Bank Of India Officers’ Association

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Bank Of India Officers’ Association

BANK OF INDIA OFFICERS’ ASSOCIATION SOUTH ZONE (Regd. No.1249/MDS) OFFICE OF THE GENERAL SECRETARY, C/o.Bank of India Building, “Star House”, 5th Floor, Old No.17/ New No.30, Errabalu Street, Chennai – 600 001. Phone: 044-25270808, 044- 66777590 Fax : 044-25270807 Resi : 044-24757644 E-mail: [email protected]

Circular No.21/2014 11th August 2014

Dear Comrades,


“Singara”City of Chennai became the synagogue for the members of our unit from all corners of the state of TamilNadu and Union Territory of puduchery on 27th July 2014 when Bank of India Officers’ Association – South Zone conducted its Annual General Body Meeting at Chennai, five years since May 2009 when the Baton of the South Zone unit was handed over to your General Secretary by you after the superannuation of Com.V.Eswaran our earlier General Secretary.

Over 650 members and associate members of our unit rapidly filled up the spacious Ethiraj College Auditorium on that fine Sunday Morning.

Our Chief guests and dignitaries Shri.Charan Singh, G.M(H.R) H.O, Shri Kul Bhushan Jain G.M NBG(South), Com.HarvinderSingh G.S of FBOIOA & AIBOC, Com.Sunilkumar President of FBOIOA, Com.D.Narayanaswamy General Secretary BOIPARA-SZ, Com.C.P.Chandrasekar, General Secretary Staff Union BOI, Com.Vijayan, General Secretary,BOISC/ST/OBC welfare Association, Shri.K.Rajaraman, National Banking Zonal Manager Coimbatore Zone, Shri.S.Sarveswara Rao, National Banking Zonal Manager Chennai Zone, Shri.Gunta Viswanath DGM, SZAO added glitter to the massive gathering by their mere presence.

The booming voice of the invisible comperers Com.Shashivardhana and Com.K.Girija unfolded the events on the stage in a mesmerizing rhythm.

The meeting commenced with a prayer song invoking the blessings of Lord Ganesha rendered vocally by our youngest member/DRO from kadhirkamam branch, Com.Bhakiyapriya. Soon after the prayer song, deviating marginally from the time old traditions, your General Secretary invited our Leader of Leaders, Com.Harvindersingh, Com.SunilKumar, and our beloved General Manager Shri.Charan Singh to launch the New Web Site of our BOIOA-SZ Unit. When the launch remote control/BOIOA-SZ was touched by the dignitaries, our unit’s website opened up in the large screen set up on the stage with a grand musical aggression of the Battlefield Drums, depicting the character of a Trade Union organization. Your General Secretary along with Com.Lakshmi took the audience step by step through the folds of our Unit website explaining its contents. Comrades, it was a moment of pride for all of us that this latest technological platform has been made available to our members and in particular to the mass of young DROs who are new to the bank and to our organization to know more about our organization, our activities and our Bank as a whole and feel belonged and voice their views up to the top rungs of our Unit & Federation level. Our reverent and fond appeal to all our members is to enhance their knowledge, understand our trade union philosophies, actively participate and involve themselves in all our organizational programmes and strengthen the hands of our Leaders at unit and Federation Levels, for our fruitful existence.

It is noteworthy that our website - WWW.BOIOASZ.COM was conceived, designed and was born as a result of the dedicated efforts of our young three year old DRO – Com.Shanmugasundaram, also our E.C.Member, proving the youth power and setting an example for his breed of young officers in the Bank. Khudos to his efforts and Com.Shanmugasundaram was given a thunderous appreciation of claps from the entire gathering as he was called, introduced and felicitated at the hands of the Federation General Secretary, Federation President, and Our Chief Guest-General Manager (HR), H.O.

