IBAC Technical Report Summary s1
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IBAC Technical Report Summary
Subject: NAT Operations and Air Traffic Management
Meeting: North Atlantic (NAT) Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Group (CNSG/6)
IBAC File:
Reported by: Brian Bowers
Summary: The CNSG/6 was held from 26 to 30 March 2012 in Paris, France. The CNSG noted that HFDL is considered as not providing acceptable performance to meet the communications/sur- veillance requirements for the planned NAT reduced separations. The situation needs to be further studied, specifically with regards to its potential impact on the NAT reduced separation trials and operations. The IBAC will continue spreading information to their members on the necessity for flight crew training and aware - ness of the GOLD and performance based communications and surveillance requirements. The CNSG/6 was provided with a report on the DLMA investigation of problem reports (PR). PR1024 was related to aircraft receiving “Message not supported by this facility” messages in response to unsolicited CP- DLC position reports. CPDLC position reports are not used in the NAT but are actively employed in other Regions. With the exception of Gander, other NAT ANSPs are not replying to aircraft with a “Message not supported by this facility” response in such cases. IATA and IBAC have stated that a globally harmonised approach is desirable. Canada agreed to investigate whether a similar approach to other NAT ANSPs can be applied. An amendment to Appendix F of the GOLD will be required to indicate that CPDLC position re- ports are not required in the NAT. The issue of ARINC and SITA not delivering non customer ADS downlink messages even though they ac- knowledge (ACK) receipt of the message was discussed at length. This situation does not comply with the ARINC-620 2.2.3 Accountability section requirement. The Group agreed the NAT fast track procedure for resolving safety related issues should be triggered and the Secretariat will initiate necessary actions in line with the NAT fast track procedure published in the NAT SPG Handbook. The Group noted the NAT IMG/39 agreement to acknowledge acceptability of FANS 1/A over Iridium (FOI) Short Burst Data (SBD) and FANS 1/A over the I3 Inmarsat Classic Aero Services performance for the current NAT opera- tions/separation minima. The CNSG drafted a NAT SPG conclusion for NAT IMG/40 to forward to the NAT SPG so the ICAO Regional Director, Europe and North Atlantic, will take appropriate measures to publish the statement in the NAT SPG Handbook (NAT Doc 001). The CNSG noted the RCP240/RSP180 performance was usually around 98-99% but not reaching 99.9%. Not meeting Pilot Operational Response Times (PORT) allocation seemed to be one of the most problematic areas. Flight crews training and awareness about the GOLD performance based communications and surveil- lance requirements appeared to be an important contributory factor. The Group noted IBAC will assist with spreading this information to their members. The CNSG6 reviewed the latest Satcom Voice Guidance Material (SVGM) v 0.8.6 and the comments from the ATMG and ACSG. The Group was informed that the IRSVTF would issue SVGM, 1st Edition, for endorsement by NAT SPG/48. The Group noted that APANPIRG was also planning to endorse the SVGM at its next meeting during 2012. The CNSG was provided with the draft NAT FPL2012 and AIDC implementation plan (Appendix G to the final report refers). The Group agreed to recommend the approval of the plan and drafted an IMG/40 conclu- sion to have a state letter sent by the ICAO EUR/NAT Regional Director with the plan attached. The next meeting of the Group in line with the NAT IMG/39 agreement, will be held in Santa Maria, Portu- gal on 24-28 September 2012. NAT CNSG/8 will be held on 18-22 March 2013 in Paris, France. Implication for Business Aviation:
Note. That HFDL is considered as not providing acceptable performance to meet the communications/surveillance re- quirements for the planned NAT reduced separations. Note. The eligibility of FANS 1/A over Iridium (FOI) Short Burst Data (SBD) and Inmarsat I3 Classic Aero Services are considered acceptable means for the current NAT operations/separation minima. Note. The necessity for flight crew training, operator’s procedures and awareness of performance based communica- tions and surveillance requirements should include correct references to the GOLD. Note. That flight crews training and awareness about the GOLD performance based communications and surveillance requirements appeared to be an important contributory factor in not meeting Pilot Operational Response Times (PORT) allocations. Note. The SATCOM voice Guidance Material (SVGM), First Edition, should be endorsed by NAT SPG and the APANPIRG in 2012. Decisions Required: To make decisions on the timely acquisition of equipment, degree of training and certification required to meet the re - quirements to efficiently continue accessing NAT airspace.
This report contains material for the sole information of IBAC Members and no guarantee or undertakings are given, or should be as- sumed, as to their accuracy. The content is under the copyright of the author and IBAC, and may not be distributed to third parties without specific agreement of the IBAC Director General.