Global History And Geography 10 Honors

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Global History And Geography 10 Honors

Global History and Geography 10 Honors Ms. Heskestad

Final Project (200 points)

In addition to the Regents Exam, Global 10 Honors students will be expected to demonstrate their writing and research skills. Each student will focus on a different nation or region of the world and will be responsible for documenting the evolution of that nation/region as it moved through history into the present times. The documents should be typed and presented in a book format (small binder or folder) with pages numbered to follow a set progression. All pages need to be numbered. If more than one page is needed, use letters (example: 3A, 3B, 3C, etc.)

First Section: Prior to 1700 CE 1A. Cover Page indicating name of country in English and local vernacular/alphabet 1B. Checklist 2. Paragraph explaining your reason(s) to choose that particular country and what information you hope to uncover. Also state what you already know about this country/region 3. Map of General Area labeling the most important geographic features (seas, lakes, rivers, mountains…) and cities of the early period. Describe impact of geography and climate. 4. Belief System: structure and main characteristics of the predominant belief system. 5. Pick ONE : a. Diagram describing the main economic or social structure b. Comic Strip or Cartoon depicting one major religious, ethnic or cultural event

Second Section: Modernization (1700s through 1800s) 6. Pick TWO: a. Revolutionary Figure – write an obituary for a person who contributed to the modernization of your country. State goals, support structure, and accomplishments. b. Invention – What new product or technology emerged from your country? Describe its impact on the region. c. Excerpt of Literature with reason for choice and reaction paragraph d. Arts Appreciation – Which significant artist or composer emerged during this period? Describe one piece produced by this person and explain why you feel it best represents this period. e. International Relations Strip/Timeline – Document the relations between your country and one neighboring nation/region during the 200 year span; how did these relations change through time? Can you predict events from the 20th century based on your research?

Third Section: The Twentieth Century 7. Modern Flag – Picture/drawing; explanation of colors, symbols, origin and date of first official use; if other flags were used during the history of this country, explain how they evolved to the present look 8. Pictures of Capital City depicting at least three labeled landmarks worth a visit 9. Pick TWO: a. Timeline of a Conflict this country had (from spark to resolution) 10-15 events b. Map(s) with Border Changes that occurred during the 1900s and explanation Sleepy Hollow High School 2012-2013 Global History and Geography 10 Honors Ms. Heskestad

c. List two Major International Organizations your country belongs to, along with dates of membership, reasons for joining, benefits to country, and any actions taken though those organizations

Fourth Section: Moving into the 21st Century 10. Recent Map with location of neighboring countries 11. Portrait of Present Leader and short paragraph describing background (political, social, ethnic, etc.) 12. Modern Day Issues: What is happening in your country today? Please include any environmental, social, political or economic issues that have been in the news recently. 13. Current Event: Newspaper/magazine article about your country published recently (2012- 13), along with your summary and analysis of this article. 14. Where does your country rank? Find at least two issues on which your country was compared to others. Write a short reaction paragraph. 15. Final Essay and Evaluation – Using the information you have gathered, evaluate how the country you chose fared throughout history. Discuss problems that it faced and how it dealt with them. How successful is that country after the first decade of the 21 st century? (Minimum: one page typed)

Please Note

 Due Date is Thursday/Friday, June 6/7.  Pace yourself: plan ahead; some of the tasks will be assigned as Homework.  Use reliable sources and databases (see list below); double check if necessary  List all your sources in MLA format on each document including websites you went to for visuals. Documents without sources will be considered incomplete  Use own words; plagiarism (including maps, charts and pictures without proper citation) will not be tolerated and will result in a grade of zero for the document presented  Projects submitted after the deadline will lose 5 points per day.  If you have any questions or concerns see me or Email me well before the deadline

Suggested Start-Up Sources

1. Websites Country’s official/government website

2. SH Library Databases World History: the Modern Era; Daily Life Online; Country Watch; Grolier Encyclopedia; Accunet/AP Multimedia Archive; Maps 101

3. Others Library Reference Books (check publication year for accuracy) Textbooks; non-fiction books from reliable authors/historians

Sleepy Hollow High School 2012-2013

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