hid the stained glass.
When Nancy gets to the bottom of the letter, take a note of the numbers under the name—10-4-3. Then put the letter away and close the lid on the pedestal. Nancy will automatically turn around and will see bars come down and locking her in. Look at the box in the middle. It’s another number thing. But instead of the message around the numbers, it’s on the bottom with spaces underneath that. Also, this one’s a series of codes. To start decoding the first one, fill the spaces with the numbers 380. Each letter will have a number assigned to it. The numbers indicate that Nancy should move the current letter three letters down the alphabet. For the first letter, U, Nancy will move it three letters down to X. Do the same for the rest of the letters.
Spoiler: the code turns into this: XVEGMRQQEUMEQQGPMCKMRDUI.
When Nancy has all of the letters, then turn the dials on the M380 to 10-4-3. Type the code that Nancy got from using the numbers. Nancy will get numbers in French words. Translate the words using Nancy’s English-French dictionary and then put those numbers into the slots in the box that’s attached to the bars.
Spoiler: The words are Duex, Un, Cinq, Sept. The translation is: 2157.
Go back down the tunnel until Nancy reaches the trap door, which is shut. Nancy will hear two German guys talking to the culprit. One of the German guys called earlier and both are spies! They convinced the culprit to make the dress that the First Lady will wear to the World Summit with a special material that contains stuff that will transfer voices from the summit to where they’ll be hiding. The culprit is apparently getting paid for the dress.
After the conversation ends and the people leave, Nancy will remark that she has to get the dress out of the windmill and to the police. Exit the tunnel and go to the dress. Try to pick it up, but the culprit will catch Nancy in the act and makes her fight. Every time the culprit hits or is blocked by Nancy, the energy level will drop for both of them. When the culprit hits Nancy, Nancy’s energy bar will drop more than the culprit’s. If Nancy blocks the culprit’s moves, the culprit’s energy level will drop more than Nancy’s. The goal is to get the culprit’s bar drained without Nancy’s getting drained first. The culprit will cry a certain cry for a certain hit. If Nancy needs help knowing where each of the culprit’s cries goes with which type of hit, then look at the picture below. (Photo from DAN’s hints and tips page on UHS-Hints.com)
When the culprit’s energy level drains, the culprit will fall down and go unconscious. Nancy wins and can call the police about what’s been going on. The end letter will appear and will explain what happens to everybody.
The End?
Congratulations on completing Danger By Design! If this is your first time playing, I hope you found this walkthrough helpful and the game super fun. If it is or isn’t your first game, hopefully it’ll lead you to play the other, fun Nancy Drew games done by HerInteractive. Thanks for playing! NDFan.