IT Prioritization Committee Membership 2017 - 2018 IT Executive Assistant Vice Chancellor for IT/CIO (Chair) Tony Hayes Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services or permanent designee Todd Carothers Provost & Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs or permanent designee Joanne Wilson Chair, Administrative Systems Committee (Two-year appointment) Julie Hewitt Chair, Educational Technology Committee (Two-year appointment) Lisa Landgraf Chair, Infrastructure Committee (Two-year appointment) Mike Sherer Project Management Office (Support) Tadra Mack

Administrative Systems Committee A representative appointed from the following areas: Administrative Services Division Cathy Riedl-Farrey Provost’s Division Les Hollingsworth Academic and Student Affairs Dave Kieckhafer Admissions/Financial Aid Adam Hess University Advancement Julie Matuszak An academic representative appointed by Provost or the Faculty Senate Eugene Tesdahl Alternate Delivery Systems representative (technology focused) Julie Hewitt Assistant Vice Chancellor for IT/CIO or designee Tony Hayes Project Management Office (Support) Tadra Mack

Educational Technology Committee Faculty Member, BILSA – chosen from AITC membership Vacant Faculty Member, LA&E - chosen from AITC membership Vacant Faculty Member, EMS - chosen from AITC membership John Goomey Provost’s appointee Lisa Landgraf Media Technology Services representative Colleen Garrity Teaching and Technology Center Director or permanent designee Regina Nelson Student Representative (STAC) Hannah Muehlenkamp Assistant Vice Chancellor for IT/CIO Tony Hayes Services for Students with Disabilities Brenda Sunderdance Project Management Office (Support) Tadra Mack

Infrastructure Committee Provost-appointed academic representative Yan Shi Alternate Delivery Systems representative (technology focused) David Schmitt Student Technology Focused representative Josh Savoy Media Technology Services representative Tim Zasada Deputy CIO Mike Sherer Information Technology Services representatives (1-3) Tony Hayes Library John Musselman Project Management Office (Support) Tadra Mack