The Draft Jersey Island Plan Examination in Public
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Programme Officer: TEL/FAX: 01527 65741 Mrs Helen Wilson BA (Hons) MOBILE: 07879 443035 32 Pennyford Close, Brockhill, Redditch B97 6TW EMAIL: [email protected]
5 July 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
I enclose for your information the list of Topics and Participants, dated 2 July, which has now been updated in the light of comments since the Second Pre-Examination Meeting held on 22 June. Also enclosed are the Notes of that meeting.
The Second Round of Consultation has now commenced; please refer to paragraph 5 of the Revised Guidance Notes, which were previously circulated, for information on the Consultation, which will close on 19 July.
There may be some further amendments to the list of Topics and Participants following the second round of consultation but these are expected to be limited. In any event the final and definitive list will be issued on 29 July.
I realise that the process must appear complex but this arises from a desire to ensure that everyone has opportunities to give their views both on the Draft Plan and on the process for examining it.
If you have any queries please contact me.
Yours faithfully
Helen Wilson Programme Officer Enc.
2 July 2010
Examination Commences: 21 September 2010
1. The following revised draft list of Topics and Participants has been drawn up by the Inspectors taking into account comments received on the initial draft version.
2. The Inspectors wish to keep the number of participants in the topic sessions to around 12 (+ the Planning Department). In one or two cases this has already been exceeded. But numbers higher than this make debate difficult.
3. The Inspectors have tried to include a range of different points of view for each topic, and to avoid too much duplication – ie not to have too many participants making very similar points.
4. If you are included in this list you are asked to contact the Programme Officer by Monday 19 July either to confirm your intention to appear, or to indicate to her that you will not be able to appear as this could create space for an alternative participant to be included.
5. Parties should note that they may, if not included on the list, find it helpful to talk to a party with similar views who has been included; and should also note that they may wish to participate in the Examination in Public (EiP) via the Open Session.
6. The Inspectors will be reporting both on the Draft Plan as published and on the Minister’s proposed changes to the Draft Plan. Those proposed changes are now available for comment until 19 July 2010. The Inspectors do not propose to hold a session specifically on Chapter 1 of the Draft Plan: General Development Control Policies (the GD series of policies). These policies seek to give effect to a range of aims which can better be addressed in the context of the EiP’s various themed topic sessions (housing, built environment etc). Participants at themed topic sessions may refer to any Draft GD Policy that they see as relevant to the point they wish to make, and indeed are encouraged to do so if they wish to propose an amendment to a GD Policy. Participants are also invited to raise any concerns they may have regarding international obligations (see paragraph 1.3 page 28 of the Draft Plan) in relation to the Plan.
7. This is the final list of topics and participants subject only to any changes necessitated by the second round of representations (see guidance notes for details).
8. For further information about the EiP, parties should refer to the Revised Notes for Guidance, which have been circulated.
02/07/10 3 Day 1 - Strategic Policy Framework
Tuesday 21 September
Polices SP1-6, Appendix 1 (note – policy SP7 will be considered under the “built environment” heading)
Inspector’s note – it is the purpose of this opening debate to consider in general terms whether the approach and strategy of the Plan is correct – and also to consider changes of detail to the policies set out above. However, many of these policies relate also to later debates – to give just one example car parking will clearly be debated during the session on travel and transport. Participants should concentrate on strategic issues therefore and avoid detail which may be more appropriate later in the EiP
1. Taken as a whole, does the Plan adequately consider the effects of climate change? Are the policies sufficiently strong (or are they too strong) in relation to the mitigation of the effects of climate change? What changes need to be made, if any, to deal with this issue?
2. Policy SP1 sets out a strategy to concentrate development primarily in the urban areas. This runs through the whole of the Plan. Is this a correct approach? Does it mean that too much development will be concentrated in St Helier in particular, to its detriment? What contribution should other urban/suburban areas make, and does the Plan provide for this? Is there scope for more development in the rural areas? Or is it right to give priority to the protection of the countryside? What specific changes might be needed to address these issues?
