Wolverhampton Local Medical Committee For queries, comments, observations and views regarding the contents of the Newsletter, feel free to contact LMC Officers. NEWSLETTER 2007 Issue

Chairman: Dr S V Sharma Vice-Chairman: Dr P K Ghosh Medical Secretary: NEWSLETTER Dr G R Mahay Treasurer: Dr S Vij June 2017 Issue 135

Chairman: Dr B Mehta Treasurer: Dr A Saini

Vice Chair: Dr S Vij Medical Secretary: Dr G R Mahay

To ensure this Newsletter continues to reach all Practitioners please let us know any changes to your email address to [email protected] Bowel Cancer Screening Presentation Dr Manny Samra delivered a short presentation on Bowel Cancer Screening and to seek the view of LMC for the idea of GP surgery name being detailed on local Bowel Screening letters to patients. The programme commenced in 2015/16 inviting 60-69 age group, where the uptake was 48% and 52% for patients over 70 years of age. Patients can be cured with early intervention. The national programme invites people from the age of 60 who receive an initial letter followed by a kit two weeks later. The kit includes a leaflet which explains how to complete the process, which was briefly outlined by Dr Samra. Pilots in other areas have shown there is a 10% increase in uptake when details of GP surgery are shown on the first letter of invitation. Dr Samra tabled a document from The Hub who is currently requesting permission from all GP practices within the Midlands the option to have preferred GP name and code in supporting the increase of uptake for participation for bowel cancer screening. LMC raised a few concerns regarding; increase in workload, whether ‘Please do not contact your GP’ could be added and if a practice could have their details removed at a later stage. Dr Samra agreed to raise concerns with The Hub and return to LMC with findings. It was also suggested to hold awareness session at Team W for practice staff.

Chair gave thanks to Dr Samra for the Bowel Cancer Screening presentation. Clinical Letter Template There has been no further development on this issue as scheduled meeting with RWT has been deferred, however, this will be raised with the WCCG Contracting Team. NHSE rent reimbursement – Room abatement Correspondence from Kerry Biggs NHSE detailing exclusions is attached with LMC Newsletter for information. Mental Health Service Referrals WCCG continue to work on developing a pathway and will keep LMC informed of its progress. Minor Ailments WCCG confirmed this service is to be reintroduced for over 16s from September 2017. DNAR Forms LMC confirmed DNAR forms are available from WMAS at a cost of £5/pad. WCCG agreed to seek why GPs should have to pay for a statutory form? Passport Application Please find attached document – Who can Countersign a Passport Application? This confirms that GPs are no longer able to countersign. For queries, comments, observations and views regarding the contents of the Newsletter, feel free to contact LMC Officers. Pharmacy Update Jeff Blankley informed members of the Pharmacy Needs Assessment (PNA) document which is under 60 day consultation period and invited LMC to make comment. The details of services provided by pharmacies is updated every three years by this process. Respiratory prescribing for Titrophium has changed and a new device is available. LPC has concerns on how best to present misuse issues with software provider for Shared Care. Chair suggests LPC to contact David Birch. WCCG Update GPFV – Training sessions were inundated with Wolverhampton applicants and good attendance was noted. Rules of engagement to be enforced to avoid future multiple bookings and high DNA rates. - Practice Manager training is up and running, NHSE has more funding and also investing in Aspiring Practice Manager Course for October 2017. Time for Care – Showcase being held on 20 July 2017 at Copthorne Hotel, Merry Hill, presentations include On-line Consultations, Social Prescribing, document management & appointment systems. Please book using link: https://timeforcare.eventbrite.co.uk Resilience Funds – Practices are reminded to submit a bid in order to apply. Please contact Sarah Southall on or before 14 July 2017. Clinical Pharmacist – Practices to submit bids to WCCG. Wolverhampton Information Network – Directory of Services up and running. Workforce – Training places for this Region are not as high as expected. Examples of Best Practice – Improving access standard to be ready by April 2018. Primary Care Counselling Service – The six month pilot is now up and running. Funds secured for extension to the end of the financial year, evaluations to take place every quarter. Enhanced Services – COPD and Asthma to be extended to end July 2017 and recosted thereafter. Peer Review – Awareness that NHSE are advocate on a proactive basis, checks weekly from September. Other Service Development – Home Visiting Service proposal is currently being discussed for a pilot for six months, the intention is for the service to be rolled out across the City. National Choice – Improvement team to develop a choice dash board and showcase self-assessment tool. Presentations to be delivered at Practice Manager Forum and TeamW events. Passport Application Please find attached document – Who can Countersign a Passport Application? This confirms that GPs are no longer able to countersign. General Practice Infection Control Standards There is to be a review of general practice infection control standards and a pilot being rolled out over the next twelve months. Next Meeting of LMC Next Meeting of LMC is Tuesday 25 July 2017 at 6.30pm for 7.00pm with hot buffet served beforehand. All GPs are welcome to attend for all or part of the meeting. Please inform LMC office in advance if you wish to attend. Dr Gurmit Mahay Medical Secretary

Chairman: Dr B Mehta Medical Secretary: Dr G R Mahay Surgery: 01902 496065 Surgery: 01902 731195 Fax: 01902 496384 Fax: 01902 656466 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Vice Chair: Dr S Vij Lay Secretary: Cynthia Stanton Surgery: 01902 421679 Telephone: 01902 695321 Fax: 01902 445407 Fax: 01902 695329 email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

Treasurer: Dr A Saini Surgery: 01902 496065 Fax: 01902 496384 email: [email protected]