Warren County Communications Work Group Meeting Minutes 04-03-14
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Warren County Communications Work Group Meeting Minutes 04-03-14
Attendees: Chris Peters – WCSO Todd Turpin - Springboro PD Nancy Machulskiy – WCDES Tim Simpson - Clearcreek Fire John Daly - Franklin Twp Fire Allison Lyons – Telecom Nathan Ketterer - Mason PD Mike Bunner – WCDES Paul Kindell – Telecom Krista Wyatt - Carlisle Fire Melissa Bour – WCDES Paul Bernard – Telecom
9:01 Call to Order
Approve Prior Meeting Minutes – Bunner motions to approve, Daly seconds.
ITEM 12: By-Laws – PROPOSED CHANGES: motioned by Bunner and seconded by Daly to approve once the following 2 changes are made by Allison: Article III, A. Fire members selected on even years, law members selected on odd years, to not lose complete continuity of group. Article III, F. Chairperson appointed on odd years, Recording Secretary appointed on even years, to not lose complete continuity of group. MASON – YES FTFD – yes ZP – yes Carlisle FD – yes WCSO – yes Telecom – yes ES – yes
ITEM 14: Kindell to send law enforcement agencies a “why you don't have outside counties' primaries” presentation – PK draws a diagram for the present law members explaining how once digital, we use our own limited resources to monitor outside county talkgroups which can busy up our system and inhibit our necessary use of it. Will present something at May Police Chiefs meeting.
ITEM 15: Kindell to present MATACs at Law Chiefs Meeting - will present at the same time as item 14.
ITEM 16: Tinch to confirm with Snelling if Court Services checks the ‘north’ or ‘south’ box, if it matters, and where their emergency button goes if pressed - E-button goes to Primary 1. Tinch not present to report and Peters will need until next meeting to find out if they check the north or south box.
ITEM 17: Clarify XTS compatibility issues so that Fire doesn’t keep analog-only XTS models - there are no analog-only XTS radios, so fire departments don't have to worry about accidentally keeping a radio that won't work as well on the digital system. Daly clarifies it's really a firmware issue that he's concerned about. His
ITEM 18: Bunner to email Allison the CAD Feature Requests that he’s received from Dispatchers - Melissa found email from 2012 about CAD recommendations from Supervisors but Bunner says to remove this because he has an RFP committee to handle this.
ITEM 19: WCDES to create written agreement between regional PSAPs regarding emergency button activations and proper procedure to silence but not knock down each other’s alarms - Has meeting next week with surrounding County PSAPs to work out the logistics once on the MARCS system. Identify training shortcomes, establish committee for intra-state policies like emergency buttons, activations, identifying radio aliases.
ITEM 20: WCDES to create policy for interacting with other MARCS counties’ incidents since dispatch centers will be able to interact with each other - Related to #19.
ITEM 21: Mutual Aid MAYDAY policy creation – Telecom did testing yesterday on MCALL1, creating an emergency in Warren County and the state couldn't knock it down. We're still studying how the dispatch centers really affect each other's incidents and emergency buttons. Motorola can't answer it. Dispatch centers can turn down other counties, have the resource light up but not be audible. Figuring out if it's a configuration issue, radio ID range issue. Warren County Communications Work Group Meeting Minutes 04-03-14
ITEM 22: Kindell to send Dispatch list of Radio ID’s to help dispatch narrow down who is talking on system since other counties have inconsistent aliases - Our current radio ID range will be obsolete because as counties come on MARCS, they will all begin with their County #. The non-county agencies like ODNR won't follow that County preface scheme so Telecom will get that to WCDES.
ITEM 23: Share school’s structure ID schemes in response to last meeting’s US&R Structure ID discussion - Allison reached out to all school contacts twice and only got 3 responses, shared with grou p (Kings, Mason, Lebanon Christian). Last meeting, law said they were open to converting to ABCD lettering if that was county consensus. SWAT teams use 1,2,3,4. Dispatch just needs to know how the schools do it so they can communicate it to the responding agencies ACTION ITEM #66: Tinch to present the A-1, A-2, A-3 idea at May Police Chiefs meeting. ACTION ITEM #67: Simpson will present at April Fire Chiefs. ACTION ITEM #68: If both chief associations agree to ID scheme, Bunner will take for approval at May CAB/WACKY meeting. If approved, Bunner has a document that can be distributed to agencies for training.
