University of Alabama at Birmingham Spring Term, 2001 s1

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University of Alabama at Birmingham Spring Term, 2001 s1

UAB Department of Mathematics SYLLABUS (MA 102-QL)

MA 102 – Intermediate Algebra

Semester: Spring 15 Section: QL

Instructor: Laura Stansell Instructor e-mail: [email protected]

Office phone: 934-2154 Office location: CH 495B

Instructor Office Hours: Available upon request. The course instructor will answer student questions by email.

Learning Outcomes:

 Students can solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, can solve absolute value equations and inequalities, and can use interval notation and the real number line for describing solution sets. Students can graph linear equations in two variables, and are able to recognize and use the equation of a straight line in different forms.  Students can use the slope to identify parallel or perpendicular lines, can solve linear systems of two equations algebraically and by graphing lines, and can use linear systems of two equations to solve a variety of verbal problems.  Students can perform arithmetic operations on polynomial expressions, factor polynomials, and solve polynomial equations by factoring. Students know that solving polynomial equations of higher degree is intrinsically difficult.  Students can identify rational expressions and functions and their domains, can multiply, divide, add, and subtract rational expressions, simplify complex fractions, and solve rational equations.  Students know the rules of exponents and can apply them to simplify expressions involving positive and negative rational exponents. Students are able to combine, multiply and divide radical expressions and solve radical equations.  Students are able to solve quadratic equations by factoring, by the square root method, by completing the square, and by using the quadratic formula. Students can interpret square roots of negative numbers as complex numbers and perform arithmetic operations on complex numbers.  Students can create, interpret, and use linear, polynomial, and rational models to solve problems in a variety of application areas.

Course Description: (3 semester hours). Absolute values. Cartesian coordinates. Graphs of equations. Concept of a function. Function notation. Lines. Linear systems. Word problems with linear models. Algebra of polynomials. Factoring of polynomials. Polynomial Division. Algebra of fractional expressions. Literal equations. Rational equations. Word problems with rational models. Integer and rational exponents. Algebra of radical expressions. Radical equations. Complex numbers. Introduction to quadratic functions. Quadratic equations.

1 Communication Through UAB E-Mail - If you need to communicate one-on-one with the Course Instructor, please use the UAB email system ([email protected]). Students may request individual conferences by email. Conferences can be held on campus or via telephone.

The Course Instructor checks email daily (Monday through Friday and most weekends) and will respond within 24 hours.

UAB email: It will be necessary that you establish a BlazerID and a UAB email address. Official course communications will be sent to that address. (They can be forwarded to another email account of your choosing.) Go to for information on establishing your BlazerID. For UAB email account assistance, send an email to [email protected], or call (205)934-3540.

NOTE: All instructor office hours are conducted in the UAB Math Learning Laboratory (MLL), on campus in room 202 Heritage Hall.

NO REGISTRATION is allowed once classes begin.

For Course Syllabi posted prior to the beginning of the term, the Course Instructor reserves the right to make changes prior to or during the term. The Course Instructor will notify students, via e-mail or Canvas Announcement, when changes are made in the requirements and/or grading of the course.

Attendance policy: There are no required meetings for Ma102-QL. However, students are encouraged to come to the Math Learning Lab in HHB202 for tutoring. The Midterm and Final Exams will be taken on the student’s personal computer using ProctorU services. (See additional information in this syllabus regarding ProctorU).

Students are expected to follow all policies found in the UAB Student Code of Conduct when completing assignments and taking tests. Violation of these policies will result in a grade of F.

Prerequisite. “C” or better in MA 096, Ma 097, or MA 098. Or, beginning freshmen meet Math Screening requirements (see ACT Math Subscore/GPA Grid in the latest on-line UAB Class Schedule). Transfer students must have an appropriate score on the Advanced Screening Test in order to be eligible for MA 102.

Please Note: In this version of MA 102, the student does not have instructor-led lectures to assist in learning the course material. The course is designed primarily for working students whose schedule does not permit them to attend a lecture session, and for students who live a considerable distance from the campus. Students who are generally weaker in mathematics, or who feel the need for more instructor contact, should not take this version of the course.