3. Policy SP3 sets out a sequential approach to development. Is this correct? Should any of its components be changed and if so, in what way?
4. Is the balance between policies to protect the natural environment and policies to stimulate the economy drawn correctly? If not what changes should be made? Are the proposals in SP5 regarding employment land and buildings satisfactory at a strategic level?
5. At a strategic level, is policy SP6 (reducing dependence on the car) a sensible and achievable policy?
6. In relation to Appendix A – is too much being left to Supplementary Planning Guidance? If so how can this be tackled?
Written statements should be prepared as follows 1000 word maximum Q2/3 1500 word maximum for both questions taken together Q4-6 1500 word maximum for all questions taken together
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
02/07/10 4 PARTICIPANTS (for all questions)
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Jersey Environmental Forum Mike Waddington Deputy John Le Fondre Mark Forskitt Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Ray Shead OR Andrew Morris (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Charles Alluto (The National Trust for Jersey) Nicholas Palmer Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Mike Dun James Godfrey (Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society) Connetable Norman
Mike King (CEO of Economic Development Department) OR Dougie Peedle (Chief Minister’s Office) – for topic 4 only
David St George (States Transport and Technical Services Department) for topic 5 only
02/07/10 5 Day 2 - Natural Environment
Wednesday 22 September
Objective NE1, Policies NE1, NE4, NE5, NE6 & NE7
Topics for the morning session 1. Do Objectives NE1 and Policy NE1 sufficiently recognise the importance of diversity in urban and suburban as well as rural and coastal areas? Does the Policy implicitly allow that some (short of serious) adverse impact on biodiversity might be an acceptable consequence of development? Under which circumstances should the Policy seek simply to protect biodiversity, accept some minor degradation as being outweighed by the benefits of development, or seek a net gain in biodiversity as a requirement for development proceeding?
2. Somewhat similarly, does Policy NE4 strike the correct balance between protecting trees, woodland and boundary features or requiring potential enhancements?
3. Again somewhat similarly, is the designation of a Green Zone (Policy NE7) the correct approach? Does it strike the right balance between protecting the countryside with the maintenance of sustainable rural communities? Are the boundaries the optimum ones?
4. One response to the Draft Plan suggested that is has an ‘anti-architectural’ bias. Do you agree? More specifically, do the Island’s skylines, views and vistas warrant specific policy protection? Is there a risk of inhibiting changes that might in time be seen as welcome additions?
Topics for the afternoon session 5. Is the designation of a Coastal National Park (Policy NE6) the correct approach? Does it risk a ‘two tier’ approach to protecting the countryside? Do the measures outlined in Proposal 9 adequately address the management of the Park? Or as things stand is it more a land use designation? Is the Plan unduly or insufficiently onerous in the development permitted within the Park? Are the landward and shoreline boundaries the optimum ones?
6. Does Policy NE5, Marine Zone, unreasonably circumscribe the use and development of existing harbours or the provision of recreational boating facilities?
Written statements should be prepared as follows Q1/2 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
Morning session
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Ani Binet Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) John Pinel Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) or Mrs Susan Kerley Jersey Bat Group Mike Waddington Peter Cadiou (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) James Godfrey (Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society) Jersey Environmental Forum John Mesch (Council for Protection of Jersey Heritage) Pierre Le Saux Robin Troy
Afternoon Session
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) OR Susan Kerley Peter Cadiou (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) James Godfrey (Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society) Jersey Environmental Forum John Mesch (Council for Protection of Jersey Heritage) Greg Morel Maurice Dubras Stephen de Gruchy Captain Howard Le Cornu (Jersey Harbours) Chris Parlett OR PG Donne Davis (St Helier Boat Owners’ Association/Gorey Boat Owners’ Association joint representation) Nicholas Jouault
02/07/10 7 Day 3 and Day 4 am: Historic Environment; Built Environment, Social Community & Open Space
Thursday 23 September Friday 24 September (AM only – up to 11.30 am)
Policies HE1, BE1, BE2, SP7, GD1, GD2, GD4, ER1, ER2, SCO1, SCO2, SCO5
Compared with some other chapters there have been relatively limited responses to Draft Chapter 3, Historic Environment, and most are detailed points that can be responded to in writing by the States without benefiting from oral discussion. One issue warrants further discussion. Similarly there has not been a substantial amount of response to Draft Chapter 7, Social, Community & Open Space. The greater part of the discussion is therefore focused on Chapter 4, Built Environment. The subjects do, however, overlap, making linked sessions an appropriate forum.
