Shark Implementation Check Sheet

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Shark Implementation Check Sheet

Shark Implementation Check Sheet

(Name of CPC)______Note: Each ICCAT requirement must be implemented in a legally binding manner. Just requesting fishermen to implement measures should not be regarded as implementation.

Status of Rec. # Para # Requirement Note implementation

Contracting Parties, Cooperating non- Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Yes or Entities (CPCs) shall annually report No or If "No" or "N/A", explain 04-10 1 Task I and Task II data for catches of N/A (Not the reason. sharks, in accordance with ICCAT data applicable) reporting procedures, including available historical data CPCs shall take the necessary measures If "Yes", explain the details to require that their fishermen fully of the measures, including utilize their entire catches of sharks. Yes or ways to monitor the 2 Full utilization is defined as retention No or compliance. by the fishing vessel of all parts of the N/A If "No" or "N/A", explain shark excepting head, guts and skins, to the reason. the point of first landing (1) CPCs shall require their vessels to If "Yes", explain ways to Yes or not have onboard fins that total more monitor the compliance. No or than 5% of the weight of sharks If "No" or "N/A", explain N/A onboard, up to the first point of landing. the reason. (2) CPCs that currently do not require fins and carcasses to be offloaded If "Yes", explain the details 3 together at the point of first landing of the measures, including Yes or shall take the necessary measures to ways to monitor the No or ensure compliance with the 5% ratio compliance. N/A through certification, monitoring by an If "No" or "N/A", explain observer, or other appropriate the reason. measures Fishing vessels are prohibited from If "Yes", explain ways to Yes or retaining on board, transshipping or monitor the compliance. 5 No or landing any fins harvested in If "No" or "N/A", explain N/A contravention of this Recommendation the reason. Contracting Parties, Cooperating non- Contracting Parties, Entities and Fishing Entities (hereinafter referred to as CPCs), especially those directing fishing activities for sharks, shall submit Task I and II data for sharks, as required by ICCAT data reporting procedures Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 07-06 1 (including estimates of dead discards No or the reason. and size frequencies) in advance of the N/A next SCRS assessment Until such time as sustainable levels of harvest can be determined through If "Yes", explain the details peer reviewed stock assessments by of the measures, including SCRS or other organizations, CPCs shall Yes or ways to monitor the 2 take appropriate measures to reduce No or compliance. fishing mortality in fisheries targeting N/A If "No" or "N/A", explain porbeagle (Lamna nasus) and North the reason. Atlantic shortfin mako sharks (Isurus oxyrinchus) Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities (hereafter referred to as CPCs) shall prohibit, retaining If "Yes", explain ways to onboard, transshipping, landing, Yes or monitor the compliance. 09-07 1 storing, selling, or offering for sale any No or If "No" or "N/A", explain part or whole carcass of bigeye thresher N/A the reason. sharks (Alopias superciliosus) in any fishery with exception of a Mexican small-scale coastal fishery with a catch of less than 110 fish CPCs shall require vessels flying their flag to promptly release unharmed, to Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 the extent practicable, bigeye thresher No or the reason. sharks when brought along side for N/A taking on board the vessel CPCs shall require the collection and submission of Task I and Task II data for Alopias spp other than A. superciliosus in accordance with ICCAT Yes or data reporting requirements. The If "No" or "N/A", explain 4 No or number of discards and releases of A. the reason. N/A superciliosus must be recorded with indication of status (dead or alive) and reported to ICCAT in accordance with ICCAT data reporting requirements CPCs shall include information in their 2012 Annual Reports on actions taken to implement Recommendations 04-10, Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 10-06 1 05-05, and 07-06, in particular the steps No or the reason. taken to improve their Task I and Task N/A II data collection for direct and incidental catches Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities (hereafter referred to If "Yes", explain ways to Yes or as CPCs) shall prohibit retaining monitor the compliance. 10-07 1 No or onboard, transshipping, landing, If "No" or "N/A", explain N/A storing, selling, or offering for sale any the reason. part or whole carcass of oceanic whitetip sharks in any fishery CPCs shall record through their observer programs the number of Yes or discards and releases of oceanic If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 No or whitetip sharks with indication of the reason. N/A status (dead or alive) and report it to ICCAT Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities (hereafter referred to as CPCs) shall prohibit retaining If "Yes", explain ways to onboard, transshipping, landing, Yes or monitor the compliance. 