With this the inaugural session got back on to the rails with the dignitaries being escorted to the dias. In his candid style Com.N.Amarnath, AGS welcomed the entire gathering of Trade Union Leaders, Representatives of Management, Associate Members and Members of our Unit. The Dignitaries on the dias were felicitated with shawl, garland and a momento.

Your General Secretary in his introductory address, expressed his happiness and declared it was a proud moment for all of us that the Leaders of the Bank’s Corporate Offices and the leaders of the trade union movement for Bank Officers at our Federation /AIBOC Level have acceded to our request and found time among their busy schedule to be with us and it is a very rare opportunity for all of us to hear each of them, their message and their expectations from the grass roots of the Bank. He remembered the old proverb “LIFE IS A BIG CIRCLE” - we come back to where we started at some time in the cycle of life. In December 1963 when a few brave officers from Ahmedabad under the leadership of Shri.V.M.Devi gathered under a tree at Sardar Baug to form an Association, the major issue confronting the officers then, was, there were no fixed office hours and they fought together and got that right. Now after 50 years, the present day officers are again facing the same issue and DEFINED WORKING HOURS and FIVE-DAYS-WEEK are the top most demands placed in our present wage-revision-charter. So we have come a full circle to where we started. Hence Trade Unions struggle always goes on and on to timelessly for one issue or the other so that our officers/members are provided with a congenial effective working atmosphere with their rights, self respect and dignity always in tact.

With this, all the dignitaries on the dias joined hands to traditionally Light the-tall-flower-decked KUTHU VILLAKKU in unison and a show of united solidarity inaugurating the conference on an auspicious note.

General Manager, NBG(S), Shri.Kul Bhushan Jain, in his inaugural address, declared it was his pleasure to meet more than 650 officers of the NBG-South under one roof and felt he will utilize this platform provided to him by the officers’ Association for conveying the road map for business growth of the Bank planned by the corporate office of the Bank. He highlighted the Banks’ expectations from its service outlets – the branches to strive hard to achieve the goals / budgets set in all business parameters and emphasized in particulars to contain and reduce NPAs and lift the Bank to its NUMERO ONE position among all banks in the country by their performance. He compared the Management and the Association to the two wheels of a cycle which should run in tandem to reach the horizon targeted smoothly and successfully which will benefit both the Bank and the Officer Force.

In his special address, General Manager (H.R), Head Office, Shri Charan Singh said he has a special attachment to NBG South, and when General Secretary Com.V.ChidambaraKumar requested him to address the officers from two of the zones under one umbrella, he sure as well did not wish to let slip away such an opportunity even though he was on a personal visit to Chennai and thanked the organization for the same. Holding the steering rudder of the ship of Bank Of India as its HR Head his job has two distinctly defined faces – OPERATIONAL and DEVELOPMENTAL management of the Human Resources of the Bank. Recruitment Process are in full steam and more simplified. He will ensure that the interest of the officers is protected and together with the Associations lay a safe and secured road for the officers of the Bank to progress in their career path. He assured the young DRO’s that the process of their confirmation after probation period will be made smooth and advised them to be hard working, acquire Banking Knowledge and leave the rest to the Bank and the Association for their welfare. He was specially appreciative of the efforts taken by our South Zone unit in conducting Master Health checkup for all officers year after year which goes a long way to ensure that the health of an officer is protected. He hoped that this initiative will continue not only in South Zone unit but to all parts of the country through a combined action by the Federation Of Bank of India Officers’ Associations, and the Banks’ Management.

Com.A.C.Bharathbhushan our unit president in his presidential address, said the combined mite of Banks’ Top Management and the Federation leadership coming together and leading the operation force at grass root will get the positive results expected by the Bank from all of us. Such meetings will reveal to the young DROs to understand their role play and in future take responsibilities not only in the Bank but also in the organizations activities.