Day 3- am
Historic 1. Do the Historic Environment Policies, in particular HE1, strike the right balance between preservation and adaptation for new uses?
Built Environment 2. Is the focus on St Helier in Objective BE1 and BE2 to be supported? Does the Plan strike the right balance between higher densities, taller buildings, quality of design and protection and enhancement of the urban realm? Does the Draft Plan set out the right vision for the future of St Helier? What are the implications for the current hiatus for the Waterfront (Esplanade) scheme?
3. Taken together with other aspects of the Draft Plan, does Policy SP7, Better by Design, provide the right policy framework for achieving high quality design while addressing the Island’s future development needs and housing needs in particular?
4. Does the Draft Plan, and Policy GD1 in particular, sufficiently recognise the need for Designing Out Crime, safeguarding people’s health from potentially adverse impacts of new development and promoting healthy lifestyles?
02/07/10 8 Day 3 am
Written statements should be prepared as follows 1,000 word maximum Q2/3 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together 1,000 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
States Planning & Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) OR Susan Kerley Ray Shead OR Andrew Morris (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Andrew Heaven (Health Improvement (Public Health Department) OR Stephen Smith (Health Protection Services) Deputy Daniel Wimberley Mrs Penelope Lee Stephen de Gruchy Mike Waddington Andre Ferrari OR Rowland Anthony (Council for the Protection of Jersey’s Heritage) Stephanie Steedman Stuart Fell Anthony Gibb Jersey Police (Q4 only)
Day 3-pm
5. Does the Draft Plan strike the right balance between area conservation and regeneration?
6. Is the presumption in Policy GD2 against demolition too onerous? Does the Policy provide a sound basis against which to determine whether the demolition of a building can be justified or resisted?
7. Does Policy GD4 strike the right balance with respect to the scope for planning obligations, and in particular is the Percentage for Art a legitimate aim and should the scope for its application be widened or reduced?
8. Does Policy BE1 (in conjunction with the retail Policies ER1 and ER2 in Chapter 5 provide the right way forward for St Helier’s shopping centre?
02/07/10 9 Day 3 pm
Written statements should be prepared as follows Q5/6 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together 1,000 word maximum 1,500 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
States Planning & Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) OR Susan Kerley Ray Shead (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Stephanie Steedman Bruce Willing Rod Mcloughlin Jersey Environmental Forum Andre Ferrari OR Rowland Anthony (Council for the Protection of Jersey’s Heritage) Stuart Fell Anthony Gibb
Day 4 - am (up to 11.30 am)
Airport and Harbour Regeneration 9. Is Proposal 12 for a Jersey Airport Regeneration Zone sound and adequately defined? Similarly are the proposals the Jersey Harbour regeneration proposals sound?
Social, Community and Open Space 10. Does Policy SCO1 make adequate provision for new education facilities and provide the right level of protection of the sites from changes to other uses? Is the approach consistent with that in Policy SCO2 with respect to healthcare facilities?
11. Is the provision and enhancement of open space adequately addressed by Policy SCO5? Should more be done with respect to Fort Regent and is the land at Collette appropriate, having regard to its landward neighbouring uses and seaward Ramsar designation?
02/07/10 10 Day 4 am
Written statements should be prepared as follows 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so. PARTICIPANTS
States Planning & Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Captain Howard Le Cornu (States of Jersey Harbours) Deputy James Reed Rod McLoughlin OR Jeremy Harris from ESC Department John Le Maistre (Jersey Famers Union) Matthew Waddington Ray Shead OR Andrew Morris (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Bruce Willing Mrs Stephanie Steedman Maurice Dubras
02/07/10 11 Day 4 - Economy
Friday 24 September (From 11.30 am)
Polices SP6, E1, ER1, ER2, ER7, ER8, ER10, E1W2, EVE1 and Objectives E1 and EVE1.
