North Highland FEI Cluster Group


8 th September 08, 13:00 – Inaugural Meeting


Maxine Garson Rural Skills Co-ordinator Highland Steve Robertson North Highland Forest Trust Mike Ellis Woodland Contractor Susanne Standish-White Active Schools Manager Bonnie Maggio National Co-ordinator (FEI) Brenda Bailey Rosehall & District Action Group Willie Beattie Woodland Officer - Forestry Commission Scotland Colin Gilmour Rosehall & District Action Group Ian Mitchell Scottish Natural Heritage Sally Nichols Dornoch High School Lyn Gordon Dornoch High School Kay Smith Cultural Schools Co-ordinator Neil McInnes Dornoch Forest District - Forestry Commission Scotland


Mark Sharples Healthways Adrian Clarke Highland Council Cultural Manager Stephen Fraser Dornoch Forest District – Forestry Commission Scotland

 Introductions and Apologies

 Participants Reasons for Attending Steve Robertson suggested that each participant offer the group some insight into where they saw FEI fitting with their job/role. Common themes were funding opportunities, locating education resources, inclusion opportunities and encouraging new entrants to forestry. The aims of FEI nationally were outlined and related aims of the new Cluster Group were suggested.

 New Cluster Group Participants agreed that there was sufficient interest for a new, more locally focused cluster group. Some discussion followed on geographical boundaries with Bonnie Maggio suggesting that defining the area would be helpful. The group agreed that the new cluster group should be named North Highland FEI Cluster Group, focusing primarily on Caithness and Sutherland.

 Election of Office Bearers Colin Gilmour proposed Neil McInnes as Chairman (seconded by Ian Mitchell). Initial term of office would be one year. Kay Smith was proposed and accepted as secretary and Stephen Fraser was proposed and accepted as treasurer. It was proposed and accepted that Neil McInnes and Kay Smith would act as signatories and that a bank account would be opened in the name of “North Highland FEI Cluster Group”.

 Web Page Administrator The cluster group would have dedicated pages on the FEI website. It was agreed that Bonnie Maggio would assist Neil McInnes in setting these pages up and that thereafter pupils from Dornoch Academy would run the site as a student project.

 Current Projects Neil McInnes and Mike Ellis outlined a current project at Achany Glen, aimed at restoring overstood coppice woodland. The production of an online directory of local resources was discussed.  FEI Networking Event The forthcoming National Networking Event in November was discussed. Neil McInnes undertook to forward details to group members. Bonnie indicated that two free places would be available to the group. It was agreed that Sally Nichols and Brenda Bailey would attend, although in the event that Brenda was unable to go, the place would be offered to another Community Woodland representative (Culag was suggested).

 Frequency of Meetings It was proposed that quarterly meetings would be held on the basis that this would allow Partnership Fund Applications to progress with relevant minutes. It would also be a key aim that the meetings would provide a practical session for members and that locations would vary throughout the group’s operating area.

 Forest Schools Training Bonnie Maggio provided leaflets about Forest Schools for members. It is hoped to run training for Forest Schools Leaders in the spring of 2009 and some funding may be available through the cluster groups. Those interested in further details were asked to contact Bonnie Maggio direct.

 Cluster Group Constitution Ian Mitchell proposed that the group adopts the pro-forma FEI constitution and this was agreed with the following amendments: Par. 2 – Delete the word “young” in relation to target participants. Par. 7 – Delete the term “Steering Group”.

 Expanding Membership Membership was open to any interested individual or group and there were many suggestions as to new members. Neil McInnes recorded the following suggestions from the group: Shona Macdonald Cultural Schools Co-ordinator Caithness Mary Legge and Andy Summers Highland Council Rangers CWA Members (Dunnet and Culag plus others) Mark Sharples Healthways Jake Willis CWA Wildwatch Groups SWT Woodland Trust Kyle of Sutherland Initiative Regional Woodland Park Representative Wood processors Private woodland managers and owners Donald Mclean Trainer James Munro North Highland College

Other suggestions would be welcome and should be passed to the Chair.

 Date of Next Meeting 8th December 2008 at 2pm – Ferrycroft Visitor Centre, Lairg.