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Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
AMENDMENTS 49 - 95 (Contributions from other Committees)
Draft motion for a resolution Malcolm Harbour, Pablo Arias Echeverría (PE513.053v01)
on Completing the Digital Single Market
AM\939066EN.doc PE513.053v01-00
EN United in diversity EN AM_Com_NonLegRE
PE513.053v01-00 2/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN Amendment 49 on behalf of the JURI Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Encourages the Commission to continue its efforts in the area of intellectual property law, with a view to creating a modern copyright framework for the digital single market;
Or. en
Amendment 50 on behalf of the JURI Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Points to the multitude of legal issues and challenges raised by the use of cloud computing, such as difficulties in determining the applicable law, compliance and liability issues, data protection safeguards, including the right to privacy, data portability and the enforcement of copyright and other intellectual property rights; considers it essential that the consequences of cloud computing are clear and foreseeable in all of the affected areas of the law;
Or. en
Amendment 51 on behalf of the JURI Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Considers the proposed Common European Sales Law as an innovative initiative of key importance to consumers
AM\939066EN.doc 3/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN and businesses in the internal market; believes that one optional set of EU-wide rules can be of particular benefit for the rapidly growing internet sector; takes the view that the proposal also contains interesting potential with a view to cloud computing and digital content;
Or. en
Amendment 52 on behalf of the JURI Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Invites the Commission to continue working towards adapting the contract law framework to the new challenges of the digital single market; considers in particular that accompanying work on EU-wide standard contract terms, available off-the-shelf for businesses and consumers, are crucial in this area;
Or. en
Amendment 53 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Calls for the further deployment of smart mobility systems developed through EU-funded research, such as the air traffic management system of the future (SESAR), the European rail traffic management system (ERTMS) and rail information systems, maritime surveillance systems (SafeSeaNet), River Information Services (RIS), intelligent transport systems (ITS), and interoperable interconnected solutions for the next generation of multimodal traffic
PE513.053v01-00 4/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN management systems;
Or. en
Amendment 54 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Stresses that information technology tools should be widely deployed within the TEN-T network to simplify administrative procedures, provide for cargo tracking and tracing, and optimise schedules and traffic flows;
Or. en
Amendment 55 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Calls for the setting-up of an interoperable European electronic road toll service that does not discriminate against cross-border road users and takes into account the special position of residents of border regions; calls on the Member States and toll-road operators to work in close cooperation with neighbouring countries, in order to set up adequate charging systems and payment/collection facilities, and provide easily accessible information about prices, terms and conditions of use;
Or. en
Amendment 56 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 (new)
AM\939066EN.doc 5/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Welcomes the “ICT & Tourism Initiative” which aims to facilitate cooperation between companies located at different sections of the tourism industry's value chain; calls on the Commission to create by the end of 2013 one stop shop a portal for tourism companies that wish to interconnect with all relevant market players in order to set up, manage and promote their business more effectively;
Or. en
Amendment 57 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
5. Emphasises that the Commission's legislative proposal for the establishment of an umbrella “European Tourism Label for Quality Schemes” should increase consumer security and confidence in tourism products and encourage tourism professionals to improve their services;
Or. en
Amendment 58 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
6. Expects the Commission, in its revision of the Package Travel Directive, to fully examine the impact of e-commerce and digital markets on consumer behaviour within the European tourism industry, and to step up its efforts to improve the quality, content and reliability of
PE513.053v01-00 6/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN information provided to tourists;
Or. en
Amendment 59 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
7. Stresses that passengers must be able to clearly differentiate, in the context of computerised reservation systems, between non-optional operational costs included in fares and bookable optional items, with a view to increasing price transparency when booking tickets on the internet;
Or. en
Amendment 60 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
8. Urges the Commission to address unfair terms in air transport contracts, to ensure closer monitoring of websites and to notify national enforcement bodies of misapplications of the existing rules;
Or. en
Amendment 61 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
9. Calls on the Commission to develop standardised electronic forms for the submission of passenger complaints in all
AM\939066EN.doc 7/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN transport modes and to promote guidelines for the prompt settlement of such complaints through simplified procedures;