Inspector’s note: most issues in this session are of broad application. Issues regarding the Draft designation of land for light industrial use at Thistlegrove is being considered as part of the EiP session on individual sites.
1. Does Policy E1 strike the right balance between protecting employment land from other uses while not unreasonably fettering the transfer of land to other uses such as housing in particular?
2. Do Policies ER1, ER2, ER8 and ER10 provide a sound basis for protecting and promoting St Helier as Jersey’s major shopping centre?
3. Does Policy ER7 strike the right balance between safeguarding the vitality and viability of St Helier town centre while facilitating adequate provision for food retailing on Jersey?
4. Do Policies SP5, Objectives E1 and EVE1 and Policy EVE1, taken with other provisions of the Draft Plan make adequate provision to support tourism and appropriately located tourist accommodation?
5. Should the Plan provide express support for marine leisure businesses and more broadly for widening Jersey’s leisure and tourism offers (eg land and marine eco tourism)?
Written statements should be prepared as follows 1,000 word maximum Q2/3 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together Q4/5 1,500 word maximum for all questions taken together Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so. PARTICIPANTS States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Mike King (EDD) Dougie Peedle (Chief Minister’s Office) Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Gerald Fletcher OR Stuart Fell (Jersey Hospitality Association) Roberto Lora (The Savoy Hotel) Seamus Morvan (Morvan Hotels) Bill Sarre (CBRE) Ray Shead FOR David Dodge (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Deputy John Le Fondre Ben Ludlam (C Le Masurier Ltd) Captain Howard Le Cornu (Jersey Harbours regarding marine leisure)
02/07/10 12 Days 5 and 6 – Housing
Monday 27 September Tuesday 28 September (AM only)
Policies H1-5, H9 Proposal 14, Appendix B – general comments ONLY (few substantive comments have been received on policies H 6-8 or H 10-11; these will be considered on the basis of the written submissions)
Inspector’s note: Participants should note that a substantial part of the EiP in week 3 has been allocated for the discussion of individual sites. During the topic debate on housing therefore it is not appropriate to discuss the qualities of particular sites, and whether they should or should not be allocated for development. Participants should address the questions set out below. Participants should be aware of background material, in particular the interim review of housing land availability (Feb 2010), Jersey’s Housing Assessment 2008-12 – report on the 2007 housing needs survey; the St Helier Town Capacity Study (Oct 2008); and (for session 4) the “MacDonald report” on Achieving Affordable Housing as a Proportion of Private Housing Development and the “Whitehead report” – review of social housing.
Session 1 Housing Supply and Demand
Housing Objective 1 is to “……… the Island’s housing needs over the Plan period”.
On pages 234-244 the Plan sets out assessments of housing demand and supply; the table in paragraph 6.55 summarises the total estimated demand and the total estimated supply.
1. Is the assessment of demand accurate, comprehensive and justified?
2. Is the estimate of supply reasonable? (It is of course subject to later debates about individual sites)
3. Do the proposals therefore meet objective 1 and if not, what changes need to be made to the Plan?
4. Is the assumption in 6.8 that the majority of houses will be supplied by the private sector reasonable? Is the social rented sector likely to become more important?
5. Taking into account the strategic policies in the Plan, and the assessments of demand and supply, is the general distribution of housing proposed in the Plan reasonable? Without discussing individual sites, are the briefs set out in Appendix B set at the right level of detail?
02/07/10 13 Written statements should be prepared as follows Session 1- Q1-5 1500 word maximum for all questions taken together
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
Session 2 Housing Mix
1. Policy H4 and the preceding paragraphs deal with housing mix. Are these assessments and proposals reasonable? What changes if any should be made?
