Spending Time to Save Time
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LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students
Introduction Creating and maintaining a safe, supportive, and healthy environment for student achievement and engagement is essential to operating an effective classroom and the foundation of classroom management. This entails learning how personal, family, and school community factors are related to students’ academic, physical, emotional and social well-being. Students learn to work independently, collaboratively, and respectfully in a setting where rules and expectations that support student achievement and responsibility are clearly established.
Task Overview Interns will produce and implement a classroom procedural, organizational and instructional plan designed to create an environment that is conducive to student learning.
Part 1 of the task includes: The Spending Time To Save Time (STTST) Procedural/Organizational Plan including classroom rules with positive incentive/motivational system and corrective consequences, Personal Philosophy of Education Statement, and A family letter which may include a course syllabus that communicates clear expectations for academic and social behavior.
The classroom procedures will be revised as needed with the goal of maintaining and establishing a positive climate for learning, rapport with all students and their families, clear expectations for academic/social behavior, management of transitions to maximize instructional time, and classroom routines/procedures that encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning.
Part 2 of the task includes the development of a unit including lessons that incorporate teaching your classroom procedural/organizational plan and content instruction including: Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and content standards, A unit summary, Daily lessons which incorporate instructional strategies/activities and classroom management procedures in a detailed format, Progress monitoring, and Assessments.
Teaching Performance Expectations Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) are measurable elements that represent a developmental, holistic view of teaching, and are intended to meet the needs of diverse teachers and students in California.
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Refer to the following California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP) and Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) when completing this Portfolio Task.
CSTP: ENGAGING AND SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN LEARNING TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Practices 6b: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Grades 4—8 6b.6 Develop students’ skills for working in groups to maximize learning 6c: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Grades 9 –12 6c.3 Frequently communicate course goals, requirements, and grading criteria to students and families
CSTP: PLANNING INSTRUCTION AND DESIGNING LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS TPE 9 : Instructional Planning 9.9 Connect content to students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds, experiences, interests, and developmental learning needs
CSTP: CREATING AND MAINTAINING EFFECTIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR LEARNING TPE 10: Instructional Time 10.2 Establish procedures for routine tasks TPE 11: Social Environment 11.1 Develop and maintain clear expectations for academic and social behavior 11.4 Write and implement student discipline plan 11.7 Help students learn to work responsibly with others and independently
. Time Frame
By the end of Orientation, submit the following portions of the Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task: √ Procedural/organizational plan √ Family Letter √ Personal Philosophy Statement √ Unit Overview and the first five lessons for your Unit After 3 weeks of implementation, reflect and revise ineffective procedures in the Spending Time to Save Time Procedural/Organizational Plan. Throughout the first semester, include documentation of classroom progress towards refinement of the STTST Procedural/Organizational plan. During the Portfolio Development and Construction course submit the entire Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio task which includes the required artifacts.
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Task Breakdown
Part 1: Develop During Orientation, you will have the opportunity to review various resources, observe classroom procedures, and interact with experienced instructors regarding instruction and classroom management. Keep notes on how safety, fairness and respect in the classroom are promoted through an effective environment and classroom procedures. Keep notes regarding the implementation of the behavior management plan and how the students respond. Use your Orientation notes and resources, observation notes, CHAMPs, the Building the Bond Project, TPEs, etc. to develop your Spending Time to Save Time Procedural/Organizational plan. Share your Spending Time to Save Time Procedural/Organizational plan with your support provider for feedback, i.e., District Intern coach or Observation Teacher. Develop the first 5-days of an instructional unit that incorporates teaching your content standards and classroom procedural/organizational plan. Be sure to write out the TPEs, content standards and daily plans. The daily strategies and activities must include enough detail for a substitute to teach the lessons. Choose only two Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), from the TPEs listed above, to include in your instructional unit.
