Pgc Health and Social Care Education (April 2014)
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Programme Specification
This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are provided.
1. Awarding Institution / Body University of Central Lancashire
2. Teaching Institution and Location University of Central Lancashire of Delivery Preston campus
3. University Department/Centre School of Health
4. External Accreditation Nursing and Midwifery Council
5. Title of Final Award Post Graduate Certificate in Health and Social Care Education 6. Modes of Attendance offered Part time
7. UCAS Code -
8. Relevant Subject Benchmarking - Group(s)
9. Other external influences Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) Standards to support learning and assessment in practice NMC standards for mentors, practice teachers and teachers
NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework
The UK Professional Standards Framework for teaching and supporting learning in higher education 10. Date of production/revision of this 1st February 2012 form Revised April 2014 (Minor Change)
11. Aims of the Programme
The aim of the programme is to prepare health and social care professionals working within higher education and practice settings to meet the UK Professional Standards Framework for Learning and Teaching in HE and Nursing and Midwifery Council professional standards for teachers and the standards frameworks for education of other health and social care bodies as they become available. The programme will enable students to demonstrate an understanding of the student learning experience through engagement with all areas of activity identified in the relevant standards, core knowledge and professional values identified in the relevant standards; the ability to incorporate research, scholarship and/or professional practice into those activities 12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods
A. Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of the programme of study the student will be able to: A1 critically review the context and values underpinning contemporary education practices across the health and social care sector A2 analyse and debate the issues informing current and future developments in the professional regulation of healthcare education A3 review current approaches to curriculum design and development A4 review and evaluate theories and models that offer explanations and insights in the nature and processes of learning A5 critically review and evaluate teaching and learning methods and technologies in order to select and use appropriate techniques in educational practice A6 critically review and evaluate principles and practice of assessment in order to select and use appropriate techniques in assessment of students on healthcare programmes A7 critically engage with the principles and practice of pedagogic research including strategies for evaluating learning A8 critically engage with the principles and practice of quality assurance and enhancement in order to minimise risk to the students learning experience and provide robust programmes that meet changing requirements of external stakeholders and employers.
Teaching and Learning Methods Work based learning activities utilising opportunities within the School and across the University e.g. attendance at Pedagogic Research Forum, observation of validation events and course boards; Workshops; key lectures; Peer discussions, both face to face and on-line via Elearn. Support from a School-based mentor to apply knowledge and understanding within its local context Assessment methods
Evaluation of learning activity Peer review Critical reflective discussion Curriculum design critique Reflective assignment Annotated professional standards
B. Subject-specific skills
At the end of the programme of study the student will be able to: B1 facilitate learning for a range of students, within a particular area of practice and where appropriate, encourage self-management of learning opportunities and provide support to maximise individual potential. B2 assess learning, in order to make judgements related to relevant professional standards of proficiency B3 determine strategies for evaluating learning in practice and academic settings B4 create an environment for learning, in collaboration with their peers, where practice is valued and developed, that provides appropriate professional and inter-professional learning opportunities and support for learning to maximise achievement for individuals B5 support learning within a context of practice that reflects healthcare and educational policies, managing change to ensure that particular professional needs are met within a learning environment that also supports practice development. B6 apply evidence-based practice to their own work and contribute to the further development of such an evidence-base for their practice. B7 demonstrate effective relationship building skills sufficient to support learning, as part of a wider inter-professional team, for a range of students and colleagues in both practice and academic learning environments Teaching and Learning Methods Work based learning incorporating for example: involvement with parity marking activities, teaching and assessing learning of varied groups of students, participation in student-staff liaison committees, review of module evaluation questionnaires, engagement with inter-professional learning activities, preparation of teaching material and other resources that demonstrate evidence-based practice, engagement with colleagues in practice settings and a range of areas where students’ learning is supported e.g. Skills Labs Other work based learning activities utilising opportunities available at School, University and health and social care settings e.g. meeting key personnel from health and social care settings to explore their role, for example Placement Learning Support Unit staff. Also Peer review of teaching, Key lectures and workshops. Completion, across the course, of 360 documented hours of teaching related activity. Use of e-portfolio to support reflective practice, and on-line discussion via Elearn. Seminar discussions/action learning set activity as required to develop practice focussed learning activity