Written statements should be prepared as follows Session 2 - Q1 1000 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Minister for Housing Senator Terry Le Main Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) C Mavity (Housing Department) David Whalley (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) David Parker Deputy John Le Fondre John Mesch (Council for the Protection of Jersey’s Heritage) Dr Luke Shobbrook Valerie Harding Mike Dun
02/07/10 14 Session 3 Affordable Housing
1. Policy H3 and preceding paragraphs deal with affordable housing. Is the policy workable? Bearing in mind the section of the Plan on viability, will it bring housing development to a “complete stop”, as suggested? Is the proposed policy flawed in principle, or would the use of different thresholds and proportions be acceptable? If so, what should these be? Respondents stress the current economic climate; would a greater delay in the introduction of the policy help its introduction? Is the “viability assessment” model workable?
2. Background papers suggest that the price of market housing is such that it is affordable by only a minority of residents, and that there is a serious shortage of affordable housing. Is that agreed? What alternative approach might be taken to tackling that problem? (WEB propose a mechanism but there may be others).
Written statements should be prepared as follows Session 3 1500 word maximum for both questions taken together
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Minister for Housing Senator Terry Le Main C Mavity (Housing Dept) David Parker Deputy John Le Fondre David Whalley (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) TBC (Jersey Construction Council) Stephen Izaat (WEB) Martin Clancy (Dandara) Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Bill Sarre (CBRE) Mike Waddington
02/07/10 15 Session 4 Housing in Rural Areas/Agricultural Workers Accommodation
1. Policy H5 deals with housing in rural centres. Is this policy sensible and reasonable? If not, what changes should be made to it?
2. Proposal 14 deals with the production of village plans. Is it right to require the preparation of village plans by Parishes rather than the States in consultation with the Parishes? Is it right that the plans are adopted by the Minister without reference to the States?
3. Policy H9 deals with staff and agricultural workers accommodation. Is this policy sensible and reasonable? If not, what changes should be made to it?
Written statements should be prepared as follows Session 4 1500 word maximum for all questions taken together
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
Minister for Housing Senator Terry Le Main C Mavity (Housing Department) Connetable Silva Yates James Godfrey (Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society) Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) Andrew Fleet (Style Group Ltd) John Le Maistre (Jersey Farmers Union) Mr Howard Deputy Rondel Jersey Environment Forum Mike Stein
02/07/10 16 Day 7 - Travel and Transport
Wednesday 29 September (up to 3.00 pm)
Polices TT1 – TT17; Policy SP6 and paragraph 8.22 – specific considerations (strategic consideration of SP6 is on Day 1)
Inspector’s note – Chapter 8 of the Draft Island Plan, Travel and Transport, refers to States’ Technical Services Department publications including an emerging Sustainable Transport Policy: Vision (2009). The substance and merits of this document are not open to review by the EiP, although its relationship to the Draft Island Plan is an important material consideration.
1. Are the emerging Sustainable Transport Policy and the land use policies in the Draft Island Plan consistent? Which, if either, has more shaped the other? Will the combined effect of implementing both lead to an optimum outcome in integrating land use and transport policies?
2. Is the overall distribution of development locations envisaged in the Draft Plan consistent with the aim to reduce the need to travel by car? For example would the Plan deliver a rough balance of employment and residential development in the western parishes? Is too much reliance being placed on increased bus usage rather than co-locating homes, services and jobs?
3. Does Policy TT10 strike the right balance between using limiting public parking provision as means to reduce car travel and the economic and others needs of the Island and St Helier in particular? What are the implications stemming from Proposal 19 to set maximum rather than minimum parking guidelines? Should such guidelines be specified within the Island Plan rather than left for Supplementary Guidance?
4. Do Policy TT2 and Proposal 18 correctly identify locations for improved pedestrian provision?
5. Does Policy TT15 adequately define the Port of St Helier operational area and make adequate provision for its future development?
6. Should the Draft Plan do more to encourage and facilitate the use of electric vehicles? Should this be subject to a target in Objective TT1 and monitored within Indicators TT1?
