Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians

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Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians

August 5, 2016

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:

The J. L. Newbern Middle School Faculty/Staff welcome’s you to the start of what will be an amazing 2016-2017 school year. We are very glad that you will be a part of our family at Newbern Middle School. NMS has been providing outstanding opportunities to children in our community for over 21 years. We are committed to exposing our students with world class education that will equip them with the tools, skills, and determination required to be successful globally. We will accomplish this by developing positive relationships, creating a culture of high expectations for ourselves, our parents and our students, and providing opportunities for our students to apply what they have learned through various types of performance-based, formative, and summative assessments.

NMS strives to meet all of our students’ individual educational needs by a strong remedial education program, offering advanced course work in math and language arts, gifted, and special educational services to our students. NMS’s faculty and staff employs a holistic approach to educating our students. We teach the students, not just the subject. Instructionally, we have adopted the principles and strategies of AVID, school-wide, to prepare our students for future success in high school, college, or in the world of work. Through AVID, our school will have our students focus on writing, inquiry, collaboration, critical thinking, organization, and reading in all academic subjects. Additionally, we are appreciative of the continued support of the community our educational efforts.

Parental involvement and support is a vital component of the Newbern Family. The faculty/staff, parents, and students must work together and maintain an open line of communication to ensure that we have a successful school year. We have provided this handbook to make you aware of many of our school wide procedures and opportunities. Please take the time to read this information and call the school if you have any questions.

In closing, I appreciate the opportunity be a part of the Newbern Middle School family this academic year. I also eagerly look forward to the wonderful things that this school year has in store. Let’s work together to achieve greatness at Newbern Middle School this year one day at a time. Be Great Today!


Rick L.Thomas Rick L. Thomas, Ed.S. Principal, Newbern Middle School


Newbern Middle is accredited by Advanced Ed and the Georgia Accreditation Commission (GAC).


Learning today, Leading tomorrow.


Newbern Middle School is committed to promoting the development of socially, responsible, critical thinkers.


School begins promptly at 7:45 AM. A student is marked tardy if they arrive at school after 7:50 AM. Any bus riding student who arrives after 7:50 AM, because their bus has run late, will not be counted tardy.

Buses will drop off and pick up students on the northeast side of the campus by the athletic fields. Cars are not allowed to enter this area. Students who arrive by bus are to walk directly to the area assigned to them. In the afternoon, bus students will be dismissed from their classes directly to their buses.

Students arriving or leaving by car must use the driveway in front of the school. Students are not to be dropped off at school before 7:20 a.m. There is no supervision provided before that time. Upon arrival, students are to enter through the front of the school and proceed to their appropriate area. Students being picked up by their parents will be dismissed through the front of the school at 3:15. Parents must pick up their children by 3:45 p.m. No supervision is provided beyond this time. Students who walk must enter the campus through the main entrance. No students are to enter or leave the campus through the back or side areas of the campus. Walkers will be dismissed with the car riders at 3:15. If students are not picked up by 3:45, they must report to the front office.


Bus transportation is a convenience, and in order for it to function properly, full cooperation between parent, student and school personnel is necessary. Students must ride their assigned bus. The transportation department determines bus routes and riding assignments. Students who disrupt the safe and orderly transportation standards of the bus may have their riding privileges revoked.


It is the responsibility of the parent to provide insurance in case a student is injured in an accident at school. Parents are given the opportunity to purchase accident insurance for their student(s) by contacting Markel at (877) 444- 5014, or by visiting their website at

Payment must be made by credit or debit card. A detailed brochure and information on claims reporting can be found on the enrollment website.


Parents are urged to contact the school whenever the need arises. Teachers may be contacted by note, e-mail, or telephone. If you call during the school day, the office will leave the teacher a note to return your call. If you wish to have a conference with your child's teacher(s), please call ahead to make an appointment through our receptionists, Mrs. Demps. Please call 333-8566 to schedule an appointment for a conference. Wednesdays are set aside by the school for the purpose of parent conferences during teacher’s planning times. If transportation is a barrier to attending a parent conference, contact your child’s Assistant Principal. PARENT INVOLVEMENT

Students whose parents are involved in their education are more successful than students who parents are not involved. It is absolutely critical for all parents and guardians to participate in all school functions, if at all possible. We welcome parent input in our Leadership Team meetings, our Parent Advisory Council, and our School Council. Certain times have been set aside for parents to visit classroom teachers without an appointment and to attend informational workshops. Please mark your calendar with these dates and plan to participate! We need your participation to make this school year a success for your child. Our Parent Involvement Coordinator is Mrs. T. Williams. Please contact her to sign up for our Leadership team, our Parent Advisory Council, and our School Council. We look forward to seeing you at our school!