Course Structure: This course is primarily computer-based. All homework assignments and quizzes are on-line and can be completed either on your own computer or using one of the computers in the UAB Math Learning Lab (MLL) anytime before the scheduled deadline. The MLL is on campus in room 202 of Heritage Hall. The Midterm Exams and Final Exam are also done on the computer, but they must be taken using ProctorU, a remote proctoring service. In order to receive credit for homework and quizzes, the work must be done on or in advance of course deadline dates. See the course schedule for the course deadline dates. Students are STRONGLY advised to complete

2 assignments BEFORE deadline dates. Computer problems, Internet problems, and student personal problems are not accepted as excuses for missing deadline dates.

Materials: Intermediate Algebra MA 102 package, which includes a UAB Math 102 Student Workbook, Third Custom Edition by Elena Kravchuk, Pearson/Prentice Hall, and MyMathLabPlus ACCESS CODE, is required. You must purchase a course ACCESS CODE unless you are repeating the course and the same online textbook is being used


The Course Syllabus and Schedule serve as a Contract by which the student must comply. An excuse of “not knowing” information covered in these documents is not an acceptable excuse for making mistakes in this class.

• Students are required to complete weekly assignments and learning activities by the deadline. All deadlines are based on Central Time. There are NO EXTENSIONS of DEADLINES.

• Students are expected to submit all individually written Problems to the Course Instructor in Canvas per the due dates and in their respective locations (under the current module). Problems are NOT accepted in e-mail.

• Students are expected to submit all Homework, Quizzes, and Tests in MyMathLabPlus by the due dates.

• Students are expected to check their UAB e-mail daily and respond within 48 hours to instructor emails. Regular communication via e-mail with the Course Instructor is expected.

• All students are required to obtain and use the UAB email address that is automatically assigned to them as UAB students. All official correspondence will be sent ONLY to the email address.

• All students are responsible for ensuring that the correct UAB e-mail address is listed in Canvas by the end of the first week of class as well as to ensure that their UAB e-mail account is in proper working order during the entire time they are enrolled at UAB. Email is the only way the Course Instructor can, at least initially, communicate with students. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure a valid e- mail address is provided. Failure on the student’s part to do so can result in the student missing important information that could affect his grade. Students are responsible for the information that is sent to their UAB e-mail account. The Course Instructor will not accept e-mails sent from e-mails accounts other than UAB.

• Students are expected to follow the instructions for each assignment. Instructions for each assignment can be found under the current Module in Canvas. A deduction in points will be applied to submitted assignments which do not comply with the instructions.

• Students are expected to devote an average of 8 to 12 hours per week to the assignments.

• Students are expected to have a back-up plan in the event their computer has operational problems, there is loss of electricity, or there is loss of Internet access. These are not excuses for late or incomplete submission of assignments, nor are they acceptable reasons for an assignment deadline extension. 3 UAB’s MLL, most public libraries, school libraries, university libraries, etc. have computers with Internet access and are available for use by the public.

• Students are expected to submit complete problems into Canvas under the appropriate Module button before the deadline. Once a problem is submitted, it will be graded as is. Therefore, students are expected to triple-check their work before submitting it. Canvas will not allow a student to return to a Problem once it is submitted. Therefore, the student must submit only completed problems.

• Students are expected to participate in this course by following the Course Syllabus, Class Schedule, and any additional information provided by the Course Instructor.

• Students are expected to remain in regular contact with the Course Instructor via Canvas and UAB e- mail as well as through participation in the Discussion Board and submission of assignments. The Course Instructor will communicate via UAB e-mail or using an announcement in Canvas.

• Students are expected to use the UAB e-mail for one-on-one instructor-student conferencing. If a student has a question about a particular problem from MyMathLabPlus (homework or quiz), then he should use the Ask My Instructor link to email the instructor.

• Students are expected to review their grades on the module problems and discussions and review the comments on these graded assignments in Canvas. The Course Instructor does not use e-mail to communicate grades or comments about graded assignments. Assignments are usually graded within one week of the deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to review grades one week after the deadline and e-mail the Course Instructor within the same time period if a grade is not showing.

• Students in this class will be expected to:

Speak and write Standard English. Work cooperatively with others. Possess independent reading and study skills at the university level. Possess basic computer skills. Possess the appropriate computer software and hardware necessary for successful participation in the class.

• Because instructional materials on the course website may be copyrighted, students may not download materials on the site to their desktops, laptops, or PDAs, or alter or distribute any materials on the course site, unless clearly directed to do so.