Written statements should be prepared as follows Q1-3 1,500 word maximum for three questions taken together 1,000 word maximum 1,000 word maximum 750 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
02/07/10 17 PARTICIPANTS
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
David St George (States Transport and Technical Services Department) Maurice Dubras Mark Le Sueur David Dodge (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Ben Ludlam (C Le Masurier Ltd) Deputy John Le Fondre Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Stephen de Gruchy Mark Syvret Captain Howard Le Cornu (Jersey Harbours) Deputy Daniel Wimberley
02/07/10 18 Day 7/8 - Natural Resources & Utilities and Waste Management
Wednesday 29 September (from 3.00 pm) Thursday 30 September (AM only)
Polices NR1, NR2, NR3, NR4, NR6, NR7, NR8 and LWM2
Inspector’s note: compared with some other chapters there have been relatively limited responses made to Draft Chapters 9 and 10, and many of those raise detailed points that can be responded to in writing by the States without benefiting from oral discussion. This is particular so with respect to Chapter 10, Waste Management. There are, however, key issues on which debate is called for.
Wednesday 29 September (from 3.00 pm)
1. Do Policies NR6, NR7 and NR8 provide a sound basis for ensuring Jersey’s future requirements for sand and gravel, and crushed rock aggregates? More specifically, should extraction at Simon Sand and Gravel be permitted to continue beyond 2018?
2. What are the relative merits of terrestrial landfill and marine land reclamation? Does the Draft Plan strike the right balance while keeping options open?
Thursday 30 September (AM only)
3. Should Policy NR1 be expanded with the objective of introducing Water Catchment Management Areas to improve water quality and in particular to limit nitrate levels in Jersey’s water resources?
4. Does the Draft Plan, and Policy LWM2 in particular, strike the right balance in normally requiring development to be connected to mains sewerage while recognising the need for exceptions?
5. Do Policies NR2, NR3 and NR4 provide the optimum route to increased renewable energy supply for Jersey? Does the Draft Plan strike the right balance between support for off-shore renewable energy and marine conservation? Is there sufficient provision for micro-generation and CHP? Does Policy GD1 adequately seek high environmental standards with respect to energy efficiency and resources use? Are there any issues affecting the Island Plan concerning the balance between gas and electricity?
Written statements should be prepared as follows Q1/2 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together Q3/4 1,500 word maximum for both questions taken together 1,000 word maximum
Participants should note that they do not need to address each question if they do not wish to do so.
02/07/10 19 PARTICIPANTS
States Planning and Environment Department representatives (2 maximum)
All Questions
Pierre Le Saux John Poole (Jersey Chamber of Commerce) Mike Waddington Paul Harding (Association of Jersey Architects) Marc Burton (Institute of Directors) Charles Alluto (National Trust for Jersey) Jersey Environmental Forum Anthony Paintin (Societe Jersiaise)
Q1 and Q2
Jason Simon (Simon Sand & Gravel) Kevin Bowler (Granite Products) Mike Osborne (Ronez Ltd) Gregg Morel (Fisheries & Marine Resources) Will Gardiner OR Duncan Berry (States Transport and Technical Services Department) Steven Smith (Health Protection)
Q3 & Q4
Will Peggie Environment Director Howard Snowden (Jersey Water) Greg Morel (Fisheries & Marine Resources) Mo Roscouet (Building Control) Steve Fisher (States Transport and Technical Services Department)
Paul Garlick (Jersey Gas) Richard Plaster (Jersey Electricity plc) Jamie Copsey Mrs Ani Binet Stephen de Gruchy Louise Magris
02/07/10 20 Day 8– States Members (Depending on final numbers it may be necessary to alter the date and time of this session. Please see the final list of topics and participants to be issued on 29 July for exact timings)
Thursday 30 September (PM only)
An open invitation has been issued to States Members who wish to address the EiP and who have not been included in the lists above or have additional points to make. They should inform Helen Wilson by noon on 19 July if they wish to attend,.
