Building a Network of Estuary Stewards
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Building a Network of Estuary Stewards Questionnaire of programs and activities in the New York – New Jersey Harbor Estuary Region
Please complete this brief questionnaire to help us compile information on stewardship activities and waterfront access points in the New York-New Jersey Harbor Estuary. This questionnaire will help to build a network of estuary stewards and to increase steward involvement in the NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Program (HEP).
We are also interested in learning about your organization’s interests, future projects, and suggestions for the Harbor Estuary Program. Please take the time to fill in the open ended questions. Thank you!
1. General Information on your group:
Name of Group:
Type of Group: 501(c)3 School Government Community Org. Other
Mailing Address:
City/Town/Borough: State: Zip:
Website: Main Phone:
Contact First Name: Last Name:
E-mail: Fax:
2. What is the mission statement / description of your group? (Or attach no more than 100 words)
3. a) Approximately how many of the following do you have:
Paid Staff Members Volunteers Other: b) Do you accept volunteers? NO YES c) Do you provide internship opportunities? NO YES PROGRAMMING INFORMATION
4. a) What range of activities does your organization currently engage in or provide? Please check all that apply and describe in the space provided.
EDUCATION Topics Covered K-12 School Programs
Informal Youth Programs
Teacher Training
College/University Programs
Community Programs
Public Outreach and Information
ADVOCACY Issues Covered General Advocacy ► Federal State Local
Community Mobilization
HANDS-ON ACTION Describe Coastal/Waterfront Cleanups
Volunteer Monitoring
Habitat Enhancement
Pollution Prevention
Walking/Boat Tours
Public Events
- 2 - 4. b) What resources (e.g. curriculum materials, action alerts, equipment, etc.) used in your Education,
Advocacy or Hands-on activities can you share with others? PLEASE LIST
c) What resources do you feel would be most valuable in helping you expand or improve your programming in the future? PLEASE BE SPECIFIC
d) What particular types of groups or institutions are you interested in forming partnerships with?
5. What is the geographic focus of your group: a) Do you work in or focus on specific waterbodies? If YES, Please list
b) Do you work in or focus on a watershed region? If YES, Please list
c) Do you work in or focus on a park or natural area? If YES, Please list
6. In which counties/boroughs do you work?
New York New Jersey Bronx NY Queens NY Bergen NJ Monmouth NJ
Brooklyn NY Staten Island NY Essex NJ Passaic NJ
Manhattan NY Rockland NY Hudson NJ Union NJ
Nassau NY Westchester NY Middlesex NJ
- 3 - 7. Do you work out of any waterfront access sites open to the public? If yes, please list name, location, type of access.
Type of Access County / Site Name and Address Passive Interpretive Borough Boating Fishing Swimming Recreation Center
What do you see as the most pressing issues in the Harbor Estuary region? What would you like to see
done about them? How would you like to be involved?
Please Return to: NY-NJ Harbor Estuary Program Office 290 Broadway, 24th Floor New York, NY 10007 (Phone) 212-637-3869 (Fax) 212-637-3889 email: [email protected]
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