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Village of Hamilton Planning Board 7:00pm Regular Meeting of August 27, 2015
Present: Chairman Morgan Larson; Members: Jerry Fuller, Julie Dudrick, Kristian Newman, and Ben Eberhardt; Attorney Jim Stokes; Trustee Servedio;
Absent: CEO Don Forth
Public Present: John Basher; Elizabeth Douglas; Melissa Davies; Kristina LaValley Bud Eager; Sharon Crumb; Trustee Loveless; Debbie Kliman; Trustee Lura; Sally Lura; Jens Christensen; Sam Cooper; David Gray, Tanner Gray; and others that did not sign in.
Chairman Larson called the meeting to order at 7:04pm
Approval of Agenda: Changes: Under New Business add Chickens A motion was made by Member Eberhardt to approve the agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Dudrick and unanimously carried.
Approval of the Regular Meeting of July 23, 2015, Minutes: Changes: 1. CAC-3rd paragraph-add a period after “applications” Following sentence cross out “these” and “are” then substitute “are” for “and” 2. Signage: add “parking lot” after exit 3. Fence-2nd sentence- change to “Present fencing along Stone Jug property will remain” 4. Re-subdivision-add to end of sentence “University into one tax parcel” 5. Buffer-add after 6’, “turf” 6. CAC first sentence-change “my” to “her” A motion was made by Member Fuller to approve the minutes from the July 23, 2015, meeting as amended. The motion was seconded by Member Newman and unanimously carried.
New Business Christensen Proposed Garage, 11 W Kendrick Ave, Tax Map 168.44-1-2: Chairman Larson referenced 174.55C-accessory buildings cannot be in front yards; 174.55C (4), & 174.44. The application was denied. The Board stated that Mr. Christensen’s options are to go to the ZBA or consider an alternate location for the garage.
Review Proposal for Village of Hamilton Dog Park: An informational packet prepared by Elizabeth Douglas had been distributed earlier to the Board. Ms. Douglas came before the Board tonight. She stated Mayor McVaugh told her to come before the Planning Board with her proposal for the Eaton Street location for the park. The information presented was discussed. Trustee Lura stated that in the past the DPW and the Trustees were never in favor of a dog park. Trustee Lura also stated that this proposal should go before the Trustees before going to the Planning Board. The Planning Board suggested that Ms. Douglass develop a proposal for the Trustees.
Chickens: Christina LaValley, Pine Street, distributed a petition she had circulated online. She also handed out comments from the residents and information supporting her request for chickens. She explained that other cities have a permit process as well as rules. The Planning Board suggested Ms. LaValley create a proposal to present to the Trustees. Trustee Lura stated that zone changes go to the Trustees first.
Old Business Cell Tower Regulations: Attorney Stokes distributed the latest draft to the Board for review for September’s meeting.
The next meeting will be September 24, 2015 at 7:00p.m. at the Village Courthouse.
There being no further business to come before the Planning Board, Member Dudrick made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Member Fuller and unanimously carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Kim Taranto