Chemistry Project - Raft Assignment
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Each atom on the periodic table has unique properties, characteristics and uses based on its atomic structure. Through this RAFT project, you will have the task of gathering information concerning an element of your choice. The gathering of this information will be completed in a portfolio. Once you complete your portfolio, you will demonstrate your understanding of your chosen element and its significance in today’s society by presenting your element to a small group of your classmates. After listening to the element presentations in your group, you will reflect on the presentations and answer key questions.
Steps to Your Task 1. Select an element from the periodic table. . 2. Complete the portfolio outline. 3. Start your presentation. Read through the choices of role, audience and format and select an option that works best for you. 4. Complete your presentation. 5. Use the rubric and checklist to ensure that you have included all required information. 6. Present your element and listen to the others within your group. Provide feedback on presentations within your group. Complete the element reflection.
NOTE: This assignment has you writing and presenting from the viewpoint of someone other than yourself. Write clearly, strive for creativity and pay attention to the format. Excellent projects are not a LIST that flow according to the rubric but contain the information interwoven into the writing in an interesting and creative way.
Project Outline and Key Dates:
1. Select element and inform teacher of element choice: Due Date:___11/10/2014_____
2. Complete portfolio: Due Date:___beginning of class 11/12/2014______
3. Element RAFT Presentation: Due Date:__11/13/2014______
4. Self and peer reflection of presentations: Due Date:____11/14/2014______
5. Element reflection piece: Due Date:____11/14/2014______RAFT outline
Role Audience Format Topic (You will write as (Your writing piece (Your writing will (Your element whose work though you are….) will be read or take the form of…) your writing is based upon heard by…) is…..) the scientist who a family member a letter Any element on the periodic discovered the table. element a friend an interview a teacher a peer group a lecture a reporter a group of children a press conference a movie producer a worried citizen a personal journal singer or songwriter award committee entry
a newspaper article
a last will and testament
a TV script
a confessional
song lyrics
Research Tips: Use the following websites to help you research your element. You are not limited to use of the internet for your research. Please feel free to consult textbooks, chemistry resource books, and periodicals as you research your element. · ( ·Dynamic Periodic Table ( ·WebElements Clickable Periodic Table ( · · - good links for related information on the elements Chemistry Element RAFT Name: ______
The evaluation of this assignment is based on the information contained within the portfolio and your overall presentation. The following rubric will be used to evaluate your project.
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 <50% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100% Knowledge: Does not Demonstrates limited Demonstrates some Demonstrates Demonstrates a Physical Properties meet grade understanding of both understanding of both considerable thorough understanding Chemical Properties expectations the physical and the physical and understanding of both of both the physical and chemical properties of chemical properties of the physical and chemical properties of the element. the element. chemical properties of the element. the element. Inquiry: Does not Gathers data and Gathers data and Gathers data and Gathers data and Uses of the Element meet grade analyzes information analyzes information analyzes information analyzes information Common Compounds expectations with limited with some effectiveness with considerable with a high degree of effectiveness to to determine uses of the effectiveness to effectiveness to determine uses of the element, as well as determine uses of the determine uses of the element, as well as common compounds element, as well as element, as well as common compounds that the element is common compounds common compounds that the element is found in. that the element is that the element is found in. found in. found in. Communication: Does not Expresses ideas and Expresses ideas and Expresses ideas and Expresses ideas and Units meet grade organizes information organizes information organizes information organizes information Conventions expectations with limited with some with considerable with a high degree of Terminology effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. Electron configuration and / Units, conventions and Units, conventions and Units, conventions and Units, conventions and or Bohr-Rutherford Diagram terminology are used terminology are used terminology are used terminology are used Referencing – cites the incorrectly. but contain some errors. but contain only a few appropriately. websites, books and / or Partial Reference list Prepares a partial errors. Prepares a reference materials used to gather (only 1 reference and/ reference sheet (only 2 Prepares a reference sheet according to APA information or reference is not from references) sheet that identifies format with minimal a reliable source) sources of information errors in format and and more than 3 utilizes more than 4 sources are used. sources of information.
Application: Does not Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections Makes connections Impact the element has on meet grade between the element between the element between the element between the element society, the economy, and expectations and society, the and society, the and society, the and society, the the environment economy and the economy and the economy and the economy and the environment with environment with some environment with environment to a high limited effectiveness. effectiveness. considerable degree of effectiveness. effectiveness. Learning Skills: Does not Has a maximum of 2 Has a maximum of 1 Has a maximum of 2 Has a maximum of 1 See chart below meet grade “Needs Improvements” “Needs Improvement” “Satisfactories” “Satisfactory” expectations
Learning Skills: During the course of the project you will be assessed on the following learning skills.
Learning Skill Learning Skill Level Responsibility Fulfills responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment. NI S E Completes and submits assignments according to agreed-upon timelines. Organization Establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals. NI S E Identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information, technology, and resources to complete tasks. Independent Work Uses class time appropriately to complete tasks. NI S E Follows instructions with minimal supervision. Initiative Approaches new tasks with a positive attitude. NI S E Self-Regulation Seeks clarification or assistance when needed. NI S E
NI – Needs Improvement S – Satisfactory E - Excellent Name:______Element Portfolio
Introductory Information
Element Name: ______
Element Symbol: ______
Where is your element found on the periodic table? Row number _____
Group number ______
Group name (if group 1, 2, 17 or 18) ______
Is your element a metal or a non-metal? ______
Atomic Number: ______
Atomic Mass: ______
Number of protons:_____ Number of electrons:_____ Number of neutrons:_____
Electron configuration and Bohr-Rutherford Model:
Teacher Signature & Date______Element Portfolio
Element Name: ______Element Symbol: ______
Physical Properties (make a list, think of at least 8-10 important physical properties such as density, melting point, state of matter, metal, non-metal, metalloid, crystalline structure, hardness)
Chemical Properties – what does the element react with? How the element reacts with other elements such as: whether an element is corrosive, combustible or flammable
What the element is used for?
Make a list of common compounds that the Element is found in
MSDS (print one from the internet) – Material Safety Data Sheet How the element affects the environment?
Facts on the element’s discovery (who, when and how)?
Why is this element important to society? Write a paragraph explaining your answer. Try to think of 3 reasons (level 3) to support your answer.
List the sources of your information (References - at least 3, using proper APA referencing format)