Example: o You could choose the following TPEs: 6c.3 Frequently communicate course goals, requirements, and grading criteria to students and families and/or
10.2 Establish procedures for routine tasks
Part 2: Implementation Implement your Spending Time to Save Time Procedural/Organizational plan in your classroom during the first three weeks of instruction. Collect and/or develop documents to support your plan that are clearly labeled and annotated, i.e., photographs and classroom blueprint/diagram. The classroom blueprint/diagram provides a clear and authentic representation of your classroom. It should include, but is not limited to a seating chart, technology, cupboards, center/lab locations, bulletin boards, equipment, cabinets, emergency exit route, desk arrangements, grouping arrangements, etc. Using your classroom blueprint/diagram indicate how you addressed appropriate prevention and intervention safety concerns to promote your students physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. After three weeks of implementation, revisit your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan to make any necessary changes based on your
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experience and feedback. Revisit your classroom blueprint/diagram to address how you addressed appropriate prevention and intervention safety concerns to promote your students physical, cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. Add any new procedures to your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan by using a different style to revise your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan, e.g., italics, color, highlight, bold, or underlining.
Part 3: Network During the Preparation Program, you will plan and participate in guided “substitute-released” observations with your support provider, i.e., District Intern coach, site-selected support provider, department and/or grade-level chair. Consult with your support provider and/or site administrator for District Intern Program paid observation time. Focus your networking around the TPEs addressed in this task. Visit the classrooms of colleagues with effective classroom management strategies. Make observations, noting any approaches that you can effectively implement in your classroom. Maximize as many opportunities as possible by arranging to visit multiple experienced teachers. Ask your support provider to observe your classroom management strategies and take notes. Have a conversation about the effectiveness of your strategies, noting areas that are most effective and areas that need improvement. Share your Spending Time to Save Time Procedural/Organizational plan with your support provider for feedback, i.e., District Intern coach, site-selected support provider, department and/or grade-level chair. Obtain written feedback and signature from support provider, i.e., District Intern coach, site-selected support provider, department and/or grade-level chair. This documentation may be entered on the Networking One-On-One Portfolio task, once assigned. Add any new procedures to your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan by using a different style to revise your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan, e.g., italics, highlight, color, bold, or underlining.
Part 4: Reflect (After the first 3 weeks of implementation) Respond to the following when you create your written reflection: Summarize how you establish and maintain a safe, supportive, and healthy environment for learning. Identify how you establish and maintain rapport with all students and their families. What method(s) of communication did you use? Distinguish how you encourage students to work independently, take responsibility for their own learning, and work responsibly with others. Analyze your method(s) of establishing clear expectations for academic and social behavior. Explain how you respond to behavior that does not meet those Rev. 07/11/08 4 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students
expectations? Evaluate the classroom routines and procedures that you use, including how you establish and maintain them. Provide a rationale for the seating arrangement included in your original draft and revised blueprint/diagram
Part 5: Preparation for Submission In the designated portfolio class (see course schedule), assemble all required artifacts and submit the Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task. The Spending Time To Save Time Portfolio Task will be assessed with the task rubric by the course instructor.
Required Artifacts
Original draft of your Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan Original draft of your blueprint/diagram Revised Spending Time to Save Time procedural/organizational plan using a different style, e.g., italics, highlight, color, bold, or underlining. Revised blueprint/diagram Parent letter and/or course syllabus that communicates your clear expectations for academic and social behavior The Personal Philosophy of Education Statement (Developed in Pre-Service Orientation) Unit overview Lesson plans with student handouts o The first 5-days of an instructional unit Three-week reflection Examples of student work that reflect the integration of content, classroom procedures, and expectations into the instructional program Documents to support your plan that are clearly labeled and annotated, i.e., photographs and classroom blueprint/diagram. The blueprint/diagram should include, but is not limited to seating chart, technology, cupboards, center/lab locations, bulletin boards, equipment, cabinets, emergency exit route, desk arrangements, grouping arrangements, safety procedures, etc.