Important First Semester Dates for Parents 2016-2017

Date Time Title of Activity August 4, 2016 1:30-3:30 Open House August 5, 2016 First Day of School August 15, 2016 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) August 25, 2016 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) August 26, 2016 8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive : AR Kickoff in Gym August 31, 2016 8:30-3:00 6th grade Hearing and Vision Screening September 5, 2016 Labor Day Holiday September 6, 2016 5:30-6:30 Parent/Stakeholder Input Meeting/Literacy Night September 6, 2016 8:00-3:10 Interim Reports go home September 15, 2016 3:30-4:30 Parent Advisory Meeting 8:30-10:00 School Pictures September 26, 2016 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) September 29, 2016 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) September 30, 2016 8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive : Pep Rally October 7, 2016 End of First 9 Weeks October 10, 2016 Fall Break Holiday October 11, 2016 8:30-9:00 Picture Retakes October 13, 2016 12:00-1:00 Title I Info. Meeting & Parent/Stakeholder Input Meeting/GMAS/CCRPI Workshop October 13, 2016 5:30-6:00 Title I Info. Meeting & Parent/Stakeholder Input Meeting October 13, 2016 6:00-6:30 Georgia Milestones/CCRPI Workshop October 13, 2016 6:30-7:00 Parent/Teacher Conference October 14, 2016 8:00-3:10 Report Cards go Home October 24, 2016 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) October 21, 2016 2:00 Honor Roll Party October 26, 2016 8:30-10:50 Career Day October 27, 2016 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) October 28, 2016 8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive (TBA) November 8, 2016 5:30-6:30 Parent Night/Curriculum Night/Student Showcase (Academic Hallways) November 9, 2016 Interim Reports go Home November 14, 2016 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) November 14-18, 2016 8:00-3:10 Teachers conduct Grade Talks/Book Check November 15, 2016 3:30-4:30 Parent Advisory Meeting November 17, 2016 7:15 - 8:00 Pastries for Parents (Media Center) November 17, 2016 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) November 21-25, 2016 Thanksgiving Holidays December 12, 2016 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) December 20, 2016 End of Semester/ Early Release Day December 21-January 4 Winter Holiday Break

Important Second Semester Dates for Parents 2016-2017

January 5, 2017 8:00-3:10 Student return/ First Day of Second Semester January 6, 2017 8:00-3:10 Report Cards go Home January 16, 2017 MLK Holiday January 20, 2017 2:00 Honor Roll Party January 23, 2017 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) January 26, 2017 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) January 27, 2017 8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive (TBA) February 13-17, 2017 8:00-3:10 Teachers conduct Grade Talks/Book Check February 6, 2017 8:00-3:10 Interim Reports go Home February 20, 2017 Winter Holiday February 22, 2017 3:30-4:30 Parent Advisory Meeting February 23, 2017 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) February 24, 2017 8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive (Black History Program) February 27, 2017 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) March 10, 2017 End of Third 9 Weeks March 16, 2017 12:00-1:00 GA Milestone Informational/Advanced Content Workshop

March 16, 2017 5:30-6:30 Parent Night/GA Milestone /Advanced Content Workshop

March 16, 2017 6:30-7:00 Parent/Teacher Conferences March 17, 2017 8:00-3:10 Report Cards go Home March 23, 2017 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) March 27, 2017 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) March 30, 2017 6:00-8:30 Monthly PBIS Incentive (Spring Dance 6:00-8:30) March 31, 2017 2:00 Honor Roll Party April 3-7, 2017 Spring Break April 19, 2017 8:00-3:10 Interim Reports go Home April 24, 2017 3:30 Leadership Team Meeting (Parents Invited) April 27, 2017 3:30 Literacy Team Meeting (Parents Invited) May 2, 2017 9:00-10:30 Moving Up Day (Students) May 2, 2017 5:00-6:00 Moving Up Day (Parents) May 9, 2017 6:00-7:00 Honors Night May 10, 2017 3:30-4:30 Parent Advisory Meeting May 12, 2017 8:00-3:00 Field Day May 19, 2017 Last Day of School/8th Grade Graduation, Early Dismissal; Report Cards go Home May 23-24, 2017 Retention/Placement Meetings TBA TBA Spring Book Fair (Promoting Literacy)


Please notify the school immediately if there is a change in your address, telephone number, child sitter, or person to contact in an emergency. This information is very important in case your child becomes ill or injured.

