DRS RPM Chapter 19 Revisions, July 2016

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DRS RPM Chapter 19 Revisions, July 2016

DRS Rehabilitation Policy Manual Chapter 19: Technical Information and References

Revised July 2016

19.1 Required Approvals and/or Consultations

(Revised 07/10, 10/10)

Policy establishes basic statewide operating principles that

 define services and service limitations and  support the highest possible compliance with federal and state law through o informed consumer choice, o best-value purchasing, and o sound decision making.

Management review, consultation, and in some cases approval are necessary to implement some actions and/or decisions, including

 exceptions to established o policies, o procedures, and o payment limitations; and  decisions about the best course of action for complex services.

Some exceptions must be implemented using specific procedures.

Policy must not create an immovable barrier to a consumer's rehabilitation. Counselors should seek waivers to policy where limitations create such a barrier. Area managers and consultants must provide expertise in mastering alternatives. See Chapter 1: Foundations, Roles, and Responsibilities.

The area manager may make an exception to any mandatory policy except to those

 based on federal regulations or state law,  where it is stated that area manager exceptions are not permitted, or  requiring a different approval source.

In most cases, approvals are documented in a case note in the electronic case file. Approvals received electronically, such as by email, should be copied and pasted into the electronic case file. File paper approvals in the paper case file. All approvals must include a clear description of the basis for the approval.

Page 1 of 51 To request a review by the medical director or Orthotic and Prosthetic Review Committee (OPRC), forward a courtesy case to the the DRS Central Office medical services team by emailing [email protected], including copies of all pertinent medical and psychological reports. The DRS Central Office program specialist for physical restoration or the DRS Central Office program specialist for disabilities documents the results of the review by the medical director or OPRC in ReHabWorks.

For a list of all items requiring approval or consultation, see Summary Table of Approvals and Consultations.

19.2 Disability Classifications and Codes[Placeholder]

(Revised 04/14, 10/15)

19.2.1 Selecting a Disability Classification

(Revised 09/10)

Disabling conditions are classified according to a structure that combines an impairment with a specific cause or source. Using prescribed categories, select the impairment and then the cause or source that best describes the consumer's primary disability; that is, the physical or mental impairment that results in a substantial impediment to

 employment in VR, or  the rehabilitation goals in CRS and ILS.

Complete the following steps to select the disability code:

1. select the impairment category table that best identifies the disability: o sensory-communicative, o physical, or o mental; 2. select the specific impairment subcategory within the table, such as o deafness, primary communication visual; o respiratory; or o cognitive; and 3. select the specific cause or source of the disabling condition in the cause or source table, such as o cause unknown, o amputation, o congenital conditions or birth injury, or o digestive.

Page 2 of 51 Using the same sequence of actions, select the secondary impairment that contributes to, but is not the primary basis of, the impediment to employment in VR or to the rehabilitation goals in CRS and ILS.

For information about eligibility requirements for specific conditions, see Chapter 3: Eligibility, 3.8 Required Assessments and Policies for Selected Conditions.

See Examples for Coding Common Disabilities in the Counselor's Toolbox for examples of coding common neurological, behavioral health, and physical disabilities.

19.2.2 Establishing the Significance of the Disability

(Revised 06/09, 02/11, 09/11)

When you select an impairment category, you must also determine the level of significance of the case. The level of significance of a case may be re-determined throughout the life of the case. However, if a case is designated as "significant" or "most significant," the case may not be re-determined as "not significant" without manager approval.

*A consumer's disability is considered "significant" when

 it results in o serious limits in functional capacity that require intervention not typically needed by workers without disabilities, and o a need for multiple VR services to achieve a suitable employment outcome (that is, assessment to develop the IPE, counseling, and at least one additional substantial VR service); and  the delivery of services is realistically expected to take more than six months from the date of the IPE.*

*Based on 34 CFR Section 361.5(b)(31)

As a result of the RSA-911 reporting changes that were issued in August, 2013, states were required to further define "significance" into three levels of significance: 1) Not Significant, 2) Significant, and 3) Most Significant.

DARS definitions of three levels of significance:

1) Not Significant—No limited functional capacities. 2) Significant—One or more limited functional capacities and multiple services are needed for an extended period of time. 3) Most Significant—Three or more limited functional capacities and multiple services are needed for an extended period of time.

Page 3 of 51 Document the justification for your decision in a case note. Select the correct level of significance in RHW. (See 19.2.7 Designating Level of Significance in ReHabWorks.)

19.2.3 The Significance of the Disability in SSDI and SSI Cases

(Revised 02/11, 11/15)

All consumers who receive Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits because of a disability must have their cases designated in ReHabWorks as having either a significant disability or a most significant disability for the life of the case. See 19.2.2 Establishing the Significance of the Disability.

19.2.4 The Significance of the Disability for CRS and ILS Cases

(Revised 10/15)

Level of Significance does not apply to CRS or ILS consumers' case files.

19.2.5 Designating the Level of Significance in Cases that Require Pre-Eligibility Trial Work

(Revised 12/15, 05/16)

All consumers who require pre-eligibility trial work must have their case files designated in ReHabWorks as either:

 "significant" or  "most significant."

The level of significance must be:

 assigned before authorizing Pre-eligibility Trial Work services; and  updated anytime when information is available to support the changes to the designated level of significance.

19.2.6 The Significance of the Disability for Cases Receiving Supported Employment Services

All consumers who require supported employment services must have their case files designated in RHW as "most significant" disability for the life of the case. Assign the level of significance at the time of eligibility or at any time thereafter when information is available to support the designation.

Page 4 of 51 19.2.7 Designating the Level of Significance

The level of significance is designated at the time of eligibility on the "Disabilities" page in ReHabWorks.

To determine the level of significance of the case,

1. determine whether the impact of disability for the consumer meets the criteria for significance as defined above. You must support your designation with information from o the consumer, o review of records and reports, and o use of the Table of Functional Capacities and Examples.

Functional limitations causing substantial impediments to employment do not always result in serious limits in functional capacity. If this is the case, select "not significant" and no further action is required.

2. determine that the consumer meets all criteria for the selected level of significance and select the corresponding response in the drop-down menu in ReHabWorks; 3. select one or more capacities in the Limited Functional Capacities page in ReHabWorks if you selected "significant" or "most significant." Ensure that the case file reflects evidence of the serious limitations in the categories selected; and 4. document your rationale o in a case note, or o by completing and filing in the paper file DARS1390, Checklist for Determining Significance of Disability. 5. When completing the IPE with the consumer, indicate the need for an extended time (six months or more) to deliver more substantial services than the assessment for developing the IPE and counseling services. Include in the IPE any needed interventions for each functional capacity area identified as seriously limited. 6. You must change the designation of Level of Significance of the case if you determine that the impact of the disability does not require the extent of services originally planned, or if you determine that the designation was made in error. Area manager approval is required to change a case to "not significant" if it was previously designated as "significant" or "most significant". Otherwise, the designated level of significance remains throughout the life of the case, even though the consumer's functional capacities may improve over the course of the case.