Written statements should be prepared as follows All States Members 500 word maximum
Connetable Hanning
Tracey Vallois
Day 9 - Open Session (Depending on final numbers it may be necessary to alter the date and time of this session. Please see the final list of topics and participants to be issued on 29 July for exact timings)
Friday 1 October (AM only)
All those who have made representations have a right to be heard at the EiP and the Open Session is intended to provide that opportunity. Normally a slot of some 15 minutes will be provided; parties will address the Inspectors and the States Planning Department will have the right to respond.
Written statements should be prepared as follows All Respondents 500 word maximum
Senator Le Main
Richard Le Sueur – general development control policy
Ed Le Quesne
Mike Stein - open space
Mike Dun - international obligations
02/07/10 21 Days 10-12 – Site Specific Sessions
Tuesday 5 October Wednesday 6 October Thursday 7 October
The following sites are those which participants have indicated they wish to see debated at the EiP.
For the first group of sites, where there is significant controversy or where there are a number of participants, periods of up to either 30 or 45 minutes have been allocated, depending on numbers. For the second group, where there are fewer participants up to 20 minutes has been allocated.
Tuesday 5 October
Written statements should be prepared as follows All sites 500 word maximum Please head statement (and any other correspondence) with the reference number as listed below.
PARTICIPANTS All sites - States' Planning and Environment representatives (2 maximum)
Group 1
10.00 am – C6 - Samares Nursery, La Grande Route de St Clement, St Clement Connetable Len Norman Senator Terry le Main Paul Martin Deputy Ian Gorst Mike Stein Nigel Vibert or Sandra Matthew
10.45 am –S10 - Longueville Nurseries, New York Lane, St Saviour Connetable Peter Hanning Mike Stein Brian Hamon James Ransom Senator Terry Le Main
11.30 – 11.45 Break
02/07/10 22 11.45 am – L3 - Cooke’s Rose Farm, Field 114, Le Passage, Carrefour Selous, St Lawrence Connetable Deidre Mezbourian Susan Kerley
12.15 pm – P6 - Field 641, St Peter Mike Alexandre Bill and Sue Jones Gill Morgan John and Jayne Jackson Alan and Elaine Le Rossignol Michael and Jennifer Holley Constable John Refault Deputy Collin Egré
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm lunch
2.00 pm – O2 - Field 622, Clos De La Croute, St Ouen Connetable Kenneth Vibert Mr Lees-Baker Pierre Le Saux Mr Nick Poole Douglas Creedon
2.30 pm- G2 - De la Mare Nurseries, Grouville Anthony Paintin (Societe Jersiaise) Charles Alluto (The National Trust for Jersey) David Dutson Roy Smith Andy Townsend
3.00 pm – 3.15 pm break
3.1 5 pm – L10 -Thistlegrove, St Lawrence Connetable Deidre Mezbourian Deputy Philip Rondel Andrew Morris Mike Stein (Or Anthony Farman) Joe Carney (J.S. Carney & Co. Ltd)
Group 2
3.45 pm – G4 - Field 263A, Grouville Patrick McCarthy John Hodge
4.05 pm – S6 - Field 745, St Saviour Tony Sullivan
02/07/10 23 4.25pm - H8- Field 1534, Tower Road, St Helier Nigel Watson
4.45 pm - P4 – Field 287 St Peter Barry Masefield
5.05pm -G6 - Netherlee, Le Chemin des Maltieres, Grouville Steven W. Harris, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of The Lieutenant-Governor, St Saviour Constable Dan Murphy
Wednesday 6 October
Written statements should be prepared as follows All sites 500 word maximum Please head statement (and any other correspondence) with the reference number as listed below.