Anytime a student changes their method of transportation, the assistant principal and teacher should be notified in writing before the day of the change. If notification is not received, your child will follow his/her regular method of getting home.


The school phone is for business purposes. Students will be allowed to use the phone in cases of emergencies only. Please make sure that your child knows how he/she will get home from school prior to coming to school. Students will not be called out of class to answer or make personal calls. Cell phones and electronic devices are prohibited on the school campus and at all school functions.


A school nurse will be available five days a week to perform routine nursing care such as taking a student's temperature, caring for minor bumps and bruises, and dispensing prescribed medication that should be taken during school hours. Any other illnesses must be handled by the parent through their normal medical professional.


See Student Rights and Responsibilities - Code of Conduct booklet REQUEST TO LEAVE SCHOOL EARLY

Medical and dental appointments should be made outside of school hours when possible. A child will be released only to the guardian or people who are authorized to check them out of school. Parents must complete the proper form (supplied by school officials) indicating the name(s) of people who are authorized to check out their child. The parent, or authorized person, must come to the office and present photo identification when signing out a student. Designated people must be 21 years of age or older.



Parents are required to come in and notify the guidance office when their child will be withdrawing from Newbern. If at all possible, please give at least 24 hour notice so that all paperwork will be ready on the last day the student is at school. The student will carry the withdrawal form to each teacher and the Media Specialist to be signed and at this point, all books assigned to student must be returned to the designated teacher. Once all of the necessary staff has filled out the form, it is to be returned to the office at the end of the school day. Copies of records will be forwarded to the new school after all obligations have been met. Records will not be forwarded until the form has been properly signed.

Students transferring to Newbern after the beginning of the school year must report to the office with their parent(s). A copy of birth certificate, social security card, immunization record, eye/ear/dental form, and a valid record of residence must be presented at the time of enrollment.


The media center may be used as a place for study time, locating reference material, and checking out material. The maximum check-out time for material is two weeks. The media center is open from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. You must have a pass from your classroom teacher if you use the media center during class time.

Reading clubs are sponsored during the year. Any student may join one of these clubs.


Hot lunches are provided for students. Breakfast will be served from 7:15 to 7:45 a.m. Students arriving on campus after 7:45 may not receive breakfast services.

The lunchroom rules are:

1. Every student will go to the cafeteria at an assigned time whether he/she eats or not. 1 2. Noise in the lunchroom must be kept minimal. 3 Return trays, plates, and silverware to the Dish-washing window. 4. Put all paper and food not eaten in the garbage can. 5. Leave your eating area clean and free of paper. 6. Carbonated drinks or glass containers are not allowed. 7. Food may not be taken out of the cafeteria. 8. When the lunchroom is placed on silence by duty personnel, all students are to remain quiet. FIRE AND TORNADO DRILLS

Fire and tornado drills are held at different intervals throughout the school year.

Remember these basic rules: 1. Follow the instructions given by your teacher. 2. Remain with your class. 3. Walk. Do not talk. Move quickly and quietly to designated area. 4. Return directly to class when instructed to do so. The signal for a fire drill is a continuous blast of the horn. The signal for a tornado drill is a spoken voice on the intercom informing teachers and students to “report to your weather safe area at this time.”


The signal for lockdown will be given by an intercom announcement to proceed with a Level 1, 2, or 3 lockdown.


School assemblies contribute to the development of our school climate. They will promote the growth of the whole child. The administrators of NMS reserve the right to prohibit students from participating in assemblies or activities due to inappropriate behaviors.


The Valdosta City Board of Education furnishes textbooks to all students. Each student is assigned a set of books with his/her name written in by the teacher. The student is responsible for the care of the books issued. Loss or damage of these books will result in payment to the school. Textbooks are to be kept covered at all times in order to maintain minimum wear. Parents are encouraged to periodically inspect the condition of the books and to report any unusual wear to the teacher.


Report cards are issued at the end of each nine-week grading period. If students’ grades are not satisfactory, parents are encouraged to arrange an appointment with the child's teachers in order to discuss the problem(s). Interim reports are sent home during the mid-nine weeks period to alert parents of possible failure for the nine weeks. Parents are encouraged to follow through with teacher recommendations for improvement.


