Safety Rules for the Kitchen  for Rule Understanding Tie hair back. Remove jewelry on hands. No dangling sleeves or jewelry. Wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds (sing “Row, row, row” twice). Do not touch hair or face once you’ve begun preparing. Wear gloves over open wounds. Stay present.

When removing a lid from a pot or microwave item, lift the lid AWAY from you so as not to get steam in your face. Do not use kitchen towels to remove items from the oven. Keep pot handles on stove and counters pointed towards the back. NEVER leave a pot on a hot burner with nothing in it. Also Teflon coated pans can give off noxious fumes if heated without anything in them. Arrange oven racks to proper height before turning on oven. Do not reach into a hot oven. Pull rack out part way first. Stand to the side before opening oven door. Clean crumbs from cooled oven to avoid fire next time oven is turned on.

Store flammables away from heat. Keep flammable items (paper products, curtains, etc.) away from stove or other heat sources. Pour SALT or BAKING SODA on a fire on the stovetop or electric skillet. Never throw water on a grease fire. Keep a fire extinguisher close by (type A,B,C). If you have a fire in the oven, microwave or toaster oven, DISCONNECT APPLIANCE & KEEP DOOR CLOSED.

Clean as you go. Clean any spills RIGHT AWAY. Wash knives SEPARATELY. Unplug electrical appliances BEFORE cleaning them. Do not submerge electrical appliances in water. To avoid cross contamination, use separate cutting boards and separate knives for meat and veggies. Wash all surfaces which come into contact with raw meat and eggs. Wash the top of a can before opening it. Use the two-spoon method for tasting. Keep two towels in the kitchen, one for hands and one for dishes. Know the order for dishwashing. Clean all work surfaces with a bleach solution (1 tsp bleach to 3 c water). Use separate cloths for cleaning the counters and the floors. Carefully clean freezers. Check for mould, slime and bad odours or colours when cleaning.

Buy as you need. Rotate your stock, “first in, first out”. Check best-before dates on containers. Do not use if it is expired. Fully cook foods before tasting them or storing them. Thaw frozen food on a plate in the fridge. Refrigerate meat products, dairy products, creamy baked goods and food that has been cooked or opened (see labels).

Read the label BEFORE using any hazardous chemicals. Never transfer chemicals to unmarked containers. Store chemicals away from food. When using knives, never cut towards yourself. Always use sharp objects under control. Keep pets out of kitchen. Keep drawers and doors closed. Store heavy items on lower shelves.