The Math Learning Lab (MLL) in 202 Heritage Hall is available for student use Monday through Friday. Students in this course may use the computers to complete assignments, and they may get assistance from math tutors. Tutors will not solve all of your problems or sit with you for extended periods of time, but they will help guide you so that you can complete your work independently. No appointment is necessary. The hours of operation are Monday through Thursday 9:00am to 7:00pm, and Fridays 9:00am to 2:00pm. Limited hours are available during final exams. The MLL is closed during all holidays and breaks. Go to the math department website and click on Student Resources tab for details (


4 UAB Department of Mathematics (see Student Resources):

ONLINE COURSES AT THE UAB COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES - This online course at the UAB College of Arts and Sciences utilizes Canvas. In every online course, students should read all information presented in the Canvas course site and should check for updates at least every 24 hours.

Canvas SITE MAP FOR MA 102

HOME- This is the entry point for your Canvas course. You will be able to see links to all modules here.

SYLLABUS, SCHEDULE, & COURSE INFORMATION - The following information can be found here: Instructor information, Syllabus, Schedule and Additional Assignment Information, Rubric for MA 102 Group Problems, Groups Rules, and ProctorU testing information.

MODULES – Your course will be divided into 13 modules. You will be able to access the current week’s assignments by clicking on the current module in Canvas.

GRADES – You will be able to view grades for your weekly discussion and problem here. NOTE: Grades for homework, quizzes, and tests, as well as your overall grade, must be viewed in the UAB grade database (log in to MyMathLabPlus and click on the CHECK YOUR GRADE link to view all grades).

PROBLEMS/Group Discussions (found in the current Module in Canvas) – There are 13 weekly problems. Each week students are required to participate in a Group Discussion (according to the Group Discussion Rules posted on Canvas) to solve a problem. Then they must submit their solutions as individual papers in Canvas by the deadline (see Course Schedule). Students can earn up to 8 points on each individually submitted Problem and 0 or 7 participation points on each Group Discussion for a total of 15 points. Students will earn either 0 points or 7 points for the group discussion, as students are expected to participate fully in the group learning process. No partial credit is given for the group discussion. However, partial credit may be given for the individual paper submitted (see the Rubric for Ma098 problems for details).

Students will be randomly assigned to different groups each week. To earn full credit for a Group Discussion, students must go to the current module in Canvas and participate in the Group Discussion in a meaningful way on two different days with a minimum of three meaningful posts. Meaningful posts include ideas and questions that are specific to the Problem. No credit for short or one word posts. The Group Discussion will only be available as shown on the Course Schedule, and participation on two days is REQUIRED. Groups must meet in Canvas Groups to receive Group Discussion credit. If a group needs assistance or clarification on a problem, they should ask the instructor to join the discussion. At the beginning of the current module time period, students must READ the Problem and work on it before participating in the Group Discussion. Students can only earn the points for the Problems if their individual papers are submitted by the deadline in the proper location (Click on the current module in Canvas). Problems CANNOT be sent by email. There are no extensions or make ups for missed Problems or Discussions. Students should NOT wait until the deadline to submit their papers because they run the risk of running out of time or having technical problems. NO late submissions are allowed.

5 This assignment gives students an opportunity to work together to improve their quantitative reasoning ability and conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas.

• HOMEWORK - There are 13 homework assignments. Homework is completed and submitted in MyMathLabPlus. Each HW is worth 6 points. When the homework is submitted or closed in MyMathLabPlus, a score and percentage is given. The UAB score (out of 6 pts) for the homework can be found online at or by clicking on “Check Your Grade” in MyMathLabPlus. An unlimited number of attempts can be made on each homework problem before the deadline, so students should be able to earn 100% on all homework. If a problem is marked with a red X as incorrect, then the student can click on Similar Exercise at the bottom of the page and work another problem correctly for full credit (before the deadline). Students can go in and out of the homework as many times as they like before the deadline (all of the work is automatically saved). Students earn points for homework completed on or before the due date. After the due date, students can review homework assignments and work similar exercises, but they cannot change their score. All homework is available at the beginning of the term, so students may work ahead as much as they like. There are no extensions or make ups for missed homework because the work can and SHOULD BE completed IN ADVANCE of the deadlines.

