Month/Season: June Class: Primary 6 Level: Second
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Month/Season: June Class: Primary 6 Level: Second
Themes The Transfiguration The Holy Trinity The Lives of the Scottish Saints
Strands of Faith : Experiences Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment and Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish
RERC 2-04a I have studied one or Class – Before the lesson try to source some transformer Transformer Toys (if possible) The children will be Revealed Truth of more of the following toys. You could ask the children if they have any at home Internet Access able to retell the God passages and I know which they could bring into school before the lesson. Put a Bibles story of the I can identify the that Jesus referred to toy and dictionary in the centre of each group. Dictionaries Transfiguration three persons in God as his Father and Read from the Bible the story of ‘The Transfiguration’ and explain some of the Holy Trinity and that God called Jesus Matthew 17:1-8. GLP the symbolism in I have reflected on his son on these Pass this round the class or if you have enough put one onto Seven Days of Creation video: the story. how I can honour occasions: each desk. Let the children play with them. *If you are the Holy Trinity. unable to get a hold of the toys you can show the following px Jesus is baptised (Mat 3: clip, God’s Loving Plan PowerPoint Primary 6 Part 1 P6 RERC 2-03a 13‐17), God’s Loving Plan PowerPoint Primary 6 Part 2 Jesus thanks his Father Revealed Truth of (Mat 11: 25-27), Ask the children why they think they are called (Also covered in January) God The Transfiguration (Mat transformers. Ask them to look up the word ‘Transform’ in I can examine God’s 17: 1‐8). the dictionary (to change shape). Now ask them to explain relationship with what they think ‘trans’ means. Ask them to brainstorm in myself and others. their groups how many different words they can come up I have reflected on with which begin with the ‘trans’ (examples may include how the gift of I have read the transport, transmit, transfer, transaction, transcript, faith can permeate Creation stories and I translate etc. my whole being. know that: GLP • man and woman were Refer back to the Bible story. Ask the children what they HWB 2-44b created last of all; think ‘transfigure’ means. Explain to the children that Jesus I am aware that • they were created in appeared completely changed to His disciples. Ask them why positive friendships the image and likeness they think He did this. This was a unique event. It only and of God (Gen.1: 26-27); happened once and Jesus did not announce that it would relationships can • the breath of God was happen and he told them not to tell anyone that it had promote health and breathed into them happened. Can you think of another time when God’s voice was the (Gen.2: 7). heard in this way? (Jesus’ Baptism Matthew 2:13-17) health and I know, therefore, that Moses and Elijah are important characters. Ask the children wellbeing of others. human beings have a to think of the role of Moses. What did he do? (He saved his HWB 2-45b unique and eternal people). Who was Elijah? (A prophet) The children may not I am aware of the relationship with God that Elijah was taken up into heaven by God, he did not die.
1 need to respect the creator. Ask them what their connection therefore is to Jesus. personal GLP Why do you think this happened? To strengthen the faith of space and I know that men and the disciples. He knew that they would suffer persecution boundaries and can women are equal and for their faith in Him and wanted to give them something recognise complement each other. which would give them hope in the difficult times ahead. and respond Discuss the idea of community and why we live in community. appropriately to I know that God calls Read the story of creation in relation to the creation of man verbal and me into relationship and woman. Link to families and ultimately the Holy Trinity – nonverbal with Him both now and Communion. communication. forever and that the HWB 2-49a Holy Spirit enriches and HWB 2-49a guides my faith journey I know that all towards God. GLP forms of abuse are God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 6, Worksheets 1 & 2 wrong and God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 6, Worksheets 3 & 4 I am developing the skills to keep myself safe and get help if I need it. P6 RERC 2-01b Mystery of God I explore the Biblical stories of Creation and I can reflect on how we understand these truths in our modern world. GLP HWB 2-15a I am developing my understanding of the human body and can use this knowledge to maintain and improve my wellbeing and health. HWB 2-47a I recognise that how my body changes can affect how I feel about myself and
2 how I may behave. HWB 2-48a I can describe the physical and emotional changes during puberty, understand why they are taking place and the importance of personal hygiene.
