What do you know about the capital of England? Try to answer these questions. Then, click on the link below, enjoy the tour and check your answers.

1.- Name at least two British museums.

2.- Which is the official home and office of the monarch?

3.- Why is ‘Harrods’ well-known?

4.- Which ‘houses’ are next to ‘Big Ben’? Which is their role in politics?

5.- Where did Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer get married?

6.- Two of Henry VIII’s wives were executed in this place.

7.- This bridge was built along the river Thames. http://www.theoriginaltour.com/virtual-tour.htm Now, what about a tour to The National Gallery? Can you guess how many painters are there in this museum and the artistic movements they belong to? After visiting the different floors in the link below, choose one of these artists, look for information about him, prepare a short talk and tell your mates. http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/visiting/virtualtour/#/room-23-A/

Here you have some useful tips to improve your speech:

1.- Use opening and concluding sentences for your presentation. - To open your presentation: Good morning, my presentation deals with…/I’m going to talk about … / the topic of my presentation is about … - To finish your presentation: - Thank you very much for your attention, if you have any questions, I will be very pleased to answer them. - Thanks a lot for listening to me, and please ask me any question/doubt you have on my presentation. 2.- Do not read directly from your papers or slides. Try to memorise some key words and sentences. 3.- Use the board to write important names, dates or words related to the topic you are talking about. 4.- Do not move too much and do not be static either. 5.- The board should always be visible. Therefore, do not stay opposite it so as not to cover the information you have written. 6.- Look at the whole audience and not just one person. This makes your speech more convincing. 7.- Do not give your back to your mates when writing on the board. 8.- Be careful with spelling mistakes if you write on the board. In case you make one, correct it. 9.- Check your pronunciation. On-line dictionaries are useful since you can listen to the word required. www.wordreference.com is a good one. 10.- The information you write on the board must be clearly organised so that the audience can follow it easily. 11.- Your handwriting must be legible. 12.- You can make your presentation more interesting by asking your mates some questions. This is a way to catch their attention from the very beginning: Have you ever heard about …? What do you know about …? 13.- If you want to illustrate your presentation, you can use the overhead projector to show your mates pictures, or prepare some PowerPoint slides on the topic dealt with. BUT: PowerPoint slides should be just a summary of the information in your presentation. Do not overload the audience. 14.- All the information cannot be included. Give the main topics/arguments to your listeners. 15.- Do not be monotonous when speaking. Vary tone to keep the audience’s attention. 16.- Speak at an appropriate pace. Going through information too quickly will make it difficult for the audience to follow. Going through information too slowly may result in your audience becoming bored. 17.- AND … TRY NOT TO BE NERVOUS, although it is not easy, isn’t it?