Below Is a Suggested List of Activities to Address Your Road Safety Themes

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Below Is a Suggested List of Activities to Address Your Road Safety Themes

Ministry of Transportation

2016 Participant’s Package



PART THRE Overview 2

New for 2016 2

Priority Themes 2


How to Participate 3 OVERVIEW NEW FOR 2016

The goal of the 2016 Road Safety The RSC will emphasize the priorities Challenge (RSC) is to engage the contained in The Making Ontario’s participation of road safety groups and Roads Safer Act. The priority themes DEVELOPMENT community members to work together to are: make Ontario's roads safer. Distracted Driving Now in its 19th year, the 2016 RSCSuggested is Activities  4 BAC KGR sponsored by the Ministry of Impaired Driving by Drugs or Promotion  5 OUN Transportation (MTO) and remains a Alcohol community-driven event. This year’sRegional Planners 6 RSC begins on Wednesday, May 11,  Pedestrian Safety BAC KGR 2016 and continues until Sunday, June  Cycling Safety 12, 2016. OUN  Slow Down, Move Over for The Challenge raises awareness of road Tow Trucks safety issues at the local level throughFORMS special activities that address local and Challenge teams may apply to receive provincial concerns. Communities are funding for a maximum of two themes. challenged to help reduce collision- Please see the details on the next related deaths and injuries. Registration Form page. 7-9 D P

The RSC provides an opportunityLetter for of AgreementHeightened awareness 10-11 of road safety public agencies to form partnerships and issues and fewer collision-related Submission Checklist 12 alliances with community groups and the injuries and deaths, have contributed D P private sector to raise awarenessFinal of road Report Form to making Ontario’s 13-14 roads among the safety issues. In many cases, it lays the safest in North America. However, our groundwork to continue this working work is not done. relationship throughout the year. For assistance with completing the application form and for the logos in this package you may contact your Regional Planner.


Challenge teams approved for support Challenge team’s that have not will receive: submitted a Final Report and financial statement from previous 1. Funding Road Safety Challenges will not be eligible to apply for this year’s Challenge teams may receive funding Challenge. for a maximum of two road safety themes. At least one theme must be Registrations must be received by selected from the priority list. A the Road Safety Marketing Office no second theme may also be selected later than Friday March 18 , 2016 from the priority themes or be a locally identified road safety issue. Applications must include a preliminary event plan outlining how the Challenge Based on project needs and proposed team's events, campaigns and initiatives activities, Challenge teams will select will address the selected road safety one of the three following funding levels themes. per theme/issue: MTO’s RSC logo must be on all printed $500  materials prepared by the Challenge  $750 team. Printed materials with the Challenge logo must be approved by  $1,000 your Regional Planner.

The Challenge is subject to available MTO funding cannot be used for funding and preference will be given to refreshments, food or prizes. applicants that focus their efforts on the priority themes. One copy of the Final Report form (page 14) and a financial statement must be 2. Public education materials sent to your Regional Planner no later Available from your Regional Planner than August 12, 2016. Future RSC upon request. applications from your Challenge team will not be considered if this year’s Final HOW TO PARTICIPATE Report and financial statement are not received. Each application must be completed in full and submitted to your Regional Planner. All applications will be evaluated based on merit and the criteria/guidelines outlined in this package (See pages 3 to 6 and Registration Forms pages 7 to 9)


Below is a suggested list of activities to address your road safety themes. Create an activity that focuses on at least one of the five road safety priority themes and you may also choose a second activity, which address either a priority or optional theme. Information regarding the implementation of these proposed activities can be obtained from your Regional Planner:

 Anti-street racing event  Kiss ‘n Ride  BAC demo with breath technician*  Media challenge day  Bicycle safety rodeo or skills  Memorial campaign challenge*  Mock collision*  Choose Your Ride*  Pedestrian safety walk* DEV  Colouring contest  Pedestrian “Do the BRIGHT ELO  Construction zone safety display Thing!”* PME  Courtesy Is Contagious  Rural road safety (farm vehicles)  Distracted driving video game  Safety Fair challenge*  Seatbelt Deputy program  Safe Driving challenge  Seniors/mature driving seminar  Escalating sanctions awareness  Speed Watch events, articles & materials*  Speed feedback demo with radar  Essay Contest  Truck awareness day  Establish or re-launch programs  Ultimate Mix* such as Operation Lookout,  Media campaigns* Campaign 911 or Road Watch*  Presentations to elementary or  First Rider programs secondary school students* NT  Food trayliners and placemats with  Billboard campaigns* road safety messaging*  Distracted driving activities for  Impaired goggle demo* secondary school students and  Intersection safety youth**  Intoxiclock demonstration*  Do the Bright Thing pedestrian safety campaign*  Off-Road Vehicle Safety

*Could be used to promote a 2016 RSC priority theme. ** Please contact your Regional Planner to receive a copy of the Take Action Against Distractions information and resource kit.