PARTICIPANTS All sites - States' Planning and Environment representatives (2 maximum)
10.00 am – J11 - Old Garden, Blair Adam House, Les Chenolles, St John Stephanie Steedman Rondebosch Ltd Mr & Mrs Symes
10.20 am - J4 - Fields 228, 230/230A, 613, 616, St John Mr & Mrs Symes
10.40 am – C5 - Fields 252 and 253 (Le Quesne Nurseries), St Clement Senator Terry Le Main
11.00 am – H4 - Field 1248, CTV Site, La Pouquelaye, St Helier Mike Stein Clients Senator Terry Le Main
11.20 – 11.40 am - break
11.40 am – P7 - Field 739, Le Clos de Remon, St Peter Juana Egre
12.00 – MN5 - Land Adjacent Field 715, La Rue Des Cabarettes, St Martin John Reynel
12.20 – 1.20 pm- lunch
02/07/10 24 1.20 pm – G9 - The Grange & Field 730A, La Rue a Don, Grouville Mike Stein Clients
1.40 pm – B1 - Booster Station, Le Chemin des Pietons, St Brelade Mike Stein Clients
2.00 pm – H9 - Field 1550, Westmount Road, St Helier Mike Stein Clients
2.20 pm – H10 - Fields 1551 & 1552, Westmount Road, St Helier Mike Stein Clients
2.40 pm – O8 - Mont Matthieu, St Ouen Mike Stein Clients
2.40 – 3.00 pm - break
3.00 pm – O3 - Field 669, La Rue des Grantez, St Ouen Mike Stein Clients
3.20 pm – H16 -Sunnymeade, Le Mont Cochon, St Helier Mike Stein Clients
3.40 pm – L1 - Bienvenue Farm, La Grande Route de St Laurent, St Lawrence Mike Stein Clients
4.00 pm – MN4 - Houguemont, La Rue D'aval, St Martin Mike Stein Clients
4.20 pm – MN3 - Field 681, La Rue Bauchauderie, St Martin Mike Stein Clients
4.40 pm -T4 - Field 1404- La Grande Route de St Jean, Trinity Graham Bisson
02/07/10 25 Thursday 7 October
Written statements should be prepared as follows All sites 500 word maximum Please head statement (and any other correspondence) with the reference number as listed below.
PARTICIPANTS All sites - States' Planning and Environment representatives (2 maximum)
10.00 am – P8 - Field 797, St Peter Mike Stein Clients
10.20 am – J1 - East Grove, La Route du Mont Mado, St John Mike Stein Clients
10.40 am – S2 - Fields 341 & 342, Clos De La Pommeraie, La Rue De Deloraine, St Saviour Mike Stein Clients
11.00 am – S5 - Fields 741 & 742, New York Lane, St Saviour Mike Stein Clients
11.20 – 11.40 – break
11.40 am – O5 -Field 783 & 785, La Route De Millais, St Ouen Mike Stein Clients
12.00 – T3 - Field 1017a, La Rue Du Moulin Du Ponterrin, Trinity Mike Stein Clients
12.20 – L6 - La Maisonette, La Rue De Haut, St Lawrence Mike Stein Clients
12.40 – G7 - Panorama, Land to the South of, Les Fonds de Longueville, Grouville Mike Stein Clients
1.00 – 2.00 pm – lunch
02/07/10 26 2.00 pm- S9a - Les Sapins, La Rue De Guilleamerie, St Saviour Mike Stein Clients
2.20 pm – S9b -Les Guillleaumerie, St Saviour Mike Stein Clients
2.40 pm –B2 - Brook Farm, Mont Nicolle, St Brelade Mike Stein Clients
3.00 pm – 3.20 pm – break
3.20 pm – B8 - Oak Lane Farm, La Route Du Petit Port, St Brelade Mike Stein Clients
3.40 pm – C4 - Field 190a, La Rue Graut, St Clement Mike Stein Clients
4.00 pm - B9 Ocean View, Peiti Port Close, St Brelade Mike Stein Clients
4.20 pm - S3 - Field 530, Les Cinq Chenes Estate, Princes Tower Road, St Saviour Mike Stein Clients
4.40 pm - L2 - Field 79, Broadfield Vineries,Les Chanolles De Six Rues, St Lawrence Mike Stein Clients
5.00 pm - B12 - Villa Devereux, La Route Orange, St Brelade Mike Stein Clients
02/07/10 27 Friday 8 October (AM only) Day 12
Reserve Session in Case of Overflow from Previous Sessions
11.00 States Closing Submission
11.30 EiP closes
02/07/10 28