P6 RERC 2-02a In the Image of God I know that God wants me to develop my God-given gifts and I have reflected on how I can use them for the common good.
3 Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish GLP HWB 2-10a Complete the Transfiguration worksheet attached to the planner. Transfiguration I recognise that each The following song tells the story and gives images of the transfiguration. worksheet attached individual has a unique to the planner. blend of abilities and Internet Access needs. I contribute to making my school I know that Jesus taught us to Class – Read from the Bible Matthew 6:7-15. Ask the children: Who were Bibles The children will have community one which call God ‘Our Father’ (Matthew 6: the pagans? During Mass we say this prayer and the priest says ‘And so we God is Perfect a deeper values individuals equally 7‐15) and so we have the courage have the courage to pray..’ Why do we need courage to say the Our worksheet attached understanding of the and is a to pray the Lord’s Prayer. Father? Before Jesus taught this prayer the Jews would not refer to God to planner. Our Father. welcoming place for all. as ‘Father’ as this would have been seen as begin familiar and HWB 2-51a disrespectful. Jesus taught us that we can have a familiar and trusting I can describe the role relationship with God which is not built on fear but love. of a parent /carer and The children should complete the attached worksheet ‘God is the Perfect the skills, commitment Father’ in their jotters. and qualities that the role requires. Class – Recap on the previous lesson. Explain to the children that they are The Our Father going to learn more about the prayer ‘The Our Father’ and have a deeper discussion sheet – understanding of it. attached to planner. Attached to the planner is a discussion sheet. The children should discuss the questions in there groups and feed back to the class. They should then write their answers neatly in their jotters. Answers are also attached to the planner.
I can identify the three persons Class – Show the children an apple. Ask them to describe it. Cut the apple An Apple The children will of the Trinity, when I reflect on in half. In the middle there are seeds, then there is the flesh of the apple Knife identify that there are images or icons of God as Father, then there is the skin which covers the whole of the apple. All three parts Bibles three persons in the Son and Holy Spirit. make an apple which is food which nourishes us. Copies of Holy Trinity. They will Write the word ‘Trinity’ on the board and ask the children what they ‘Understanding the correctly complete the I know that Jesus is the second think this means. Explain that the Trinity consists of God the Father, Our Father’ worksheet ‘Three in person of the Holy Trinity, equal Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is important to stress that they are worksheet attached One’. with the Father and with the all equal and that no one is above or below the other. Ask the children to to the planner. Holy Spirit. think back to the apple. The Holy Spirit is like the seeds. It is something that is planted in us when we are Baptised and again when we are I know that the Holy Spirit is confirmed. The flesh is like Jesus the son. He is described in scripture as the third person of the Trinity, ‘the word made flesh’ because he was talked and written about in the Old co‐equal with the Father and the Testament then he was made man (flesh) in the New Testament. The skin Son. is like God the Father. Just like the sin covers the enter globe of the apple God is with everyone throughout our globe the earth. The skin protects that apple should it fall and God is there for all of us should we fall. An apple couldn’t be an apple without all three parts and God wouldn’t
4 Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish be God without all three parts. Ask the children to complete the attached task ‘Three in One’.
Class – Art Activity – Children will create their own Holy Trinity Craft. Art Resources The children will use three lollypop sticks to create a triangle. On each Lollypop sticks corner they will cut and paste symbols of the Trinity. Coloured Card Glue For those who are more adventurous the other example below could be used in conjunction with a numeracy shape lesson. The children would measure and draw three interlinking circles using a compass. The circle should be made deep enough to colour comfortably. A equilateral triangle should then be draw over the top. This is completed in pencil and the outlines (not those which cross internally) should be gone over in pen. The back ground could be completed in cold colours and the trinity in hot colours. Below is an example by Mark Jennings.
Hour of God I know the traditional Prayer of Class – ICT – Children should create a prayer card using ICT for the ICT access The children will be RERC 2-14a the Holy Spirit (come Holy prayer ‘Come Holy Spirit’. The finished cards should be laminated and Copy of the Holy able to recite the Holy I recognise the Spirit) and can reflect on its used in class during prayer time. The children should try to learn the Spirit Prayer Spirit prayer by heart. importance of personal meaning. prayer by heart. It is a good idea to include their name and the date on prayer and know a the card so they can keep it. Example attached to the planner. number of traditional Catholic prayers and have developed an understanding of the meaning of these prayers.
