104(B)-Cond L Relev: Req S Ful Condition of Fact
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Relevance? --All others: 403 bal 401-def --Dishonest crime: auto in (609a2) 402-all admissible (presumption) Privilege? 403-prob/prej balance 501-common law standard 104(b)-cond’l relev: req’s ful condition of fact Wigmore-(1)expect confident?(2)impt for Chapple-inflaming jury pictures relat?(3)soc’ty want relat?(4)benefit>cost? Limiting Instruction? Attn/Clint:(1)statement(2)legal 105-if can come in for 2 reasons, instruct on services(3)attn/clnt or clnt/attn one allowed (judge discretion) Corp: cntrl gp or sub mtr test Upjohn 106-complete: comes in if need’d mke sense said no cntrl gp! Character Evidence? Psych/Patient: Jaffee said valid in fed ct. 405a-rep&opin always allowed Spouse/Test: when married, witness holds 405b-spec. acts only allowed for essen.ele. (Trammel), family excpt, not usual for civil ct. and p.bad act exception Spouse/Conf: after marr. still, speakr holds, 404a-only def brings first: vic bad, vic good, family excpt, commun not conduct covered accused good, accused bad. Lay Opinion? EXCPT: homi w/s.d. vic. peaceful 602-no testfy if no personl know Prior Bad Act? 701-not fact/opin distinct; inst: ration, from 404b-not propensity, only: motive, intent, percept, helpful to trier of fact identity/m.o., plan or prep, not accident Expert Opinion? Huddleston-if (1)material, (2)jury could find 702-defines expert broad (educ or exper) relevant (3)passes 403 703-testim from(1)1sthand b4 hearing, Character in Rape/Molest? (2)1sthand at hearing, (3)inadmiss evid if 412-rape shield no vic char except: prior “reasonably relied upon” (403 bal.) cont, other cont for physic (sem, bruis), 704-ult. issue;705-cut to chase;706-ct appint accuse constit’l rights Scientific/Probabilistic? 413,414-rape/molest priors come in (w/403 Daubert: applies 702; must be relevant (403) debat’d) and scientific factors: (1)tested (2)published 415-extends to civil (3)rate of error (4)Frye/general acceptance Habit Evidence? Burden/Presumption? 406-reg, uncons action; proced can be ok; 301-civ ct only; production shift ok but no no religion (prej), practice v. policy presump shift (Morgan); can burst bubble or Policy Based Exclusion? burst and instruction 407-no remedial excpt: ownership, control, Authentication? impeach, feas. f controvert 901a-req’s authentication w/”evid. sufficient” Tuer-blood thinning not allowed in Issues are mistake or tampering 408-no civ settle no excpt: found otherwise, 901b-examples of authen wit.bias, delay, proof obstruct crim invst. 904b4-writings can auth w/dist char/circum. 410-no plea bar excpt: put statemnt in cntxt, 902-self authen like presump (can rebut); false statement in perjury trial includes pub. rec. and newspapers Witnesses: Best Evidence? --Competency? 1001-defines writ, photo, orig, dup 601-all wit. comptnt until judge says no 1002-req’s original excpt: below 602-no testfy if no personl know excpt: exprt 1003-dup ok unless orig auth disput or unfair 610-no religion exemption 1004-contents ok w/no orig if: destroyed, --Direct/Cross Issue? unobtainable, or opponent has it 611c-no leading excpt: necesry to devlp 1005-public record dup ok testimony, hostile, simple pts/child, memory 1006-summaries for volum. orig. ok 612-pres. recollect reviv’d: not evidence 1007-no orig ok for if proved by test/depo of --Impeachment? party it is used against Bias-Extr/ok, 403 bal. 1008-jury decides:if orig existed, if orig is Percept-Extr/ok, 403 bal. real, if contents accur. judge decides 104b Dis/Truth/Char-608a, NO/Extr, 403 bal. admission issues otherwise. Dis/Truth/SpcActs-608b, NO/Extr, 403 bal. Dis/Truth/Priors-609, date/type convic only. HEARSAY NEXT PAGE!! --Accus’d: prob > prej (609a1) Hearsay? 804-Availability 801c-(1)out of ct (2)statement (assertion) 804a-unavailable if: (1)privilege (3)”to prove the truth of the matter asserted” (2)refuse to test (3)memory Risks: (1)misperception (2)memory (4)dead/sick (5)unavoid absence (3)misstatement (4)distortion 804b-allows:(1)former test (2)dying 805-double hearsay (3) against interest (4)family hist --Non-Hearsay Use? 804b6-procured absence-no 804 but Impeachment-not for content! statements made in procure come in Verbal Act-legal or logic significance 807-Catchall Verbal Object-marker/person pointing Req’s: trustworthiness, material fact, probity, Circumstantial/state of mind-only for justice, notice to adversary showing statement made, not belief! Lying-to show was made and to show was Confrontation Clause? false Applies in crim pro & against def. Circumstantial/memory or belief-didn’t cover --Not Hearsay By Statute? If def avail: bring him in (Barber v. Page)! 801d1-Prior Statement A-inconsist-oath/depo, feigned If def unavail: firmly rooted? mem. loss ok, real mem. loss? 1. Coconspirator statements B-consistent-Tome-must be pre- 2. Excited utterances motive 3. Medical diagnosis and treatment C-indentification 4. Business records 801d2-Admission 5. Dying declarations A-party’s own --Maybe B-adopted statement 1. Agent’s admissions C-authorized rep 2. Public records D-agent or servant --Could be more! E-conspiracy (covent, pend, futher) --Not against-interest exception! Bruton-split the case “Bourjaily bootstrapping” + If def unavail and not firmly rooted: --Hearsay Exception? Idaho v. Wright factors: 803-Unrestricted 1. Spontaneity 1. Present Sense Impression 2. Repetition --must be immediate and 3. Mental State describe event 4. Terminology 2. Excited Utterance 5. Etc. --startling event, excitement, -Extrinsic evidence doesn’t related to event count! 3. Current Men/Phy/Emot/PLAN Inadi: maybe unavail doesn’t matter --can only show belief, not truth of belief 4. Med Diagnosis or Treatment --doesn’t have to be DR. 5. Past Recollect Recorded -once had know, doesn’t current, adopted record, record made w/know 6. Business Record -usual activity, close in time, personal know, employee (not customer) 7. Absence of entry on #6 8. Public Record --no police rep in crim 10. Absence of entry on #8 16. Ancient Doc