10-08 1 storing, selling, or offering for sale any No or If "No" or "N/A", explain part or whole carcass of hammerhead N/A the reason. sharks of the family Sphyrnidae (except for the Sphyrna tiburo), taken in the Convention area in association with ICCAT fisheries CPCs shall require vessels flying their flag, to promptly release unharmed, to Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 the extent practicable, hammerhead No or the reason. sharks when brought alongside the N/A vessel (1) Hammerhead sharks that are caught by developing coastal CPCs for local consumption are exempted from the measures established in paragraphs 1 Yes or and 2, provided these CPCs submit Task If "No" or "N/A", explain No or I and, if possible, Task II data according the reason. N/A to the reporting procedures established by the SCRS. If it is not possible to provide catch data by species, they shall be provided at least by genus Sphryna. 3 (2) Developing coastal CPCs exempted from this prohibition pursuant to this paragraph should endeavor not to If "Yes", explain the details increase their catches of hammerhead of the measures, including Yes or sharks. Such CPCs shall take necessary ways to monitor the No or measures to ensure that hammerhead compliance. N/A sharks of the family Sphyrnidae (except If "No" or "N/A", explain of Sphyrna tiburo) will not enter the reason. international trade and shall notify the Commission of such measures CPCs shall require that the number of discards and releases of hammerhead Yes or sharks are recorded with indication of If "No" or "N/A", explain 4 No or status (dead or alive) and reported to the reason. N/A ICCAT in accordance with ICCAT data reporting requirements Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities (hereafter referred to as CPCs) shall require fishing vessels flying their flag and operating in ICCAT If "Yes", explain ways to managed fisheries to release all silky Yes or monitor the compliance. 11-08 1 sharks whether dead or alive, and No or If "No" or "N/A", explain prohibit retaining on board, N/A the reason. transshipping, or landing any part or whole carcass of silky shark CPCs shall require vessels flying their flag to promptly release silky sharks unharmed, at the latest before putting the catch into the fish holds, giving due Yes or consideration to the safety of crew If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 No or members. Purse seine vessels engaged the reason. N/A in ICCAT fisheries shall endeavor to take additional measures to increase the survival rate of silky sharks incidentally caught CPCs shall record through their observer programs the number of Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 3 discards and releases of silky sharks No or the reason. with indication of status (dead or alive) N/A and report it to ICCAT (1) Silky sharks that are caught by developing coastal CPCs for local consumption are exempted from the measures established in paragraphs 1 and 2, provided these CPCs submit Task I and, if possible, Task II data according Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain to the reporting procedures established No or the reason. by the SCRS. CPCs that have not N/A reported species-specific shark data shall provide a plan by July 1, 2012, for 4 improving their data collection for sharks on a species specific level for review by the SCRS and Commission. (2) Developing coastal CPCs exempted from the prohibition pursuant to this If "Yes", explain the details paragraph shall not increase their of the measures, including Yes or catches of silky sharks. Such CPCs shall ways to monitor the No or take necessary measures to ensure that compliance. N/A silky sharks will not enter international If "No" or "N/A", explain trade and shall notify the Commission the reason. of such measures The prohibition on retention in paragraph 1 does not apply to CPCs whose domestic law requires that all Applicable or 6 dead fish be landed, that the fishermen N/A cannot draw any commercial profit from such fish and that includes a prohibition against silky shark fisheries CPCs shall include information in their Annual Reports on actions taken to implement their reporting obligations If "Yes", explain the details for all ICCAT fisheries, including shark Yes or of the actions. 11-15 1 species caught in association with No or If "No" or "N/A", explain ICCAT fisheries, in particular the steps N/A the reason. taken to improve their Task I and Task II data collection for direct and incidental catches CPCs shall improve their catch reporting systems to ensure the reporting of shortfin mako catch and Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 14-06 1 effort data to ICCAT in full accordance No or the reason. with the ICCAT requirements for N/A provision of Task I and Task II catch, effort and size data CPCs shall include in their annual reports to ICCAT information on the Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 actions they have taken domestically to No or the reason. monitor catches and to conserve and N/A manage shortfin mako sharks Contracting Parties, and Cooperating non-Contracting Parties, Entities or Fishing Entities (hereafter referred to as CPCs) shall require their vessels to Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 15-06 1 promptly release unharmed, to the No or the reason. extent practicable, porbeagle sharks N/A caught in association with ICCAT fisheries when brought alive alongside for taking on board the vessel. CPCs shall ensure the collection of Task I and Task II data for porbeagle sharks and their submission in accordance with ICCAT data reporting Yes or If "No" or "N/A", explain 2 requirements. Discards and releases of No or the reason. porbeagle sharks shall be recorded with N/A indication of status (dead or alive) and reported to ICCAT in accordance with ICCAT data reporting requirements.

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