4-H Leadership Project/Swine Grant

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4-H Leadership Project/Swine Grant

September 1, 2016

Dear Tama County 4-Hers:

I am very excited to announce (that with the help of the Tama County Pork Producers, and the approval of the

Tama County Fair Board), I have developed a grant that will purchase six hogs and most, if not all, of the feed for the hogs so that a first time 4-H swine exhibitor can show a pen of three at the 2017 Tama County Fair. The 4-H exhibitor will raise all six hogs, but will only show three hogs at the fair. The other three hogs will be auctioned off to the highest bidder at the fair during the swine show, and will go to butcher after the show. All funds raised from the hogs that are auctioned off will be placed in the Swine Grant Fund for future swine grant applicants.

Enclosed is more detailed information on the grant and a copy of the application. If you are interested in applying, return the application, essays, and a letter of recommendation from your 4-H leader to the Extension Office.

The envelope must state Attention: Swine Grant Committee, and be mailed to the Tama County Extension Office at ,

P.O. Box 308, 203 W. High Street, Toledo, IA 52342. Applications must be postmarked by December 1, 2016, but I would recommend sending them in as soon as possible. Again, this grant is only for Tama County 4-H club members that have never shown swine before. All applicants will have an interview with the swine grant committee.

In conclusion, my goal is to have at least one applicant from each club in Tama county, preferably more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].


Eric Keller Eric Keller 4-H Leadership Project/Swine Grant Tama County 4-H Swine Grant Application

Name: ______(Last) (First) (M.I.)

Address:______(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Name(s) of parent(s) / guardian(s): ______

Current Grade, Name of School: ______Are you a Tama County 4-H member? ______How long?______Have you ever shown swine at a 4-H or FFA County or State Fair event?______Do you have access to housing for the swine? ______(*see below) Do you have access to a trailer to bring the swine to the County Fair? ______(* see below) Have you ever raised swine before? ______(* see below) * A no response to these questions, does not preclude the recipient from the grant.


1. On a separate sheet of paper, describe why you would like to receive the grant to show swine at the Tama County Fair in 500 words or less.

2. On a separate sheet of paper, explain what receiving the grant would mean to you. Eric Keller 4-H Leadership Project/Swine Grant Tama County 4-H Fair Swine Grant Information Mission: To encourage 4-H members to participate in the 4-H Swine Program. Project Goal: To develop a grant that would provide hogs and feed for a first time 4-H swine exhibitor at the Tama County Fair. Swine Grant Guidelines: 1. Applicants will be required to have a face-to face interview with the swine grant committee. 2. This grant is open to 4-H members (4th-12th) who have never shown swine before. 3. The grant will purchase 6 feeder pigs up to $70.00 per head. 4. The grant provides up to $700.00 towards the purchase of feed. 5. The grant recipient is responsible for housing, care, and any veterinary costs for the project. Please let the grant committee know if housing for the hogs is a concern to see if other options might be available. 6. The grant recipient will report their progress to the swine grant committee chair on a regular basis, and any problems should be reported immediately. 7. Applicant will agree to attend the pork producers 4-H field trips and/or meeting, the annual Pork Producer banquet, swine workshops, and submit their swine project records to the Extension office. 8. The 4-H exhibitor will raise all six hogs, but will only show three hogs at the fair. 9. The grant recipient understands that all six of the hogs will be either be sold by being loaded on the truck with the other 4-H hogs after the County fair or auctioned and delivered to a butcher. The exhibitor does not get to keep any of the hogs. 10. The grant recipient understands that they only get to keep the money from the sale of the pen of three shown at the fair if they intend to show hogs for a second year. This money from the sale of the pen of three shown will be held in the grant fund for the recipient to use as seed money for the second year when it is time to buy new feeder pigs. Otherwise, if the recipient chooses not to show swine the next year, then the money will go into the grant fund to help fund future grant recipients. 11. The recipient also understands that the three hogs that are not shown will be auctioned for sale to the highest bidder during the swine show at the county fair and the proceeds from the auction will go back into the swine grant fund. The three hogs will be delivered to a locker for butcher after the fair. The bidders will be responsible for all locker fees. 12. Finally, the grant recipient understands that they will adhere to any new rules or recommendations from the grant committee if changes are necessary. 13. All letters must be postmarked by December/1/2016

Please sign and return the grant application, essays, and a letter of reference from your 4-H leader in a sealed envelope to the Tama County 4-H Extension Office postmarked by December 1, 2016. Please put 4-H Swine Grant Application on the envelope and drop off the envelope or mail it to the Toledo Extension Office, P.O. Box 308, 203 W. High Street, Toledo IA 52342. In the event I receive the grant, I agree to abide by the above stated project rules, and any future decisions deemed necessary by the Swine Grant Committee.

Applicants Printed Name ______Parent/Guardian Printed Name______

Applicants Signature: ______Parent / Guardian Signature: ______

Date Signed: ______Date Signed: ______Please Return: Signed Grant Application 2 Essays Letter of reference from 4-H Leader

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