Or. en
Amendment 62 on behalf of the TRAN Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
10. Points out that accessible, affordable and high quality postal services are an essential element in the online purchasing of goods; notes, however, that many consumers are reluctant to buy online, especially cross-border, because of uncertainties relating to final delivery; stresses the need to revise the current regulatory framework on postal services as it is not currently designed to address the needs of consumers who buy online;
Or. en
Amendment 63 on behalf of the INTA Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Considers that more global cooperation is needed in order to uphold and modernise intellectual property rights in the future, this being vital to ensure innovation, employment and open world trade;
Or. en
Amendment 64 on behalf of the INTA Committee Draft motion for a resolution
PE513.053v01-00 8/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN Paragraph 2 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Welcomes the Commission's recent initiatives, but underlines the need to complete the regulatory framework regarding enforcement of copyright in the digital environment that is tailored to present requirements, so that agreements can be reached with our trading partners on the basis of modern European legislation;
Or. en
Amendment 65 on behalf of the INTA Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Notes that e-commerce has developed outside of traditional and standard trade regulatory frameworks; stresses the importance of increased international cooperation within the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in order to protect and ensure the development of the global digital market; calls for a revision and update of the current Information Technology Agreement (ITA) within the WTO, and for the EU to explore the possibility of an International Digital Economy Agreement (IDEA);
Or. en
Amendment 66 on behalf of the INTA Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 (new)
AM\939066EN.doc 9/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Notes that increased governmental involvement and regulation hampers the open and unrestricted nature of the internet, thereby limiting the potential for increased e-commerce and constraining EU businesses operating in the digital economy; believes a multi-stakeholder approach is the best means of striking a balance between public and private interests on the internet and in the global marketplace; calls for an international effort to build the necessary infrastructure to allow the expansion of the digital economy, including liberal regulatory regimes, and calls on developing countries to increase mutual benefits in line with the trade-for-change principle;
Or. en
Amendment 67 on behalf of the INTA Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
5. Considers that the restriction of EU businesses’ access to digital markets and online consumers through, among other things, mass state censorship or restricted market access for European online service providers in third countries constitutes a trade barrier; calls on the Commission and the Council to include a safeguard mechanism in all future trade agreements, especially those which contain provisions affecting online services and online communities of users who share information, in order to ensure that EU ICT companies are not required by third parties to restrict website access, remove user-generated content or provide personal information, such as personal IP addresses, in ways that contravene
PE513.053v01-00 10/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN fundamental rights and freedoms; calls, additionally, on the Council and the Commission to develop a strategy for challenging measures by third countries which restrict EU companies’ access to global online markets;
Or. en
Amendment 68 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital A (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
A. whereas the internal market enables the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital as laid down in Article 26 (2) TFEU; whereas this freedom is balanced with general principles of EU law and fundamental rights; whereas the development of an EU digital single market needs to be fostered ambitiously to unlock economic growth while respecting digital freedoms;
Or. en
Amendment 69 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital B (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
B. whereas the obstacles to the completion of the digital single market, in particular the barriers impeding the development of cross-border online services, must be removed, so that an efficient digital single market for cultural, creative, scientific and educational content online can be achieved; whereas in a digital single market, users across the Union should have access to the content of their choice irrespective of their country of residence,
AM\939066EN.doc 11/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN to enable more citizens to have access, throughout the Union and in the rest of the world, to contents and services; whereas it is also necessary to guarantee the protection for the property rights of authors in the cultural and creative sectors within the digital single market;
Or. en
Amendment 70 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital C (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
C. whereas strengthening and facilitating the development of ICT infrastructure is essential to the economic growth and competitiveness of Europe;
Or. en
Amendment 71 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital D (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
D. whereas the access to content at affordable prices, through secured and reliable payments facilities should increase consumer confidence when accessing cross-border services;
Or. en
