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Loeffler & Hart: Introduction to Human Disease, Sixth Edition Chapter 4 – Test Bank

Multiple Choice

1. The main function of neutrophils is to do which of the following:

A. Release chemical substances to kill cells B. Remembering the chemical structure of the foreign material C. Engulf and digest foreign materials D. Produce antibodies in response to foreign material

© 2015 Jones & Bartlett Learning, LLC, an Ascend Learning Company 1 Loeffler & Hart: Introduction to Human Disease, Sixth Edition Chapter 4 – Test Bank

Ans: C

2. Fatty change within the body occurs in the following forms: I. Glycogen storage II. Hyaline III. Hemochromatosis IV. Brown Atrophy

A. I, II, and IV B. I, III, and IV C. II, III, and IV D. All of the above

Ans: D

3. Mast cells contain histamine and other vasoactive amines important in the inflammatory response. When mast cells release these mediators, what is the response in the body?

A. Vasodilation and increased vascular permeability B. Inhibit kinin from becoming bradykinin C. Initiate the coagulation cascade D. Trigger cytokines to down-regulate inflammation

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Ans: A

4. Which of the following differences between transudative and exudative effusions are correct? I. Transudative effusions will have a high protein count II. Transudative effusions are the result of decreased osmotic pressure III. Exudative effusions will have a low protein count IV. Exudative effusions are the result of increased osmotic pressure

A. I and II B. II and IV C. I, II, and III D. I, III, and IV E. All of the above

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Ans: B

5. Examples of lesions associated with an inflammatory response include:

A. Abscesses B. Cellulitis C. Ulcers D. Furuncles E. All of the above

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Ans: E

6. An organ is composed of:

A. Tissue B. Parenchymal cells C. Both D. Neither

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Ans: C

7. Necrosis is a term for cell:

A. Death B. Degeneration C. Inflammation D. Atrophy

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Ans: A

8. Cell death that is scheduled is called:

A. Degeneration B. Atrophy C. Pyknosis D. Apoptosis

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Ans: D

9. Which of the following is least likely to cause atrophy?

A. Disuse B. Senility C. Fatty change D. Pressure

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Ans: C

10. The leukocyte that arrives first from the blood at the site of acute inflammation is the:

A. Mast cell B. Macrophage C. Lymphocyte D. Neutrophil

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Ans: D

11. Fibrin is the end-product of which of the following chemical systems of inflammation?

A. Kinin B. Arachadonate C. Coagulation D. Complement

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Ans: C

12. Which of the following is not associated with chronic inflammation?

A. Granuloma B. Granulation tissue C. Purulent exudates D. Delayed hypersensitivity

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Ans: C

13. Healing in a tissue or organ in which function is fully restored is called:

A. First intention B. Second intention C. Regeneration D. Fibrosis

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Ans: C

14. The body’s attempt to isolate or “wall-off” an infection is best exemplified by an:

A. Abscess B. Granuloma C. Both D. Neither

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Ans: C

15. A patient who has abnormal infiltrates in the lungs on radiographic images has a lung biopsy performed. The pathologist looking at the biopsy sees the tissue infiltrated by numerous lymphocytes, plasma cells and macrophages. Which of the following best describes the process in the lung tissue:

A. Acute inflammation B. Suppurative inflammation C. Chronic inflammation D. Allergy E. Granulomatous inflammation

Ans: C

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16. Systemic mastocytosis is a disease in which mast cells proliferate. Given your knowledge of mast cells, which of the following do you think patients with systemic mastocytosis are most susceptible to:

A. developing pulmonary thromboemboli B. developing recurrent episdoes of anaphylaxis C. developing recurrent bacterial infections D. developing recurrent bleeding episodes E. developing chronic inflammation in various tissues

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Ans: B

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17. A college student develops severe abdominal pain and is diagnosed with acute appendicitis. What will the surgeon most likely see when she looks into the student's abdomen?

A. The appendix is red, swollen and covered with fibrinous debris B. The appendix contains numerous granulomas C. The appendix has undergone gangrenous necrosis D. The appendix is involved with serous inflammation E. The appendix has undergone healing by second intention

Ans: A

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18. Which of the following is NOT an example of dystrophic calcification?

A. A patient with a history of numerous bouts of acute pancreatitis has gritty, chalky calcified debris around the pancreas B. There are calcifications in breast tissue within a large area of carcinoma. C. A patient with disordered calcium homeostasis due to primary hyperparathyroidism has calcifications in the kidneys D. An old granuloma has a calcified center.

Ans: C

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19. A child suffers from “strep throat.” Which of the following will most likely NOT be activated in the course of her illness?

A. The complement cascade B. Healing by first intention C. Histamine release D. The production of antibodies E. Arachidonic acid metabolism

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Ans. B


20. Regeneration is the replacement of the destroyed tissue by cells similar to those previously present.

Ans: True

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21. Fibrous connective tissue repair replaces damaged tissue and restores original function.

Ans: False

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22. Match the type of necrosis with its likely cause.

_____Caseous _____Enzymatic _____Coagulation _____Liquefaction

A. Ischemia B. M. tuberculosis C. Pancreatic injury D. Pyogenic bacteria

Ans: B, C, A, D

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Short Answer

23. Briefly discuss the difference between metastatic and dystrophic calcification.

Ans: Metastatic calcification is the accumulation of calcium in normal tissues. Dystrophic calcification is calcium taken on by dying cells that remains in the area of necrosis.

24. Distinguish between healing by primary and secondary union.

Ans: Primary union is when the edges of a wound are approximated by tape or suture. Secondary union is when a greater injury is present, and there is a proliferation of granulation tissue and capillaries and fibroblasts.

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