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IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part I: Instructions and Candidate Details Instructions: From within your Word processor, please answer all questions in Part I (Instructions and Candidate Details) and Part II (Issue Questionnaire). Part II includes yes/no and short answer questions. Please mark the appropriate box for each yes/no question. If you wish to add comments to a yes/no question, or if elaboration is requested, you may type directly below the question by adding a paragraph return at the end of the question and typing your comments in the same cell as the question. In the Essay sections, please answer the questions at the length you deem sufficient. It is OK if your comments cause tables, etc., to shift pages. Thank you for your participation. Candidate Details DATE: DISTRICT: PARTY:









Candidate Details A) Elective or appointive, public or party, offices previously held (including dates).

B) Other elective offices for which you have been a candidate.

C) What is your primary occupation?

D) Briefly list your civic activities of the past ten years.

E) What experience have you had which will be most helpful to you in the office you seek?

F) Please list any candidates have you supported in past elections and specify your role in each campaign.

G) Please list all endorsements you have received.

H) Please concisely state (a) why you feel you should be endorsed over the other candidate(s) and (b) what goals for the office you seek are most important to you personally?

I) (a) What is your campaign budget and (b) how much have you raised to date?

J) (a) How many paid staffers and (b) how many volunteers do you have on your campaign?

Page 1 of 9 2016 Final IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire

A. Foreign and Military Do you support the: YES NO 1 use of drones in military operations? 2 use of drones in targeted assassinations? 3 use of drones in domestic law enforcement? 4 expansion of NATO? 5 closing Guantanamo? 6 normalization of relations with Cuba? 7 Helms-Burton Act? 8 Iran Nuclear Deal? 9 Trans-Pacific Partnership?

A. Foreign and Military: Essay Questions 10. What should be Congress’s role in formulating foreign policy?

11. Under what circumstances would you vote to authorize the President to commit US troops in foreign conflicts?

B. Energy and Environment Do you support: YES NO 12 oil drilling in protected wilderness? 13 “cap and trade”? 14 further reductions in carbon emissions? 15 Clean Diesel Program? 16 National Energy Efficiency goals? 17 coal liquification? 18 increasing use of nuclear power for electric generation? 19 mountaintop coal strip mining? 20 increasing user fees for grazing, mining, and lumbering on Federal lands?

2 IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire B. Energy and Environment Do you support: YES NO 21 opening more Federal land for lumber exploitation? 22 the Keystone pipeline? 23 incentives for business to develop alternative energy systems? tax credits for individuals to implement sustainable and renewable systems in their 24 homes? 25 a moratorium on fracking until the environmental impacts are known? creation of a superfund to compensate losses from industrial accidents which harm the 26 environment? allowing states to adopt more stringent environmental standards than provided for in 27 Federal law? 28

C. Transportation: Essay Question 29. Please explain the role the Federal government should play in maintaining and improving national infrastructure. Please specifically include your policy positions regarding highways, mass transit, high-speed rail, Amtrak, and the air transportation system.

D. Taxes and Economic Policy Do you support: YES NO 30 a more progressive income tax? 31 a flat tax? 32 a national sales tax? 33 taxing capital gains at the same rate as earned income? 34 taxing dividends at the same rate as earned income? 35 reduction/elimination of the estate tax? 36 ending tax incentives for companies to shift profits offshore? 37 elimination of the mortgage interest deduction? 38 elimination of the income tax credit for dependent children? IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire D. Taxes and Economic Policy Do you support: YES NO 39 repeal of the Commodity Futures Modernization Act? 40 revival of Glass-Steagall? 41 “Fast Track” legislation for trade treaties?

D. Taxes and Economic Policy: Essay Questions 42. Elaborating the answers you gave to the yes/no questions on Taxes and Economic policy above, please outline your tax and economic policy positions, providing specific examples of changes you seek.

43. What changes would you propose for the Social Security System?

44. What would you do to create jobs? Specifically address communities with historically high and lingering unemployment rates.

E. Consumer Rights Do you support: YES NO 45 federal legislation to cap interest rates on credit cards and other consumer loans? 46 federal legislation to regulate ATM fees and service charges on credit cards and other consumer loans? 47 allowing states to enact consumer laws which go beyond the protection of federal legislation?

F. Government and Ethics Do you support: YES NO 48 Constitutional amendment to regulate campaign financing? 49 Constitutional amendment to reverse the Citizens United case? 50 accountability in privatization legislation that would require that government services could not be outsourced unless the contractor could provide the same quality and quantity of services to the consumer, and pay and benefits to the employees, at a reduced cost to the taxpayers? 4 IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire F. Government and Ethics Do you support: YES NO 51 increased Congressional oversight of federal contracting? Please elaborate below.