Amendment 72 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital E (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
E. whereas net neutrality, as well
PE513.053v01-00 12/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN interoperability between services, standards and applications, should be guaranteed in order to underpin the digital single market;
Or. en
Amendment 73 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Believes that the creation of a true digital single market for cultural, creative, scientific and educational content requires the removal of territorial restrictions on online use; calls on the Commission to come forward with a reform of copyright in order to improve access to content and to strengthen the position of authors; considers that such reforms should preserve competition and foster the emergence of innovative online services;
Or. en
Amendment 74 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Notes that some progress has been already made by the Union to reduce the impact of copyright territoriality, in particular with the Commission's proposal for a Directive on collective right management and multi-territorial licensing in the online music sector, currently under consideration by the legislator; believes that more transparency, better governance and greater accountability of collective rights management societies is needed;
AM\939066EN.doc 13/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN considers that the proposed Directive would encourage multi-territorial licensing of rights and facilitate rights' licensing for online use;
Or. en
Amendment 75 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Notes that copyright reforms should include genuine alternatives for those seeking to licence digital content cross- border in a more competitive and innovative environment; points out that this would lead to a level playing field, improved cross-border access to content for users, as well as a greater choice for creators and users throughout the Union;
Or. en
Amendment 76 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Calls on the Commission and Member States to come forward with measures in support of the European audiovisual industry in order to overcome current obstacles to the digital single market in the sector; believes that such measures should aim to create more consumer demand for non-national European films, facilitate easier cross-border distribution, including by supporting subtitling and dubbing of audiovisual works, as well as reducing related transaction costs linked to rights management;
Or. en
PE513.053v01-00 14/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN Amendment 77 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
5. Considers it necessary to make cultural and creative content services, in particular audiovisual works and new content cross-border delivery platforms, more accessible across the Union, particularly to the elderly and to people with disabilities in order to foster participation in the social and cultural life of the Union;
Or. en
Amendment 78 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
6. Highlights the importance of Europeana and other services or platforms in fostering the digitisation and online access to the Union's cultural heritage and content;
Or. en
Amendment 79 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
7. Calls on the Commission to come forward with a proposal to ensure that VAT rates are applied equitably to creative, cultural, scientific and educational content, regardless of the means of user access; believes that reduced VAT rates that exist for content
AM\939066EN.doc 15/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN distributed in physical form should also be applied for the digital equivalent, thus boosting the attractiveness of digital platforms and stimulating innovative content services and new ways for users to access content online;
Or. en
Amendment 80 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
8. Stresses the need to improve media and digital literacy as well as e-skills among Europeans, in particular children and minors, in order to achieve a true digital single market in the Union;
Or. en
Amendment 81 on behalf of the CULT Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
9. Considers that additional efforts are needed in the field of reuse of public sector information and promotion of e- Government;
Or. en
Amendment 82 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital A (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
A. whereas acknowledging that besides the economic crisis and the sovereign-
PE513.053v01-00 16/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN debt crisis, economic activities in Europe are being reshaped by longer-term structural transformations affecting Europe's competitiveness in the global economy, and that these structural changes affect labour markets, especially for maintaining and creating jobs;
Or. en
Amendment 83 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital B (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
B. whereas the EU's 2013 Annual Growth Survey calls for resolute action to step up job creation and ensure a job-intensive recovery;
Or. en
Amendment 84 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Recital C (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
C. whereas dynamic and inclusive labour markets, where people possess the right skills, are essential if the competitiveness of the European economy is to rise, as a consequence of these developments;
Or. en
Amendment 85 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 1 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
1. Recalls that Europe's 2020 Strategy for
AM\939066EN.doc 17/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN smart, sustainable and inclusive growth sets a target of 75% of 20-64 year olds in employment by 2020; however, the employment rate is falling, and discrepancies between Member States and regions have increased the challenge in terms of employment, social inclusion and combating poverty;