ITEM 24: Body armor counts were done by Tinch and Murray. Action Item closed.
ITEM 25: ‘DEX’ incident type for Dangerous / Exotic Wild Animal. Bernard created the DEX incident type but it is not in use until approved by chiefs and CAB. ACTION ITEM #69: Simpson to present at April Fire Chiefs for approval. ACTION ITEM #70: Tinch to present at May Police Chiefs for approval. ACTION ITEM #71: If approved, Bunner to present at CAB/WACKY for approval.
ITEM 26: ERP & LERP – Emergency Response Plans – there are state-wide response plans already in place, confusion for who activates the ERP. It's not WCDES Director's responsibility/authority to call for an ERP or LERP, it's the Chief/IC/UC's responsibility. WCDES' question is – once activated, how does the Comm Center track the resources coming in? ICP? EOC? There needs to be an EOC activation. Simpson says in the past, a representative from EMA and Dispatch came on-scene and worked at Command Post. Bunner knows it depends on size, breadth, scope of event. Daly points out that volunteer services rely more on WCDES for suggestions and size-up. In past, WCDES acts as facilitator but fire/law have to be the decision maker. Clearcreek has probably used ERP 5 times in the past 20 years. LERP doesn't seem to be as friendly as the ERP side but WCDES has a flyer for it already.
ITEM 27: Select terms from SLICERS document to add into Terminology. Tabled for fire discussion only. Hoping to pick the terms before tomorrow’s Fire Chiefs meeting for presentation to them.
ITEM 28: IMAC (ORC 5502.41) Intra-State Mutual Aid Compact – Bunner found out recently that people don't understand how resources are gathered. Fire side uses this on a regular basis with mutual aid agreements but if there's something outside our immediate MA and it needs requested and you know who has it, pick up the phone and call it. ORC 5502.01 came into effect last year and counties had to opt-out (none did). So if you call any county in the state and ask for their resource (e.g. Command400), they should dispatch it. First 8 hours is free. Then counties work out the pricing agreement. EOC has 3 books for the region (mainly SOSINK), but there's no interstate mutual aid agreement yet, so if coming from KY or IN, you have to have EMAC request (through state and approved). If no EMAC request and you call buddy in KY and they bring it across the line and one of our people gets hurt, it's a big liability issue that our agencies will face. A shortfall of the law is if the same type of resource is in Toledo and Covington, we'd have to wait for Toledo's without having to jump through the interstate hoops. If in response phase, just pick up phone or radio and tell dispatch who has what that you need. If in recovery phase, go through EOC if that large of a disaster, or go through Comm Center. Confusion is where does WebEOC come into play and how necessary is it for resource ordering? WebEOC is just another tool – do what is most efficient. An interstate agreement is sitting with KY's attorney general then will go to IN's attorney general – will probably take another 2-3 years. There is a Resource Unit Leader Course coming up June 2-5, 8 hour days – sign up at WCDES website – at Turtlecreek Warren County Communications Work Group Meeting Minutes 04-03-14
Station – only 9 signed up so far – it's free – open to fire, law, public works.
ITEM 29: FOTREE . Has had year-long conversation with Washington Twp in WC to find a way for them to stop being billed by Wayne every time a tree is on the road. Proposed workaround won't work and research shows the fire departments go out because of an incident that happened 20 years ago. . Do fire departments still want to be dispatched to downed trees? This is separate from car hitting tree or power line down. . Simpson recalls the lawsuit for the person who hit the tree because someone didn't get it out of the road. That was dismissed. . Some municipalities don't want to pay the OT to their road crews when they have a staffed fire agency. Might be different for volunteer agencies. Problem is when a tree goes down and the fire department is slammed with actual fire/medical emergencies. . Law responds but typically calls off if they know fire is on the way. . Agencies with union members want the calls. . This involves more than the fire service and involves the public works departments, trustees, city officials. . Two Options: Road Hazard (no fire response) or Tree (gets fire response). . FTFD prefers law enforcement to check it out before fire gets called out. Law doesn't oppose since they go out anyway. If it's not something they can handle themselves, then fire gets called out. . WCDES wants blanket decision for entire county – not agency-specific because maintenance nightmare. . DECISION: Melissa to work on training with dispatcher interrogation to better identify incident type: Road Hazard or Tree.
