Undergraduate University Curriculum Committee

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Undergraduate University Curriculum Committee

Rev. 11-6-08 Undergraduate University Curriculum Committee Course Proposal Form for Courses Numbered 0001 – 4999 (Faculty Senate Resolution #8-16, March 2008)

Guidelines for submission may be accessed via the web at: www.ecu.edu/cs-acad/fsonline/cu/curriculum.cfm.

Note: Before completing this form, please carefully read the accompanying instructions.

1. Course Prefix and Number: HIMA 3000 2. Date: January 5, 2009 3. Requested Action (check only one box): New Course X Revision of Active Course

Unbanking of a Banked Course

Renumbering of Existing Course from: # to #

4. Justification for new course, revision, unbanking, or renumbering: Increase from 2 sh to 3 sh:

5. Course description exactly as it should appear in the next catalog: Keep present description

6. If this is a course revision, briefly describe the requested change: See number 4: to align number of credit hours offered with depth and breadth of subject matter content students are required to master. For example, there are now more terms related to medical diagnosis and treatment compared to earlier iterations of this course.

7. Page Number from current undergraduate catalog: 420 8. The Writing Across the Curriculum Committee must approve Writing Intensive (WI) Credit for all courses prior to their consideration by the UCC. If WI credit is requested, has this course been approved for Writing Intensive (WI) credit (yes/no)? If Yes, will all sections be Writing Intensive (yes/no)? No 9. The Academic Standards Committee must approve Foundations Curriculum Credit for all courses prior to their consideration by the UCC. If FC credit has been approved by the ASC, then check the appropriate box (check at most one): English (EN) Science (SC) Humanities (HU) Social Science (SO) Fine Arts (FA) Mathematics (MA) x Health (HL) Exercise (EX) 10. Course Credit: Lecture Hours X Weekly or Per Term Credit Hours 3 s.h. Lab Weekly or Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Studio Weekly or Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Practicum Weekly or Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Internship Weekly or Per Term Credit Hours s.h. Other (e.g., independent study): Total Credit Hours 3 s.h.

11. Anticipated yearly student enrollment: 300

12. Affected Degrees or Academic Programs: Degree(s)/Course(s) Catalog Page Change in Degree Hours BS HIM, HSM 183, 184 No

Health Informatics 185 No Minor College of Health 276 No and Human Performance BS Recreational Tx 283 No; Change course title Cognates BS Child Life 289 No; Change course title Cognates BS Nutrition 300 No; Change course title Dietetics Cognates

13. Overlapping or Duplication with Affected Units or Programs: X Not Applicable

Applicable (Notification and/or Response from Units Attached)

14. Approval by the Council for Teacher Education (required for courses affecting teacher education programs): X Not Applicable

Applicable (CTE has given their approval)

15. Instructional Format: please identify the appropriate instructional format(s): X Lecture Internship Lab Studio Student Teaching Clinical Correspondence Honors Seminar Colloquia Practica Other

16. Statements of Support: X Current staff is adequate Additional Staff is needed (describe needs in the box below):

X Current facilities are adequate Additional Facilities are needed (describe needs in the box below):

X Initial library resources are adequate Initial resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and estimate for cost of acquisition of required resources):

X Unit computer resources are adequate Additional unit computer resources are needed (in the box below, give a brief explanation and an estimate for the cost of acquisition):

X ITCS Resources are not needed Following ITCS resources are needed (put a check beside each need): Mainframe computer system Statistical services Network connections Computer lab for students Describe any computer or networking requirements of this program that are not currently fully supported for existing programs (Includes use of classroom, laboratory, or other facilities that are not currently used in the capacity being requested). Approval from the Director of ITCS attached

17. Syllabus – please insert course syllabus below. Do not submit course syllabus as a separate file. You must include (a) the name of the textbook chosen for the course, (b) the course objectives, (c) the course content outline, and (d) the course assignments and grading plan.

Department of Health Services and Information Management School of Allied Health Sciences East Carolina University

Course Title: Medical Terminology for Health Professionals Spring 2009

Course Number: HIMA 3000 (3 s.h.)

Course Description: Interdisciplinary study providing a solid foundation in medical terminology for effective communication in the health care industry. Focus on analyzing, constructing, and defining medical terms. Includes diseases, symptoms, and signs of disease; diagnostic and clinical procedures; and treatment modalities.

A) Required Text: Ehrlich, A. and Schroeder, C. (2009). Medical Terminology for Health Professions, 6 th ed. New York: Clifton Park. Delmar

B) Objectives: At the conclusion of this course, with at least 70% accuracy, the student will be able to:

1. Recognize the meaning of suffixes, prefixes, word roots and combining forms. 2. Analyze and define medical terms using component parts presented in the text. 3. Analyze and define medical terms using component parts not presented in the text. 4. Spell and define medical terms and abbreviations introduced in each chapter. 5. Identify factors that contribute to disease. 6. Identify the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, prognosis, and treatment of various diseases and disorders. 7. Convert lay terminology to medical terminology.