Summative 60% Formative 30%

Unit Tests Teacher Made Tests Performance Tasks Quizzes Formal Writing Labs Benchmarks

Daily Tasks 10% Class Assignments Homework HOMEWORK

Definition - Homework is defined as practice to be completed outside of the classroom and monitored by parents.

Goal - Homework will be used for the advancement of student understanding and the mastery of subject matter. It also may be used to encourage student progress for make-up work, research, enrichment, heighten self-esteem, and meeting the needs of students. Students will be assigned homework each day. Homework assignments are to be written in the student agenda by the student.


During the time your child is at the middle school, he or she may have classes in the connections block. These areas are Fine Arts, Vocational, and Personal Learning Skills. Connections classes will be taught on a rotating basis each semester. Students do not select classes; they are assigned.


A student must earn a final grade of 70 in a minimum of four of the four core subjects.

A student must also pass one additional unit of Connections coursework. A. Full Year Option: An average of 70 or above for the year constitutes a passing grade and Connections criteria being met. (Band, Drama, Spanish, Chorus, AVID) B. Semester Option: An average of 70 or above for three out of four Courses taken during the year constitutes Connections criteria being met. (Art, Music Appreciation, Health, Physical Education, Business and Computer Science, Career Development, Reading 180 Lab, Study Skills Math, Study Skills Reading, STEM)

* A conference will be scheduled for the parent/guardian and summer school will be recommended for students who fail to meet the promotion criteria.


Valdosta City Schools provides a gifted education program for students who demonstrate the following characteristics: 1. a high degree of intellectual ability, 2. outstanding creative ability, 3. an exceptionally high degree of motivation, 4. high achievement in specific academic fields.

A student may be referred for consideration for gifted educational services by teachers, counselors, administrators, parents/guardians, or other individuals with knowledge of the student’s abilities.


Valdosta City School provides Special Education services to meet the individual needs of students who qualify for the Special Education program. Such needs are documented and provided for based on an Individual Education Plan for qualifying students.

LOCKERS Lockers are available for student use with a rental fee of $5.00 for a year. Students must furnish their own locks. We suggest that you tell no one your lock combination. A periodic check will be made to ensure that lockers are kept neat and clean. Students are not allowed to share a locker. Students will only be allowed to go to their lockers during specific designated times during the day. The school is not responsible for items taken from unsecured lockers.



IDs will be available for students. Students must have an ID to be admitted to some school functions such as dances, athletic events, etc. The price of an ID is $5.00. A valid student ID must be presented to purchase VHS student football tickets. The ID must be presented at the stadium for entry into the student seating area.


All visitors must report to the front office when they arrive at the building. Upon checking in at the front office, you will be issued a visitor’s pass. Parents are always welcome to Newbern Middle School and may schedule visits. Please try to notify the teacher twenty-four hours prior to the date you want to visit your child's class.


See Student Rights and Responsibilities - Code of Conduct booklet


Please see the Student Rights and Responsibilities - Code of Student Conduct booklet for more information regarding the School Board’s attendance policy and the juvenile court system.


See Student Rights and Responsibilities - Code of Conduct booklet.


See Code of Conduct booklet.


1. Raise hands for permission before you talk, walk, and/or touch. 2. Be respectful of self/others/school property at all times. 3. Report to class on time and enter and exit in a quiet and orderly manner. 4. Follow all directions given by adults. 5. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. 6. Adhere to the school dress code. 7. Food, gum, and drinks require special permission.


NMS will offer a variety of clubs and activities for student participation. Club and activity members may be required to meet before and after school. Criteria for membership in any of our clubs may be obtained from the club sponsor. The following is a specific list of all clubs at NMS: Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl Team: The Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl (HRRB) was founded by Helen Ruffin, a library media specialist from DeKalb County, Georgia. To inspire her students to read, Ruffin created a reading competition using the Georgia Book Award Nominees. The reading bowl consists of students from different schools testing their knowledge of selected books in a statewide competition. NMS prepares students for competition in HRRB by establishing a team of students who meet weekly after school and read higher level reading material, discuss the material, and assess their comprehension of the material. The team is led by our media specialist, Mrs. Berry, and is open to anyone who loves to read and wants to improve their reading ability. Math Competition Team: The Math Club is comprised of students in grades 6 – 8 selected according to their ranking in the top 25% of the school’s most proficient math scholars. The instruction provided to the students is an acceleration and extension of the concepts being taught in class. The school’s math team is selected from the pool of students in the Math Club. The Math Team participates in 2 competitions annually. The Math Club will meet weekly during scheduled Flexed Time by grade level. Our Academic Math Coach, Mrs. T. Williams, leads the Math Club and Team.

