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City of Munday Meeting Agenda December 13, 2016 6 P.M.
Type of Meeting: Regular Session
Meeting Facilitator: Jimmy Don Moore, City Administrator, City of Munday
Call to order
Invocation by:
To hear public comments: The public will be able to voice their concerns and questions. No interaction between the public and council can be entered into during this session. Requests to place an item on the next agenda can be heard and noted. Please limit your scope of concern and limit the time to a 3 minute interlude.
A. Public Hearing pursuant to potentially applying for the Texas Department of Agriculture for a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG). Listen to public comments.
B. The City Council may consider, discuss and/or take action to conduct a Public Hearing for a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) grant for 2017/2018 funding years, thru the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Community Development Block Grant Program is federally-funded program to assist Cities in their infrastructure needs such as water, sewer, and street improvements – Mayor Robert Bowen and Kay Howard with A & J Howco Services will discuss.
C. The City Council may consider, discuss, and/or take action to approve preparation of an application for the submission of a Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) application to the Texas Department of Agriculture. The project activity for the application is the continuation of a waterline from a previously funded grant in 2012. The grant amount will be for $275,000 with matching city funds of $13,750
D. The City Council may consider, discuss, and/or take action to implement procurement of professional services including engineering and grant administration and approve selection/review committee for the 2017/2018 TxCDBG Application. A committee will serve to determine scope of services and written selection criteria for evaluation of professional firms. Committee members will be Mayor Robert Bowen, City Secretary Bianca Harrimon and Jimmy Don Moore, City Administrator.
E. The City Council may consider, discuss, and/or take action to adopt the Texas Department of Agriculture Citizen's Participation Plan. The Citizen’s Participation Plan describes the methods that citizens may participate and provide their views on the City’s grant applications.
F. To read and approve the following: 1) Read and approve all previous minutes 2) Hear and approve judges report 3) Hear and approve monthly police report 4) Review monthly bills a. Paid bills November 2016 b. Future bills December 2016 5) Review monthly financial statements
G. See City Manager written Report: Day to Day Management of the City Park
To discuss items for next agenda.
To adjourn meeting
The City Council of Munday reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.076, and 551.086
This notice was posted by me, Jimmy Don Moore, at NOON December 9, 2016, at City Hall and on the City of Munday website,
Jimmy Don Moore
Jimmy Don Moore
City Administrator