Weekly Reading Assignments: For each homework and quiz set, students should read the corresponding lesson from the Ma102 Student Workbook. For example, for Homework 8 and Quiz 8, students should read Lesson #8 from the workbook BEFORE beginning work on Homework 8 and Quiz 8. Students should read each week’s lesson before beginning the corresponding homework and quiz set for that week.

Weekly Video Lectures: For each homework assignment, students should watch a set of prerequisite video lectures for that homework assignment. The video lectures are media assignments that you will find listed on MyMathLabPlus. You may watch these video lectures on your personal computer. You should not begin a homework assignment until you have opened the prerequisite video lectures that go with that particular homework assignment.

• QUIZZES - There are 13 quizzes. Quizzes are completed and submitted in MyMathLabPlus. Each quiz is worth 6 points. Once the quiz is submitted in MyMathLabPlus, it is scored and a percentage is given. The UAB score (out of 6 pts) for the quiz can be found online at or by clicking on “Check Your Grade” in MyMathLabPlus. Students take the quizzes on their own schedule, but they can only earn the quiz points if the quiz is taken on or before the due date. Students must complete the quizzes BY THEMSEVLES without any assistance from another person, but they may use their textbook and notes. The quizzes are timed, and they must be taken in one sitting within 30 minutes. Students cannot exit the quiz or that will count as one of their attempts. Each quiz can be taken a maximum of two times. The higher grade attained will count. All quizzes are available at the beginning of the term, so students may work ahead as much as they like. There are no extensions or make ups for missed quizzes because the work can and SHOULD BE completed IN ADVANCE of the deadlines.

• TESTS - There is a Midterm Exam and a Final Exam. Tests are completed and submitted in MyMathLabPlus. Each test is worth 325 points. Once the test is submitted in MyMathLabPlus, it is scored and a percentage is given. The UAB score (out of 325 pts) for the test can be found online at or by clicking on “Check Your Grade” in MyMathLabPlus. Students must take the tests during the scheduled dates and times under supervised remote proctoring as described in this syllabus. All tests have a 100 minute time limit and must be taken in one sitting. 6 Students must use the MyMathLabPlus calculator or their computer (Windows/Safari) scientific calculator during testing. NO personal calculators are allowed. Students may use scratch paper during a test, but no credit is given for work done on the scratch paper. One or more photo IDs will be required for testing.

Practice Tests are available in MyMathLabPlus. The Practice Tests do not count towards a student’s grade, but they are recommended as a way to help them prepare for their tests. Students may take the practice tests as many times as they like.

Tests: There are two Midterm Exams and the comprehensive Final Exam to be taken. Exams will be taken using ProctorU, the remote proctoring option. All tests are timed. Midterm Exams are 100 minutes long, and the Final Exam is 120 minutes long. Students are required to have a government issued photo ID during testing (UAB student ID, driver’s license, etc).


Taking Tests:

Students will take the course tests using remote proctoring services through ProctorU. You will find the information regarding ProctorU on Canvas (and I have emailed you this information). Please read the ProctorU handout information carefully. Students are responsible for the additional costs involved with this option and are responsible for the technical requirements needed for this option. The deadline for each test is listed under below. Do not wait until the test due date to schedule your test. If you choose to wait until the due date to take your test, you are assuming the risk that some situation may prevent you from taking your test. Power outages, technical issues, and student personal problems are not acceptable reasons for missing a test deadline.

Midterm Exam #1: Friday, 2/20, DEADLINE TO COMPLETE TEST IS NOON Midterm Exam #2: Friday, 4/17, DEADLINE TO COMPLETE TEST IS NOON Final Exam: Wednesday, 4/22 , DEADLINE TO COMPLETE TEST IS NOON

Access for a Course in MyMathLabPlus

All Homework, Quizzes, and Tests for this course are available in MyMathLab Plus. A MyMathLab Plus account has already been established for you and must be activated. Log in to BlazerNet and click on the MyMathLab Plus link. To gain access to your course assignments, you must purchase a MyMathLab Plus access code. **Please note that there will be NO EXTENSIONS for missed homework, quiz, or test deadlines due to failure to purchase access to your online materials.

If you have any questions regarding your MyMathLabPlus account or access to your account, email your course instructor or you may stop by the Math Learning Lab in HHB202. 7 Temporary access to use MyMathLabPlus is a courtesy of the textbook company and is only available for the first week of your course. After that time, you will not be able to access your course materials until you enter a MyMathLab Plus access code (part of your required materials). You must purchase a MyMathLab Plus access code from a bookstore or online from Pearson. Once your temporary access expires, you will be prompted to enter your access code.