19.2.8 Table of Functional Capacities and Examples

(Revised 06/09)

Page 5 of 51 The following table lists

 specific capacities and  examples of the nature and extent of limits to capacities.

Capacity Definition and Examples of Limitations As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to move from place to place and move the body into certain positions is limited, and the consumer requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in mobility requiring intervention include the following:

 the consumer needs help to get to and from work, such as Mobility o special training to learn to get to and from work, or o a vehicle modification;  the consumer needs modifications, adaptive technology, or accommodations not typically made for other workers in order to move around the workplace; for example, a consumer needs o modifications to a workstation or work environment, such as ramps or elevators; o a scooter, wheelchair, or other mobility aid; or

o a service dog. As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to perform activities related to health and hygiene are limited in a way that requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in self-care requiring intervention include the following: Self-care  the consumer needs help to manage self-care activities such as eating, dressing, grooming, or taking medication; or  the consumer uses assistive or adaptive devices for self-care, such as braces, upper limb orthotics, or grab bars.

Seriously limited capacity in self-care may occur because of physical, cognitive, or emotional impairments and may apply to all tasks of self- care or only to specific tasks. Self-direction As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to control and regulate his or her personal, social, and work life is limited in a way that

Page 6 of 51 requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in self-direction requiring intervention include the following:

 the consumer becomes confused or disoriented in performing routine job tasks and needs the help of a job coach or other supports;  the consumer needs ongoing help or intervention (such as a job coach or constant monitoring and redirection on the job) to begin activities related to task completion, socialization, or behavior management; or

 the consumer requires supervision or assistance with managing money or time, or maintaining a schedule. As a result of the disability, a consumer's capacity to acquire and maintain needed job skills is limited, and the consumer requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in work skills requiring intervention include the following:

 the consumer needs modifications, adaptive technology, or accommodations (such as a note taker, interpreter, or personal Work Skills assistant to get to and from training or to plan, problem solve, or organize work functions) not typically needed by workers without a disability to acquire necessary work skills or training or to get or keep gainful employment; or  the consumer needs specialized supports not typically needed by workers without disabilities to get or keep a job; for example, a job coach or natural supports, job duty modification, or job restructuring.

The lack of work skills alone does not meet the criteria for seriously limited capacity in work skills. Work Tolerance As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to consistently and adequately perform a job based on the physical, emotional, environmental, and psychological demands of the position is limited, and the consumer requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in work tolerance requiring intervention include the following:

Page 7 of 51  the consumer needs modified job duties or assistive devices to perform job duties, or needs altered work schedule or work hours, or needs frequent rest or breaks not typically needed by other workers in the workplace; or

 the consumer lacks the capacity to perform effectively and efficiently job duties that require various levels of psychological demand (such as works poorly under stressful conditions or deadlines) and requires prescribed medication or specialized supports to sustain required levels of work function. As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to establish and maintain appropriate relationships with other people in the workplace is limited, and the consumer requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in interpersonal skills requiring intervention include the following:

 the consumer requires specialized services, modifications, or Interpersonal supports to establish appropriate relationships with co-workers, Skills employers, and others in the workplace (for example, history of job loss because of conflicts with employers or co-workers); or  the consumer requires medication or specialized services in order to interact with others in a socially appropriate manner; or

 the consumer requires specialized services or supports to reduce inappropriate behaviors that interfere with getting or keeping a job (for example, the consumer has difficulty relating to co-workers, talks excessively, or behaves inappropriately in the job or training setting). As a result of the disability, a consumer's ability to convey and receive information efficiently and effectively is limited, and the consumer requires services or accommodations not typically needed by workers without disabilities.

Examples of seriously limited capacity in communication requiring intervention include the following: Communication The consumer requires modifications, adaptive technology, or accommodations (not typically required for other people) to effectively and efficiently communicate orally or in writing with people without disabilities (for example, the need for an interpreter for training, use of a TTY or TDD to perform job duties, use of a hearing aid to understand speech on the job, or use of specialized communication equipment to produce speech).

Page 8 of 51 19.3 Case File Maintenance

The purpose of this section is to describe processes necessary for case file uniformity. You are ultimately responsible for the

 management of the caseload,  location of case files, and  case correction activities.

The case file system consists of an electronic case file and paper case folder.

19.3.1 Preparing and Using the Paper Case Folder

(Revised 5/11, 11/14)

Paper case files must be prepared and maintained as follows.

DRS staff members must

 secure all documents from the consumer case file to the folder jacket;  record on the tab label of each case file folder jacket, the consumer’s o last name and first name (for example, Smith, John A.), and o case ID;  stamp “Confidential” on the front and back of the case file folder jacket;  ensure that all documents are date stamped or otherwise marked with the date generated and or received in the office;  date stamp the first and last pages of the packets for documents with a large number of pages (such as packets of medical records); and  file documents so that the first document is on the bottom and the most recent is on the top.

File the following documents from bottom to top on the left side of the case file in the order received. Be sure that

 all financial documents are grouped together, including o invoices, o bidding documentation, and o signed itemized receipts; and o all service authorizations; and o correspondence with providers regarding billing; and  all other documents relating to consumer purchases.

File the following documents from bottom to top on the right side of the case file in the order received, as follows:

Page 9 of 51  Signed release forms  Signed paper individualized plan for employment (IPE) or IPE amendments  Correspondence  All records and reports and assessments  Copies of documents verifying the consumer’s identity and authorization for employment in the United States  Financial records used to verify consumer income and expenses for calculating participation in cost of services  Verification of eligibility for SSI/SSDI benefits  All other documents related to the consumer’s vocational rehabilitation program.


Documents associated with billing for multiple consumer purchases may be placed in a centralized file in the field office.

Do not put documents into a consumer’s casefile that contain other consumers’ names or identifying information. If necessary, make copies of the documents and redact the identifying information of other consumers before filing the documents in each consumer’s file. When a medical service coordinator or courtesy counselor is involved, the courtesy file becomes an extension of the main folder. The courtesy counselor forwards copies of all pertinent documents to the home counselor.

Additional Case Folders

When the volume of information on a consumer is more than a single case folder can physically hold, additional case folders can be used.

Paper case files must be prepared in accordance with DARS Business Procedures Manual Chapter 13: Records Management, 13.6.1 Preparing Closed Consumer Case Files to Box.

File the following documents from bottom to top on the left side of the case file in the order received:

 all financial documents grouped together, including o invoices, o bidding documentation, and o signed itemized receipts; and  all other documents relating to consumer purchases.


Page 10 of 51  Documents associated with billing for multiple consumer purchases may be placed in a centralized file in the field office.  When a medical service coordinator or courtesy counselor is involved, the courtesy file becomes an extension of the main folder. The courtesy counselor forwards copies of all pertinent documents to the home counselor.