5 Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish
Hours of God I understand that a martyr is Class – Ask the children is they are aware of the large shopping centre in St Enoch Power Point RERC 2-19a someone who witnessed to Jesus Glasgow named after a saint (St Enoch’s Shopping Centre). Use the Power Presentation – P6 by their life and by their death. Point – Saint Enoch from the Primary 6 June Planner folder. June Folder I know that that Holy Children should complete the task outlined in the Power Point. Spirit strengthens I am becoming familiar with the Homework – Ask the children to research the life of Saint Mungo. A Saint Mungo my and the faith of openness to the Holy Spirit homework sheet is attached to the planner (Answers attached). This research sheet – the saints and I have shown in the lives of some should be glued into the RERC jotter next to the completed Saint Enoch attached to the reflected on how the Scottish saints, particularly: St task. planner. stories of the saints Margaret, St Ninian, St John can inspire me to live Ogilvie, St Columbus, St Class – The children should read the attached worksheet about the life of St Margaret a more Christian life. Cuthbert and St Enoch. Saint Margaret of Scotland. Discuss the text focussing on how through worksheet attached example and faith Margaret was able to develop a strong and loving family. to planner. The children should write a prayer to Saint Margaret. This can be cut out and stuck into their jotter.
ICT - The children should research saint Margaret’s Chapel at Edinburgh ICT Access Castle. Facts about it including who built it and why. They children should make notes on paper and use them to write about the chapel in their RERC jotter. They should include a printed image.
I have explored symbols and Class – You will need to prepare for this lesson in advance. 7 Shiny gift bags The children will be Hours of God images of the Holy Spirit in Print out of picture able to name all of the RERC 2-18a hymns and prayers and can 7 shiny gift bags sheets attached to seven gift of the Holy I know some of the record my response to these One picture sheet per child – cut and separated into gift bags. the planner – one per Spirit and give an symbols related to through art of prayer. (attached to planner) child – precut. explanation for each Lent, Easter, Small Sealed envelopes – one per child. Small sealed one. Pentecost, Advent envelopes – one per and Christmastide Note: Items printed images should separated and placed into the 7 child. and I can use this gift bags. understanding to help me explore the Begin the lesson with the prayer to the Holy Spirit (previous lesson). themes of these Explain to the children that today they are going to learn about the 7 celebrations. gifts of the Holy Spirit. Write these onto the board in the classroom - Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, Courage, Reverence, Wonder, and Right Judgment
6 Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish Sit the class in a circle and bring out the 7 sealed gift bags. Explain that Gift of the Holy each bag holds something which represents each of the 7 gifts. Spirit Power Point - Open each bag and hand one of each to all children. Ask the children to RERC Primary 6 June place the items in front of them on the floor or desk. They should discuss Folder with their partner which of the 7 gifts they believe each item represents. The representation is below but this can be displayed on a Power Point which can be found in the Primary 6 June Planner Folder.
Representations – On Powerpoint Knowledge is the gift that helps us to know ourselves and the world around us. It helps us to know where our faith is leading us and what our church is about. “Knowledge” is the gift that makes us smart about ourselves. [smarties] The gift of Understanding helps us to untie the knots, to straighten out our lives, to deal with our problems. “Understanding” is letting the Word of God have room in our lives. [pretzels] Wisdom is the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to see and understand God’s plan in our lives and in the world. It helps us to say, “Aha, I finally understand.” [AHA card] Courage is the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us walk out into the world and feel prepared. It gives us the stick-to-it-iveness to stand up for what we believe. [gum] Reverence is the gift of the Holy Spirit that helps us to see God in everything around us. It teaches us to treat our fragile world gently. [flower petal] Wonder is the gift of the Holy Spirit that keeps us awestruck by the power and beauty of God in our lives. “Wonder” and awe explode like a starburst when we let the Holy Spirit into our Right Judgment is the gift of the Holy Spirit that encourages us to talk things over so that we can make choices that let us feel comfortable with ourselves afterwards. “Right Judgment” keeps us from feeling like suckers. [suckers]
Hand out the sealed envelopes and ask the children to put their images inside. Inform them “This envelop represents you. Put all the gifts into it.” They will figure out the envelope is sealed. Ask them, what this means and how they are going to get the gifts of the spirit inside? From the discussion, they will realise that they have to be open for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to enter inside them.
