List of Publications s1
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Publication List of PD Dr. Mag. Annemarie Seither-Preisler
Submitted / in press
1. Lütkenhöner, B., Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz. K., Patterson, R. (under review). The brain uses an automated pitch center in auditory cortex to monitor the environment for animate sources.
2. Schneider, P., Seither-Preisler, A., Hofmann, E., Geller, D., Schneider, R., Engelmann, D. Bleeck, S., Blatow, M., Wengenroth, M. (invited contribution, in press). Musical instrument preference and performance style are predicted by individual morphology and function of auditory cortex. Contemporary Music Review (CMR).
Peer-Reviewed Journals
1. Seither-Preisler, A., Johnson, L., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2008). The perception of dual aspect tone sequences changes with stimulus exposure. Brain Research Journal, 2(3), 125- 148.
2. Lütkenhöner, B., Seither-Preisler, A. (2008). Auditory brainstem response at the detection limit. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 9, 521-531.
3. Seither-Preisler, A., Johnson, L., Krumbholz, K., Nobbe, A., Patterson, R.D., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2007). Tone sequences with conflicting fundamental pitch and timbre changes are heard differently by musicians and non-musicians. J. Exp. Psychol.: Hum. Percept. Perform., 33(3), 743-751.
4. Seither-Preisler, A., Patterson, R.D, Krumbholz, K., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2006). From noise to pitch: Transient and sustained responses of the auditory evoked field. Hear. Res., 218, 50-63.
5. Seither-Preisler, A., Patterson, R.D, Krumbholz, K., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B (2006). Evidence of pitch processing in the N100m component of the auditory evoked field. Hear. Res., 213, 88-98.
6. Lütkenhöner, B., Seither, S., Seither-Preisler, A. (2006). Piano tones evoke stronger magnetic fields than pure tones or noise, not only in musicians. NeuroImage, 30, 927-937.
7. Krumbholz, K., Bleeck, S., Patterson, R., Senokozlieva, M., Seither-Preisler, A., Lütkenhöner, B. (2005). The effect of cross-channel synchrony on the perception of temporal regularity. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 118 (2), 946-954.
8. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R.D., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2004). Interaction between the neuromagnetic responses to sound energy onset and pitch onset suggests common generators. Eur. J. Neurosci., 19, 3073-3080.
9. Krumbholz, K., Maresh, K., Tomlinson, J., Patterson, R. D, .Seither-Preisler, A., Lütkenhöner, B. (2004). Mechanisms determining the salience of coloration in echoed sound: Influence of interaural time and level differences. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 115(4), 1696-1704.
1 10. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2003). Sensitivity of the neuromagnetic N100m deflection to spectral bandwidth: A function of the auditory periphery? Audiol. NeuroOtol., 279 (8), 322-337.
11. Lütkenhöner, B., Krumbholz, K, Seither-Preisler, A. (2003). Studies of tonotopy based on wave N100 of the auditory evoked field are problematic. NeuroImage, 19, 935-949.
12. Lütkenhöner, B., Krumbholz, K., Lammertmann, C., Seither-Preisler, A., Steinsträter, O., Patterson, R.D. (2003): Localization of primary auditory cortex in humans by magnetoencephalography. NeuroImage; 18, 58-66.
13. Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R. D., Seither-Preisler, A., Lammertmann, C., Lütkenhöner, B. (2003): Neuromagnetic evidence for a pitch processing center in Heschl´s gyrus. Cerebral Cortex, 13, 765-772.
14. Schulte, M., Knief, A., Seither-Preisler, A., Pantev, C. (2002): Different modes of pitch perception and learning-induced neuronal plasticity in the human auditory cortex. Neural Plasticity; 9(3), 161-75.
15. Yvert, B., Crouzeix, A., Bertrand, O., Seither-Preisler, A., Pantev, C. (2001): Multiple supratemporal sources of magnetic and electric auditory evoked middle latency components in humans. Cerebral Cortex, 11, 411-423.
16. Preisler, A. and Schmidt, S. (1998). Spontaneous classification of complex tones at high and ultrasonic frequencies in the bat, Megaderma lyra. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 103(5), 2595-2607.
17. Preisler, A. and Schmidt, S. (1995). Virtual pitch formation in the ultrasonic range. Naturwissenschaften 82, 45-47.
18. Preisler, A. (1993). The influence of spectral composition of complex tones and of musical experience on the perceptibility of virtual pitch. Perception & Psychophysics, 54 (5), 589-603.
