Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology Department of Psychology, University of Central Florida (UCF) Checklist for Candidacy & Comprehensive Examination

Domain A: Research Domain B: Government Proposals/Policy a. Theoretical or Review Article a. Grant Proposal b. Empirical Article b. Mental Health Policy/Administration Domain C: Teaching Domain D: Clinical Practice/Consultation a. Undergraduate Instructor Experience a. Comprehensive Case Presentation b. Professional Presentation Experience b. Program Development

Candidacy Domain:  Research  Gov’t Proposal/Policy  Teaching  Clinical Practice [check one domain box] Approval Date:

Comprehensive Examination Domains: [check two boxes other than domain box checked for candidacy]

 Research a. Theoretical or Review Article & b. Empirical Article  Acceptance Letter  Preprint/reprint of the article

 Government Proposals/Policy a. Grant Proposal  Copy of Grant Proposal  Letter acknowledging receipt of the proposal  Letter providing a critique of the proposal and indicating funding status b. Mental Health Policy/Administration  Comprehensive written summary of experience at approved site

 Teaching a. Undergraduate Instructor Experience  Syllabus  Lecture notes  Examinations  Two course evaluations  3 Written Teaching Critiques by Major Professor or Committee Member b. Professional Presentation Experience  Lecture notes for each presentation  Copy of conference presentations  Workshop announcements and handouts  Modified course evaluation for each oral presentation

 Clinical Practice/Consultation a. Comprehensive Case Presentation  Written case conceptualization  Audio, video, or direct observations of the supervisor  Assessment data b. Program Development  Written proposal  Assessment procedures  Treatment/prevention strategies  Cost analysis  Outcome evaluation procedures

Last modified: 2/22/02