File all other documents on the right side of the paper case folder in the order received, from the bottom to the top. Include originals or copies of any related reports, forms, letters, and email from the consumer or consumer's representative, not generated by ReHabWorks.

19.3.2 Reopening a Case

When starting a new file on a case that was previously active, copy significant documents from the closed case file for placement in the new folder. Do not remove forms, reports, and other data from the old folder.

19.3.3 Maintaining Closed Case Files

(Revised 08/08)

Keep all documents, including financial records, in the closed consumer paper case file, which is stored for five years.

Field offices store files for cases closed in the current and preceding fiscal year.

Ship all other closed consumer paper case files to the DARS Records Center in accordance with procedures in Business Procedures Manual, Chapter 13: Records Management, 13.6 Closed Consumer Case Files.

Retrieve closed consumer paper case files from the DARS Records Center in accordance with policy (see Business Procedures Manual, Chapter 13: Records Management, 13.7 Records Retrieval).

19.4 Transfer of Cases and Caseloads

19.4.1 Overview of Case Transfers

(Revised 03/08, 08/15)

A consumer’s case can be transferred from one caseload to another caseload for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to:

 the consumer changes permanent residence;  staffing changes;

Page 11 of 51  another counselor can provide services that better meet the needs of the consumer; or  management determines that there is a need to transfer the case.

Exceptions: Do not transfer a case file when a consumer temporarily moves outside of the service area to:

 attend college;  live in a halfway house;  participate in services from a comprehensive rehabilitation center; or  participate in other planned services outside of the service area.

A request for case transfer can be made by the consumer either verbally or in writing.

The request can be submitted to:

 the counselor of record; or  any DARS office.

The counselor or office receiving the request for transfer must:

 document the request in a case note in ReHabWorks; and  notify the counselor of record of the request.

A case can also be transferred or reassigned to another counselor due to a staffing change, such as when a counselor leaves DARS employment or when a new counselor is hired.

The consumer must be notified in writing when there is a change in the assigned counselor. When possible, the consumer is notified by the current counselor or rehabilitation services technician (RST) before the change in the case is assignment.

The notification must include:

 the date of the anticipated change; and  the name and contact information of the new counselor.

If the date and contact information are not known at the time of the notification, the consumer is provided with the area manager’s contact information until the information about the new counselor is available.

Case transfers must be processed in a timely manner to ensure that the transfer does not disrupt or delay the provision of services or cause undue hardship for the consumer.

Page 12 of 51 19.4.2 Transfer of Closed Cases

(Revised 08/15)

If the consumer's case is closed at the time that the consumer requests a case transfer, refer to Chapter 2: Initial Contact and Application, 2.7 Opening a New Case or Adjusting the Phase of a Previously Closed Case to determine whether to reopen the case or to take a new application.

If the consumer will be reapplying for services and the paper case file is still at a DRS field office at the time of the request, the closed case file must be mailed to the receiving office within three days of the request for a transfer.

If a consumer’s closed case file has been transferred to the DARS Records Center, see Business Procedures Manual, Chapter 13: Records Management, 13.7 Records Retrieval for the appropriate procedures to request the file.

Do not transfer a closed case from one case load to another case load in ReHabWorks.

If the case will be reopened or phase-adjusted, see Chapter 19: Technical Information and References, 19.4.3 Transfer of Open Cases below.

19.4.3 Transfer of Open Cases

(Revised 08/15)

Within three days of receiving a request to transfer an open case, the current vocational rehabilitation counselor (VRC) and rehabilitation services technician (RST) team must:

 document the request for a transfer, including the reason that the case is being transferred and the office that it is being transferred to;  update all demographic information in ReHabWorks;  review and/or update the individualized plan for employment (IPE), joint annual review (JAR), or IPE amendment (for the VRC only);  review and/or update disability information in ReHabWorks (for the VRC only);  close or update all service records;  pay and/or close all service authorizations; and  notify the area manager about the request for a case transfer.

Providers must be notified when service authorizations are closed without payment. The receiving unit issues a new service authorization when the case is received for ongoing services, when applicable.

Page 13 of 51 Transferring Within the Same Supervisory Unit

A formal case review is not required for cases that are transferred within the same supervisory unit; however, the area manager must enter a case note to verify that the transfer has been completed in ReHabWorks.

The VRC/RST team to which the case is assigned must contact the consumer in a timely manner to schedule an appointment for the consumer to meet with the assigned VRC to resume services.

Transferring to a Different Supervisory Unit

Within five days of receiving a request for a case transfer, the transferring area manager or the designee:

 completes a partial Compliance and Quality (C&Q) review of the Consumer Eligibility, Application, and Diagnostic Interview, the Eligibility Decision, and the Level of Significance in TxROCS (refer to RPM 19.5 Case Reviews for more information regarding case reviews);  prints a copy of the completed case review;  mails the case file and the printed copy of completed case review to the receiving office;  completes DARS1025, Case Transfer Letter, notifying the consumer that the consumer’s file has been sent to the receiving office; and  places a copy of the transfer letter in the consumer’s case file.

Within three days of receiving the paper case file, the receiving area manager or designee:

 assigns the case to the receiving counselor in ReHabWorks; and  gives the paper case file to the receiving VRC/RST team.

The VRC/RST team that the case is assigned to contacts the consumer in a timely manner to schedule an appointment for the consumer to meet with the assigned VRC to resume services.

Note: If the area managers do not agree about whether to transfer an open case, they refer the issue to the appropriate regional operations directors for their programs.

19.4.4 How to Transfer a Caseload

To transfer an entire caseload, the regional director sends a memorandum to the DRS assistant commissioner requesting

 approval; and  coordination of the transfer

Page 14 of 51 19.5 Case Reviews

(Revised 09/09, 05/15)

19.5.1 Key Terms

(Revised 05/15, 05/16)

Case Reading Review – A review that allows users to quickly review a case, or a specific aspect of a case, when a more detailed case review is not necessary. Refer to the TxROCS User’s Guide for instructions on entering a case reading review in TxROCS.

Compliance – Adhering to the federal and state laws, regulations, guidelines, and specifications that are outlined in this manual and in the Business Procedures Manual (BPM), Standards for Providers (SFP), Contracting Processes and Procedures Manual (CPPM), and DARS Procurement Manual (DPM). A case is compliant if it meets all of the requirements. For information about evaluating compliance, refer to MOSAIC, Appendix C: Compliance and Quality Case Review, Section III: MOSAIC - Case Review Guide.

Compliance and Quality Review (C&Q) – A review of the compliance and quality aspects of a vocational rehabilitation case. C&Q reviews can be completed using an entire or partial approach. Refer to the TxROCS User’s Guide for instructions on entering a C&Q review in TxROCS.