Assessment methods Completion of documented Teaching hours together with annotated professional standards Evaluation of development, leadership and implementation of a practice-focussed learning activity Peer review of teaching C. Thinking Skills At the end of the programme of study the student will be able to: C1 critically reflect on and evaluate their own development as a teacher in both practice and academic settings C2 extract, evaluate and synthesise information from primary and secondary sources relevant to the role of a teacher of professional programmes C3 critically appraise issues relating to the development of practitioners in health and social care C4 synthesise knowledge/information in order to lead and support educational developments in practice and academic settings Teaching and Learning Methods Support for reflective practice through development and use of a portfolio (e-portfolio as available) Lectures/workshop and work-based practice on information location and retrieval to support evidence- based practice and teaching. Seminar work and group discussion, both face to face and on-line via Elearn. Discussion of progress with module tutors and mentor. Assessment methods Evaluation of learning activity Curriculum design critique Critical reflective discussion Essay/assessed critical reflection D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development At the end of the programme of study the student will be able to D1 manage and lead change effectively D2 facilitate innovative and creative learning opportunities D3 use effectively a range of advanced communication skills D4 demonstrate personal and functional organisation of their own and others work D5 demonstrate efficient and effective administration of programmes and learning opportunities D6 demonstrate leadership skills for education within practice and academic settings Teaching and Learning Methods Key lectures and workshop activities Action learning sets to support development and leadership of practice-focussed learning activity Peer review of teaching Engagement with (e-) portfolio Assessment methods Annotated professional standards Completion of assessed and recorded teaching hours Development, leadership and implementation of a practice-focussed learning activity Critical discussion 14. Awards and Credits* 13. Programme Structures*
Level Module Module Title Credit Code rating Level 7 MW4102 Preparation of teachers: health and 20 Postgraduate Certificate social care professions Requires 60 credits at Level 6 or above with a minimum of 40 Level 7 EH4101 Teaching, learning and assessment 20 credits at Level 7
Level 7 EH4100 Teaching toolkit 20
15. Personal Development Planning
According to QAA (2004), Personal Development Planning (PDP) is: A structured process that is integral to higher level learning Concerned with learning in an holistic sense (academic and non-academic) Something done with guidance and support A process that involves reflection, creation of personal records, planning and monitoring progress towards achievement of personal objectives Intended to improve the capacity of the individual to communicate their learning to others who are interested in it (academic staff/ employers)
QAA state that “the ultimate responsibility for deriving benefit from PDP should rest with each student”.
Students will be supported in this process by a range of School activities e.g. new staff will be undertaking an induction programme; existing staff will be through IPR and appraisal developing their personal career pathways. The use of an e-portfolio will be introduced to the students for use throughout the course.
Underpinning each student’s PDP is the development and enhancement of reflective practice, enabling each student to deconstruct their own and others practice; the enhancement of academic leadership through the development of expertise in their specialist field of practice and the attainment of a nationally recognised standard of practice in healthcare education
Reference Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2004) Recommendations for policy on PDP. HtmlResAnchor
16. Admissions criteria Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study. These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information. Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.
Health Care Professionals who intend to take on the role of teacher must fulfil the following criteria:
1. Be registered in the same part or sub-part of any professional register as the students they support, i.e. HPC or NMC (nurses and midwives). 2. Have completed at least 3 years post-registration experience, gained additional professional knowledge and skills, and have experience in an area where students are gaining practice experience relevant to their registration. 3. Have extended their professional knowledge, relevant to their field of practice, to at least first degree level 4. Be working as a lecturer in a higher education setting or demonstrate relevant and appropriate role responsibilities in practice working with students undertaking recordable/registerable programmes of study 5. Have the support of their line manager in order to achieve 360 hours of logged teaching activity 17. Key sources of information about the programme
Fact sheet NMC web site 18. Curriculum Skills Map: core and compulsory modules Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed Core (C), Programme Learning Outcomes Compulsor y (COMP) Knowledge and understanding Module or Option Level Code Module Title (O)
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 MW4102 Preparation of teachers: health and social care LEV professions √ √ √ √ √ EL Core 7 EH4101 Teaching, learning and Compulsory assessment √ √ √ √ √ √
EH4100 Teaching toolkit LEV EL Compulsory √ √ √ √ 7
Core (C), Programme Learning Outcomes Compulso ry (COMP) Subject-specific Skills Module or Option Level Code Module Title (O)
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 MW4102 Preparation of teachers: health and social care LEV professions √ √ √ √ √ √ √ EL Core 7 EH4101 Teaching, learning and Compulsor assessment y √ √ √ √ √ √ EH4100 Teaching toolkit LEV EL Compulsory √ √ √ √ 7
Core (C), Programme Learning Outcomes Compulso ry (COMP) Module or Option Level Code Module Title (O) Thinking Skills
C1 C2 C3 C4 MW4102 Preparation of teachers: health and social care LE professions VE Core √ √ √ √ L 7 EH4101 Teaching, learning and Compulsor assessment y √ √ √ EH4100 Teaching toolkit LE VE Compulsory L 7 √ √ √ Core (C), Programme Learning Outcomes Compulso ry (COMP) Module or Option Other skills relevant to employability and Level Code Module Title (O) personal development
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 MW4102 Preparation of teachers: health and social care LE professions √ √ √ √ √ √ VE Core L 7 EH4101 Teaching, learning and Compulsor assessment y √ √ √ EH4100 Teaching toolkit LE Compulsor VE y √ √ √ √ L 7
Note: Mapping to other external frameworks, e.g. professional/statutory bodies, will be included within Student Course Handbooks