Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club, Inc
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Fishhawk Lake Recreation Club, Inc. Open Board Meeting Minutes December 10, 2005
In Attendance: Larry Boxman, Kinton Fowler, Vic Dykstra, Jean Martwick and Gary Rinehart Absent: Steve Butsko and Eileen Rule
President Larry Boxman called the meeting to order at 9:40 a.m.
Approval of the November 12, 2005 minutes: Vic Dykstra moved to approve the November 12, 2005 Board meeting minutes as written. Jean Martwick seconded the motion. All in favor.
Lake Manager Report: Lift station #3 needs to be replaced. The owner of the lot on which the lift station is located will be building in the spring. The lift station should be replaced before building commences. The station is beginning to fail. All other stations have been replaced. A bid of $24,210.50 has been received. Vic Dykstra moved to accept the bid for replacement of the lift station and in addition, approve $1500.00 for related electrical work. Gary Rinehart seconded the motion. All in favor. Kinton Fowler moved to use funds in the WWTP Reserves to replace lift station #3, Gary Rinehart seconded the motion. An emergency evacuation drill in conjunction with the Mist/Birkenfeld Fire Dept. is being planned for the spring. The following three events will be reviewed: drinking water source contamination, earthquake and dam failure.
Executive Secretary: A barrel for food and gift items for the Mist/Birkenfeld Share the Spirit program is located in the clubhouse for contributions.
Treasurer: Under budget by approximately $8000.
Legal/Special: Past due accounts remain the same as last month. Lot 99 has been acquired through foreclosure action. One house is in foreclosure by the mortgage company and Fishhawk will attempt to collect.
Buildings/Grounds: The following infrastructure improvements have been made: a water shut-off installation and 2 water shut-off repairs. A tree fell across Lakeview taking the power lines down. Fishhawk did not have adequate equipment to cut it up and contacted a local logger for help. Lakeview residents had to drive on private property to get out. Repair to the ruts that were created may be needed. A proposal was made to let homeowners know when private property has been damaged. More trees on the hillside may be in danger of falling. Tree ownership was discussed. Can the lake cut trees in the easement? Trees on lake property need Architectural Committee approval to remove. Thank you to Don and Carla Bangert for the sink for the restroom in the office and to all those who helped with this project.
Dredging/Weeds: Tim met with ODF regarding the lease of the spoils pond on Northshore which is expiring. ODF wants the property back when the new lease expires Oct. 31, 2008. Tim got an extension to Sept. 1, 2009. ODF requests that the site be returned to its natural state at that time. ODF has increased the lease fee from $100. to $500 and is requesting a $6000. bond from Fishhawk to insure that the site will be returned to it’s natural state. Fishhawk’s insurance company will not issue such a bond. Three options were suggested by ODF. 1. A check payable to ODF to hold. 2. A letter of credit from the bank 3. an Assignment of Surety. Kinton Fowler moved to accept the lease. Vic Dykstra seconded the motion. Kinton Fowler moved to take the $6000. from the Dredging reserves to hold for ODF. Vic Dykstra seconded the motion. All in favor. The dredging permit has not been received yet but a promise for approval as written has been received. 60 hours of dredging is hoped for in January and February. Maintenance will be done in May and June. Long term storage for the dredge is needed.
Personnel: A Personnel Committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss employee hours.
Architectural Committee: The Architectural Committee meeting has been postponed to Saturday, December 17, 2005 at 8:00 a.m.
Security: Thank you to Buzz Stauning and Rick Whitney for their service on the Security Patrol. Tom Mahar and Dick Compton have been added as new members. An updated roster has been posted. Thank you to Stan Horton for filling in for Helen Horton. Substitute patrol members are needed. If interested, please contact Heather Berg 755-2400.
Social: Cabin Crawl is scheduled for tonight beginning at 5:30 p.m. Look for New Years Eve Bonfire flyers on the bulletin boards.
REO: The committee has added lot 99 to the REO list of properties and will meet to determine what to do with it. Lots 13 and 14 have been sold. Two Fishhawk owned properties remain for sale.
Long Range Planning: The committee discussed placing a survey form on the website for member input and would also welcome board and committee input. An interactive survey would be time consuming and challenging, instead a survey form to be printed from the website and mailed to the office is being considered. Fishhawk has joined the Community Associations Institute and has received the membership packet. The board is encouraged to log onto the website for general information regarding homeowners associations. The annual membership fee is $100.00 OLD BUSINESS
Small Fire Engine Status: Fire Chief Dave Crawford has recommended having the smaller fire engine also stationed at Fishhawk. The chief will attend the January board meeting to discuss this issue. The Fire board may be willing to split the cost of enlarging the existing building to house both engines.
Weed Harvester: Tim met with representatives of other lake associations to discuss the use and purchase of a weed harvester. The expense would be $1000. an acre as opposed to the use of an herbicide at $200 an acre. The use of a harvester has not been proven to be more effective and a permit and licensed operator are required. The use of a harvester may not be permitted due to some fish kill. The fact that there may have been a fish kill downstream associated with herbicide use several years ago was raised and notification for residents downstream was requested. A different chemical is being used now than was used several years ago. Another option is the use of a weed cutter. All weeds would need to be removed after cutting.
Maintenance Shop: Vic Dykstra and Tim Couch designed a 40’ x 50’ shop and are in the process of obtaining bids. The shop would include 3 bays, 2 open and 1 closed, a lab and a maintenance office. The use of this building for dredge storage is not economically feasible. The dredge needs a separate building in the current storage location on the island.
Good of the Order: Club attorney Heather Reynolds will be asked to issue the fine for non-compliance to Tim Teele. The board voted to issue the fine during the November meeting. Once the fine is paid and a new survey is done on lot 6 as requested by the board, Mr. Teele will need to submit his plans to the Architectural Committee for approval. Mr. Teele ask for a review of the reason for the fine because his understanding of the issue is different than as stated. Larry Boxman restated the issue and stated that the decision to issue a fine for non-compliance had been made. Mr. Teele ask to proceed on lot 6 and be given 30-45 days to fulfill the requirements of the letter from Longview Fibre. Mr. Teele ask what the purpose of the survey was and was told it is to determine where the lot lines are. Mr. Teele said the stakes are in place from the original survey. Larry Boxman stated that another survey is required. Mr. Teele stated he may not have an alternative but to seek legal action and the extra cost of the survey would be included in that action. He stated he doesn’t feel he is being given an opportunity to comply and ask for the time frame for the letter from the attorney. Jean Martwick stated that he had the opportunity to comply to the letter issued by the committee. Larry Boxman stated that Mr. Teele will be notified on Monday.
Meeting adjourned: 10:50 a.m.
Executive Secretary Barbara Compton :