Entire Review Approach – A case review approach that requires the reviewer to answer all questions in the review before the review can be considered complete. The approach can be used for compliance and quality (C&Q) reviews, technical and purchasing reviews, and full reviews.

Full Review – A review that includes both a technical and purchasing (T&P) review and a compliance and quality (C&Q) review of a case that is started as a single full review in TxROCS. The reviewer must answer all questions in both the T&P and C&Q sections of the review before the review can be considered complete. Refer to the TxROCS User’s Guide for instructions on entering a full review in TxROCS.

Monitoring, Oversight, and Internal Process Guide (MOSAIC) – A guide that describes the quality assurance system and monitoring processes that are used throughout MOSAIC provides information about the DRS risk assessment model. It explains how reviewers use the model to develop quarterly monitoring plans and how regions use it to develop and report on action plans to address monitoring results.

Partial Review Approach – A case review approach that allows the reviewer to complete and finalize a case review without answering all of the questions in the review.

Page 15 of 51 The approach can be used for compliance and quality reviews or technical and purchasing reviews. It cannot be used for full reviews.

Quality – An assessment of the level of services and other forms of support provided to the consumer throughout the life of the case. Quality casework demonstrates values- based decision making, active participation by the consumer, and the application of all required policies and standards. Quality is assessed based on a thorough review of all related casework and documentation. Quality is rated as exceeds expectations, meets expectations, or needs improvement. For more information about quality assessments, refer to MOSAIC, Appendix C: Compliance and Quality Case Review, Section III: MOSAIC - Case Review Guide.

Technical and Purchasing Review (T&P) – A review of the technical and purchasing aspects of a vocational rehabilitation case. T&P reviews can be completed using an entire or partial approach. Refer to the TxROCS User’s Guide for instructions on entering a T&P review in TxROCS.

TxROCS Users Guide – A technical guide that explains how to navigate through the TxROCS application. The TxROCS User’s Guide is not a policy manual.

TxROCS User Role – Distinct roles that define what the user is allowed to use in TxROCS. User roles prohibit reviewers from viewing case reviews and reports that are not within the reviewer’s assigned management unit. For more information on user roles, refer to the TxROCS User’s Guide.

Validate – To verify that required corrective actions have been completed appropriately. When the validator is satisfied that the corrective actions have been completed appropriately, he or she selects the "Completed Validation" button on the Actions page in TxROCS. When the validation is complete and the case review is final and no further changes may be made to the case review.

19.5.2 Overview

(Revised 02/11, 05/15)

The purpose of a case review is to:

 to determine whether a case complies with federal requirements and DRS policy;  to assess the quality of decision making, understanding of the vocational rehabilitation process, and ability to explain a consumer's progress clearly and concisely in the case record;  to help counselors and support staff improve their decisions about the rehabilitation process, increase their use of community resources, and enhance their casework and caseload management; and  to help managers develop performance management information.

Page 16 of 51 19.5.3 Compliance and Quality Reviews

(Revised 05/15)

The compliance portion of a compliance and quality (C&Q) review is used to evaluate whether specific elements of a case adhere to the federal and state laws, regulations, guidelines, and specifications that are outlined in the this manual and in the Business Procedures Manual (BPM), Standards for Providers (SFP), Contracting Processes and Procedures Manual (CPPM), and DARS Procurement Manual (DPM).

The quality portion of a C&Q review is used to assess the level of services and other forms of support provided to the consumer throughout the life of the case. Quality casework demonstrates values-based decision making, consumer engagement, and the application of policies and standards. It is based on a thorough review of all related casework and documentation.

Compliance and quality (C&Q) reviews are documented by completing DARS3456, Compliance and Quality Case Review—VR in TxROCS. Only managers, program specialists, and their designees may complete a C&Q review. C&Q reviews cannot be completed by administrative support staff.

The MOSAIC case review guide is available as a reference when completing a case review.

19.5.4 Technical and Purchasing Review

(Revised 05/15)

The technical portion of a T&P review is used to evaluate whether all required information is included in the electronic and or paper case file.

The purchasing portion of a T&P review is used to evaluate whether the appropriate purchasing policies and procedures were followed and documented, as required by the applicable federal and state laws, regulations, guidelines, and specifications that are outlined in the RPM, BPM, SFP, CPPM, and DPM.

Technical and purchasing (T&P) reviews are documented by completing DARS3399, Technical and Purchasing Case Review—VR, in TxROCS. Managers, program specialists, and their designees may complete T&P reviews. Designees may include management support staff; however, managers must review a designee’s work to ensure that the designee accurately represents the findings.

All managers are required to monitor the operation of their units. Case reviews are a required part of this monitoring. To identify the type and quantity of required reviews, managers refer to the unit’s monitoring plan for the current fiscal year. The regional

Page 17 of 51 director and designated regional office staff are responsible for the oversight of each unit in their region, including monitoring of case review activities.

The program director or program manager of Consumer Services Support (CSS) manages and oversees the case review process statewide to ensure that the process is applied consistently. All questions about the case review process and unit monitoring plan should be directed to the CSS program director or a designee.

Refer to the MOSAIC case review guide to access the unit monitoring plan and to identify required activities and reporting for unit, regional, and central office roles and responsibilities.

19.5.5 [Placeholder]

(Revised 05/15, 05/16)

19.5.6 TxROCS

(Added 05/15)

DRS uses TxROCS to capture and organize data from case reviews that are conducted statewide. DRS uses the data captured in TxROCS to:

 examine statewide activity and trends; and  respond to ad-hoc requests requiring case review data.

Using TxROCS allows DRS to:

 record review data efficiently and accurately;  create one repository for data, in place of many repositories;  provide timely and accurate reporting, at all organizational levels; and  provide auditors, quickly and accurately, with a comprehensive list of the vocational rehabilitation cases that have been reviewed.

Responsibilities and Roles in TXROCS

All reviews of vocational rehabilitation cases must be entered into TxROCS. The reviews are maintained in TxROCS for a minimum of two state fiscal years. The review process is audited each year.

The supervisor:

 determines the appropriate user role for all staff based on the standard descriptions in the TxROCS User’s Guide; and  submits a completed DARS1260 Service Request for an Individual.

Page 18 of 51 Exceptions to standard user role require the approval of the regional director.

Reviewers (or their designees):

 document the case review in TxROCS;  identify areas of non-compliance (if applicable);  establish the corrective actions to be taken;  notify staff members about their reviews and assigned corrective actions;  monitor the progress made on taking corrective actions;  validate that corrective actions have been completed;  document the validation in TxROCS; and  report serious findings (that is, illegal, immoral, or unethical practices) immediately to the regional director.

After completing a review, the reviewer enters a case note in the consumer's electronic file to document the type of review conducted. Specific findings and assigned corrective actions are not entered in the case note.

