Kim Is Kinesthetic, Part 1 By Patti Hutchison

1 Sue groaned, "Ohhhh, we have phys. ed. next period."

2 "I love P.E.," her friend Kim said. "It's my favorite class."

3 "That's ‘cause you're a star athlete," Sue said. "No wonder you do so well in gym class. You're good at every sport."

4 "I wish I was good at other subjects," Kim said. "My mom said if I don't get my grades up, I won't be playing softball this spring. I'm really trying, but I just don't seem to get it. And I hate sitting in class all that time. I need to get up and move. Maybe there's something wrong with me."

5 "Maybe you should go to the Learning Center," Sue told Kim. "I'll bet they can help you with your school subjects. It's an okay place; I've been there a couple of times."

6 "You, Miss Straight-A Student?" Kim teased.

7 Sue chuckled. "Yeah, but they couldn't help me learn how to dribble a basketball," she joked. "It's only for academic subjects. But seriously, Mr. Ellis is great; he knows all kinds of ways to help kids learn. If you want, I'll go with you after school and introduce you to him."

8 "If you really think it will help," Kim said. "I'm willing to try anything so I can play softball."

9 Sue met Kim at her locker after last period. They walked to the Learning Center. Sue introduced Kim to Mr. Ellis. "This is my friend, Miss Star Athlete. Her real name is Kim. She's really good at sports. She's got an A in PE, but she's having trouble with her other classes."

10 "It's nice to meet you, Kim," Mr. Ellis said, shaking her hand. "Thanks for bringing her in, Sue. I'll let you know if she needs brain surgery," he joked.

11 Kim looked worried. "I was just joking," Mr. Ellis assured her. "I'm positive we can help your brain from the outside. Let's see what kind of learner you are."

12 "I'm a very slow learner," Kim said. "I could sit and try to memorize something forever, and I'd never remember it. Is there something wrong with me?"

13 "I don't think you're not slow. I'll bet you can memorize plays at basketball practice. I'm guessing that sitting and memorizing are not your style," Mr. Ellis said, "your learning style, that is."

14 "My what?" Kim asked.

15 "Your learning style. People learn in lots of different ways. But school is set up mostly for auditory learners. You sit and listen to your teachers' lectures. But not everyone learns best that way. The key is to find which way you do learn best. Then we can give you all kinds of pointers that will help you."

16 "Sounds good to me," Kim said. "Softball season is coming up soon. I need to get my grades up so my mom will let me play."

17 "Your friend said you're really good at sports. I'm betting you're kinesthetic," Mr. Ellis said.

18 Kim was hoping that was not a disease. "Kine-what?" she asked.

19 "Kinesthetic," Mr. Ellis repeated. "It means you like to move."

20 "Well, that's true," Kim said, relieved.

21 Mr. Ellis gave Kim a questionnaire. He said it would help them figure out what her learning style was. He told her how to mark the items on the worksheet. Kim marked "most like me" for things like "paces" and "likes to try new things." She also marked things such as "likes hands- on projects" and "has trouble following oral directions." When she was through, they tallied up her numbers. Sure enough, she was a kinesthetic learner.

22 "So, what, now?" Kim asked. "How can I get better grades?"

23 Mr. Ellis told her that there was not much she could do about needing to move when she was in class. "If everyone got up and moved around whenever they wanted to, the class would be in an uproar. But there are subtle things you can do to help you stay focused. Shake your foot, silently under your desk. Take notes while you are listening to the lecture. This will give you a sense of movement. Doodle or draw pictures about what is being said. As long as you are not distracting others, this should be okay with your teachers," he told her.

24 "Try some of these things in class tomorrow," Mr. Ellis instructed. "See if they help you stay focused. Then come back next week and I will give you some pointers for things you can do at home."

25 "Thanks," Kim said. "This is all starting to make sense. I feel better knowing I'm just different, not dumb!"

Copyright © 2008 edHelper

Name ______Date ______Kim Is Kinesthetic, Part 1

1. Kinesthetic learners like to: 2. People who are very athletic might be Sit and memorize information kinesthetic learners. Move False Listen to lectures True 3. Schools are mostly set up for: 4. Name two characteristics of Auditory learners kinesthetic learners. Visual learners Kinesthetic learners 5. If you are a kinesthetic learner, you 6. If you need to move during class, should be able to get up and move make sure that your movement: whenever you want during class. Doesn't distract others False Is quick True Catches everyone's attention Writing Prompt: Do you think you are a kinesthetic learner? Give reasons for your answer.