BID Advisory Action Items
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BID Advisory Action Items Wednesday, Apr 8, 2015 – 6:15pm – 7:00pm LOCATION: Athletic Soles
Attendees: PDA Board Karla Schikore, Holly Wick, Regina Leoni,
Guest Lisa Kreichok
Merchants Nancy Leoni, Patty Ference [email protected]
MAY Meeting 2nd Wed of every month Wednesday – May 13, 2015 – 6:15pm – 7:30pm
1. Introductions made
2. “Spring Themed Petaluma Reusable Bag” – Bags completed by Fishman Supply & delivered to Holly this week. Bags will be sold for $8 each. Karla will draft an email to be sent to merchants if they should want to sell in their stores. Bags will also be sold at the B&E info booth & Antique Faire Booths. So far Athletic Sole, ILeoni, & Summer Cottage are selling the bags. Holly is offering a 2% rebate for anyone bringing their purchased bag into shop as an incentive to purchase the bags
3. BID Merchant Window Cling Design - Karla will bring clings to next meeting so that we will distribute to merchants who paid in the downtown corridor.
4. Holiday Decorations/Banner Update: (Nancy, Regina, Holly):
a. Lisa provided the 2nd round of holiday banner ideas (attached) b. We selected #1 Chicken with Mistletoe & ask Lisa to redesign #2 Cow with Wreath to match the chicken design of #1. Lisa will send Karla the new designs for distribution & approval to the BID Committee. c. Lisa will also design a Cow with Wreath window cling for purchase by merchants for window decorations if there is interest. d. The group also discussed whether we wanted to put a holiday saying on the banners, some did, some did not. Nancy has an idea she will bring to next meeting. e. Regina, Karla, & Lisa got estimates for the cost of the banners, & they are about $100 each. Regina will contact the current vendor so we can get a better understanding of the hardware needed for each light pole and what some of the issues are. f. Once we get the designs finalized we can actually bid out the banner design, banner hardware assembly & the installation & removal of banners. g. After the holiday 2015 design is completed we will begin working on the Winter/Spring 2016 banner. h. Karla completed the Banner Sponsorship agreements (attached) that was approved by the PDA Board on 4.2.15. Nancy, Regina, Holly are going to take the sponsorship agreements & meet with various companies to see their interest. The group is confident that we will be able to find sponsors. Karla also researched what other communities do across the US for banner sponsorships & the agreement is modeled similarly. i. We also agreed that we will have plaques made for all sponsors who contribute to the beautification of downtown. j. Regina also received confirmation from Basin Street that they will pay for their banners, and possibly be a sponsor for downtown as well. k. Updates at next meeting. Goal to complete so we can bid out by June at the latest. l. Nanacy, Holly, Regina will perform a count of light poles for banner placement as we do not have a map for placement. The areas to be counted are as follows: l.i. Washington Street Howard to River Plaza l.ii. Kentucky Street Washington to D Street l.iii. Western Avenue Petaluma Blvd to Howard l.iv. Petaluma Blvd Washington to D Street l.v. B Street River to Howard Keller Street Washington to D Street l.vii. C Street Washington to Western
5. Keep Petaluma Clean – We decided to hold this until we know the total monies provided for 2015 billing for BID
6. Update on BID billing:
a. Karla had the list of all those who were billed for 2015 & who has paid in both Feb & Mar. We are awaiting the payments made for April. b. We will send out letters to delinquent banks after we get the April report. c. Board approved that we can bid out the BID billing to a local bookkeeper. The target is to get a new contract on board NLT Nov 2015, so that a new billing process can be created. We are also looking at how the bills should be developed. More work needs to be done on this. (Karla)
7. Camera Update: PDA Board voted: a. Abandon existing cameras that are no longer functioning. b. Notify the building owners that those cameras are no longer functioning. c. Remove non-functioning camera equipment d. Notify the existing vendor of the camera maintenance that due to multiple deficiencies with the cameras that our intentions are to buy out the maintenance which in effect till mid-2016. e. Once Karla obtains the existing maintenance contract negotiations can begin. Karla also needs to obtain the building owners impacted and their contact information.
8. Downtown Sidewalk Sale Holly recommended & group agreed that we place a sticky note ad in the Press (Cost about $400 & budget is $500) on either Sunday July 19 or Wed July 22. This is the sticky note that appears on the front page of the paper and anyone can remove & save. Sidewalk sale currently scheduled for July 23, 24, 25.
9. Plant Beautification – group trying to determine best approach due to water draught. However, the group wants to have hanging plants in the downtown core eventually.
10. Request the City – Marie Schmittroth will take over this responsibility & update at next meeting
Sidewalk repairs Downtown Petaluma Entry Sign – possible city art budget? General Maintenance Sidewalk Cleaning Telephone Booths
11. MAY Meeting: 2nd Wed of every month – it was determined that meetings would continue on this monthly date & time Wednesday – May 13 – 6:15pm – 8:00pm
12. Meeting adjourned
Karla Schikore - 2015 Board Treasurer