7 Strands of Faith : Experiences and Core Learning Learning & Teaching Resources Assessment Outcomes Class/School/Home/Parish
Ask the children to write on the envelope Glue “I must be open to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit” RERC Jotters Glue the envelope into their jotter with the gifts inside. Underneath ask the children to list the gifts of the Holy Spirit and write a short statement about each one. e.g.
Knowledge to know right from wrong
Courage to stand up and be strong
Understanding to follow God's way
Reverence to worship and pray
Right Judgment to enlighten and guide me
Wisdom to feel Your presence beside me
Wonder to always be awed by the mighty wonders of our God!
Class – Make a class collage of images which show people who are using Magazines, their gifts from the Holy Spirit. These can be cut from magazines, newspapers and newspapers, printed from the internet. Once complete print out large images for collage labels of each of the seven gifts and place them on top. Place the finished collected in advance. work on your RERC wall.
*You may need to ask the children to collect magazines or cuttings in advance.
Class – The children should complete the task ‘Growing with the gifts of Bibles The children will the Holy Spirit’ attached to the planner. Growing with the correctly complete the Gifts of the Holy assigned worksheet. Spirit – attached to the planner.
8 The Transfiguration
L.I. We are learning how through the Transfiguration Jesus taught His disciples that as well as human he was also divine.
Copy the learning intention into your jotter. Cut out the image of the transfiguration below. Around the image write as many adjectives as you can to describe the scene i.e. glorious, bright etc.
Under the image write a short synopsis of the story.
9 10 God is the Perfect Father
God our Father is perfect: he is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-good. He made us out of love. One way we can learn about God and his love is through the teaching and example of our human father and mother. Our parents are not perfect, as God is; but they love us and they try to do what is right.
The sentences below describe the actions of parents. For each sentence, write in an attribute (characteristic or quality) of God the Father that the action can reflect.
Complete the following table and glue it into your RERC jotter. There are some words in the bank below to help you.
Parent’s Actions Attribute of God the Father Parents work hard to give their families food, clothing and shelter. Parents take special care of their children when they are sick. Parents give much of their time and attention to their children. Parents try to do what is right by obeying rules and laws. Fathers and mothers, joined together with God, bring children into the world. Parents know and can teach us many things about God and His world. Parents comfort their children when they are hurt or afraid. Parents make rules for their children so that they will do what is right. Parents forgive us when we have done something wrong. Parents pray and try to follow Jesus’ example.
Have the courage to pray, Our Father…..
Attributes of God the Father
Life-giving Just Holy
Merciful Kind
Wise Generous 11 Understanding the “Our Father”
It has been called the most perfect of prayers (Saint Thomas Aquinas). The Our Father, also known as the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ because it was given to us by Jesus, holds a special place in the life of the Church. We find the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ in the Sunday Mass and in the rites of Baptism and Confirmation. For all its frequent use and familiarity, the ‘Our Father’ was never intended by our Lord to be a mere recitation. When you pray, you should direct your minds and hearts to God so that think about the meaning. To increase your understanding of the ‘Our Father’ look up the Bible verses, discuss them in group and write the answers in your RERC jotter. Remember to answer in full sentences.
“ Our Father” – Galatians 3:26, 4:6 “ and lead us not into temptation” – 1 Corinthians 1. Why do we call the God of the universe ‘Our Father’? 10:13 2. If God is our Father, who are we to each other? 12. How does God Help us in times of temptation?
“ Who art in heaven” – Revelations 7:9-17 “ but deliver us from evil.” – John 17:15 3. Using Saint John’s vision as a guide, how do you imagine 13. In this petition, from whom do we ask to be heaven? delivered?