Caseload carrying staff members (or their designees):

 review completed reviews;  complete any assigned corrective actions; and  acknowledge that they have completed these steps of the review in TxROCS

19.6 Reference Tools

19.6.1 DSM-IV Codes, Diagnoses, and DRS Disability Reference Tool

Mental health professionals use codes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) to refer to various mental disorders in their reports. The purpose of the DSM-IV Codes, Diagnoses, and DRS Disability Reference Tool in the DRS Counselors' Toolbox is to help determine whether a DSM-IV code diagnosis may be considered a disability for purposes of determining eligibility for DRS services. For guidance, contact the program specialist for behavioral health in Central Office.

19.6.2 Service Categories

(Revised 02/11, 09/29/14)

A "service category" identifies the good or service that is being purchased.

Use the correct service category to enable DRS to

 accurately track expenditures, which helps you manage your budget; and  maintain accurate and consistent data in DRS automated systems.

Page 19 of 51 For help in selecting the appropriate code, see the Service Category Reference Tool.

For service category descriptions and information about verifying receipt and determining receive date, see 19.6.5 List of Service Category Descriptions.

Service category definitions can be found in the Closure Services Definitions for RSA- 911 Reporting Purposes guidance document.

19.6.31 Acronyms

Acronyms used in policy are defined within the context of policy. For an overview, see the Acronym Reference Tool.

19.6.4 Tables of Categories for Disability Coding

Use the following tables in selecting primary and secondary disability categories.

Sensory and/or Communicative Impairments

Category and Definition Code Blindness

An impairment that results in the consumer being legally blind, which is defined as 01 central visual acuity 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction, or visual fields restriction of 20 degrees or less (both eyes). Other Visual Impairments 02 Other visual impairments that do not result in legal blindness. Deafness, Primary Communication Visual

A hearing impairment causing dependence primarily upon visual communication 03 (for example, writing, manual communication, gestures) or when combined with blindness, tactile communication (for example, finger spelling) Deafness, Primary Communication Auditory

The consumer uses spoken language primarily for expressive communication and has been identified in the past as being oral deaf or late-deafened adult. May include consumers who use cochlear implants. May depend primarily on visual communication such as 04

 speech-to-text translation,  lip reading, and/or

 English-based sign language.

Page 20 of 51 Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Visual

An unaided hearing loss

 of at least 40 dB (American National Standard Institute [ANSI]), or pure tone average (PTA) in the more useful ear; or  between 30 and 39 dB loss (ANSI), or PTA in the more useful ear with either 05 o speech discrimination of less than 70%, or o a statement from a physician skilled in diseases of the ear stating a progressive loss of hearing.

The consumer's primary receptive mode of communication is visual (for example, writing, lip reading, manual communication, gestures). The consumer's primary expressive mode of communication is spoken language (when the consumer voices or speaks for himself or herself). Hearing Loss, Primary Communication Auditory

An unaided hearing loss

 of at least 40 dB (American National Standard Institute [ANSI]), pure tone average (PTA) in the more useful ear; or  between 30 and 39 dB (ANSI), or PTA in the more useful ear with either o speech discrimination of less than 70%, or 06 o a statement from a physician skilled in diseases of the ear stating a progressive loss of hearing.

The consumer's primary receptive mode of communication is auditory with or without the assistance of amplification (for example, hearing aids). The consumer's primary expressive mode of communication is spoken language (when the consumer voices or speaks for himself or herself). Other Hearing Impairments (for example, tinnitus, Meniere's disease, hyperacusis, etc.) 07 Diseases and conditions of the ear or auditory systems that do not cause a hearing loss of at least 30 dB in the conversational range in both ears, but that do cause an impediment to employment. Deaf-Blind 08

A consumer who is deaf-blind is defined as someone

1. who has o a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses,

Page 21 of 51 o a field defect in which the peripheral diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees (tunnel vision), or o a progressive visual loss having a prognosis leading to one or both of these conditions; and 2. who has o a chronic hearing impairment so significant that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification (speech discrimination of less than 50%), or o a progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to this condition; and 3. for whom the combination of impairments described in 1 and 2 above cause significant difficulty in attaining an employment outcome; or

4. who, despite the inability to be measured accurately for hearing and vision loss because of cognitive and/or behavioral constraints, can be determined through functional and performance assessment to have significant hearing and visual disabilities that cause extreme difficulty in attaining an employment outcome. Communicative Disorder (expressive or receptive) 09 A disorder that affects a consumer's ability to communicate or understand communication.

Physical Impairments

Category and Definition Code Mobility Impairment—Orthopedic or Neurological 10 Mobility that is affected by either an orthopedic or neurological condition. Manipulation or Dexterity Impairment—Orthopedic or Neurological 11 Orthopedic or neurological conditions that affect manipulation or dexterity. Both Mobility and Manipulation-Dexterity Impairment—Orthopedic or Neurological 12 Orthopedic or neurological conditions that affect both mobility and manipulation and/or dexterity. Other Orthopedic Impairments (for example, limited range of motion) 13 Limitations caused by other orthopedic impairment Respiratory Impairments 14

Page 22 of 51 Impairment resulting in reduced breathing capacity. General Physical Debilitation (for example, fatigue, weakness, pain) 15 A physical condition that results in a reduced capacity to work. Other Physical Impairments (not listed above) 16

Mental Impairments

Category and Definition Code Cognitive Impairments 17 Involves learning, thinking, processing information, and concentration. Psychosocial Impairments

(interpersonal and behavioral impairment, difficulty coping) 18

A mental condition that affects both psychological and social functioning. Other Mental Impairments (not listed above) 19

Table of Codes for Cause or Source of Disability

Use this table to select the cause or source of a disability when coding primary and secondary disabilities.

Cause or Source Code Cause unknown 00 Accident or injury (other than traumatic brain injury (TBI) or spinal cord injury 01 (SCI) Alcohol abuse or dependence 02 Amputations 03 Anxiety disorder 04 Arthritis and rheumatism 05 Asthma and other allergies 06 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 07 Autism 08 Blood disorders 09 Cancer 10

Page 23 of 51 Cardiac and other conditions of the circulatory system 11 Cerebral palsy 12 Congenital conditions or birth injury 13 Cystic fibrosis 14 Depressive and other mood disorders 15 Diabetes mellitus 16 Digestive 17 Drug abuse or dependence (other than alcohol) 18 Eating disorders (for example, anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating) 19 End-stage renal disease and other genitourinary system disorders 20 Epilepsy 21 HIV/AIDS 22 Immune deficiencies excluding HIV/AIDS 23 Mental illness (not listed elsewhere) 24 Intellectual and developmental disability 25 Multiple sclerosis 26 Muscular dystrophy 27 Parkinson's disease and other neurological disorders 28 Personality disorders 29 Physical disorders/conditions (not listed elsewhere) 30 Polio 31 Respiratory disorders other than cystic fibrosis or asthma 32 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders 33 Specific learning disabilities 34 Spinal cord injury (SCI) 35 Stroke 36 Traumatic brain injury (TBI) 37

19.6.5 List of Service Category Descriptions

(Revised 12/08, 04/09, 06/09, 07/09, 12/09, 12/10, 02/11, 03/11, 04/11, 09/11, 10/11, 12/11, 01/12, 03/12, 04/12, 05/15)

Assessment—7652J7(service with required report) Program Year evaluation occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. year to

Page 24 of 51 charge 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 8: Training Services, 8.3.3 To verify CRP Services, Outcome, and Procedures. receipt 2. Provider's written report required. Receive Date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive Date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Assistive Technology Devices—7652P9 (nonconsumable) Program year to Year ordered. charge Check additional requirements in Chapter 11: Technology Services, 11.1 Rehabilitation Technology Devices and Services.