Our beloved President of the Federation of Bank of India Officers’ Associations THE LION OF BIHAR Com.SunilKumar in his principal address, emphasised the need of regulated working hours and five day banking. He appreciated the realization and conviction of the Scale IV officers to join whole heartedly in the organizational call for participating in strikes. He asserted that the day is not far away when even ScaleV officers will show the solidarity by acting and responding to the call of the Trade Union for the good and welfare of all officers. He said that the onus is now on the shoulders of the young generation officers in the Bank to carry the mantle not only in the Bank but also in the Organization. He appealed to every member/officer to contribute in whatever way he/she can for the cause of the officer’s movement.

Shri .S.Sarveswara Rao NBZM Chennai Zone, in his address as Guest of honour thanked the unit for inviting him to the conference to be part of this huge gathering of officers from the Chennai zone and Coimbatore zone. He commended the officers of branches in Chennai Zone for their hard work which has lifted our Banks performance. He also dwelt upon time management and striking a balance between work and home. He said he believed in Team work and will leave no stone unturned in his pursuit along with his Chennai zone team to achieve not only the business goals of the Bank but also welfare of every members of his Team Chennai.

Shri.K.Rajaraman, NBZM, Coimbatore Zone in his address as our guest of honour, complemented the Association for plotting the career progression for officers which has seen many of its members become Executives in the Bank. He stressed that all officers and the DRO’s in particular should enhance their Banking Knowledge and skills in Branch Management and customer services. He declared he was a proud member of our Association and applauded the Association for the fact that many of its office bearers and committee members are performing managers of the Bank.

Shri.Viswanath Gunta DGM, SZAO in his special address, commended the large gathering that he is addressing for the first time-over-650 officers under one roof even though he has attended many such meetings in his career. He said that the Audit Office of the Bank is a FACT FINDING AND NOT FAULT FINDING machinery. For taking Bank to greater heights it is essential for all to do good business within the parameters of procedural guidelines/norms laid down by the Bank. Audit Department’s role is for this specific purpose and providing help to branches in carrying out mid-way course corrections in the path they tread to achieve Bank’s Goal in the ways permitted by the Bank.

In his much awaited KEYNOTE ADDRESS, our beloved General Secretary of the Federation of Bank of India Officers Associations and All India Bank Officers Confederation Com.Harvindersingh complemented the-over-650-officers present, that it thrilled and gave him immense pleasure to be amidst them in their General Body Meeting. He said the large number of young comrades present should understand the culture of our Bank, Our Association and Our Management and their united common thought process, which is UNIQUE in the Industry. He complemented the GM/HR saying Shri.Charan Singh should have become GM-HR two years back, for with his practical and down to earth actions Bank and the work force would have benefited more. He wished Shri.Charan Singh God Speed and good luck in his upswing career path as we wished to see him back with us as our CMD very soon. Turning to the young new faces of the Bank, he said today’s GB Meeting started with a bang with launching of the Unit’s WEBSITE. It proves the foresightedness of the Unit Leadership, beautiful visualization, conceivement, planning and effective presentation by Com.Dr.V.Chidambarakumar and his dedicated brigade followed by the melodious prayer song by young lady comrade, sharing of the dias with the Managements’ Senior and top Executives who are also the members of our association and the leaders from the fraternal sister organizations, he said, this is the strength of unity and commitment displayed by the leaders and members of our South Zone Unit who have organized this function so beautifully. The culture of our Bank is that the Federation and the Bank Management share the concerns of each other. Management takes care of our requirement and we take care of the requirement of our Bank. Our goals are assumed by them and we assure them

that Bank’s goal and targeted business levels will be our responsibility to reach. That is why comrades the graceful acknowledgement of your efforts in achieving the NBG(S) goals were expressed by Shri.Kul Bhushan Jain GM , NBG(S) for which gesture we feel happy. You deserved this acknowledgement and appreciation, comrades and I on behalf of the Federation of Bank of India Officers’ Associations and the entire Federation leadership convey our heartiest greetings to all of you for the achievement and wish you all the best and success in the next quarter that you emerge as the best NBG in the country.