Jr. Beta Club: The Jr. Beta Club prepares young people for life and empowers them to be successful, develop leadership skills, encourage service involvement, recognize achievement, and provide technological advantages. In addition to attending an annual convention, the Beta Club members will meet monthly. New Jr. Beta members are inducted at the end of the year after meeting stringent academic requirements for the first 3 nine week grading periods. Mrs. Jones sponsors the school’s Jr. Beta Club.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA): The mission of the FCA is to spread the Gospel to all students including athletes. FCA is student led and designed to help change the culture of the school, therefore influencing the community by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ. FCA meets every Thursday morning before school in the gymnasium. FCA is sponsored by Mrs. Waller.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) education association with a quarter million students preparing for careers in business and business-related fields. FBLA middle-school level program is designed to develop leadership, communication, and team skills. Students in grades 6 – 8 may participate. FBLA members will meet monthly after school and is sponsored by Ms. F. Taylor.


The counselors at Newbern Middle are available to help students academically, socially, and culturally. The counselors are also available to work with parents and faculty to help provide the best education for each student.

What can your counselor do for you and your family? 1. Individual Counseling 2. Group Counseling 3. Group/Classroom Guidance 4. Peer Mediation 5. Planning your Future

Students who want to meet with their counselor must have a pass from their teacher. FACULTY AND STAFF 2016-2017

Principal – Mr. Rick Thomas Attendance Secretary – Ms. J. Cothron

Asst. Principal (6th and 8th grade) Mrs. V. Smith Registrar/Records--- Mrs. S. Bennett Asst. Principal (7th and 8th grade) Mr. J. White Receptionist – Mrs. N. Demps Bookkeeper – Mrs. C. Ewings

School Counselors – Mr. D. Hollimon SRO – Officer Hamilton Mrs. J. Williams Hall Monitor – Mr. Jones

Nurse – Vacancy Academic Coaches– Mrs. T. Williams (Math and Science) Mrs. C. Anderson (ELA and Social Studies)


Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Rucki 314 Math Bragg 318 Math Douglas 328 Math Lamp 313 ELA Jett 317 ELA Campbell 327 ELA ert 315 SS Graham 316 SS Berglund 329 SS 310 323 Cobb SCI Hunter SCI Waller 325 SCI Mc Duffie


Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Ferre 215 Math Bou 223 SCI Slater 229 bee 213 ELA dreaux 218 ELA Collins 227 Math Cra 214 SS Ross 216 SS Grier 228 210 217 wford SCI Roberts Math Willia 225 ELA Whylly Head ms, P Tillman


Team 7 Team 8 Team 9 Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Teachers Room # Subject Nelson 114 Math Lucas 123 Math/S Jones 128 Math Copel 115 ELA Crews 118 CI Lampkin 129 ELA and 113 SS ELA/SS Collier 127 SS 110 Lee SCI Beverly 125 SCI Nort hcutt


Mrs. Berry Media Specialist Ms. Ivory Thomas Media Clerk Mrs. Melissa Thomas ISS Paraprofessional Mrs. Taylor Career Connections/Business and Computer Science (Technology Lab) Mrs. Monia Thomas AVID Connections Mrs. Miller Read 180 Vacancy Art Mr. Simpson Band Mr. Headen Chorus/Drama Mrs. Hubert French Mrs. Duggan Physical Education Mr. Scruggs Physical Education Mr. Denton Physical Education Mrs. Angel Spanish Mrs. Terrell Special Education Mrs. Roberts Special Education Ms. M. Jones Special Education ELA with Campbell Ms. Alexander Special Education Math with Douglas Mrs. Chaney Special Education Math with E. Jones Mrs. Porter-Barnes Special Education Math with Slater Mrs. Steward Special Education ELA with Collins Ms. Harden Special Education ELA with Lampkin Ms. Goodman Special Education Study Skills Lab (8th gr. Computer Lab) Mrs. Swilley Special Education Speech Mrs. Downs Special Education Paraprofessional with Terrell Ms. Bass Special Education Paraprofessional with Ms. Roberts Mrs.D. Williams STEM Ms. Moran Paraprofessional

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