To verify Requires receipt 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or

2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive Date the good was delivered to the consumer or to a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Child Care—7652N8 (service) Program year to Year service occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Obtain an itemized receipt with record of attendance prior to receiving and receipt paying for services. Receive Date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Computer and Related Equipment—7652Q1 (nonconsumable) Program year to Year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive Date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (date can be date outside service dates).

Page 25 of 51 Driver Services Deaf or Blind—7652Q8 (service) Program year to Year services occurred. Prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case folder. receipt Receive Date the service was completed (date must be within service dates). date Employment Goods and Equipment—7652Q3 (nonconsumable) Program year to Year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive Date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be outside date service dates). Existing Medical Records–Assessment—7652K2 (nonconsumable) (medical, dental, and psychological records only) Program year to Year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. a copy of consumer medical records, or receipt 2. an invoice for medical records research. 1. date the copied records were delivered to the DRS office listed as the "ship to" on the authorizing SA (can be outside service dates); or Receive date 2. if research services do not result in located copies, date the invoice was received at the DRS office listed as the "ship to" on the SA (can be outside service dates). Existing Medical Records–Diagnostic—7652P3 (nonconsumable) Program year to Year ordered. charge To verify Requires receipt 1. a copy of consumer medical records, or

Page 26 of 51 2. an invoice for medical records research. 1. the date the copied records were delivered to the DRS office listed as the "ship to" on the authorizing SA (can be outside service dates; or Receive date 2. if research services do not result in located copies, the date the invoice was received at the DRS office listed as the “ship to” on the SA (can be outside service dates). GED Preparation (with testing)—7652R6 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires a provider invoice. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Halfway House Service–CRP Only—7652T6 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 8: Training Services, 8.3.3 CRP Services, Outcome, and Procedures. 2. Requires the provider's written report, such as a DARS3453, To verify Work/Residential Community Rehabilitation Programs, Monthly receipt Progress Report or the equivalent.

3. Verify with the consumer that these services were provided and document the verification before payment. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Hearing Aid Services—7652R4 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred (prorate when crossing fiscal years). charge The date that signed Postfitting Documentation (DARS3105, Hearing To verify Evaluation Report [Section 5. Postfitting Documentation]) was received from receipt the dispenser. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates).

Page 27 of 51 receive date Hospital Services–Assessment—7652K4 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Hospital Services Inpatient–Diagnostic and Evaluation—7652K5 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed; must be within service dates. date Report receive The date the report arrived; can be outside service dates. date Hospital Services Outpatient–Diagnostic and Evaluation—7652S9 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify The provider's written report required. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived; can be outside service dates. date Interpreter Services or Note Taker—7652L8 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt

Page 28 of 51 Receive The date the service was completed; must be within service dates. date Bundled Job Placement Services—7652K6 (service with required report) All— Benchmark Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge Record verification of the Job Placement Specialist credentials in the "DARS Use Only" section of the form.

1. Verify that the Job Placement Specialist documented the services provided to the consumer meeting the required deliverables on the DARS1835, Bundled Job Placement Services—Support Summary, and on the DARS1833, Bundled Job Placement Service Plan and Benchmark Status Report. 2. Verify that the Job Placement Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services To verify Credentials, accompanied the invoice. receipt If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. inform the provider in writing that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential and that the invoice cannot be processed.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks documenting the verification and all pertinent information describing all issues that were present.

3. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.3.3 Employment Premium Services and on the "DARS Only" sections of the DARS1835, Bundled Job Placement Services— Support Summary, and the DARS1833, Bundled Job Placement Service Plan and Benchmark Status Report. Benchmark A Receive The date the consumer has been employed for five cumulative calendar days

Page 29 of 51 date (must be within service dates). Invoiced on day six. Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates, but cannot be before achievement of benchmark). date Benchmark B Receive The date the consumer has been employed for 45 calendar days (must be date within service dates). Invoiced on day 46. Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates, but cannot be before achievement of benchmark). date Benchmark C Receive The date the consumer has been employed for 90 calendar days (must be date within service dates). Invoiced on day 91. Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates, but cannot be before achievement of benchmark). date Job Placement Services—7652K6 (service with required report) Benchmark A Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify 1. Verify that only one Job Placement Specialist documented the receipt services provided to the consumer on the DARS3432A. 2. Verify that the Job Placement Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

Note that you have verified the certification on the Job Placement Specialist note in the "DARS Use Only" section.

3. If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice. Note that the approval requires all signatures listed under the Authorized DARS DRS Representative Approval section.

If an approved DARS3490 accompanied the invoice for services provided by a noncredentialed Job Placement Specialist, continue with step 4.

If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed and an approved

Page 30 of 51 DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. the authorized letter informing the provider that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks.

4. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.9 Bundled Job Placement Services. 5. DARS3432A, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark A; After First Day of Paid Employment is required.

6. Verify with the consumer or employer and document on DARS3432A. Receive The date of the first day of employment (must be within service dates). date Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates). date Benchmark B Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify 1. Verify that only one Job Placement Specialist documented the receipt services provided to the consumer on the DARS3432A. 2. Verify that the Job Placement Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

Note that you have verified the certification on the Job Placement Specialist note in the "DARS Use Only" section.

3. If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice. Note that the approval requires all signatures listed under the Authorized DARS DRS Representative Approval section.

If an approved DARS3490 accompanied the invoice for services provided by a noncredentialed Job Placement Specialist, continue with

Page 31 of 51 step 4.

If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. the authorized letter informing the provider that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks.

4. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.9 Bundled Job Placement Services. 5. DARS3432B, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark B; After 45 Days of Paid Employment is required.

6. Verify with the consumer or employer and document on DARS3432B. Receive The date of the 45th day of employment (must be within service dates). date Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates). date Benchmark C Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify 1. Verify that only one Job Placement Specialist documented the receipt services provided to the consumer on the DARS3432A. 2. Verify that the Job Placement Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

Note that you have verified the certification on the Job Placement Specialist note in the "DARS Use Only" section.