Raise awareness of the Challenge in your community by using some of the communication tools listed below that can be combined to promote your activities. Your Regional Planner can help you develop these ideas further for use in your community. PRINT OTHER  Letters or memos to media,  Bulletin boards in community businesses and service clubs. centres, libraries and businesses  Fact sheets on road safety  Signs - mobile and outdoor issues  Presentations to service clubs,  Newsletters (community and schools and businesses DEV business)  Tours of hospital trauma rooms ELO  Posters or rehabilitation centres PME  Information cards inserted into  Exhibits/displays in malls and utility bills building lobbies  Special events to launch the ELECTRONIC Challenge or highlight a specific  Social Media – campaigns may issue such as impaired driving include promotion through  Testimonials from crash Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, survivors blogs, etc  Coordinate your efforts with a  Enlist local companies to post neighbouring community messages on their internet and focusing on the same issue to intranet sites about Challenge generate greater impact in both NT activities taking place communities throughout your campaign

MEDIA  Media advisories about upcoming events  News releases about the Challenge and the road safety activities DEV  Media interviews with local ELO experts about crash statistics PME and legislative requirements  Media event to highlight Challenge activities  Public service announcements on local road safety priorities

NT Regional Planners

The MTO has six Regional Planners ready to assist you with applying and participating in the RSC. Please call the one nearest you for advice, assistance and resource suggestions.

Northwestern Region Central Region (North) Tom Marinis Natalie Zeitoun Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation 615 South James Street Rm. 212, Bldg A Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6P6 1201 Wilson Avenue (807) 473-2198 Downsview ON M3M 1J8 Fax: (807) 473-2133 (416) 235-4866 [email protected] Fax: (416) 235-5129 [email protected]

Northern Region Central Region (South) Todd Fullerton Lisa Thompson Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation 447 McKeown Avenue, Suite 301 Rm. 212, Bldg A North Bay, ON PIB 9S9 1201 Wilson Avenue (705) 497-5453 Downsview ON M3M 1J8 Fax: (705) 497-6886 (416) 235-5364 [email protected] Fax: (416) 235-5129 [email protected]

Southwestern Region Eastern Region Sean Wraight Melanie Trottier Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Transportation 659 Exeter Road 1355 John Counter Boulevard London, ON N6E lL3 Kingston, ON, K7L5A3 (519) 873-4420 (613) 545-4608 Fax: (519) 873-4332 Fax: (613) 540-5140 [email protected] [email protected]

7 Registration Form

This application must be completed in full along with a completed Letter of Agreement and preliminary events plan. Applications must be submitted to your Regional Planner no later than March 18, 2016. Funding is limited.

Please complete your application and return it in a timely manner.

Challenge Team Committee

Name of applicant (must be a non-profit legal entity): Name of individual (only if the applicant is not a legal entity): Name of road safety team involved: MTO Regional Planner: Name of municipality: How long has the team been in existence? List your team’s organizations:

Contact Information

Name: Address: Position: Phone: Fax: Email: If approved – make cheque payable to: Mail cheque to:

Police Representative

Name: Address: Phone: Fax: Email:

8 Proposed plan of events for your campaign

Your Road Safety Challenge Team must submit a brief outline of its planned events’ schedule and how it proposes to use the funding in support of its events. While additional police or MTO enforcement would strongly support road safety priorities, enforcement alone does not qualify as an event. It must be supplemented by public education activities in which road safety themes have been selected for the 2016 Road Safety Challenge (attach an additional form if necessary).

All applications received on or before March 18, 2016 will be evaluated based on their relative merits and available funding. Submissions should be brief, but clearly outline why each theme you are applying for is an issue within your community, demonstrate the feasibility of your proposed activities/events and indicate how each theme will be evaluated.

Your team must also identify how the funding requested will be used to support its events.