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Potential Resources
Culture of Discipline: Guiding Principles for Everyone in School What Every Teacher Should Know About Student Motivation What Every Teacher Should Know About Diversity What Every Teacher Should Know About Instructional Planning Assertive Discipline & AD Workbook Temperament in the Classroom Cooperative Learning The Adolescent Brain How to Use Standards in the Classroom Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms Pre-Referral Intervention Manual (PRIM) English, Math, Science Frameworks Math: Literacy Strategies for Improving Mathematics Instruction Making Science Accessible for English Learners Conversation Help Activity Movement Participation (CHAMPs) Culturally Responsive Teaching With Rigor for All (English Teachers Only) Classroom Management for Middle and High School Teachers Reflective Practice in Action The English Teacher’s Handbook (English Teachers Only) Papers, Papers, Papers (English Teachers Only) Developmentally Appropriate Practices How to Differentiate Instruction in an Mixed Ability Classroom Building Classroom Relationship (ASCD) Educating Language Learners (ASCD) What Every Teacher Should Know about Classroom Management What Every Teacher Should Know about Diverse Learners The Map of Standards for English Learners K-12 Mastery Teaching Reading and the Middle School Student Reading and the High School Student The Strategic Teacher The Boys and Girls Learn Differently Teaching Students to Get Along Magazines (All are Educational Leadership Publications) o The Adolescent Learner (April 2005, Vol. 62 No. 7) o Building Classroom Relationships (Sept 2003, Vol. 61 No. 1) Rev. 07/11/08 6 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students o Teaching the Tweens (April 2006, Vol. 63 No. 7) o Improving in Math and Science (February 2004, Vol. 61 No. 5) (Math/Science Teachers Only) o Learning in the Digital Age o Reading Comprehension
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Portfolio Task Summative Rubric Directions: Circle the appropriate level of competency in each of the TPE strands that best describes the District Intern’s effort. CSTP : ENGAGING AND SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN LEARNING Not Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced (Gr. 4-8) 6b.6 Develop Unclear or vague evidence of Limited evidence of teaching Clearly presents evidence of Establishes rapport with students’ skills for working teaching and modeling of and modeling of norms of teaching and modeling of students through evidence of in groups to maximize norms of social interactions. social interactions. norms of social interactions. extensive and clear teaching and modeling the norms of learning Unclear or vague evidence of Limited evidence of Clearly presents evidence of social interactions. (Gr. 9-12) 6c.3 development of skills for development of skills for the development of skills for Frequently communicate working in groups. working in groups. working in groups. Establishes rapport with students through evidence of course goals, requirements Unclear or vague evidence of Clearly presents evidence of communication of course Limited evidence of communicated course goals, extensive and clear and grading criteria to goals, requirements and communication of course requirements and grading developing skills for working students and families grading criteria to students goals, requirements and criteria to students and in groups to maximize and families grading criteria to students families learning. and families. Establishes rapport with student and parents through evidence of extensive and clear communication of course goals, requirements and grading criteria. CSTP : PLANNING INSTRUCTION & DESIGNING LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS Not Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced 9.9 Connect content to Little or no evidence of Limited evidence of Clear evidence of connecting Clear and extensive evidence students’ linguistic and connecting content to be connecting content to be content to be learned with of connecting content to be cultural backgrounds, learned with students’ learned with students’ students’ linguistic and learned with students’ experiences, interests, and linguistic and cultural linguistic and cultural cultural backgrounds, linguistic and cultural developmental learning backgrounds, experiences, backgrounds, experiences, experiences, interests, and backgrounds, experiences, interests, and developmental interests, and developmental developmental learning needs. interests, and developmental needs learning needs. learning needs. learning CSTP : Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning 10.2 Establish procedures 0 Evidence of few or no 1 Evidence that some 2 Evidence that most 3 Evidence of clear and for routine tasks procedures for routine tasks procedures for routine tasks procedures for routine tasks consistent procedures for all have been established. have been established. have been established. routine tasks have been established.
Rev. 07/11/08 8 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students 11.1 Develop and Evidence of few or no academic 4 Evidence that some academic 6 Evidence that most academic 8 Evidence that clear academic maintain clear expectations expectations (e.g. standards) has expectations have been expectations have been expectations have been for academic and social been established. established. established. established. behavior Evidence of few or no social 5 Evidence that some social 7 Evidence that most social 9 Evidence that clear social behavior expectations has been behavior expectations have behavior expectations have behavior expectations have established. been established. been established. been established. 11.4 Write and 10 Evidence of no student 12 Evidence that the 14 Evidence that student 16 Evidence that student implement student discipline plan created or student discipline plan discipline plan created, discipline plan created, discipline plan implemented. created and implemented. implemented, and revised. implemented, and 11 Evidence of teacher’s 13 Evidence that teacher’s 15 Evidence that teacher’s continuously revised. responses to student behavior responses to student behavior responses to student behavior 17 Evidence that teacher’s are inconsistent and may not are generally appropriate. are appropriate. responses to student behavior be appropriate. are consistently fair and equitable to all students. 11.7 Help students learn 18 Evidence that 19 Evidence that 20 Evidence that 21 Evidence that to work responsibly with procedures/classroom rules Procedures/classroom rules Procedures/classroom rules Procedures/classroom rules others and independently do not support students somewhat support students often support students consistently support students working with others and working with others and working with others and working with others and independently. independently. independently. independently.