“ Hallowed be thy name” – John 12:27, 28 Cut out the copy of the prayer card below. Colour, 4. This part of the “Our Father” is the first of seven cut and paste it into your jotter below your work. petitions, or prayerful requests, that make up the rest Next time you say the Our Father in school, at home of the prayer. If we understand this phrase not as or in church try to think more carefully about the praise but as a petition, what are we asking of God? words and their meaning.
“ Thy Kingdom Come” – Matthew 25:31-34 5. When we pray this petition, what are we asking for?
“ Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” John 13:34 6. What is God’s will?
“ Give us this day our daily bread” John 6:5-14, 22-27 7. God satisfies what two types of hunger? 8. What is the “food which endures to eternal life” which Jesus feeds us? 9. This petition also implies responsibilities for Christians. What are they? Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name “ And for give us our trespasses, as we forgive those Thy kingdom come, they will be done who trespass against us” Matthew 18:23-35 On earth as it is in heaven. 10. This petition is remarkable in that it does not stand Give us this day our daily bread alone and comes with a condition, linked by the word And forgive us our trespasses “as”. Write this statement in your own words. As we forgive those who trespass against us. 11. Who dwells within us to enable us to forgive one Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from another as God has forgiven us?
12 13 Teachers Answers to ‘Understanding the Our Father’ worksheet.
1. Through Christ we are God’s children 2. Christians are brothers and sisters in Christ. 3. Accept any reasonable answer. 4. That he make his name holy or that he glorify his name. 5. For Jesus Christ to return to glory and judge the world. 6. That we love one another as he has loved us. 7. Physical and spiritual. 8. The Eucharist. 9. To share our bread with the hungry: to receive Holy Communion: to bring communion to those unable to attend mass. 10. Accept any reasonable answer that relates the forgiveness we ask of God to the forgiveness we grant others, even enemies. 11. The Holy Spirit. 12. He keeps us from being tempted beyond our strength and gives us a way out to avoid sin. 13. Satan.
14 Three in One!
God is revealed to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Read each scripture passage shown here. Then decide which person of the Trinity each passage refers to and draw a line to the corresponding symbols. One has been done for you. Use a ruler.
Complete, cut and stick into your RERC jotter under today’s learning intention.
15 Example of Prayer Card
Come Holy Spirit
Mark Campbell’s Prayer Card June 2014
Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit, and they shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations
16 The Life of Saint Mungo
Saint Mungo also goes by the name ______. He was born in
the ______century in Culross which is in the kingdom of ______.
At the age of 25 he began his missionary work along the banks of the ______and
built his first church. He worked there for 13 years before the anti-Christian King drove him
out. Mungo travelled to ______where he spent time with Saint ______.
During this time he also made a pilgrimage to ______. He became ______
of Strathclyde in 570 and lived in Galloway. He later returned to the River Clyde where his
church became a large community known as Clas-gu meaning ‘______’. It was
while visiting Saint ______that Mungo died on the ______.
In order to become a saint it was necessary for Saint Mungo to perform miracles. There is a poem which is used to remember the miracles that Saint Mungo performed. Find the poem and write it neatly in your jotter. Then research these miracles in more details. Write your findings in your jotter. The following websites will help you:
17 St Mungo - Answers
The Life of Saint Mungo
Saint Mungo also goes by the name ___Saint Kentigern ______. He was born in
the _6th______century in Culross which is in the kingdom of _Fife______.
At the age of 25 he began his missionary work along the banks of the _River Clyde____ and
built his first church. He worked there for 13 years before the anti-Christian King drove him
out. Mungo travelled to __Wales______where he spent time with Saint _David____.
During this time he also made a pilgrimage to _Rome______. He became Archbishop______
of Strathclyde in 570 and lived in Galloway. He later returned to the River Clyde where his
church became a large community known as Clas-gu meaning ‘______’. It was
while visiting Saint _Columba______that Mungo died on the _ 13 th January 614______.
