Vocabulary Lesson Sequence Assignment

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Vocabulary Lesson Sequence Assignment

Vocabulary Lesson Sequence Assignment Jennifer Jones December 9, 2004

RE 5730: Reading and Writing for Intermediate and Advanced Learners

Dr. Linda Kucan

Overview: Name: Jennifer Jones Date: December 9, 2004 Grades: Second and Third Source: Very Last First Time by Jan Andrews Word Page number on which Student-friendly definition word appears, sentence in which word appears glisten p. 13 The gold-bright flame - to shine, sparkle with shone and glistened on the reflected light wet stones and pools at her feet. Her necklace glistened when she walked into a brightly lit room. wedge p. 15 Lighting three more - push or force something candles, she carefully into a narrow space wedged them between stones so she could see to When our bookbags are so collect mussels. full we might have to wedge the book in. pry p. 15 Using her knife as a - to raise, move, or pull lever, she tugged and pried apart and scraped to pull the mussels off the rocks. If the door is stuck we might have to pry it open. rumble p. 16 She hummed far back - long, deep rolling sound in her throat to make the echoes rumble. During a thunderstorm we might hear thunder rumble. skitter p. 18 Small shrimps in the - to glide or skim lightly water darted and skittered and quickly over a surface in the light from her candle. If you throw jelly beans on a mirror they would skitter. scramble p. 19 Eva scrambled over - to move quickly the seaweed, up and onto a rock mound. A hiker might scramble over rocks at a stream to keep from getting wet. shriek p. 23 The tide was roaring - a loud cry, or sound louder and the ice shrieked and creaked with its Someone who is scared movement. might shriek. Schedule of Activities

Day 1: Introduce words and provide student-friendly definitions. Students will write words and definitions in vocabulary notebooks. First Activity: Choices

Day 2: Review Activity: Word cards will be given to students before circle time, and they will explain words. Second Activity: Word Associations

Day 3: Review Activity: I’m Thinking of a Word Activity, at circle time we will play a guessing game with the words and their definitions. Third Activity: Have You Ever? Speed Round

Day 4: Review Activity: Can of Words Activity, at circle time I will pass around a can and the students will pick a word and define it. Fourth Activity: Word Network

Day 5: Review Activity: Write a group story using the words. Fifth Activity: Making Choices and Questions, Reasons, Examples Final Assessment

Day 1 Activity: Choices

1. If you and your friends were watching a scary movie would you shriek or scramble?

2. If you were trying to get the last book in your full would you wedge or pry it in the bag?

3. If you were outside during a thunderstorm would you hear a glisten or rumble?

4. If you dropped a bunch of marbles on a wooden floor would they glisten or skitter?

5. If you fell behind your group on a hike would you scramble or skitter to catch up?

6. If your Legos are stuck together would you wedge or pry them apart?

7. If you were out on a snowy moonlit night would the snow scramble or glisten? Day 1 Activity: Choices Answer Key

1. If you and your friends were watching a scary movie would you shriek or scramble?

2. If you were trying to get the last book in your full would you wedge or pry it in the bag?

3. If you were outside during a thunderstorm would you hear a glisten or rumble?

4. If you dropped a bunch of marbles on a wooden floor would they glisten or skitter?

5. If you fell behind your group on a hike would you scramble or skitter to catch up?

6. If your Legos are stuck together would you wedge or pry them apart?

7. If you were out on a snowy moonlit night would the snow scramble or glisten? Day 2 Activity: Word Associations

1. Which word goes with light? Why?

2. Which word goes with an empty stomach? Why?

3. Which word goes with something scary? Why?

4. Which word goes with climbing? Why?

5. Which word goes with knife? Why?

6. Which word goes with marbles? Why?

7. Which word goes with small spaces? Why? Day 2 Activity: Word Associations Answer Key

1. Which word goes with light? Why? glisten - because for something to shine it must have light

2. Which word goes with an empty stomach? Why? rumble – an empty stomach will make a loud noise when you are hungry

3. Which word goes with something scary? Why? shriek – something scary may cause you to cry out loud or scream

4. Which word goes with climbing? Why? scramble – you might have to climb quickly on a hike

5. Which word goes with knife? Why? pry – you could use a knife to pull off something that is stuck

6. Which word goes with marbles? Why? skitter – marbles glide over a smooth surface

7. Which word goes with small spaces? Why? wedge – you might have to force something in a small space Day 3 Activity: Have You Ever?

1. Describe a time when you shrieked.

2. What is something that might skitter?

3. Describe a time when you might have to scramble.

4. What would cause something to glisten?

5. Have you ever had to pry something apart?

6. Have you ever heard a rumble?

7. When might something be wedged? Day 3 Activity: Have You Ever? Answer Key

1. Describe a time when you shrieked. - a scary movie, a time when they were scared

2. What is something that might skitter? - marbles, candy that is dropped on the floor

3. Describe a time when you might have to scramble. - when something is slippery, when they have fallen behind a group

4. What would cause something to glisten? - sun, moon, light

5. Have you ever had to pry something apart? - Legos stuck together, something glued together, a potato chip bag that won’t open

6. Have you ever heard a rumble? - thunder, a train, stomach

7. When might something be wedged? - when it stuck between something Day 3: Speed Round

Write T for True or F for False.

