Our Next Project Will Be a Family Tree (Arbol Genealógico)
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Español I
Arbol Genealógico
Our next project will be A Family Tree (Arbol Genealógico). Your family tree needs to:
Have a title (ex: “Mi Familia” or “La Familia Hernández” or “Los Smith”) Be colorful. Show at least three generations of family. Tell the relationship of each person to you. Tell each person’s name and age and one additional phrase about them. (see below) Be entirely in Spanish. Be finished and turned in by the start of class of Monday, May 6.
Writing the person’s name: “Ella se llama Jennifer” “El se llama Tyler.” For yourself: “Me llamo ______”
Writing the person’s age: “Ella tiene ______años.” “El tiene ______años.” For yourself: “Yo tengo ______años.”
Writing about their appearance/personality: “Ella es ______.” “El es ______.” For yourself: “Yo soy ______.”
Writing about what they like to do: “A ella le gusta ______.” “A él le gusta ______.” For yourself: “A mí me gusta ______.”
An example of what this would look like for one person: Physical/personality descriptions pelirrojo/a = red-haired moreno/a = brunette/darker complected alto/a = tall bajo/a = short bonito/a = pretty guapo/a = handsome/pretty chistoso/a = funny serio/a = serious feo/a = ugly travieso/a = mischievous delgado/a = thin gordito/a = chubby gordo/gorda = fat estricto/a = strict fuerte = strong paciente = patient trabajador/a = hard-working flojo/a = lazy inteligente = intelligent listo/a = sharp/clever atlético/a = athletic valiente = brave honesto/a = honest cariñoso/a = affectionate amable = friendly
verbs (for what people like to do) leer = to read dibujar = to draw viajar = to travel jugar deportes = play sports cocinar = to cook coser = to sew correr = to run contar chistes = to tell jokes tocar el piano/la guitarra/los tambores = to play piano/guitar/drums cantar = to sing bailar = to dance hablar = to speak escribir = to write escuchar música = to listen to music montar a caballo = to ride horses aprender = to learn estudiar = to study trabajar = to work reírse = to laugh pintar = to paint cultivar = to garden comer = to eat