He said that the Federation follows a system to enhance effectively our representation and dealing with the management, which the Industry has acknowledged and the credit goes to our members for the faith and belief they have reposed on the leadership.

Our G.M(HR) HO, Shri Charan Singh in his first three months has effectively resolved many issues. He has not only handled the promotion process effectively and systematically but also the placements of officers have been done most smoothly. To the young DRO’s he assured that the Federation is aware of their dreams and aspirations and we will walk together to make them settle down in the Bank with satisfaction. Issues like conversion to generalists, confirmation in services, and sanction of all loan facilities to them are all taken up with the Management and will be resolved shortly.

He stressed that there is a need for improvement in overall systems & values and collectively keep the work force in a safe and secure environment. He categorically assured the DROs that as the RAIN DROPS they were, they have fallen in to the OYSTER SHELL i.e. Bank of India, from where they will emerge as the PEARLS of the Industry. They will never regret their decision of joining the Bank as it has deep routed systems and best of values and ethos.

Budget under CASA which could never be achieved by any NBG in the last six years, even though the grass root has made tremendous efforts and due to which efforts Bank CASA level has raised appreciably which credit goes only to you officers at the operational levels. CASA is not a product it is the result of our labour and service. We have the entire product line which a Foreign/Private Bank has got. But we are unable to sell all the products/services to the customers and in particular to the younger generation. Debit cards, Credit cards, E-Services are there in our baskets but most of us do not know. That is why Bank has introduced product knowledge tests. Initially we also opposed it as the Management talked about linking performance parameters/Promotions/Release of Annual Increments to it. Upon our forceful representation it has been resolved and many of our officers are participating now in these tests as they have now no strings attached to it. We also lack in marketing techniques, product knowledge which should be sharpened to serve the Bank better. He assured that the rights and self respect of every officer well be protected by the organization. He also declared that there is a good wage revision waiting round the corner and it will be much better than the settlements in the past. He thanked all the members for their active presence/participation and support to the association and urged them to involve themselves more in the activities of the association and its growth. With regard to wage revision, he said that with the formation of new Government the developments are getting delayed and was confident that we shall stand to fight for a better wage revision. He also expected support from the members to use their connections to establish with political leaders to speak on our behalf since we are dealing with lot of public and customers in our day to day routine. He said that UFBU is also sending communication to IBA for a meeting on wage negotiations immediately without further delay and at frequent intervals. The intervention of the Honorable Minister of Finance for expeditions wage settlement is also sought - he said. He confidently said that the organization will take care of the interest of the members for their legitimate benefits. With your total support and commitment the organization will grow from strength to strength he concluded.

Com.C.P.Chandrasekar General Secretary of BOISU in his red salute to the members dwelt upon the various issues faced by the Banking Industry. He complemented the Federation/ Association for their never-say-die spirit and requested that we should fight to achieve Regulated Working Hours in Banks and five day working. He said more than wage revision there are still more dangers we have to face and fight in the form of privatisation, escalating costs, and amendment to trade union laws. He appealed to members to be ready for any action program to be unitedly fought. In his fraternal greetings Com.D.Narayanaswamy, General Secretary, BOIPARA-South Congratulated our unit leadership for the excellent way in which affairs and activities of the Association are being conducted which was once again proved in conducting this excellent General Body meeting with the members of the unit showing their oneness and solidarity with the organization by their near 100% participation. He appealed to the Federation leadership that the capable services of the General Secretary of South Zone Unit, Com.Dr.V.Chidambarakumar should be made available to the entire

Officers’ fraternity of the Bank from the Apex level which day was not far away. He also appealed to the Federation General Secretary that the Retirees interest in respect of Pension updation, better medical facilities etc should be achieved by AIBOC/UFBU to benefit the members of BOIPARA.