_____ 1. If you fell behind a group you would have to scramble to catch up.

_____ 2. If you dropped a candy bar it would skitter across the floor.

_____ 3. If you saw the ocean in the moonlight, it would glisten.

_____ 4. If you were at the bottom of a mountain before an avalanche you might hear a rumble.

_____ 5. If you put a book on the top of the stack you wedged it in.

_____ 6. If you saw a ghost you might shriek.

_____ 7. If you need to pry something apart you could use a towel. Day 3: Speed Round

Write T for True or F for False.

True 1. If you fell behind a group you would have to scramble to catch up.

False 2. If you dropped a candy bar it would skitter across the floor.

True 3. If you saw the ocean in the moonlight, it would glisten.

True 4. If you were at the bottom of a mountain before an avalanche you might hear a rumble.

False 5. If you put a book on the top of the stack you wedged it in.

True 6. If you saw a ghost you might shriek.

False 7. If you need to pry something apart you could use a towel. Day 4: Word Networks Students will be divided into groups, and given a piece of poster board with their group’s word in a web on it. They would be asked to write what situations, things, or words come to mind when they think about their word.

Day 4: Word Networks Possible Answers glisten: water, sparkle, jewels, snow on a moonlit night scramble: quick, climb, move fast wedge: push, force, stuck shriek: scream, loud, ghost, a scary movie rumble: thunder, empty stomach, deep, low, an echo skitter: marbles, smooth floor, insect on water pry: stuck, pull, glued, knife, crowbar Day 5: Making Choices/Questions, Reasons, Examples

1. If any of the things I say might be things that skitter, say “glide”: marbles, M&Ms, gumballs, candy bar, lollipop

2. If any of the things I say might be things that could cause you to shriek, say “scream”: ghosts, a funny movie, a monster

3. If any of the things I say might glisten in light, say “shiny”: jewels, snow, water, carpet, silk

4. If any of the things I say rumble, say “rumble, rumble”: thunder, rushing water, a fish

5. If you were on a hike, when might you have to scramble?

6. What tools could you use to pry something apart?

7. When might you have to wedge something in? Day 5: Making Choices/Questions, Reasons, Examples Answer Key

1. If any of the things I say might be things that skitter, say “glide”: marbles, M&Ms, gumballs, candy bar, lollipop

2. If any of the things I say might be things that could cause you to shriek, say “scream”: ghosts, a funny movie, a monster

3. If any of the things I say might glisten in light, say “shiny”: jewels, snow, water, carpet, silk

4. If any of the things I say rumble, say “rumble, rumble”: thunder, rushing water, a fish

5. If you were on a hike, when might you have to scramble? - if you fell behind 6. What tools could you use to pry something apart? - a knife, a hammer, a crowbar 7. When might you have to wedge something in? - when the space is tight Day 5: Assessment

Circle the letter(s) of the correct answer or answers:

1. If something glistens it would be: a. shiny b. sparkly c. dull

2. If you had to wedge something you would need to: a. push it in b. lay it down c. force it in

3. If you heard someone shriek you would hear: a. laughter b. a loud cry c. a scream

4. If you heard a rumble, you would be: a. outside during a thunderstorm b. hungry c. at the bottom of a mountain before an avalanche

5. A person who is scrambling would be expected to be: a. moving quickly b. moving slowly c. not moving

6. If someone is trying to pry something open you would not expect him or her to be: a. putting something together b. putting something a part c. trying to move something 7. If something skitters it: a. slides b. glides c. stops

Answer the following questions:

8. Describe some things that make someone shriek.

9. Tell about a time when you had to scramble.

10. What kind of tools could you use to pry something apart?

11. Describe what a rumble would sound like.

12. What kinds of things might skitter?

13. Describe what would be needed for something to glisten.

14. Tell about a time when you had to wedge something. Day 5: Assessment Answer Key

Circle the letter(s) of the correct answer or answers:

1. If something glistens it would be: a. shiny b. sparkly c. dull

2. If you had to wedge something you would need to: a. push it in b. lay it down c. force it in

3. If you heard someone shriek you would hear: a. laughter b. a loud cry c. a scream

4. If you heard a rumble, you would be: a. outside during a thunderstorm b. hungry c. at the bottom of a mountain before an avalanche

5. A person who is scrambling would be expected to be: a. moving quickly b. moving slowly c. not moving

6. If someone is trying to pry something open you would not expect him or her to be: a. putting something together b. putting something a part c. trying to move something 7. If something skitters it: a. slides b. glides c. stops

Answer the following questions:

8. Describe some things that make someone shriek. - anything scary

9. Tell about a time when you had to scramble. - when something was slippery or they fell behind a group

10. What kind of tools could you use to pry something apart? - a hammer, a knife, a crowbar

11. Describe what a rumble would sound like. - long, deep, rolling sound, thunder

12. What kinds of things might skitter? - marbles, gumballs, round candy

13. Describe what would be needed for something to glisten. - some kind of light

14. Tell about a time when you had to wedge something. - when their bookbags were full, when they had to squeeze something in tight space

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