Or. en
Amendment 86 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 2 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
2. Acknowledges the importance of the Digital Single Market (DSM), which offers a strong potential for growth and employment, especially for the younger generation and stresses the need to give a fresh impetus to DSM, by increased investments, as the digital agenda could highly contribute to the response to the current challenges and to the solution in overcoming the present crisis;
Or. en
Amendment 87 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 3 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
3. Believes that the DSM needs to be dealt with in a way which addresses the main challenges the EU is currently facing in terms of polarisation between the centre and the periphery; calls therefore for an implementation focusing on job creation where unemployment is high instead of merely encouraging young talented people to move to clusters located in the
PE513.053v01-00 18/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN centre of the EU;
Or. en
Amendment 88 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 4 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
4. Recalls that the “Employment Package” carries forward the EU's 2020 flagship initiative on “New skills and jobs”, while helping also to deliver, through better synergies, on flagship initiatives. “Digital Agenda for Europe” is one of these highly important priorities, together with: “Innovation Union”, “Youth on the move”, “Resource-efficient Europe”, “An Industrial Policy for the Globalisation Era” and “European Platform Against Poverty and Exclusion”. The Employment Package also shows how the EU budget, in particular the European Social Fund, can be mobilised in support of sustainable job creation and help deliver the necessary investment in human capital within the context of an economic downturn;
Or. en
Amendment 89 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 5 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
5. Calls on the Commission and Member States, while complying with Article 3 of the TFEU, establishing full employment and social cohesion as EU objectives, as well as with the EP Resolution of 11 December 2012 on Completing the digital single market, and while acknowledging that the European labour market is
AM\939066EN.doc 19/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN radically changing and new skills will be needed for the jobs of tomorrow, to enhance the efforts to implement the Digital Agenda for Europe and to prioritise digital literacy and skills in the "New skills for jobs" flagship initiative, including the launch of a multi- stakeholder sectoral council for ICT skills and employment, in order to address the gap between the supply of ICT professionals and the increasing vacancies in the digital sector;
Or. en
Amendment 90 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 6 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
6. Underlines the need to further develop the objectives set out in the Commission Communication of 18.04.2012 "Towards a job-rich recovery" and the subsequent EP resolution on this issue, especially regarding the new policy approach addressing job creation – and in particular the job creation potentials in the green economy, health services sector and ICT.
Or. en
Amendment 91 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 7 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
7. Stresses the need of further activate the use of EURES and, in this respect, supports the use of EURES by the Member States, in addition to giving advice to workers and job-seekers on their right to free movement, also as an
PE513.053v01-00 20/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN employment instrument with a special focus on placement and the need of employers in order to effectively contribute to recovery and long-term growth.
Or. en
Amendment 92 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 8 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
8. Supports the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs, launched in March 2013 and expected to run for two years, which is a follow-up to the Employment Package, and addresses ICT specialists working in all sectors and aims to respond to the skills gaps, including literacy and working skills, in the ICT sector;
Or. en
Amendment 93 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 9 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
9. Underlines the need that stakeholders join efforts for finding solutions to identified problems such as the stable number of ICT graduates, the importance of matching training with business requirements, so as to make possible an increased supply in this dynamic sector, which has been largely unaffected by the economic crisis;
Or. en
AM\939066EN.doc 21/22 PE513.053v01-00 EN Amendment 94 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 10 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
10. Stresses that the DSM should help people remain active and healthy at work as they age, while improving work-life balance; underlines that ICT tools can also ensure sustainable, successful healthcare systems;
Or. en
Amendment 95 on behalf of the EMPL Committee Draft motion for a resolution Paragraph 11 (new)
Draft motion for a resolution Amendment
11. Draws the attention that for increasing the trust in the internet, in particular for cross-border transactions, it is necessary to clarify the social obligations that should follow for a company offering cross-border services, and, in this respect, calls for stronger cooperation at EU and Members States level in order to fill in the loopholes in the labour market, regarding the specificities of the digital field;
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PE513.053v01-00 22/22 AM\939066EN.doc EN