Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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FEBRUARY 8, 2009 Our parish has a child! FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Job 7:1-4, 6-7; 1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23; Mark 1:29-39 [74B]
Winnie Akinyi
Proceeds from the creation and raffle of St Joseph's "Peace Quilt" are providing room, board, At different times in the gospel we find Jesus at prayer. He medical care and education for Winnie Akinyi Omolo went to the desert before beginning His ministry. He spent the in Kisumu, Kenya. "Our Winnie" would love to hear night in prayer before choosing His apostles. Following the from you. If you wish to send her good wishes and last supper He was in agony in Gethsemane in communion words of encouragement please send your letter to with His Father. Today St. Mark tells us of Jesus at prayer Carol Bowen [email protected] who will before going to the villages. forward it to Winnie.
Simon made a truly profound statement: “Everyone is looking Fr. Martin, one of the Dominican Friars in Kenya who in the aftermath for you.” That is true today, even though many do not know of the election violence last year, courageously opened a new school, who or what they are looking for. How few of us begin our "Our Lady of Grace School," to educate orphans who would otherwise prayer, asking God’s blessing for our spouse or children? For not receive an education. He offers this description of Winnie: those who want peace in their homes, Jesus can be there if we "A total orphan, she is one of the most polite and hardworking too spend time together in prayer. For those who have trouble girls in our program. Winnie was a student with the Franciscan at work, don’t be afraid to bring the grace of Christ to what Sisters of St. Joseph at their St. Clare High School for her first you are about. How few of us bring Christ’s presence to the two years of high school. She had a sponsor but the sponsor is work place, asking God’s help for the people with whom we no longer able to assist her because he is ill. We used to help spend so much of our day? How willing am I to have others her with some things that she could not afford in the past; but discover me as a prayerful person, as I begin a trip in my car, when she found herself without a sponsor, we accepted her as blessing my children before putting them down at night, or an act of faith for full sponsorship in Our Lady of Grace School. even with my teenagers, assuring them of God’s blessing? In her first term she finished first in her class of sophomores. We expect her to be active in sports as well as in drama and Everyone is looking for Him and maybe do not know where to public recitations." find Him. I can be the instrument of the Lord allowing them to discover Him in me. HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Dear Carol,
How many of us feel like Job in today’s first reading, tossing and Receive many greetings from me hoping you are fine. I would like to turning in bed filled with a sense of emptiness and misery? Times thank you very much for your generosity towards me and may the are very hard, but the Gospel reminds us of Jesus’ healing Almighty God bless you. Here in Kisumu the weather is hot and compassion. And St. Paul writes of his commitment to preach the Gospel, making himself a servant to all. although there is a lake there is scarcity of water because there is no rain. I come from a place known as Dunga beach and there our In these hard times, we, too, need to draw on Jesus and preach the favorite meal is fish. Gospel through our words and deeds. Whether the demons are sickness, unemployment, hunger, or homelessness, war or crime, let I am in form three (junior class) and last term I was position 1 with us speak up and take action to drive them out and replace them with 832 marks out of 1100 marks. I like education very much and I justice and peace. promise that after school, Some day after I graduate and get a job I will help other people who are in need. My best subjects are The collection for February 1st was $6,378. Thank you. chemistry and English.
My dream is to study hard and pass my Kenya certificate of Please call the Rectory and inform us if you know of anyone who is homebound, feeling the effects of old secondary education so that I go to one of the best university and age, or is ill and not able to attend mass. We will be study medicine. My ambition is to help those who are sick and can’t happy to visit them on a regular basis and provide them get medication. My hobby is playing football, reading storybooks and with the sacraments at home. Call 212 741-1274 athletics. About the instructor: Carol Bowen is a professional My gratitude goes to you and I pray to God that He may continue painter, currently on sabbatical from teaching painting blessing you. I will always put you in my prayers and I will always be and drawing at The Dalton School. Please e-mail Carol happy to hear from you. God bless you and have a good health. (Carol Bowen, [email protected]) to register.