Consideration will also be given to accommodate participation by communities of varying sizes and from all regions of the province.

Theme 1 – priority required: ______

1. Why is this theme important to your community?

2. Proposed Events:

3. Requested funding amount based on your proposed events and activities (please check one):

$500 $750 $1,000

9 4. Identify how the requested funding will be used to support your events.

5. How will you evaluate the activities related to these events?

Registration Form

Theme 2 – choice of priority or optional theme: ______

1. Why is this theme important to your community?

2. Proposed Events:

3. Requested funding amount based on your proposed events and activities (please check one):

$500 $750 $1,000

4. Identify how the requested funding will be used to support your events.

5. How will you evaluate the activities related to these events?

10 Letter of Agreement

This Letter of Agreement is in response to the recipient’s application for funding under the 2016 Road Safety Challenge (RSC) to assist the recipient in carrying out the activities described on the registration form the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) received from the recipient.

Funding from the MTO to the recipient under the RSC will be provided in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Letter of Agreement.

Subject to approval of your application by the MTO, this confirms that ______will receive funding from the Road Safety Marketing Office to assist with its RSC activities. The amount of the funding will be determined by the applicant’s request and its proposed activities in support of its projects.

Terms and Conditions

An applicant applying for funding in support of its RSC activities must, at a minimum, and through either sponsorship or in-kind contributions, match the amount of funding the MTO may provide. Matching funds means funds contributed towards RSC activities which can include cash or in-kind contributions.

A recipient receiving RSC funds must keep and maintain for a period of seven years, separate records and documentation, including invoices and other financial documents, relating to the funds. The records and documentation must be kept and maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Records containing confidential information must be kept and maintained in accordance with all applicable legislation.

The MTO and its authorized representatives or an independent auditor identified by the Province may, at its sole discretion, inspect, audit or investigate any records (including financial) and/or documentation of a recipient receiving RSC funds, including financial records, related to the RSC activities. The recipient will be expected to provide the Ministry, its authorized representatives and auditor with any information, including the form for providing it, reasonably requested by these individuals.

A recipient will be responsible for their insurance and should carry all the necessary and appropriate insurance. The recipient will not be covered by the Province of Ontario’s insurance program and no protection will be afforded to the recipient by the Government of Ontario for any claims that may arise out of RSC activities and related agreement.

The funds must be used solely for the purposes of promoting RSC activities. Funding cannot be used for salaries and wages, capital expenditure, academic research, law enforcement, prizes, food and refreshments or travel outside of Ontario.

All organizations must submit a Final Report together with a financial statement that indicates source and application of funds to their Regional Planner no later than August 12, 2016.

If you are in agreement with all terms and conditions listed in the Letter of Agreement, please sign it and return it along with your application.

Name of Authorized Signing Officer for the non-profit legal entity, or individual applying for funding and ensuring, if approved, the project is carried out:

11 Title: ______

Please Print - Name of non-profit legal entity: ______

______Authorized Signature Date

12 Submission Checklist

Have you included the following?

Please double click checkbox to confirm

DEADLINE Application: March 18, 2016

E-Mail or Fax the following documents to your Regional Planner:

Registration Form, including: . Road safety themes . Requested funding amounts . Preliminary event plan(s) FOR MS Letter of Agreement that has been signed and dated by the applicant

DEADLINE Final Report: AUGUST 12, 2016

ALL Road Safety Challenge Participants:

E-Mail or mail one (1) signed hard copy of the Final Report and financial statement to your Regional Planner. Failure to submit these documents will disqualify the applicant and Challenge team from future funding.


13 FINAL REPORT FORM – 2016 Road Safety Challenge


You may use as many pages as necessary.

Applicant: Theme/s:

Road Safety Team:

Please list the activities your organization implemented during the 2016 Road Safety Challenge:   FOR  MS      Describe any displays, materials etc. that were used for each activity. Please include photos if applicable.         Please describe the evaluation methods you used to determine the effectiveness of your campaign. Describe any media coverage, and please include copies of the coverage, if applicable.         

14 Sponsorship & Funding

INCOME (including in-kind support):

Ministry of Transportation

Total: $


Total: $ F O R M S Name of Authorized Signing Officer for the non-profit legal entity, or the individual who applied for funding and was responsible to ensure the project was carried out:

Please Print Name and Title: ______

______Authorized Signature Date


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