CAUSE NO. ______



As a defendant in a criminal case, you have three options: 1. You may represent yourself; 2. You may hire an attorney; or 3. You may request an attorney be appointed to represent you, if you are financially unable to hire one.

You may not speak to one of the prosecutors about your case unless you decide to waive your right to (1) an attorney and (2) 10 day notice or have your attorney present. After waiving your right to an attorney, you may later change your choice and apply for a court- appointed attorney, or reset the case to hire an attorney. If you want an attorney to represent you and are financially able to hire an attorney, your case will be reset for no less than 10 days for you to do so. If you want an attorney but are financially unable to hire one, you may request and apply for a court-appointed attorney. ______DEFENDANT’S CHOICE

I hereby acknowledge that on this date, I have been advised by the Judge of the County Court at Law No. 2 of my right to representation by counsel in the trial of the charge pending against me.

______I want to represent myself and waive my right to an attorney. On this day, I have been advised by the Court of Int. my right to representation by counsel in the case pending against me. I have been further advised that if I am unable to afford counsel, one will be appointed for me free of charge. I have been advised of and understand the dangers and disadvantages of self-representation. Understanding my right to have counsel appointed for me free of charge if I am not financially able to employ counsel, I wish to waive my right and request the Court to proceed with my case without an attorney being appointed for me. I waive my right to 10 days notice and wish to speak with a prosecutor today. I waive my right to counsel.

______I want to hire my own attorney. I am not indigent and wish to hire an attorney to assist me in this matter. I Int. have the financial ability to retain counsel and request additional time to do so. I realize that if I appear without counsel after being given a reasonable opportunity to retain counsel and at least 10 days notice of a dispositive setting, the Court may require me to proceed in resolving my case without securing a written waiver of counsel or appointing counsel.

______I want to apply for a court-appointed attorney. On this day, I certify that I am financially unable to employ Int. counsel and I hereby request the Court to appoint counsel for me. I also certify that all financial information provided by me to the Court in the questionnaire used for purposes of obtaining appointed counsel will be true and correct.

Signed this ______day of ______, 20_____.


IT IS ORDERED that the above-referenced cause and style is hereby RESET for further hearing on ______, 20_____ at ______am/pm in the County Court at Law No. 2, Ellis County, Texas as 1201 N. Hwy 77, Suite 107, Waxahachie, Texas and a final disposition of this case may occur at that time.

______Judge Presiding