C &D) Course content outline: assignments requirements and grading

Date Activities Assignments and Readings

01/12 Introduction to Medical Terminology Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 1 Quiz available 01/22/09 @ 10:00AM until 01/23/09 @ 10:00 AM 01/19 Human Body in Health & Disease Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 2 Quiz available 01/29/09 at 10:00AM until 01/30/09 at 10:00AM 01/26 Skeletal System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp3 Quiz available 02/05/09 at 10:00AM until 02/06/09 at 10:00AM 02/02 Muscular System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chap 4 Quiz available 02/12/09at 10:00AM until 02/13/09 at 10:00AM 02/09 Cardiovascular System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 5 Quiz available 02/19/09 at 10:00AM until 02/20/09 at 10:00AM 02/23 Lymphatic and Immune Systems Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 6 Quiz available 02/26/09 at 10:00AM until 02/27/09 at 10:00AM 03/02 Respiratory System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 7 Quiz available 03/05/09 at 10:00AM until 03/06/09 at 10:00AM 03/09 Digestive System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 8 Quiz available 03/19/09 at 10:00AM until 03/20/09 at 10:00AM 03/16 Urinary System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 9 Quiz available 03/26/09 at 10:00AM until 03/27/09 at 10:00AM 03/23 Nervous System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 10 Quiz available 04/02/09 at 10:00AM until 04/03/09 at 10:00AM

03/30 Special Senses: Eyes and Ears Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 11 Quiz available 04/09/09 at 10:00AM until 04/10/09 at 10:00AM 04/06 Skin: Integumentary System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 12 Quiz available 04/16/09 at 10:00AM until 04/17/09 at 10:00AM

04/13 Endocrine System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 13 Quiz available 04/23/09 at 10:00AM until 04/24/09 at 10:00AM 04/20 Reproductive System Ehrlich & Schroeder text, chp 14 & 15 Quizzes available 04/28/09 at 10:00AM Diagnostic Procedures & Pharmacology until 04/30/09 at 10:00AM

Note: Chapters 14 & 15 are both scheduled to be completed this week and the quizzes are scheduled for the same time period 04/27 Study for Final Exam Chapters 1-15 Test available 05/03/09 at 10:00AM until 05/05/09 10:00AM (150 multiple choice questions; 1 point each; time limit of two hours and 30 minutes)

Requirements: 1. Complete all assignments, quizzes, and tests as scheduled. 2. Reading assignments: Read each chapter along with other required information. 3. Text Exercises: Complete all exercises in each chapter. The exercises serve to reinforce the learning process along with the exercises in the CD ROM. 4. Flash Cards: Use flash cards containing prefixes, suffixes, and word roots or make your own. More than 400 flash cards are provided in the text. Flash cards are also available within the course itself – under “Course Documents.” Studying with flash cards is an excellent tool to reinforce learning. 5. CD-ROM: Use the supplementary software provided with the text to review each chapter. This is an exceptional tool to reinforce what is covered in each chapter. A variety of review exercises and games are included along with a dictionary that provides the definition and pronunciation of each term.

Course Standards:

GRADING: There will be a total of 450 points available from quizzes and the final exam. Your total number of points earned will be divided by 450 (points available) X 100 to determine your grade.

Quizzes 1. There will be 15 quizzes (one quiz per chapter). Each quiz is worth 20 points. Quizzes will be posted on Thursdays at 10:00AM – dates are provided in the schedule for HIMA 3000. The quizzes will close on Fridays at 10:00AM. (There is one exception which is Thanksgiving Holiday) 2. Each quiz will be posted on the scheduled dates for 24 hours (one day) and can be accessed through Announcements or Assignments/Quizzes. 3. Format: Multiple Choice 4. Each quiz has 20 Multiple Choice questions and a time limit of 20 minutes. 5. Content: Prefixes, suffixes and word roots; medical terms are also included for some chapters 6. A zero (0) will be recorded for quizzes not taken as scheduled without a valid university- excused absence or a doctor’s note. Please do not ask me for exception. There are none!

Exam 1. There will be one final exam, which will be worth 150 points. The time limit will be set for 2 hours and 30 minutes. 2. The exam will be posted for 48 hours (two days) and can be accessed through Announcements or Assignments. 3. Format: Multiple choice. 4. There are NO make up exams or deviations to the time the exam is available. 5. A zero (0) will be recorded for the exam not taken as scheduled without a valid university- excused absence or a doctor’s note.

Time limits on assessments: All assessments are timed according to the number of questions. It is imperative that you complete your assessment within that allotted time frame. If you go over the time allocated for that assessment, you will be penalized. Points will be deducted from your total score.

Grading Scale Ten Point Grading Scale 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D < 60 F

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