G. Health & Human Services Do you support: YES NO 52 repeal of the Affordable Care Act? 53 Do you support “Single Payer” or “Medicare for All”? 54 authorizing Medicare and other government insurance programs to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs? 55 importation of drugs from countries whose manufacturing and safety standards are equal or superior to those in the US? 56 funding of medically accurate, age appropriate, sex education programs? 57 increased funding for HIV/AIDS research, education, prevention, and services? 58 the Human Life Amendment? 59 the Freedom of Choice Act? 60 parental notification to obtain an abortion? 61 repealing the federal ban on so-called partial birth abortions? 62 repealing the Hyde Amendment? 63 amending the Affordable Care Act to extend coverage to people with incomes under 133% of the poverty level who are not covered by Medicaid or Medicare? 64 increased funding for supplemental food programs for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)? 65 increased funding for supplemental nutrition assistance (SNAP)? 66 increased funding for Head Start? 67 increased funding for school lunch programs? 68 long-term reauthorization of TANF? 69 raising TANF benefits to at least equal the poverty level? 70 reestablishing federal regulation of statewide programs? 71 TANF work requirements? 72 increased funding to develop affordable housing for households with incomes below the IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire G. Health & Human Services Do you support: YES NO poverty level? 73 restrictions to ensure development of low-income rather than market rate housing? 74 increased funding for the National Affordable Housing Trust Fund? 75 protection against housing discrimination for holders of Section 8 housing vouchers? 76 protection against housing discrimination for LGBT individuals? 77 vouchers, tuition tax-credits or other any direct public support for parochial or private schools? 78 increased funding for STEM education? 79 mandatory implementation of Common Core standards as a requirement to receive Federal funds?

G. Health & Human Services: Essay Questions 80. Are there any other changes you would support to the Affordable Care Act?

81. Are there any other changes you would support in the area of reproductive health?

82. Please discuss proposals to help people who do not qualify for TANF or for unemployment benefits?

H. Law, Justice, and Correctional System Do you support: YES NO 83 admissibility of illegally obtained evidence? 84 electronic surveillance of phones and internet 85 capital punishment? 86 criminal prosecution of juveniles as adults? 87 mandatory sentencing? 88 enactment and enforcement of “hate crime” laws? 89 detention of suspects and material witnesses without charges and/or probable cause? 90 NSA data mining of US residents not suspected of any crime

6 IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire H. Law, Justice, and Correctional System Do you support: YES NO 91 review of administrative warrants? 92 repeal of the FISA Amendments Act of 2008? 93 publication of FISA opinions? 94 a statutory ban on the use of extraordinary rendition and secret prisons? 95 legislation prohibiting racial profiling in law enforcement? 96 legislation restricting the sale and possession of assault weapons? 97 legislation mandating background checks of purchasers of weapons at gun shows, through the internet and through print advertisements? 98 legislation prohibiting gun purchases by individuals on the “do not fly” list. 99 legislation increasing penalties for illegal resale of weapons? 100 prosecution of marijuana cultivation, possession, sale, or use in states which have legalized it?

H. Law, Justice, and Correctional System: Essay 101. What restrictions, if any, should Congress enact or repeal regarding the scope of federally funded legal services for the poor?

I. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Do you support: YES NO 102 restoration of the Voting Rights Act? 103 legislation to ban states from requiring voters to show an ID to vote in Federal elections? 104 DC statehood? 105 the Equal Rights Amendment to the US Constitution? 106 federal legislation to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in housing, employment, and education? 107 separation of church and state? 108 prayer in public schools? 109 moment of silence? IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire I. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights Do you support: YES NO 110 amending the NSL provisions to expand court oversight, require a mandatory showing of a connection to terrorist activity, and rescind unconstitutional gag restrictions? 111 mandatory AIDS testing for insurance or employment? 112 mandatory drug testing in private employment? 113 mandatory drug testing for recipients of federal benefits? 114 prioritizing family reunification as criteria in granting visas and processing citizenship and permanent resident applications? 115 halting deportations of immigrants until final determination of residency status has been made and appeals have been exhausted? 116 prohibiting deportation of undocumented immigrants arrested for misdemeanors or traffic violations? 117 a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants currently in the country? 118 the DREAM Act? 119 extending the time limits for young people registered under the deferred deportation program? 120 admitting Syrian refugees via the standard procedures used by the U.S. for foreign refugee settlement?

I. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights: Essay 121. What other immigration reforms do you support?

122. Should Patriot Act II be repealed or changed in any way? Please explain your position.

J. Labor Do you support: YES NO 123 Affirmative Action with specific goals, targets, and timetables for federal employment, grants and contracts? 124 legislation to restructure the wage scale of federal employees to correct disparities based on gender by instituting equal pay for jobs of comparable worth? 125 repeal of the Taft-Hartley Act?

8 IVI-IPO 2016 U.S. SENATE QUESTIONNAIRE Part II. Issue Questionnaire J. Labor Do you support: YES NO 126 a prohibition on permanent replacement of strikers? 127 granting federal employees the right to strike? 128 the Employee Freedom of Choice Act? 129 a federal living wage law to guarantee that a person working forty hours a week would be able to afford housing, food, utilities, transportation, and health care?

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