3. If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice. Note that the approval requires all signatures listed under the Authorized DARS DRS Representative

Page 32 of 51 Approval section.

If an approved DARS3490 accompanied the invoice for services provided by a noncredentialed Job Placement Specialist, continue with step 4.

If the Job Placement Specialist is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. the authorized letter informing the provider that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks.

4. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.9 Bundled Job Placement Services. 5. DARS3432C, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark C; After 90 Days of Paid Employment is required.

6. Verify with the consumer or employer and document on DARS3432C. Receive The date of the 90th day of employment (must be within service dates). date Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates). date Professional Placement Premium Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge Requires

a signed DARS3432C, Job Placement Services—Support Summary, Benchmark C; After 90 Days of Paid Employment; and To verify receipt a copy of the job description or job posting.

Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.9 Bundled Job Placement Services. Receive The date of the 90th day of employment (must be within service dates). date Report The date a DRS staff member verified the content of the signed report (can receive be outside service dates).

Page 33 of 51 date Maintenance—7652K7 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires case notes documenting regular counselor contact showing that receipt payment is still needed. When paid at completion of services, last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 7 days before the start of services). Medical Services–Assessment—7652K8 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Medical Services–Diagnostic—7652K9 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred (prorate when crossing fiscal years). charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Other Goods—7652L4 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 11: Technology Services, To verify 11.3 Job-Site and Home Modification Services. receipt 2. Verify with onsite visit and document in case notes. Receive The date the service was completed (can be outside service dates).

Page 34 of 51 date Other Goods and Equipment—7652L2 (consumable) Program year to The year you expect the good or equipment to be delivered and used. charge Requires

1. itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or To verify 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. receipt Check additional requirements in Chapter 11: Technology Services, 11.1 Rehabilitation Technology Devices and Services. The date the good was delivered to the consumer or to a DRS office (can be Receive outside service dates, but must be within the effective dates of the service date authorization program year). Other Medical Restorative Services—7652P7 (no dentures) (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Other Personal Attendant Services—7652Q9 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Other Rehab Tech Services—7652Q6 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge Requires the provider's written report. To verify receipt Check additional requirements in Chapter 11: Technology Services, 11.1 Rehabilitation Technology Devices and Services.

Page 35 of 51 Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Other Services for Consumers–Miscellaneous—7652O5 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Use the verification method appropriate for the service category that would receipt have been used if the purchase were being made for a consumer. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Other Services for Family Members—7652L7 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Use the verification method appropriate for the service category that would receipt have been used if the purchase were being made for a consumer. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date PABI and Nontraining Room and Board—7652T4 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy—7652R3 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date

Page 36 of 51 Psychological Testing—7652S8 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Reader and Tactile Interpreting Deaf or Blind—7652Q7 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Rehabilitation Engineering Services—7652O4 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Repair of Equipment and Devices—7652O6 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt Receive The date the service is completed (must be within service dates). date Restoration Goods—7652L9 (consumable) Program year to The year you expect the good to be delivered and used. charge

Page 37 of 51 To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be Receive outside service dates, but must be within the effective dates of the service date authorization program year). Restoration Goods—7652M1 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. To verify receipt For hearing aids—upon receipt of the manufacturer's product invoice, contact the dispenser to verify receipt of the correct product; document in case note. The date the good was delivered to the consumer or to a DRS office (can be outside service dates). Receive date For hearing aids—the date the dispenser confirms that the correct product was received. Restoration–Inpatient Surgery or Treatment—7652M3 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Restoration Medical Equipment with Services—7652T1 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge To verify Verify with the consumer. receipt Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or to a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Restoration Medical Services—7652M2 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report.

Page 38 of 51 receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Room and Board–Academic Training—7652M4 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge An invoice is not required to verify receipt. If a receive date has not already To verify been entered when the invoice arrives, both steps may be done at the same receipt time using the same date unless the invoice arrives more than 14 days before the service start date. 14 days before the start date through the service end date. Receive date When advanced payment is required, use the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Room and Board–Vocational Training—7652R5 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge An invoice is not required to verify receipt. If a receive date has not already To verify been entered when the invoice arrives, both steps may be done at the same receipt time using the same date unless the invoice arrives more than 14 days before the service start date. 14 days before the start date through the service end date. Receive date When advanced payment is required, use the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Self-Employment Goods and Equipment—7652Q4 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Self-Employment Services—7652S7 (service) Rent or Lease Payments

Page 39 of 51 Program year to The year the services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires a copy of the lease. receipt Receive The last date of the billing period (must be within service dates). date Self-Employment Technical Services—7652T3 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge 1. Requires the provider's written report. To verify receipt 2. Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. Receive The date service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date State License Fees—7652P8 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Supported Employment Services—7652O9 (service with required report) Benchmark 1A—SEA Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify Record verification of the Supported Employment Specialist credentials in the receipt "DARS Use Only" section of the form.

1. Verify that only one Supported Employment Specialist documented the services provided to the consumer on the DARS1612, Supported Employment Assessment. 2. Verify that the Supported Employment Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable

Page 40 of 51 Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

If the Supported Employment Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice.

If the Supported Employment Specialist is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. inform the provider in writing that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential and the invoice cannot be processed.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks documenting the verification and all pertinent information describing all issues that were present.

3. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services and on the “DARS Only” sections of the DARS1612, Supported Employment Assessment. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report The date the signed narrative report was approved by the counselor (can be receive outside service dates). date Benchmark 1B Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify Record verification of the Supported Employment Specialist credentials, if receipt any, in the "DARS Use Only" section of the form.

1. Verify that only one Supported Employment Specialist documented the services provided to the consumer on the DARS1613, Supported Employment Assessment. 2. Verify that the Supported Employment Specialist has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the

Page 41 of 51 DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

If the Supported Employment Specialist is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice.

If the Supported Employment Specialist is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. inform the provider in writing that the Job Placement Specialist does not hold the required credential and the invoice cannot be processed.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks documenting the verification and all pertinent information describing all issues that were present.

3. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services and on the "DARS Only" sections of the DARS1613, Supported Employment Services Plan—Part 1. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report The date the signed narrative report was approved by the counselor (can be receive outside service dates). date Benchmarks 2–6 Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify Record verification of the Supported Employment Specialist credentials and receipt Job Skills Trainer credentials, if any, in the "DARS Use Only" section of the form.

1. Verify that the Supported Employment Specialist documented the services provided to the consumer meeting the required deliverables 1. DARS1613 for Benchmark 2-6; and 2. DARS1614 for Benchmark 2; 3. DARS1615 for Benchmark 3 and 4; and 4. DARS1616 for Benchmark 5 and 6. 2. Verify that the Supported Employment Specialist and Job Skills Trainer or Job Coach(if any) has the required credential by logging onto the

Page 42 of 51 UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

If either the Supported Employment Specialist or Job Skills Trainer or Job Coach is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials accompanied the invoice.