19. Preisler, A., Gallasch, E., Schulter, G. (1989). Hemispheric asymmetry and the processing of harmonies in music. International Journal of Neuroscience, 47 (1-2), 131-140.
Journals without Peer-Review
1. Preisler, A., Gallasch, E. (1990). Die Verarbeitung von musikalischer Harmonie aus der Perspektive der Konzepte zur Hemisphärenasymmetrie. In: Musik-, Tanz- und Kunsttherapie, Thieme, Stuttgart-New York, 2, 88-94
Conference Proceedings
1. Patterson, R., Gutschalk, A., Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K. (2006). Imaging temporal pitch processing in the auditory pathway. Proceedings of ISH 2006, Oldenburg.
2. Lütkenhöner, B., Klein, J.S., Seither-Preisler, A. (2006). Near-threshold auditory evoked fields and potentials are in line with the Weber-Fechner law. Proceedings of ISH 2006, Oldenburg.
2 3. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): MEG correlates of pitch and spectrum in the auditory cortex, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism, 122-124
4. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): Latenzabhängigkeit der kortikalen N100m-Welle von Reizspektrum und –periodizität: Eine MEG-Studie. “Proceedings der fünften Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie” Zürich; Suppl V.
5. Schulte M., Knief A., Seither-Preisler A., Pantev C.: Gestalt recognition in a virtual melody experiment, Proceedings of Biomag 2000, p. 107-110.
6. Preisler, A. (1996). Virtual pitch - An evolutionary old ability of the mammalian auditory system. 5th International Congress of the Hard of Hearing People, Graz, Congress Report, 526-528.
7. Preisler, A. (1996). Virtual pitch - An experience related ability of auditory abstraction. 5th International Congress of the Hard of Hearing People, Graz, Congress Report, 508-510.
8. Preisler, A. (1992). Spectral versus virtual aspects of complex tone perception in relation to hemispheric dominance functions. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Recent Trends in Speech, Music, and Allied Signal Processing. Varanasi (India), 38-47
9. Preisler, A. (1992). Der Einfluss spektraler Klangparameter und individueller Hörerfahrungen bzw. -strategien auf die Wahrnehmung der virtuellen Tonhöhe. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 92, Part B, 833-836
Book Sections
1. Seither-Preisler, A. (2009). Musik und Gehirn: Historische und aktuelle Ansätze zur Erklärung musikalischer Konsonanz. Emotionen im Spannungsfeld von Phänomenologie und Wissenschaften (Ed. Reinhold Esterbauer und Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl), Verlag Peter Lang: Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, pp. 129-142.
2. Seither-Preisler, A., Johnson, L., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2009). Exposure to ambiguous tone sequences induces short-term plasticity of pitch perception. In: Experimental Psychology Research Trends (Ed. F. Columbus), NOVA Science Publishers, Inc.
3. Lütkenhöner, B., Borgmann, C., Krumbholz, K., Seither, S., Seither-Preisler, A. (2003). Auditory processing at the lower limit of pitch studied by magnetoencephalography. In: Auditory signal processing: Physiology, psychoacoustics, and models. Eds.: Pressnitzer, D., de Cheveigne, A., McAdams, S., Collet, L., pp. 126-132
4. Schmidt, S., Preisler, A., and Sedlmeier, H. (1994). Aspects of pitch perception in the ultrasonic range. In: Advances in Hearing Research, edited by G.A. Manley, G.Klump, C. Köppl, H. Fastl, and H. Oeckinghaus (World Scientific Publishers, Singapore), pp. 374-382
3 Posters at International Conferences
1. Parncutt, R., Seither-Preisler, A. (2009). Multiple levels of implication-realisation at the authentic cadence. International Conference on Music and Emotion (ICME), Durham, UK
2. Patterson, R.D., Gutschalk, A., Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K. (2006). Pitch processing in auditory cortex: Using the temporal information of MEG to augment the spatial information of fMRI. Auditory Cortex Meeting, Grantham
3. Lütkenhöner, B., Krumbholz, K., Seither-Preisler, A., Patterson, R.D. (2004). A magnetic response to pitch onset separate from energy onset. 7. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Leipzig
4. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): MEG correlates of pitch and spectrum in the auditory cortex. 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Jena
5. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): Dependence of the N100m amplitude on spectral bandwidth. 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Jena
6. Lütkenhöner, B., Krumbholz, K., Lammertmann, C., Seither-Preisler, A., Steinsträter, O., Patterson, R.D. (2002): A magnetoencephalographic window onto primary auditory cortex. 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Jena
7. Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R., Seither-Preisler, A., Lammertmann, C., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): The MEG response to the onset of pitch in a continuous sound. 13th International Conference on Biomagnetism, Jena
8. Seither-Preisler, A., Krumbholz, K., Lütkenhöner, B. (2002): Neuromagnetic correlates of spectral versus virtual pitch sensations. International Workshop “Pitch: Neural Coding and Perception”, Hanse-Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst
9. Preisler, A. and Schmidt, S. (1995). Relative versus absolute pitch perception in the bat, Megaderma lyra, 23nd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
10. Preisler, A. and Schmidt, S. (1994). Perception of the missing fundamental in the echolocating bat Megaderma lyra, 22nd Göttingen Neurobiology Conference
11. Preisler, A. (1992). The lateralization of fundamental pitch perception, 5th Annual Meeting of the European Neuroscience Association, Munich
12. Preisler, A. (1988). Laterality and the processing of harmonies in music, First International Conference on Cerebral Dominances, Munich
4 Talks at International Conferences
1. Seither-Preisler, A., Johnson, L., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2008). Exposure to ambiguous tone sequences induces short-term plasticity of pitch perception. The 10th Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC10), Sapporo
2. Seither-Preisler, A., Johnson, L., Seither, S., Lütkenhöner, B. (2007). Ambiguous tone sequences are heard differently by musicians and non-musicians. The 8th Conference of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition. Concordia University,Montreal
3. Seither-Preisler, A. (2007). Musik und Gehirn. Emotionen im Spannungsfeld von Phänomenologie und Wissenschaften. Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Phänomenologie, Universität Graz.
4. Seither-Preisler, A., Lütkenhöner, B. (2005). Magnetoenzephalografische Korrelate der Verarbeitung von Rauschen und Tonhöhe im menschlichen Hörkortex. 8. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Göttingen
5. Seither-Preisler, A., Lütkenhöner, B. (2004). Musiker hören anders: Neue empirische Befunde aus dem Bereich der Psychoakustik. Tagung der Vereinigung Westdeutscher Hals-Nasen- Ohren-Ärzte, Münster
6. Lütkenhöner, B., Krumbholz, K., Seither-Preisler, A., Patterson, R.D. (2003). Magnetoencephalographic studies of auditory structure and function, and the interaction with studies in non-human primates. Advances in Primate Auditory Neurophysiology, Satellite Symposion at SFN 2003, New Orleans
7. Seither-Preisler, A., Lütkenhöner, B. (2003). Einfluss des Phasenprofils harmonischer Klänge auf die Amplitude und Latenz der auditorisch evozierten Komponente N100m: Eine MEG- Studie. 6. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Würzburg
8. Seither-Preisler, A. (2002): Latenzabhängigkeit der kortikalen N100m-Welle von Reizspektrum und –periodizität: Eine MEG-Studie. 5. Jahrestagung der deutschen Gesellschaft für Audiologie, Zürich
9. Seither-Preisler, A., Knief. A., Schulte, M., Pantev, C. (2001): Spectral versus virtual pitch sensations, as reflected by cortical gamma-band oscillations. MEG and Audition, Ircam- CRNS, Paris, 29.-30.3.2001
10. Preisler, A. (1996). Virtual pitch - An experience related auditory abstraction ability. 5th International Congress of the Hard of Hearing People, Graz
11. Preisler, A. (1996). Virtual pitch - An evolutionary old capacity of the mammalian auditory system. 5tth International Congress of the Hard of Hearing People, Graz
12. Preisler, A. (1994). The perception of relative pitch in the bat M. lyra, 127th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, MIT Cambridge/Massachusetts
13. Preisler, A. (1992). Der Einfluß spektraler Klangparameter und individueller Hörerfahrungen bzw. -strategien auf die Perzeption der virtuellen Tonhöhe, Tagung der Deutschen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Akustik, 56. Conference of Physicians, Berlin
14. Preisler, A. (1992). The influence of spectral composition of complex tones and of musical experience on the perceptibility of virtual pitch, 123rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Salt Lake City
5 15. Preisler, A. (1992). Spectral versus virtual aspects of complex tone perception in relation to hemispheric dominance functions. International Workshop on Recent Trends in Speech, Music, and Allied Signal Processing. Organized by the Acoustical Society of India and Sangeet Research Academy, 28.-30.12.1992, Varanasi (Keynote)
16. Gallasch, E., Preisler, A. (1990). Investigation on right and left hand movements and microtremor of newborns. 5th International Congress of Psychophysiology, Budapest