Branch Activity Report s1
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2018 年 5 月 8 日
Branch Activity Report
Student Branch: Cleveland State University
Region: III Section: Northern Ohio Section (NOS)
Web Presence (Facebook, Website, Twitter, etc.): Yes, Facebook
When do you hold your elections: Winter, Spring/Summer, Fall (highlight one) ** Officer elections for the 2015/2016 year have not been held yet. As such, the current officers are listed in “Old Branch Officers” section below**
Old Branch Officers New Branch Officers
Student Branch Chair Student Branch Chair Name: Jason Wolf Member Number: 457509 Name: ______Member Number: ______
Student Branch Vice-Chair Student Branch Vice-Chair Name: Cassie Spino Member Number: 487231 Name: ______Member Number: ______
Secretary: Secretary: Name: Erick Shelley Member Number: 487237 Name: ______Member Number: ______
Treasurer: Treasurer: Name: Huda Qawi Member Number: 454245 Name: ______Member Number: ______
Old Faculty Advisor: New Faculty Advisor:
Name: Mounir Ibrahim, PhD Member Number: 8238 Name: ______Member Number: ______
Do you have a tax id number under the AIAA umbrella? If yes, have you completed your IRS form 990- N (online only) for the latest tax year? No
Please indicate responses below:
1. Did your branch participate in local section events? Yes 2. Did any members of your branch participate in any AIAA conferences? Yes 3. Did you have any members participate in the following student programs?
Scholarships No Design, Build, No Fly Design No Competitions Student Paper Yes Conferences Tell AIAA what your branch has done!!! Have you held an event for your community? Did you win a competition not hosted by AIAA? If you would like to provide more details regarding your branch activities please submit an additional page(s) 2018 年 5 月 8 日
1) Distinguished lectures attended by AIAA CSU student members Prof. L. Scott Miller, “Shadow Craft – A World of Secret Flight”, held at Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI) on May 15th, 2014 Prof. Theo Keith, “The History and People of Compressible Fluid Flow Studies”, held at Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI) on June 12th, 2014 Matt Mishak, “The Future of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Northern Oho”, held at Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI) on January 27th, 2015 2) AIAA NOS 2014 Honors and Awards Ceremony, May 29th, 2014
Gathered with AIAA NOS members at NASA GRC to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2013- 2014 operating year. Three (3) AIAA CSU students participated 3) Young Professionals Picnic, June 28th, 2014 AIAA NOS Young Professionals (YP) co-hosted summer picnic with the NASA GRC Developing Professionals Club (DPC). One (1) CSU student member participated 4) AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum 2014, Cleveland, OH, July 28-30, 2014
One (1) CSU student member registered and participated at the conference 5) Young Astronauts Day (YAD), NASA Glenn, November 11, 2014
YAD is a daylong competition, which challenges 1st-12th grade students with various hands-on STEM activities. Eight (8) AIAA CSU student members volunteered at the event. 6) Congressional Visits Day (CVD), Washington, D.C., March 3-4, 2015 One student member, Cassie Spino (AIAA CSU Vice Chair), participated 7) Northeastern Ohio Science and Engineering Fair (NEOSEF), Cleveland State University, March 10, 2015 The AIAA NOS sponsored special awards at a regional science fair for local middle and high school students. Three (3) AIAA NOS members (two were CSU student members) awarded $350 in awards to projects with an aerospace focus 8) NASA Glenn research Center Tour, 11 March 2015 Coordinated NASA tour with AIAA NOS, had about 25 university students attend. Most students were from CSU, had four (4) students from Kent State University participate. Stimulated interest in AIAA, and was a great outreach tool for potential new members at CSU 9) Senior Design Project sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), October 2014-May 2015 Three AIAA CSU student members, Erick Shelley (Secretary), Daniel Stralka and Jason Wolf (Chair) developed and tested an Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS) for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in fulfillment of their Senior Design course in the Mechanical Engineering Department at CSU. The project received several accomplishments throughout the course: Award of Excellence in recognition of an outstanding presentation, Choose Ohio First - Poster Conference, Case Western Reserve University, April 12, 2015 (received 1 of 11 awards out of approximately 100 posters)
1st Place in Team category, AIAA Region III Student Conference, Wright State University, Dayton OH, April 17-18, 2015 2018 年 5 月 8 日
Senior Design Symposium Team Award, Cleveland State University, May 1, 2015 1st place in Mechanical Engineering department for best project and presentation
2nd place overall in the college of engineering for best project and presentation 10) Interest in AIAA has been on the rise, as shown by the number of students who inquire about how to get involved with AIAA at CSU and beyond, regular attendance at our bi-weekly meetings and participation in local, regional and national activities. 11) The AIAA CSU Branch has maintained a strong connection with the Northern Ohio Section (NOS), especially Joseph Connolly (NOS University Chair), who has worked close with the university to provide support to many local and regional activities that the student members at CSU have been involved. 12) The faculty of the college of engineering, including support by the Dean and our faculty advisor (and Mech. Eng. Dept. Chair), Dr. Ibrahim, has been a great benefit to the student branch. Their continued support by providing access to facilities for meetings or working on design projects (such as with AFRL), and the encouragement to continue building an engaged culture at CSU has been a significant factor in our success this past year.