If the Supported Employment Specialist or Job Skills Trainer or Job Coach is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 does not accompany the invoice, return to the CRP:

1. a copy of the invoice; 2. a copy of the report; and 3. inform the provider in writing that Supported Employment Specialist or Job Skills Trainer/ or Job Coach does not hold the required credential and the invoice cannot be processed.

Enter a note in ReHabWorks documenting the verification and all pertinent information describing any issues that were present.

3. Check additional requirements in Chapter 9: Employment Services, 9.10 Supported Employment and on the "DARS Only" sections of the required forms. (See the associated forms that apply above— DARS1614, DARS1615, and DARS1616.) Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report The date the signed reports were approved by the counselor (can be outside receive service dates. See associated forms DARS1613, DARS1614, DARS1615, or date DARS1616.). Training (Appliances and Devices)—7652R8 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Training Higher Education—7652N4 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge

Page 43 of 51 To verify Requires a provider invoice. receipt 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When advance payment is required, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Training Higher Education–Goods—7652N2 (consumable) Program year to The year the good is expected to be delivered and used. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be Receive outside service dates, but must be within the effective dates of the service date authorization program year). Training Higher Education–Goods—7652N3 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Training–Job Coach—7652O7 (service with required report) Program year to The year in which the benchmark was achieved. charge To verify 1. Verify that only one Job Coach documented the services provided to receipt the consumer on the DARS3458. 2. Verify that the Job Coach has the required credential by logging in to the UNT's Workplace and Sustainable Employment database.

VR program staff should refer to the UNT User Login document on the DRS intranet for login credentials for UNT.

Note that you have verified the certification on the Job Coach note in

Page 44 of 51 the "DARS Use Only" section.

3. If the Job Coach is not credentialed, verify that an approved DARS3490 accompanied the invoice. Note that the DARS3490, Temporary Waiver of Employment Services Credentials approval requires all signatures listed under the Authorized DARS DRS Representative Approval section.

If an approved DARS3490 accompanied the invoice for services provided by a noncredentialed Job Coach, proceed with step 4.

If the Job Coach is not credentialed and an approved DARS3490 did not accompany the invoice, return the invoice and the report to the CRP and make a note in ReHabWorks.

4. Check additional requirements in Chapter 8: Training Services, 8.3.3 CRP Services, Outcome, and Procedures. 5. Check for a required report, such as DARS3458, Job Coach Service(s) Time Log or equivalent form containing the same information. Each entry must be initialed by the service provider, and the completed report must be signed by both the provider and consumer.

6. Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Training Job Readiness and Augmentative Services—7652N6 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 8: Training Services, 8.3.3 CRP Services, Outcome, and Procedures. 2. Requires a provider's written report, such as a DARS3453, Monthly To verify Progress Report for Work/Residential Community Rehabilitation receipt Programs or the equivalent.

3. Verify with the consumer that these services were provided and document the verification before payment. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates).

Page 45 of 51 receive date Training (Lip-Reading or Sign Language)—7652S3 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed; must be within service dates. date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Training–OJT Goods and Supplies—7652M5 (consumable) Program year to The year the good or supply is expected to be delivered and used. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be Receive outside service dates, but must be within the effective dates of the service date authorization program year). Training–OJT Goods and Supplies—7652M6 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year the good or supply is ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Training–Other—7652M7 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify When paid upon completion of service, requires receipt 1. a provider invoice, and

Page 46 of 51 2. a written report.

Note: If a written report is unavailable, verify with the consumer and document in case notes. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Training–Other advance pay—7652O8 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge When paid in advance, or at intervals before service completion, requires a provider invoice.

When paid upon completion of service, requires

1. a provider invoice, and To verify 2. a written report. receipt Note: If a written report is unavailable, verify with the consumer, and document in case notes.

Note: The provider's written report is received after the fact when advance payment is used. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before the start). Training–Other College Prep—7652O2 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires a provider invoice. receipt 1. When paid at the completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When advance payment is required, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Training–Other Nonadvance Pay—7652M8 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge

Page 47 of 51 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 8: Training Services, 8.3.3 CRP Services, Outcome, and Procedures. To verify 2. Requires the provider's written report. receipt 3. Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the signed report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Training–Other Nondegree—7652O3 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge When paid in advance, or at intervals before service completion, requires a provider invoice.

When paid upon completion of service, requires

1. a provider invoice, and To verify 2. a written report. receipt Note: If a written report is unavailable, verify with the consumer, and document in case notes.

Note: The provider's written report is received after the fact when advance payment is used. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before the start). Training to Evaluate Abilities—7652T2 (service with required report) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires the provider's written report. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Report receive The date the report arrived (can be outside service dates). date Training–Vocational or Community College—7652R9 (service advance pay)

Page 48 of 51 Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires a provider invoice. receipt 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When advance payment is required, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Training–Vocational or Occupational Goods or Supplies—7652M9 (consumable) Program year to The year you expect the good to be delivered and used. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be Receive outside service dates, but must be within the effective dates of the service date authorization program year). Training–Vocational or Occupational Goods or Supplies—7652N1 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge Requires To verify 1. An itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or receipt 2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Training Vocational or Occupational–Tuition—7652N7 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify When paid in advance, or at intervals before service completion, requires a receipt provider invoice.

When paid upon completion of service, requires a provider invoice.

Verify with the consumer and document in case notes.

Note: The provider's written report is received after the fact when advance

Page 49 of 51 payment is used. 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When advance payment is required, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as 14 days before services begin). Translator for Limited English Proficiency—7652R1 (service) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Verify with the consumer and document in case notes. receipt Receive The date the service was completed (must be within service dates). date Transportation–Common Carrier—7652N9 (services advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires case notes documenting regular counselor contact and showing receipt that payment is still needed. 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as seven days before the start). Transportation–Private—7652S6 (service advance pay) Program year to The year services occurred; prorate when crossing fiscal years. charge To verify Requires case notes documenting regular counselor contact and showing receipt that payment is still needed. 1. When paid at completion of services, the last day of services (must be within service dates). Receive date 2. When paid in advance, the date the receipt is acknowledged in ReHabWorks (as early as seven days before the start). Uniform Items for Employment—7652Q2 (nonconsumable) Program year to The year ordered. charge To verify Requires

Page 50 of 51 receipt 1. an itemized receipt signed by the consumer or a DRS employee; or

2. DARS3425, Receipt for Items signed by the consumer. Receive The date the good was delivered to the consumer or a DRS office (can be date outside service dates). Vehicle Modifications—7652Q5 Program year to The year ordered. charge 1. Check additional requirements in Chapter 11: Technology Services, To verify 11.2.10 Procedure for Vehicle Modification. receipt 2. Verify with onsite visit and document in case notes. Receive The date the service was completed (can be outside service dates). date

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