Summative Rubric Score based on evidence presented regarding knowledge/practice:
Not Proficient Partially Proficient Proficient Advanced
Intern Name: ______Employee #: ______
School: ______Date: ______
Evaluated by: ______Site: ______
Comments: ______
Rev. 07/11/08 9 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students Summative Assessment Name: Site: Site Coordinator: Final Clearance Date: Completed (Enter initials and date cleared) Pre-Service DI Orientation Prepar ation Artifacts Progra Incomplete m (A-E checked only if not complete d in Pre- Service) A. Procedural/Organizational Plan (draft) B. Unit Overview C. The first 5-days of an instructional unit D. Parent letter and/or Course Syllabus that communicates clear expectations for academic and social behavior E. Personal Philosophy (Developed in Pre-Service Orientation) F. Student Handouts (blank) G. Student work that reflects the integration of classroom procedures and expectations into the instructional program H Revised Procedural/Organizational Plan I. Documents to support plan that are clearly labeled and annotated, i.e., photographs and classroom blueprint/diagram. The blueprint/diagram should include, but is not limited to a seating chart, technology, cupboards, center/lab locations, bulletin boards, equipment, cabinets, emergency exit route, desk arrangements, grouping arrangements, etc. J. Three-Week Reflection Summative Mark: See Spending Time To Save Time Portfolio Rubric (Only marks of Proficient and Advanced are passing.) Comments:
Attestation: I understand that as a District Intern with the LAUSD, I am responsible for the completion of all tasks as required by my contract. I also understand that items A through E are to be completed by the deadlines established by the Pre-Service Orientation staff.
Rev. 07/11/08 10 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students Intern’s Signature: Date: Instructor Signature: Date: KEEP THIS AS A RECORD OF EVIDENCE THAT YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE TASK *WHITE COPY: INTERN YELLOW COPY: OFFICE PINK COPY: SITE COORDINATOR GOLD COPY: ADVISOR
Procedural/Organizational Plan
Directions: Use your Orientation notes and resources, TPEs, the Building the Bond project, and observation notes to develop your classroom procedural/organizational plan. Address each bullet.
Present the procedures you plan to implement for the following situations:
Activity Procedure Location for: Date Daily agenda Homework Assignments Beginning/Opening Procedures (e.g. dispatch/sponge, warm-up) Closing/Ending Procedures
Attendance: All students Absent students Tardy students Student heading on papers
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Student behavior during instruction: Attention Participation
Student behavior during independent work: Student talking Obtaining help Completed work Out-of-seat Student behavior during group work: Small group Whole group Center/lab Student behavior during interruptions: P.A. Visitors Other Distribution of Materials: Textbooks School Correspondence Classroom Materials & Supplies Leaving the Room: Student Teacher
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Interchange and movement: Sharpening pencils Getting supplies Using references Using technology Use of special equipment or materials LCD Doc Reader Smart Board Other Seating arrangements: Whole group Small group (Attach classroom blueprint/dia gram) Student work: Distributing Collecting Returning Correcting papers in class Students Teachers Transitions Activities Instruction Clean up
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Emergency Procedures: Earthquake drill Fire drill Lockdown
Rev. 07/11/08 14 LAUSD District Intern Preparation Program Spending Time to Save Time Portfolio Task Developing Skills for Constructively Working with Students Share the rules, positive incentive/motivational system, and consequences you plan to implement in your classroom. School-wide Discipline Plan (Attach copy)
Rules (up to 5)
Positive Incentive/Motivational System
Corrective consequences 1st time
2nd time
3rd time
Chronic misbehavior
Feedback from Support Provider (e.g. District Intern coach, Observation Teacher, site- selected support provider, department and/or grade-level chair)
Name: ______Title: ______(Print Name)
Date: ______Signature: ______
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