Tompkins Theatre Company Booster Club (TTCBC)
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Tompkins Theatre Company Booster Club (TTCBC) May 5, 1015 Minutes
Present: Maggie Rodrigues, Director Karen Dufresne Michelle LaCour Rusty Schillinger, President Joan Ferguson Denise George Laini Wilson Claudia Owens Dina Schillinger Julie Johnson John Lins Andrea Cheney Melissa Lins
Call to Order The meeting was called to order by President Rusty Schillinger at 6:33 pm.
Minutes Denise George motioned for the approval of the May 5, 2015 minutes. John Lins seconded the motion. The minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report TTCBC Treasurer’s Report
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Bank Balance 3/31/2015 $ 22,561.96
Cleared Deposits $ 29,111.47 Cleared Expenses $ (22,697.47) Bank Balance 4/30/2015 $ 28,975.96
Uncleared Expenses $ (14,879.08) Uncleared Deposits $ 4,672.50 $ 18,769.38
Johns Lins motioned for the approval of the treasure’s report. Dina Schillinger seconded. The report was approved.
President’s Report Rusty commended both ‘The Great Game Show Mash Up’ and the Jr. High One Act Play (OAP) competition for both being great events.
Tal Gibbons has been hired as Maggie’s assistant for next year.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 2, at Alicia’s in the Fiesta Room at 6:30 pm. The new assistant director will be invited so people can meet him. Note that Denise George will be able to attend. Production Report The Great Game Show Mash Up will clear $1,800-2,000. We had 399 paid tickets with roughly 435 in attendance. The committee recommends it be scheduled in January on a Friday night. A financial report will be sent to the other directors and bc presidents and request that they get 2-3 people lined up from their departments for the committee so they can start meeting in September.
The Jr. High OAP cleared $1,000, with about 180 people attending. Maggie would like for it to possibly run more according to UIL rules.
Director’s Report -Maggie is rethinking the fall play. -Night Flight is tentatively scheduled for September 18-19. -Thespian Week will have 38 inductees. Thespians are to bring a dessert. Five (5) o’clock will be the formal induction with a reception to follow. Melissa offered to get the voltive candles. Maggie would like to order a tablecloth that has our thespian company logo on it to use for ceremonies or display tables. -Maggie wants to have a theatre composite picture next year which would mean every student would have a headshot. Denise George will check with Nikki Guest and Laini will check with Cara Dietrich as possible photographers. -Maggie announced that a dance recital will be held in the PAC May 16 & 17. She will see if we can sell concessions at it. -Coming Up -Comedy Sportz Faculty Match, Friday, May 8, 7 pm -Inductions, Saturday May 9, 12-6 -Region CSZ match, Katy High School, 7 pm -Theatre 2 OAP and ‘Scenes from…” , May 15, 7 pm, PAC
Booster Club Open Positions Rusty handed out a TTCBC Structure document and went over openings. Some names were filled in and a revised list will be sent out to all parents with openings on the board and committees.
New Business A discussion was held about each company member being required to sell program advertisements. Several amounts were mentioned. The forms will need to be revised for next year.
Michelle LaCour proposed having an end of the year party in the black box. The theme will be ‘Thrift Shop Prom’. Denise, Dina and Michelle will figure out the details.
Dina said that the Athletics Booster Club sells the falcon yard signs and theatre charms.
Vertical banners that say ‘Show Tonight’ still need to be made.
Our next meeting will be Tuesday, June 2, at Alicia’s in the Fiesta Room at 6:30 pm.
Adjourned- 8:27 pm
Respectfully submitted, Julie Johnson TTCBC Secretary