SATURDAY, , February 7 Br. Albert Duggan, O.P. from the Dominican House of Studies Heb 13:15-17, 20-21/Mk 6:30-34 12:10 PM in Washington DC wrote to say thank you to 5:30 PM Bill Seplesky the parishioners for their generosity. Our SUNDAY, February 8 9:00 AM Stephen Brillo contributions were in support of the 11:30 AM Lilly Hughes Dominican seminarians studying in 6:00 PM Peg O’Reilly Washington and Kenya in their mission to MONDAY, February 9 Gn 1:1-19/Mk 6:53-56 realize St. Dominic’s vision of a well-trained clergy to preach 12:10 PM Frances & Alfred Podesta and minister to the people of God. 5:30 PM TUESDAY, February 10 Scholastica, virgin Karen Powell on behalf of the ASPC Newark Animal Care Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 12:10 PM William Mazza Center sent a note of thanks for our Christmas gifts for the 5:30 PM animal shelter. WEDNESDAY, February 11 Our Lady of Lourdes Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17/Mk 7:14-23 12:10 PM Joseph Heitmann RETREAT 5:30 PM Order of Malta Healing Mass THURSDAY, February 12 Pax Christi Metro New York (PCMNY) invites you to Gn 2:18-25/Mk 7:24-30 "Seizing the Nonviolent Moments," a retreat with Nancy 12:10 PM Emil Strmelj Small, Pax Christi USA Ambassador of Peace; Campus 5:30 PM Christine Mongiello Minister at Assumption College in Worcester, MA; and FRIDAY, February 13 Spiritual Director. Using several scripture stories, we will Gn 3:1-8/Mk 7:31-37 explore the transformative power of Jesus' love and 12:10 PM Julija Zubcic 5:30 PM nonviolence that He calls us to practice. This retreat takes SATURDAY, February 14 Cyril, monk & Methodius, bishop place from March 6-8 at St. Joseph's Renewal Center, Gn 3:9-24/Mk 8:1-10 Brentwood, Long Island. Contact PCMNY at 212-420-0250 12:10 PM or [email protected] for further details and registration 5:30 PM information. Deadline to register is February 24th. 1st. Monday/mo. Pax Christi Bd. Mtg. – 6:30 PM in the PCYMNY office 1st. Fri. of the mo. Novena to the Sacred Heart after the 5:30 PM Parish Art Class: Egg Tempera Painting Mass 1st. Sat. of the mo. Blessings for the Sick after the 12:10 Mass The three sessions will be held in Casserly Hall on 2nd. Wed. of the mo. Altar Rosary 7:00 PM - Library Friday, February 27, March 6 & 13 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. PARISH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK
Please send your announcements and events to be included in the bulletin Try your hand at the exciting painting medium used by and web: [email protected] Giotto, Fra Angelico,and Botticelli. In this workshop you will make your own paint from raw eggs and Please visit the new website often: for the latest news on the NYU Catholic Center, St. Joseph’s Parish and links to lots of Catholic natural pigments and create a small egg tempera organizations and interests. panel while learning the authentic techniques of MONDAY Medieval and early Renaissance masters. This is an 6:30 PM Centering Prayer Church adult workshop, open to all levels, from beginners to WEDNESDAY experienced artists, from university students to regular 7:00 PM Altar Rosary Library parishioners. FRIDAY 6:15 PM St. Egidio Prayer Church Fee: A suggested donation is $80 but to make this SATURDAY open to all, the policy is "pay what you can". 100% 10:00 AM or 1:00 PM Soup Kitchen Casserly Hall 6:00 PM Alcoholics Anonymous Casserly Hall of the donations will go to St. Joseph’s Church. SUNDAY Materials Fee: $20 covers all materials used in the 9:15 AM Children’s Religious Instruction Farrell Hall workshop. First come, first served registration is 10:00 AM Sunday Scripture Discussion Library limited to 16 students. 2:30 PM Roman Forum Lectures Casserly Hall 7:00 PM NYU/Grad Law Dinner Catholic Ctr