In the 'Life of Saint Mungo', he performed four miracles in Glasgow. The following verse is used to remember Mungo's four miracles:
Here is the bird that never flew Here is the tree that never grew Here is the bell that never rang Here is the fish that never swam
The verses refer to the following:
The Bird — Mungo restored life to a robin, that had been killed by some of his classmates.[6] The Tree — Mungo had been left in charge of a fire in Saint Serf's monastery. He fell asleep and the fire went out. Taking branches from a tree, he restarted the fire. The Bell — the bell is thought to have been brought by Mungo from Rome. It was said to have been used in services and to mourn the deceased. The original bell no longer exists, and a replacement, created in the 1640s, is now on display in Glasgow. The Fish — refers to the story about Queen Languoreth of Strathclyde who was suspected of infidelity by her husband. King Riderch demanded to see her ring, which he claimed she had given to her lover. In reality the King had thrown it into the River Clyde. Faced with execution she appealed for help to Mungo, who ordered a messenger to catch a fish in the river. On opening the fish, the ring was miraculously found inside, which allowed the Queen to clear her name. (This story may be confused with an almost identical one concerning King Maelgwn of Gwynedd and Saint Asaph.)
18 19 St. Margaret of Scotland Patron Saint of: widows and large families Symbol: Black Cross Feast Day: November 16 Born: 1046 :: Died: 1093
Margaret was an English princess who was born in Hungary and was the great-niece of St. Stephen of Hungary. She and her mother sailed to Scotland to escape from the king who had conquered their land.
They were ship wrecked on the Scottish coast and King Malcolm of Scotland welcomed them. He fell in love with the beautiful princess and Margaret and Malcolm were soon married. They had eight children, six sons and two daughters and they loved their children very much.
Margaret changed her husband and the country for the better. Malcolm was good, but he and his court were very rough. When he saw how wise his wife was, he willingly listened to her good advice.
Margaret helped him control his temper and practice the Christian virtues. She made the court beautiful and civilized. The king and queen were wonderful examples because of the way they prayed together and treated each other. They fed crowds of poor people. They tried very hard to imitate Jesus in their own lives.
Margaret was a blessing for all the people of Scotland. Many people had bad habits that kept them from growing closer to God. Margaret worked hard to find good teachers to help the people correct their evil ways.
She and Malcolm had new churches built. She loved to make the churches beautiful to honour God. In fact, Queen Margaret embroidered some of the priests' robes herself.
Their youngest son became St. David and one of their daughters St. Maud. But Margaret had sorrows, too. She was very ill, and she learned that both her husband and her son, Edward, had been killed in battle. They died just four days before Margaret's death. She died on November 16, 1093. She was buried alongside her husband in Dunfermline Abbey.
Saint Margaret helped all the members of her family to grow spiritually. In the space below write a prayer to Saint Margaret asking her to help your family to grow closer to God.
20 Gifts of the Holy Spirit – Active Lesson
You will need to print out one sheet per child. These boxes should be pre cut to be places into the gift bags.
21 At times it seems difficult, if not impossible to follow Christ and his commandments. We are attracted to his goodness and love, and we want to grow strong in virtue, but we are weak and tempted to sin. How can we do what God asks of us?
Certainly we cannot do it on our own strength, and, fortunately, God does not expect us to. One of the ways he helps us is through what the Church calls the “Gifts of the Holy Spirit”. The very nature of a gift is that it is free and unearthed; so it is with these seven gifts. They came to you at your Baptism and will be strengthened in you when you receive the sacrament of Confirmation. These gifts help us primarily by preparing our hearts to obey God.
For each gift listed, look up the scripture reference given. Write the best definition you can find for it in the dictionary. Then, write down a made-up situation that a young person like yourself might face in which the gift could be of help.
Copy and complete in your RERC Jotter. Remember to leave a blank line in between each answer to keep you work neat and tidy.
1. Wisdom (Job 28:20-28) 6. Reverence (1 Timothy 6:11-16) Definition - Definition – Situation – Situation –
2. Understanding (1 Kings 3:4-14) 7. Wonder (Proverbs 8:13, 9:10) Definition - Definition – Situation – Situation -
3. Right Judgement (Psalm 16:7-11) Definition – Situation –
4. Courage (Psalm 18:2-4, 32-35) Definition – Situation –
5. Knowledge (Colossians 1:9-13) Definition – Situation –