NO EXTENSIONS of DEADLINES are given for failure to purchase an access code.

Students can work on their homework, take quizzes, obtain tutoring assistance, and listen to course video lectures in the MLL. (To watch and listen to computer video lectures, students can bring their own headsets or can check out a headset from the MLL.)

Calculator policy. Scientific calculators may be used for homework and quizzes. Students may not use personal calculators during testing. You must use the on-screen calculator available on the computer you use for testing. It would be to your advantage if you familiarized yourself with the use of the on-screen calculator before you take a test.

Course Grades: Students earn their grade in the course by accumulating points. There is a maximum of 1001 points available. Student letter grades are awarded as follows. Students can go to to review the status of their grades in the course. Note that grades are awarded by points earned, not by percentages.

Make-up policy: There is no appeal for missed homework or quiz deadlines. If a major test deadline is missed due to a serious, verifiable circumstance, the student may submit an Appeal Form (available in the Math Department Office in room 452 of Campbell Hall) to the Math Department Appeals Committee. The completed Appeal Form, along with supporting documentation attached, may be

8 submitted to Room 452 of Campbell Hall. The Appeal Form with supporting documents attached must be received no later than one week after the missed deadline. The appeal will be reviewed by the Director, the course instructor, the course coordinator and the Supervisor of the MLL. The student will receive a prompt reply as to the adjudication of the appeal but should continue working in the course.

Course Completion: The course is complete once the student takes the Final Exam. No other points may be earned after the Final Exam has been taken.

Cell Phones. Student cell phones must be TURNED OFF and PUT AWAY during ALL testing sessions.

Disability Support Services (DSS). DSS offers special accommodations to students who qualify. The UAB DSS office is located in the 9th Avenue Office Building, telephone: 934-4205, e-mail: [email protected]. Students who have a DSS-approved accommodation for extended test times will take quizzes and tests that have a longer time duration. See your instructor for further information.

Withdrawal: The last day for withdrawing from this course without the payment of full tuition and fees is January 12, 2015. The last day to withdraw from this course with a grade of W is March 30, 2015. Students withdraw from a course by completing the appropriate paperwork in the UAB Registrar’s Office in the Hill University Center. The signature of the instructor is not required.


Note: If you choose to wait until the due date to take or schedule your test, you are assuming the risk that some situation may prevent you from taking your test. Power outages, technical issues, and student personal problems are not acceptable reasons for missing a test deadline. Schedule and take your test in advance of the deadline date!

Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri 1/5 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 Problem 1 Open 1/12 1/13 1/14 1/15 1/16 Problem 1 Due HW 1; Quiz 1 due 1/19 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/23 Problem 2 Open Problem 2 Due HW 2; Quiz 2 due 1/26 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/30 Problem 3 Open Problem 3 Due HW 3; Quiz 3 due 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/5 2/6 Problem 4 Open Problem 4 Due HW 4; Quiz 4 due 2/9 2/10 2/11 2/12 2/13 Problem 5 Open Problem 5 Due HW 5; Quiz 5 due 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 2/20 MIDTERM #1

9 Problem 6 Open Problem 6 Due HW 6; Quiz 6 due COMPLETE BY NOON 2/23 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 Problem 7 Open Problem 7 Due HW 7; Quiz 7 due 3/2 3/3 3/4 3/5 3/6 Problem 8 Open Problem 8 Due HW 8; Quiz 8 due 3/9 3/10 3/11 3/12 3/13 Problem 9 Open Problem 9 Due HW 9; Quiz 9 due 3/16 3/17 3/18 3/19 3/20 Problem 10 Open Problem 10 Due HW 10; Quiz 10 due 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK 3/30 3/31 4/1 4/2 4/3 Problem 11 Open Problem 11 Due HW 11; Quiz 11 due 4/6 4/7 4/8 4/9 4/10 Problem 12 Open Problem 12 Due HW 12; Quiz 12 due 4/13 4/14 4/15 4/16 4/17 MIDTERM #2 Problem 13 Open Problem 13 Due HW 13; Quiz 13 due COMPLETE BY NOON 4/20 4/21 4/22 FINAL EXAM 4/23 4/24 COMPLETE BY NOON


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