Com.M.Vijayan Gen Secretary of SC/ST/OBC welfare Association conveyed fraternal greetings to all present in the meeting and felicitated the Unit Leadership. He appreciated that this unity and oneness will always bring success to the organization.

Members are aware that their General Body Meeting had also a twin agenda of giving a farewell to our beloved comrade in arms, the ever smiling treasurer of our unit – com.Aiyappan who was retiring on superannuation on 31st july 2014. The glittering galaxy of our leaders from the Federation and the Bank Management rose together and felicitated an emotionally moved com.Aiyappan with the thunderous standing ovation given by the entire 650 or more officers from our Unit & the Associate Members. It indeed was a memorable and heart rendering scene when BOIOA- SZ along with its entire membership bid Adieu to the inimitable, sincere and loving comrade-in-arms who had served the Unit and its membership with selfless dedication for over two decades.

Com.Arumuga Nainar , our DGS Proposed vote of thanks and the curtains came down on one of the most memorable Inaugural Sessions of our South Zone Unit.


Come Post Lunch, Business session of the BOIOA-SZ commenced with Com.A.C.BharathBhushan, President in the chair.


Minutes of the last meeting held at Madurai on 16/12/2012 was read out by Com.Lakshmi Magesh and the same was adopted by the house unanimously


General Secretary Com.Dr.V.Chidambarakumar presented the for period under review.

After the report was readout, the General Secretary thanked one and all for their contribution and hard work which made the Inagural Session a grand success. He once again appreciated the unparallel efforts put in by Com.Shanmugasundaram in preparing, designing and launching of our Unit’s Website. He jocularly said that neither he slept nor he permitted the G.S to sleep for 7 days within which the website was designed, planned executed and launched.

He answered the views expressed by members during the session of deliberations of the General Secretary’s Report in detail.

He adapted the changes which are to be incorporated in the General Secretary’s report at page-12 correction as “Telegana Rashtriya Samithi led by Chandrasekar Rao” in lieu of “YSR Congress”.

With this the House adopted the G.S Report with ear splitting approval unanimously.


Submission of Audited Accounts for period ending 31.03.2013 and 31.03.2014.

Com.C.Aiyyapan, Treasurer read out the Accounts and the same was approved by the house unanimously.

The house also approved the proposal moved by the treasurer for Auditors fees to be enhanced from Rs.15, 000/- to 20,000/- for the next three years and permitted for any change in Auditors if decided so at a later date by the Executive Committee within the ceiling of fees structure approved.


Felicitation to Com.C.Aiyyapan

Our beloved Treasurer, Com.C.Aiyappan who is superannuating on 31st July 2014 was given a warm affectionate and adoring farewell with the entire team of Office Bearers and the Unit members, embedding him in flowers, garlands, shawls and momentos presented enroute by members from all branches in the state of TamilNadu and Union Territory of Puduchery. It indeed was a befitting and affectionate farewell given by the South Zone Unit Comrades to Com.C.Aiyappan whose deeds and memories will remain green in our hearts forever.

Agenda – 5

Any Other Matter

Our General Secretary Com.Dr.V.Chidambarakumar informed the house that in view of the vacancy arising out of the superannuation of Com.C.Aiyappan, the Executive committee of our Unit met at Trichy on 16th and 17th July 2014 and recommended to fill up the Vacancies by cooption as per provisions of our constitution as under

S.No Name Present Post Held Coopted as 1. Com.N.Amarnath AGS, Chennai Treasurer 2. Com.L.S.Ramachandran E.C Member, Chennai AGS, Chennai

Hence he requested the General Body to consider the proposed approval by the E.C. and the entire house unanimously approved and adopted the recommendation of the Executive Committee there by paving way for a smooth transition of responsibilities at the Unit Level.

Vote of thanks was given by Com.R.Gopalakrishnan and the milestone meeting came to its conclusion with National Anthem.

With Fraternal Greetings Yours Sincerely,


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