Stainforth Town Council

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Stainforth Town Council


PRESENT: The Mayor, Councillor Mrs. M. Nesbitt.

Councillors: Mrs. J. Bolton, S. Bolton, Mrs. L. Crosby, W.S.Q. Cook, G. Derx, Mrs. J. Harvey, D. Moore, Mrs. I. Moore, E. Nesbitt, Mrs. P. Pilkington, J. Thompson, J. Waggitt, the Clerk, Mrs. P. Harrison and the Deputy Clerk, Miss. K. Hewitt.

Also present: Press

Public Participation: None.

Domestics were announced by the Mayor.

1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. RESOLVED that the following be approved: Mrs. V. Mackintosh – prior commitment.

2. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF ANY INTEREST – invited by the Mayor and Cllr. J. Thompson declared his interest in item 4(a) on the agenda.

3. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING MINUTES – circulated prior to meeting and after manual amendments to the Town Council minutes it was RESOLVED that all minutes be signed as a true record: (a) Annual Town Council meeting held on 19.5.2015.

4. TO APPROVE ACCOUNTS AND FINANCIAL MATTERS - listed on separate sheet. (a) Stainforth ABC – request for financial assistance. It was agreed that a donation of £200.00 be given to this group under S137 powers. (b) To consider quotes for drainage work at cemetery. The Clerk reported that 3 quotations had been received and these were as follows; Rui Lucas Building Services - £1850.00 Johnsons Gutters & Drains - £2600.00 O’Neill - £3850.00 ex VAT. The Clerk reminded members that they were not obliged to accept the cheapest quote but needed to take account of value for money. The specs varied from quote to quote and following lengthy discussion it was resolved that the quote from Johnsons Gutters & Drains be accepted. (c) To consider provision of Town Council logo fleeces for members – Cllr. Mrs. Harvey suggested that the use of a corporate identity on volunteers could be useful in enabling member of the public to identify Town Council “personnel”. It was agreed this was a good idea in principal but concerns were raised about potential costs and it was suggested to cost out fleeces and polo shirts. Defer to next meeting.

Signed……………………………………………………………..Mayor, 21st July 2015. 5. TO CONSIDER CEMETERY MATTERS. 2

(a) To receive an update on grounds maintenance issues. Cllr. Waggitt queried the condition of the pathway around the memorial garden and was informed that improvements are currently underway and this matter should be resolved within the forth coming days. The Clerk was asked about disposal of the old ride-on and she confirmed it had been advertised in the Newsletter, as instructed. However there have been no offers forthcoming and it was agreed, on this basis, to advertise it on eBay with a reserve price of £500.00. (b) To receive an update on new apprentice. The Clerk reported that the training scheme for the new apprentice is now underway and feedback continues to be positive on this member of staff. Noted. (c) CRC ride-on mower – Request received from the charity for the Town Council to accept full responsibility for this piece of equipment. Defer to next meeting.

6. TO CONSIDER ITEMS OF CORRESPONDENCE. (a) Letter of thanks for donation – Stanley Gardens TARA. Noted.


8. TO REPORT ON POLICE MATTERS. The Clerk informed members that she is still awaiting a response from South Yorkshire Police regarding a representative attending a Town Council meeting. Cllr. Nesbitt reported motorbikes on New Park Estate and Cllr. Derx agreed to pass this information on to the correct team at DMBC.


10. TO CONSIDER HIGHWAYS MATTERS. (a) To receive an update on proposed renaming of Ramskir Lane – The Clerk reported that she had contacted DMBC in this regard and had been instructed to contact all Ramskir Lane residents with a view to a potential name change. In the event that full agreement was given, DMBC would be prepared to allow such a change at a cost of £65. However, the Clerk was obliged to make all residents aware that it would be incumbent on individual residents to inform all utility providers etc of this change. In the event that only 1 resident objects, the change would not be allowed to proceed. Mrs. Harrison reported that she had followed the DMBC instructions and was, so far, in receipt of 2 notices of decent which defeats the proposal. Noted.

11. TO CONSIDER A CELEBRATION IN RELATION TO THE END OF WORLD WAR 1 – TO BE HELD IN 2018 – Cllr. E. Nesbitt suggested that the Town Council consider holding a public event to commemorate the end of World War 1 and was conscious of the fact that this may attract costs which have not yet been budgeted for. On this basis, it was RESOLVED that a small committee be formed to progress this matter. The following members agreed to be involved in this matter: Cllr. E. & Mrs. M. Nesbitt, Cllr. D. & Mrs. I. Moore, Cllr. S. Bolton, Cllr. G. Derx, Cllr. J. Thompson & Cllr. J. Waggitt.

Signed……………………………………………………………..Mayor, 21st July 2015.

12. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON DISTRIBUTION OF BIN STICKERS. After a brief discussion it was agreed for the Clerk to order a further 250 stickers for distribution throughout Stainforth.

13. TO CONSIDER ADDING CLLR. MRS. I. MOORE TO THE RECREATION COMMITTEE. It was agreed that Cllr. Mrs. I. Moore be added to the Recreation Committee. 3

14. TO DISCUSS THE LAGOON ON DONCASTER ROAD. Cllr. Waggitt reported that he had carried out some research into this matter and had been informed that the lagoon contains nothing more than waste food and odd plants. He has visited the factory of the company responsible for providing the waste and found it to be a clean operation. Members were informed that Mr. Poskitt at the factory would welcome any visit from any member wishing to witness the process for themselves. It was reported that a petition has been started. Cllr. Derx reported he had met with environmental health on 15.6.2015 with another meeting scheduled for 24.6.2015 reporting on ingoing and outcoming content, following which an independent analysis of content will be carried out. It was suggested that the installation of a wind baffle be installed and members expressed doubt at this. Clerk instructed to invite Mr. Scott Forbes to a meeting.

15. TO CONFIRM THE DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT TOWN COUNCIL MEETING– confirmed as Tuesday 21st July 2015 at 6:30pm in the Council Chamber.

There being nothing further to discuss, the Mayor declared the meeting closed at 7:30p.m.

Signed……………………………………………………………..Mayor, 21st July 2015.

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