ITEM 30: HipLink Distinction for different pager types – taking offline.
ITEM 31: GMVEMSC / Dayton MMRS Hazmat / Cyanide Drug Cache Dispatch Procedure – Impacts departments under the Greater Miami Valley EMS Council Paramedic Uses – Franklin, JEMS, Mason, Wayne, Massie Twp. Simpson wants to make sure that the Cache is requested correctly from Warren County Dispatch since Clearcreek is the only agency in Warren County to hold it. This item is on Clearcreek's Battalion vehicle because it always needs to be in someone's possession. The question: is procedure for Dispatch to contact Battalion unit, pseudo unit in CAD? Most requests will come from Smoke Inhalation which can result in cyanide poisoning, Firefighter MAYDAY. The Cache is expensive and short shelf life. . The northern neighboring communities and some BC departments use this protocol and Clearcreek is the closest cache. . Best solution = capability on the Battalion? If the battalion is on another incident, they still get notified and they can assign it to the unit that will transport the cache. . ACTION ITEM #72: WCDES will work with Paul Bernard for the CAD solution and will share with Clearcreek.
NARCAN Report – Bunner read that law enforcement can now carry it for $27 per nasal attachment. Curious if that's being implemented in Warren County.
Bar Check Incident Type Request from Mason for when law checks their liquor license. Will figure out the acronym, same priority 4 as business checks, safety check. MOTION by Mason, Seconded by Wyatt. No opposition. Once created, will need to take to Police Chiefs & WACKY for approval. ACTION ITEM #73: Tinch to take new Incident Type to Police Chiefs for approval. ACTION ITEM #74: If approved by Police Chiefs, Bunner to take to CAB/WACKY for approval.
WC Pipeline Coalition – has provided name, contacts for incidents on their grounds. Bunner's question – when do they get notified and for what call types? Some of Clearcreek's people thought anything except traffic stop was worth being notified for. What if pipeline workers show up before emergency response – does this create bigger problems? It's pretty Warren County Communications Work Group Meeting Minutes 04-03-14 similar to a factory incident where maintenance always shows up. It's a layer of comfort for the company rep to show up because they're the subject matter expert. DECISION: all incident types except traffic stop.
Is there a local # for see-something / say-something? Peters says there is a local # so he'll get it and send to Bunner. It might just link to Ohio Homeland Security.
May 12-15 from 8a-4:30p: FREE Surveillance Detection Course taught by Homeland Security – 3 from SO, 3 from Blue Ash PD, 3 from US Army.
Peters: thanks dispatch for getting #'s correct on SO for calls in Lebanon. Concern when restricting primary about toning + giving location/address + going back over incident then repeating it. It's taking too much time off the radio. The person on the scene is waiting too long. Recaps Deerfield Kid in parkiing lot with gun, unit gets on scene, tone drops, dispatch comes on for a long time and field unit sits with possible information/need for communication. Bernard reminds group that the field unit CAN talk to dispatch even if dispatch is sending out the broadcast. REQUEST: Dispatch just drops alert tone, says, for example, “Primary 1 restricted, 8P21 out with subject with a weapon”. But will leave out location and counts on responding units to see where 8P21 is from their MDC. But what happens when field units want to be reminded the information and don't find out from their MDC? Their easiest way is to radio into Dispatch on Primary and request the location. Further discussion shows this may be an internal Dispatch issue with one person's procedure.
Safer Ohio Initiative falls under Ohio EMA. Ohio EMA Director is coming out to speak with regional EMA directors next week to explain rationale behind the teams. The state will monitor state-wide events and without request, self-dispatch a team if necessary. Team will provide analytics, administrative support and report to EMA Director once on-scene. The regional EMA Directors have a problem with the self-dispatching and wonder who pays for these groups. These Safer Ohio Initiative groups are already in force.
Clarification for decision carriers Bunner is CWG liaison to WACKY. Tinch is Police Chiefs liaison. Simpson is Fire Chiefs liaison.
11:17 MOTION TO ADJOURN by Bunner, seconded by Turpin.
NEXT MEETING: Push June meeting to June 11th 9-11am due to Resource Unit Leader training.